HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-04 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING JiJNE 4, 1997 ANNUAL SPRING PARK TOUR: Attending the park tour were Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee members Jeff Larson, Pat Messinger, Larry Lulf, Howard Lovelace, Colette Wanless-Sobel and Alternate Kevin Illa. Also attending was Barry Pogatchnik of the Economic Development Commission, Parks and Recreation Director Steve Michaud, and Park Department staff members Jane Ottum and Bill Bird. The tour visited Hypointe Crossing Park, Highview Heights Park, Valley Lake Park, County Road 46 trails, Meadow Brook Park, Cherry View Park, King Park, South Soccer Complex, 205th Street trail and Juno Trail. Following the tour, pizza and beverages were served at Ritter Farm Park. ITEM #1. Call to order. The regular meeting was called to order in the Environmental Learning Center of Ritter Farm Park by Chairperson Larson at 8:00 PM. ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, C. Wanless-Sobel, J. Larson, P. Messinger and K. Illa. A. Raymond was unable to attend due to a family commitment. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ryan. ITEM #3. Minutes of May 21, 1997 The minutes of the May 21, 1997 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed. Pat Messinger wished to clarify a statement on page 4, second paragraph under Item #10. Dog training has not been an issue at Ritter Farm Park but was used as an example by the subcommittee. The minutes were approved. ITEM #4. Citizen comments. There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda. ITEM #5. Staff reports. Staff has been encouraged by continued discussions with the DNR concerning grants which were submitted earlier this year. Committee members will be kept informed. ~ Appraisals are completed for the Wilke property, adjacent to Orchard Lake Elementary School. Negotiations are continuing with the landowner. ~ Staff is scheduled to meet with representatives of Mid America Festivals Corp. on Thursday, June 5th concerning potential purchase of park property west of 35-W. ~ Lakeville beaches are scheduled to open on Friday, June 6th. Beach hours this year will again be 12:00 to 8:00 PM. ITEM #6. Review fmal plat of Hypointe Crossing 6th Addition and make park and trail dedication recommendation to City Council. Hypointe Crossing 6th Addition is an 18-lot extension of the original Hypointe Crossing plat. The land is located south of Interlachen Boulevard, west of Highview Avenue and east of Parks and Rio~z Advisory C,arnniue? Minutes June 4,1997 Page -2- Crystal Lake Golf Course. There are no park or trail issues associated with this plat and staff recommends a cash contribution. 97.21 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to recommend City Council approve the final plat of Hypointe Crossing 6th Addition and require a cash contribution to satisfy the park and trail dedication requirements.. Motion passed. ITEM #7. Review final plat of Cherryfields and make park and trail dedication recommendation to City Council. Cherryfields plat consists of 22 single family residential lots and is located east of Highview Avenue at 175th Street. 175th Street is designated as a major collector in the City's Transportation Plan and will be extended to the east from Highview Avenue to Hayes Avenue by a City improvement project. In addition to a cash contribution, staff is recommending the developer be required to construct an 8-foot bituminous trail along the north side of 175th Street adjacent to the plat. The project will be a 5/8 and 3/8 cost share with the City. The City will pay 100% of the cost to construct the trail along the exception which is owned by the City. 97.22 Motion was made by Warless-Sobel, seconded by Lovelace, to recommend City Council • approve the final plat of Cherryfields and require a cash contribution to satisfy the park and trail dedication requirements. In addition, the developer will be required to pay 5/8 of the cost to construct an 8-foot bituminous trail on the north side of 175th St. adjacent to the plat. Motion passed. ITEM #8. Review final plat of Tarry Creek and make park and trail dedication recommendation to City Council. The final plat of Tarry Creek is located on the east side of Highview Avenue, south of 160th Street and consists of 56 single family residential lots. The plat abuts Highview Avenue, a minor arterial/parkway. Staff recommends the developer be required to provide a cash escrow for the future trails on Highview Avenue. In addition, Griffon Trail will be extended as part of this plat from its existing terminus westerly to Highview Avenue. Staff recommends the developer be required to pay 5/8 of the cost of construction of an 8-foot bituminous trail on the north side of Griffon Trail and pay 100% of the cost to construct a sidewalk on the south side of Griffon Trail. 