HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-21 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 21, 1998 ITEM #1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson Larson at 6:00 PM. ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, C. Warless-Sobel, J. Larson, C. Bonn and P. Messinger. Committee member A. Raymond was absent. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ryan. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The following committee members were nominated to fill the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee offices for 1998: Chair: Colette Warless-Sobel Vice Chair: Pat Messinger Secretary: Cheryl Bonn ~.03 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Lovelace, to accept the slate and elect the 1998 officers of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee as nominated. Motion passed. ITEM #3. Minutes of January 7, 1998. The minutes of the January 7, 1998 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved as printed. ITEM #4. Citizen comments. There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda. ITEM #5. Staff reports and summary of current projects. > Chair Warless-Sobel thanked Larry Lulf and the SnoTrackers for the nicely groomed cross country ski trails at Ritter Farm Park. Staff added that it may be more difficult for the SnoTrackers to react quickly to a snowfall than it was for the Park Department, however, the groomer operators have done an excellent job. > Staff stated that he had met with three families who are representing the Dodd Pointe residents in the planning of the playground. The residents were given catalogs and will also take a look at other equipment which has been installed recently, such as the new Independence Park structure. Parks and R~ Ad'viso~y Carrnra'tt~ Meetz~ January 21, 1998 Page -2- > Staff is beginning to prepare specifications to purchase a playground for Oak Shores Park. If approved by committee, a playground similar to Casperson Park's will be ordered for summer installation. > A resident who lives near Dodd Trail Park and who has contacted staff several times concerning the upgrade of the equipment at that location, has been asked to work with staff on playground improvements. Committee member Bonn stated that another resident day care provider she is aware of may also be interested in offering input. Dodd Trail Park and Dodd Pointe tot lot may be bid at the same time as a package. > Twelve applications have been received for the Senior Center Assistant position which has opened with the resignation of Charlotte Hoger. Applications for the Park Maintenance II position have also started to come in. > Bids received from three companies for the purchase of a brush chipper indicate the purchase will be under budget. Bids included new and slightly used equipment. > The Lakeville Police Department has issued 26 snowmobile citations this season, most • of which have been instigated by officers rather than by calls from residents. At the same time last year, 11 citations had been issued. As of January 17th, about 60 hours had been logged on the LPD snowmobiles and resident response has been positive. No accidents have been reported this year. Staff received a complaint from a resident of the Somerset neighborhood who stated that snowmobiles are still driving too fast through Murphy-Hanrehan Park and that they disturb the residents late at night. Staff has asked that the area be patrolled more frequently. > Skating rinks are about 95 % operational and in good condition considering the difficulty the Park Maintenance Dept. has had building ice. Committee member Bonn stated that there doesn't seem to be as much use at Independence rink as in previous years. > Staff informed committee members that the developers of the proposed Greenridge plat on Flagstaff Avenue, which included a proposed park, have withdrawn their application. ITEM #6. Update of City of Lakeville Comprehensive Plan. Public meetings will begin next week to discuss proposed zoning and land use changes to the rural service areas of the Comprehensive Plan. The rural service areas have been divided. into three main sections which will each be discussed at a different meeting. A more detailed Park and Open Space Comprehensive Plan update has been budgeted for 1999. Some park search areas have been added to the Comprehensive Plan update during staff discussions, however, several greenway areas and possible linear park Parks grid Re~mation Ad i~isory C,arrara'tt~ Meeting January 21,1998 Page -3- connections to preservation areas also need to be studied closely. Some discussions have also taken place on a county level concerning similar issues and staff will keep committee informed of any development. ITEM #7. .Review 1998 Trail Capital Improvement Plan. Staff met with property owner Erin O'Brien to discuss .acquisition of certain easements for the Klamath Trailway project. Construction of Phase III of Klamath Trailway may be delayed until 1999 with the intent of having all the necessary acquisitions and easements completed during 1998. Major trail projects, along with continuation of the seal coating program, will greatly deplete the trail fund. Committee member Jeff Larson needed to leave the meeting early. Prior to his departure, Chair Wanless-Sobel thanked him for his tenure as chair and for the good job he had done the past year. ITEM #8. Review Garden Policy research and staff memo. Committee members received a memo from John Hennen, Heidi Hamilton and Steve Michaud which reviewed a survey completed by summer intern Bill Bird concerning • policies addressing the use of public property for various gardens and wildflower plantings. Staff had several concerns and issues which were discussed with the committee. It was the general concurrence that use of public property for gardens is not advisable. ITEM #9. Continue discussion concerning park and trail dedication fees. Staff and committee continued their discussions concerning evaluating and possibly recommending an increase in the existing park and trail dedication fees. The last increase in fees was February, 1995. Staff explained that a more detailed study concerning park dedication fees as they relate to future costs of parks and trails is planned to be completed as part of the 1999 Park and Open Space System Plan update. City Attorney Roger Knutson has recommended that this type of study be accomplished so that Lakeville's park and trail dedication fees can be clearly justified. There was also discussion concerning combining the park and trail dedication fees into one category. If this approach is taken, allocation of funds to parks and trails would be made annually based on priorities. Committee members suggested that an interim request for an increase be considered until the final study can be completed in 1999. Committee members indicated that several upgrades in the park system were not being • completed due to lack of funding. Examples included old hockey rink lighting systems Parks and R~reatrori Ad'vrsory Camrmttc~ Meek January 21,1998 Page -4- at McGuire rink site. In addition, committee members would like to continue to provide additional paved hockey rinks in various parts of the city. Chair Warless-Sobel and other committee members voiced their consensus that some measure needs to be taken toward requesting authorization for an increase in the park dedication fees in 1998. Committee member Lulf stated that road assessments have been particularly consuming to the park dedication fund this year. ITEM #10. - Unfinished business. There was no unfuushed business at this time. ITEM #11. - New business. There was no new business at this time. ITEM #12. - Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for February 4, 1998 at 6:00 PM. ITEM #13. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Ju ith A. Ryan, Rec ding Secretary ATTEST: Colette Warless-Sobel, Chairperson jr