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MARCH 18, 1998
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson
Warless-Sobel at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, J. Larson, C. Warless-Sobel, A. Raymond
C. Bonn and P. Messinger. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and
Recording Secretary Judi Ryan.
ITEM #3. Minutes of March 4, 1998.
The minutes of the March 4, 1998 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes
were approved as printed.
• ITEM #4. Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda.
ITEM #6. Presentation by Body Dryland for use of rink facilities during
summer for dry land hockey school.
Jolene Wong, representing the Body Dryland Hockey School, was present to discuss
the use of a Lakeville outdoor hockey rink for a private hockey school venture.
Instructor Mike -Wong has been a Lakeville Hockey Association (LHA) coach for
many years and sees the need for some off-season conditioning for the players. The
school would be geared toward 13-14 year olds who are at the second year pee-wee
and first year bantam levels. Mrs. Wong stated that there are many hockey schools
available, however, this one is based solely on dryland where players work on skills,
dexterity, strength and speed.
The cost per student is $150.00, which is less expensive than other area schools. The
program is not affiliated with the LHA. There would be a limit of 32 players and
Mr. Wong would use two assistants. They are requesting the use of the Rolling Oaks
Park rink area, the outside perimeter of the rink, warming house and nets. The
program would run Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 7:30 - 9:30 PM, from July
• 20th through September 2nd. It may be necessary to use lights towards the end of the
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Staff stated that there are policies and fees in place which cover most situations,
however, since this particular use has not previously been requested, it does not fit
into the existing use policy. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is being
asked for their input and a recommendation concerning the use of public property for
a private venture. Other SORB communities were surveyed and most, did not have a
policy for profit-making groups to use rinks during the off-season. Rosemount. stated
their fee was $25.00 per day and another city stated $45.00 per day plus $8.00 for
lights. Other cities stated that they do not allow this practice or that they prefer to
make decisions on a case-by-case basis.
Some minimum requirements staff suggested, if the venture is approved, would be
1) requirement of a damage deposit;
2) requirement of an insurance policy naming the City of Lakeville as an
additional insured;
3) provisions made for the group to either use their own nets or have the City's
nets repaired following use;
4) provisions for storage of equipment in the warming house -the City of
Lakeville would not be responsible for any loss or damage; and
S) requirement of a reasonable fee for rink use and lights.
Staff stated that it would be less disturbing for the neighbors if the group wanted to
use a park which was equipped with non-spill lights. The Rolling Oaks Park has the ,
older style lights which are not non-spill, and this may be disturbing to the neighbors.
It was suggested that another alternative may be to revise the program hours to 7:00-
. 9:00 PM so lights would not be needed.
Committee member Larson stated that he would be concerned with liabilities if
bystanders are injured. Other committee members stated that future requests for use
of park facilities by private entities needs to be considered. Eventually private
ventures could intrude on Parks and Recreation programming availability. Concerns
with parking conflicts with baseball groups or other park activities were also
mentioned. Committee members suggested it might be prudent to approve the use on
a year-to-year basis, in order to make sure priority use is given to City programs and
use by the general public. Staff stated that a priority use ranking similar to the one
used for softball and baseball tournaments would need to be set up if the demand for
rink facilities increased.
. Committee member Raymond stated that caution should be taken not to set a
precedent for park use by private groups. The program runs for several weeks,
which would take away a lot of time from general neighborhood use. With two
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additional paved rinks in the park system, it is anticipated that these rinks will be in
high demand. Mrs. Wong expects that participants would mostly be Lakeville
residents since the program will only be advertised in Lakeville and players will be
taken on a first come basis.
- ~ Committee member Bonn stated that she would support use of a park with a hockey
rink facility by Body Dryland this year as an experiment and thereafter on a year-to-
year basis. She feels it is important to offer programs to Lakeville youth to keep
them in condition for sports and that affordable programs such as this are beneficial
to the community. She feels the parks are there to be used by everyone and
suggested the program be run two nights a week rather than three so as not to .cut into
neighborhood use time so much.
Committee member Messinger stated that a private business for profit in the park
may not be supported by the neighbors and thinks the program would work better at a
site other than a neighborhood park. Staff would need to check with the school
district on availability for use, but felt that McGuire hockey facility might be a better
• Committee members agreed that private ventures were probably not a good use of
neighborhood parks and that a more intense use such as this proposal would definitely
affect the general availability of the site for its intended use.
98.10 Motion was made by Bonn, seconded by Lulf, that in consideration of the preceding
conversation, staff be directed to put together a proposal for committee members to
review at their next meeting which would include stipulations, fee structure, and any
other considerations for use of a hockey rink facility by Body Dryland Hockey
School, which the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee could consider for a
recommendation to Ciry Council.
Motion passed.
ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects.
? Attempts to acquire property on the south side of Klamath Trail to accommodate
the future trail have been successful. Negotiations continue with one more
property owner.
? City Council met with the Lakeville Baseball Association at their work session
today and received their proposal to construct astorage/concession/restroom
facility at Quigley-Sime Park. Council members seemed to view the proposal
favorably, but will make a decision on the entire plan, including the agreement
with the LBA, at their next meeting, April 6th.
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? Negotiations with Mid-America Festivals, Inc. to purchase park property west of
I-35 continue. Property owners are currently talking to developers, which may
provide the opportunity to acquire park property through park dedication. Staff
will keep committee members apprised.
? At their last meeting, Ciry Council approved several park improvement projects
and set a date for receiving bids.
ITEM #7. - Discuss Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting
schedule for 1998.
In order to accommodate flow of information to the various advisory committees and
commissions and in order to make recommendations to Ciry Council in a timely
manner, it is being suggested that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
modify their meeting schedule for September and October. There would be three
meetings in September and only one in October, 1998.
98.11 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Bonn, to revise the meeting schedule of
the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee to be September 2, 16 and 30 and
October 14, 1998.
• Motion passed.
ITEM #8. - Unfinished business.
Committee members received a copy of the response to the Rodgers family who had
wished to have a memorial to their son placed at the I-35 fishing bridge. In keeping
with approved policies, memorials may only be donated in honor of Lakeville
ITEM #9. - New business.
The Lakeville-Farmington Rotary Club has requested the use of Antlers Park to
conduct a race called "Stride for Strive." The race would be a fund raiser for the
Strive program at the Lakeville and Farmington high schools. The Strive program
encourages students to set goals to achieve higher grades. The event will use the
same format and race course as last year's Pan-O-Prog Run. The Lakeville Police
will assist with traffic controls.
98.12 Motion was made by Larson, seconded by Lovelace, to recommend Ciry Council
approve the use of Antlers Park and designated residential streets for the Lakeville-
Farmington Rotary Club "Stride for Strive" race on,May 16, 1998.
• Motion passed.
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Staff reported that the new DARTS bus has been received and will be presented to
City Council when the logo painting and decals are complete.
Staff updated the committee on recent commitments for donations to various
Staff informed the committee of a recent issue with a private tournament broker who
wishes to hold tournaments in Lakeville which are being sanctioned through a new
organization calling itself the National Softball Association (NSA.) The policies for
holding tournaments in Lakeville require affiliation with the ASA and USSSA, the
official Minnesota Recreation and Park Association affiliation, since this assures the
City that proper insurance, sanctioning, etc. are in place. Staff will request additional
detailed information about the NSA.
ITEM #10. - Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for
April 1, 1998 at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #13. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jud A. Ryan, Recor g Secretary
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Colette Wanless-Sobel, Chairperson