97.23 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Warless-Sobel, to recommend City Council approve the final plat of Tarry Creek and require a cash contribution to satisfy the park and trail dedication requirements. In addition, the developer will be required to construct an eight-foot off-street bituminous trail along the north side of Griffon Trail and afive-foot concrete sidewalk along the south side of Griffon Trail. The north side trail will be a 5/8 • and 3/8 funding split while the sidewalk will be funded 100% by the developer the entire length of Griffon Trail. Parks and Ran Advisory C.ar~rtitta? Mrau~tes June 4,1997 Page -3- • Motion passed. ITEM #9. Review preliminary and fmal plat of Valley Christian Church and make park and trail dedication recommendation to City Council. Valley Christian Church is proposed to be located on a 14.5 acre parcel on the east side of Cedar Avenue, north of Dodd Blvd. By ordinance, park and trail dedication fees are equivalent to one residential lot. In addition to cash for parks and trails, staff is recommending the developer be required to extend the trail along the west plat boundary on Cedar Avenue from its present terminus to the south property boundary. The developer will be responsible for 5/8 of the cost of the trail construction. Trails will be installed at the same time paving takes place for the roadway and parking lot. 97.24 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Illa, to recommend City Council approve the preliminary and final plat of Valley Christian Church and require a cash contribution to satisfy the park and trail dedication requirements. In addition, the developer will be required to pay 5/8 the cost of trail construction along the east side of Cedar Avenue from the trail's present terminus to the south property boundary of the plat. Motion passed. ITEM #10. - Continue discussion of proposed park naming policy for Lakeville. . Committee members had received information and recommendations from the subcommittee which had researched this issue. An extensive discussion concerning naming and re-naming of parks within the City of Lakeville was held. Discussions centered on such items as process and procedures to be used for recommending names to City Council, merits and criteria for naming parks, length of waiting period following such events as retirement or death of proposed person to name park for, etc. A document has been drafted and will be revised for review by the City Council. ITEM #11. - Unfinished business. Staff met with City Administrator Bob Erickson and Police Chief Dave Martens concerning the proposed change in the leash law regulations. An article was printed this past week on the "Messages" page of the Life and Times reminding residents of the current regulations concerning dogs. The article included information on dogs running loose in parks, dogs at large, cleaning up after pets, and licensing. Staff will prepare a proposed information and enforcement campaign for consideration. The information campaign will continue with a second article in Messages. The Police will also initiate an enforcement campaign which will begin with dog owners being passively approached by officers who will inform them of the ordinance and make sure that if the dog is not leashed, it is under voice command. This procedure will continue through fall. The program will be re-evaluated after one year and if it is found that the program is not working, there will need to be a general ordinance change. A question will be included in • the next City survey to determine a general consensus of people concerning dogs in parks. Parks and Roman Aatvisory C,anvnitt~ Minutes June 4, 1997 Page -4- ITEM #12. - New Business. Committee member Messinger suggested that staff consider the possibility of expanding the parking lot at Foxborough Park to eliminate parking on the neighborhood streets during games. Staff stated that the project has not been budgeted for this year and neighbors have not complained about parking over the years. Staff will review the parking expansion idea, however, little space is left in the east portion of the park. Some issues this spring with softballs going into neighbors' yards near Foxborough Park have been resolved. Committee member Larry Lulf thanked the Parks and Recreation Director and fellow committee members for their work with the SnoTrackers Snowmobile Club over the years. Larry was given an award at the last Council meeting for his volunteer efforts with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, the SnoTrackers and the Snowmobile Task Force. ITEM #13. - Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for June 18, 1997 at 6:00 PM. ITEM #14. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM Respectfully submitted, ' (~(~t./ Jud th A. Ryan, Recording retary ATTE T: Larson, Chairperson •