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DECEMBER 4, 1996
ITEM #1. Call to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson
Illa at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2. Roll call.
Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, K. Ilia, J. Larson, A. Raymond and P.
Messinger. Committee member Warless-Sobel was unable to attend due to illness.
Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ryan.
ITEM #3. Minutes of November 6, 1996.
The minutes of the November 6, 1996 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes
were approved as printed.
ITEM #4. Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda.
ITEM #5. Staff reports.
~ The Crystal Lake Townhome playground project was not able to be completed
this fall due to the early freeze-up. Although the townhome association had hoped
to accomplish the project this fall, plantings and landscaping can be completed in
the spring.
~ The Orchard Lake Sportsman's Club has authorized a contribution of $2,361.00
for acquisition and installation of a boarding dock at Casperson Park. The
Sportsman's Club has also committed a donation of $500.00 to youth special
events. These contributions reflect revenues from the club's Lawful Gaining
~ At their December 2, 1996 meeting, Ciry Council authorized an extension to
Friedges, Inc. for completion of Phase Two Bond Referendum projects to May
10, 1997.
~ Ciry Council has scheduled a work session for January 13, 1997 and among the
• items to be discussed will be possible funding for the 205th Street trail. Klamath
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Trail preliminary feasibility report will be completed within the next two weeks.
New traffic counts being completed at I-35 and Highway 50 will be used.
Preliminary grant applications will be prepared and submitted for both trails.
~ Staff attended a conciliation court hearing last week for the parents of the boys
who caused the damage to the door at the Meadows Park warming house. One of
the two parents is paying for their share of the damages. The other parent has not
been cooperative and further measures may be taken.
~ Many problems continue in the area with snowmobiles, including complaints
about riding on trails and sidewalks and in parks, especially on the cross country
ski trails Ritter Farm Park.
~ Hockey and skating rink ice building is going well. Park Maintenance is working
three shifts and using two trucks to flood 24 sheets of ice.. Scheduled opening of
the rinks is December 20th.
~b Committee members received a report from staff on grant funding for Oak Wilt
Suppression. Several thousand dollars are still available for citizens who qualify.
Several residents took advantage of the grant program this fall.
~ Quotes are being received to improve the office space situation at the Senior
Center. Linda will also be receiving a computer.
~ A letter is being drafted to be mailed to businesses in Lakeville asking for
volunteers to drive for the Meals on Wheels program. This time of the year when
many retirees go south for the winter, drivers are at a premium.
~ Friday, December 6th is Wanda Meyer's last day of work with the Park Dept.
She is leaving her job-shared positions in the Inspections and Parks and
Recreation Departments for a job at Lakeville Liquors.
~ The Winter Parks and Recreation Brochure was delivered with the Lakeville Life
& Times the weekend of November 23, 1996. Staff has been receiving moderate
to good response to winter programs.
ITEM #6. Review preliminary and final plat of Progressive Rail first
Addition and make park dedication recommendation to City Council.
Progressive Rail First Addition consists of two industrial lots and one outlot on land
located in the southwest corner of 215th Street and Highview Avenue. A train/semi-
truck transloading (material transfer) facility is proposed on Lot 1. The City's Parks
and Open Space System Plan does not identify any park land within the boundaries of
this plat. If the CP Rail line is abandoned in the future, the City will consider
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acquisition of the rail corridor for the purpose of construction a multipurpose
trailway. Staff is recommending a cash contribution to satisfy the park dedication
requirements for Progressive Rail.
96.32 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Raymond, to recommend City Council
approve the preliminary and fmal plat of Progressive Rail First Addition and require
a cash contribution based on commercial/industrial requirements in the Park
Dedication Ordinance.
Motion passed.
ITEM 7. - Discuss proposed additions and changes to Resolution
Establishing Rules and Rental Fees for Use of City Park Facilities, Buildings and
Staff advised committee members that the annual updating of this resolution is an
attempt to stay competitive with neighboring communities on fees and to clarify the
language in several areas for more explicit policy definition. Policies concerning
golfmg and parasailing in parks have been added as well as policies concerning pig
roasters. Fees for open shelters and building rental have been separated and adjusted
• and fees for equipment rental have been increased.
96.33 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Lulf, to recommend City Council
approve the changes and additions to the Resolution Establishing Rules and Rental
Fees for Use of City Park Facilities, Buildings and Properties.
Motion passed.
ITEM #8. Unfinished business.
Staff reminded committee of a recent recommendation to City Council concerning
trails near the Kenridge plat. Since this is a premature subdivision with no
surrounding development, the developer will be required to pay 100 % of the cost to
bring infrastructure to the plat. Since this is being done, staff is recommending that
the developer also pay the full cost for trail construction to the plat.
96.34 Motion was made by Lovelace, seconded by Illa, to endorse the concept that when a
plat is determined to be premature, but the developer chooses to move forward, the
developer would pay 100% for all infrastructure, including trails. The Parks and
Recreation Advisory Committee also supports this concept as a future planning
• Motion passed.
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ITEM #9. New business.
Committee members received a copy of Kevin Illa's letter of resignation from the
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. Kevin has agreed. to serve as a
committee alternate member. Kevin stated he has enjoyed working with City staff
and has found his tenure on the committee to be very rewarding, especially his
involvement with the Park Bond Referendum.
Committee members received a copy of the SnoTrackers Newsletter and a copy of a
letter from Roger Yost, Adopt-a-Park volunteer at Ritter Farm Park.
Staff will prepare nomination forms for election of 1997 Committee officers.
ITEM #10. - Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for
December 18, 1995 at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #11. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
u ith A. Ryan, Recor g Secretary
Kevin P. Ilia, Chairperson