HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-22 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 22, 1997 ITEM #1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson Larson at 6:00 PM . ITEM #2. Roll call. Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, C. Wanless-Sobel, J. Larson, A. Raymond and P. Messinger. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording .Secretary Judi Ryan. ITEM #3. Minutes of January 8, 1997 The minutes of the January 8, 1997 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved as printed. • ITEM #4. Citizen comments. There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda. ITEM #6. Presentation by Southern Cruzers Car Club requesting use of Antlers Park 1997 Pan-O-Frog Car Show. Chair Larson skipped to Item 6 to accommodate the Southern Cruzers Car Club. Representatives Mike and Carol Grieco were present and addressed the committee with their request to use Antlers Park on July 12, 1997 for their third annual car show associated with Panorama of Progress. They stated their request is the same as last year. They plan to set up a tent next to Shelter A and will also use that shelter when it is available following the Pan-O-Frog Run. Recreation Supervisor Renee Brekken is requesting that mostly due to safety concerns the cars refrain from entering the park until after 9:00 AM when the race is finished. Staff mentioned that the Southern Cruzers will be required to provide their own insurance policy written for the Car Show, as the umbrella policy previously carried by Pan-O-Frog may no longer be available. The City of Lakeville requires it be named as an additional insured. Insurance will also be required of vendors and concessionaires who are involved in the Car Show. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting January 22, 1997 Page -2- All cars which are displayed in the park for the Car Show will be required to use cardboard drip pads under the engines to prevent any possibility of turf damage. The regular $100.00 damage deposit will also be required for use of the park. As a courtesy, neighbors of Antlers Park will be notified by club members of the upcoming event. Club representatives will also discuss the event with the Police Dept. No extra patrol has been required in the past. Club members will also discuss details and logistics of the event with Park Department staff prior to the event. 97.01 Motion was made by Warless-Sobel, seconded by Lulf, to recommend Ciry Council approve the use of Antlers Park by the Southern Cruzers Car Club on July 12, 1997, for the Pan-O-Prog Car Show, in accordance with the requirements as set forth by the Lakeville Ciry Council and the Parks and Recreation Dept. (Requirements are attached as Exhibit A.) Motion passed. ITEM #5. Staff reports. Staff informed committee that several snowmobile issues have been discussed by Council. Increased problems and public safety are causing great concern. A Ciry Council member has proposed considering banning snowmobiling in residential areas due to safety concerns. Articles will be published in this week's local papers and an emergency meeting of the Snowmobile Task Force has been scheduled for January 30th. Staff feels that the establishment of trailhead parking lots and more permanent trail corridors will be important to maintaining the sport in Lakeville. In addition to limiting snowmobile use in certain residential areas, Ritter Farm Park has been discussed as an area where snowmobile riding may not be appropriate. Since is this a nature area and environmental learning area, snowmobiling may not be compatible with the park's concept. The cross country ski trails have been obliterated, in spite of the many new signs which have been installed. As rural areas in Lakeville continue to develop, snowmobile corridors need to be developed. It has been suggested that a consultant be enlisted to look at where those corridors could be designated. Committee member Messinger feels more enforcement needs to be attempted prior to making a decision to ban snowmobiling in any area of the Ciry. Committee member Lulf stated that SnoTrackers club officers have received several phone calls from people who were appreciative of the letter which was recently sent out to registered • snowmobile owners by the City of Lakeville. Committee member Lovelace Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting January 22, 1997 Page -3- mentioned that no insurance is required by snowmobile owners. Speed and trespassing have been the greatest problems associated with the over 20 deaths which have taken place in the state this season. ITEM #7. Continue review of Park and Trail Dedication fees and make recommendation for 1997 fees to the City Council. Discussion of possible park and trail dedication fee increases was begun at the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting of January 8, 1997. Staff feels there is a great need to increase fees in the trail dedication area due to the many future trail construction and lighting projects that are planned. Also, Dakota County has changed their policy for funding designated county trails. Instead of funding 100% construction, the county will now be splitting the cost with the cities on a 45/55 basis. County Road 46 in front of Valley Lake Park, Oak Shores Park and the downtown reconstruction project will require substantial funding from the Park Dedication budget for assessments. Park dedication revenues are lower than in previous years due to the anticipated diminished residential platting in the City. Staff hopes to set aside park dedication • funds each year so a northeast sector park can .eventually be purchased. Committee members felt that park dedication fees should stay consistent with the market and with neighboring communities. It was also felt that the commercial and industrial rates should remain the same in order to support the Strategic Growth Management program. Messinger stated that trail fees should increase to assist in funding the many future trail construction and lighting projects. When all the trail projects to be funded are taken into consideration, $400 per dwelling unit seems to be a reasonable trail dedication fee. It was suggested that the residential park dedication fee be increased to $1,200 per dwelling unit. If these two fees were adopted, the total increase would be only $475 per dwelling unit, which is less than 1 % of the value of the average lot. 97.02 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Warless-Sobel, to recommend City Council consider an increase in park dedication fees to $1,200 per dwelling unit and trail dedication fees to $400 per dwelling unit. Committee members further recommend that these fees be reviewed on an annual basis in order to keep current with park and trail needs. Motion passed. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting January 22, 1997 Page -4- ITEM #6. .Review City Council work session issues and projects. a) Trail Dedication budget /fund balance projections. Council received a memo from staff which detailed existing and near term trail projects as well as projected contributors to an anticipated funding shortfall through 1998. b) Park land rental concept. Ciry Council discussed the concept of renting land for West Park near the intersection of Steven Lane and 172nd Street and concluded that it would probably not be the best location for a park in the area west of 35-W. Instead, a linear park/school complex for the Orchard Lake Elementary School area will be considered. This proposal includes constructing a trailway from Wayside Park to the school property, removing the existing substandard balifield and purchasing the house next door to make room for skating facilities and other amenities. The addition of parking would assist the school during its events. Bond referendum funds which were allocated for West Park could be used for this project. Committee member Warless-Sobel suggested that some park facilities may be needed in the Queen Anne Manufactured Home Community, especially some • basketball or other activities for teens. Land may be available south of Lake Villa for future neighborhood park facilities, if and when that land develops. c) Request to rename Cherry View Park "A.H. Studer Park. " Council members received a request from descendants of A.H. Studer, a pioneer of Lakeville, to rename Cherry View Park in his memory, since the park is part of the Studers' original farmstead. d) Review history of park naming. Council received a memo from staff which charted the names given to parks the past 20 years. Additional research is being done to get ideas from other cities on what is currently being used as a basis for naming parks. e) Update on Meals on Wheels program. Staff updated the Council at their work session on Meals on Wheels current and projected budget for the next two years, based on predicted growth in the program. Individual donations and donations from churches and other organizations have helped to defray expenses, but fall short of the needs. Council will consider applying for additional funding through the Community Development Block Grant program to offset expenses such as the coordinator's salary, postage, paper supplies, etc. Committee members suggested that Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting January 22, 1997 Page -5- corporate sponsorships be considered. Solicitation for volunteer drivers for the program is being pursued aggressively. ~ Consider letter regarding 202nd Street trail connection. Council approved a letter which was subsequently sent to 202nd Street residents informing them that due to the platting of five lots at the end of the cul-de-sac, a possible trail connection to the Juno Trail trailway may be possible. g) Survey information on non-resident participation in youth athletic programs. Council members received the results of a survey of resident and non-resident LAA participants which shows that nearly 23 % of youth registered in sports do not live within the Lakeville boundaries. Staff is conducting a survey of other cities to see how non-resident youth sport participation is managed. Pat Messinger stated that due to poor weather conditions, she was unable to attend the organizational meeting of an athletic association for the new Eastview High School in Rosemount. ITEM #9.. - Unfinished business. • There was no unfinished business at this time. ITEM #10. - New business. Chair Larson stated that as more people move into the community, more facilities will be required to meet their needs. Committee members were asked what projects they envision would be part of Lakeville in the future as the needs of a fully developed community are anticipated. Projects that were mentioned included: ? Teen/Community Center, especially a supervised area for Junior High programs. ? Nature Center at Ritter Farm Park with some amenities. ? Outdoor swimming pool. (This is always mentioned in community surveys.) ? Municipal golf course. ? Increased Senior Center facilities, possibly an addition to the building. ? Cultural and performing arts center. Committee member Messinger asked if there would be an area in the new water treatment plant community room for some teen activities to be held. Staff also updated the committee on the progress of the Town Square project and some of the public amenities which have been suggested for that area. Some ideas are a skate park and a downtown trolley. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting January 22, 1997 Page -6- Chair Larson suggested starting a foundation to help fund future park projects. A separate volunteer board would do the fund raising and control of expenditures. Foundations have been set up in Grand Rapids and Owatonna and are quite successful. Larson will do more research on this possibility. ITEM #11. - Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for February 5, 1997 at 6:00 PM. ITEM #12. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM. Respectfully submitted, 7~ Judith A. Ryan, Record' g Secretary ATTEST: f £ J son, Chairperso