HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-06 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING DECEMBER 6, 1995 ITEM # 1 Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson Illa at 6:00 PM. ITEM #Z Roll call. Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, C. Wanless-Sobel, K. Illa, A. Raymond and P. Messinger. Committee member J. Larson was unable to attend due to a work conflict. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ryan. ITEM #3 Minutes of October 18, 1995. The minutes of the October 18, 1995 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed. There were two corrections on page two. Committee member Messinger stated that in the fifth paragraph she was referring to the tennis batter boards at Bunker Hill, not soccer batter boards. • Also, the first paragraph under Item 7 should state that the Rock Island Townhome property is west of County Road 5. The minutes were approved as corrected. ITEM #4 Citizen comments. There were no citizens present. ITEM #5. Staff reports. ? Staff reported that with the mailing of the Winter Recreation Brochure, registrations have been very busy, especially skating lessons and youth activities. ? The two open Parks and Recreation Dept. positions have been filled. Shelley Heinsch has been hired to fill the Assistant Recreation Supervisor position. Shelley previously worked for the City of Lakeville as Aquatics Director and is currently employed by the City of Mendota Heights. Linda Walter has been chosen to replace Eileen Fondell upon her retirement as Senior Coordinator. Linda is currently employed as Activities Director at South Suburban Care Center. ? Topographical maps have been completed and base data is being gathered for Valley Lake Park, Highview Heights and Cherry View in preparation for development. The Park Dept. will continue working with Barry Warner through SRF toward the completion of these projects. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes December 6, 1995 Page -2- ? Parkview shelter building is nearing completion. Staff has completed quotes for rubber matting and carpet. An expert milling company will be working on the cement slab. to repair some areas which are not perfectly flat. A few other items remain on the punch list to be resolved prior to final approval and payment. ? Staff stated Hoffman and McNamara did a very good job in accomplishing their responsibilities on the Phase One bond referendum projects. ? The Studer property acquisition is complete. Closing is scheduled to occur in the .near future. ? The Joe Miller property condemnation is at a standstill due to some conflicts at the Commissioner level.. Currently a feasibility study is being done on an alternate 50-acre parcel of property which is outside the MUSA. Staff would like to be able to put at least six fields on that property, however, there may be limited space for field development due to a required holding pond and proposed roadways on the property. Topography and price will affect the evaluation of this site. ? At a recent staff budget meeting, maintenance staff was presented with the proposed construction projects for 1996. The extensive construction is causing Pan-O-Prog officials to change the location of several activities, • including the grand parade. The fireworks display is being moved to the Lakeville High School stadium. Staff will keep committee informed as alternate locations are determined. ITEM #6. Update on bond referendum projects and acquisitions. Staff has drafted a bond referendum update which Committee members will receive as soon as it has been finalized. Roadway designs for Valley Lake Park area are being prepared. An 8-foot trail along 161st Street from Cedar Avenue is planned to link with the trail system in the park. Staff is concerned about several road improvement projects adjacent to park properties due to possible assessments. ITEM #7. Review proposal and concepts, for widening Hu11 Avenue abutting Jaycee Park and request to stockpile materials in the park. As part of the downtown Lakeville improvement project planned for 1996, several streets will be widened and repaired. Hull Avenue, which abuts Jaycee Park, is presently a 28-foot street which is planned to be improved and widened to 36 feet. . The old blacktop which will be removed from existing streets is planned to be recycled into the downtown Lakeville improvement project. A milling machine Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes December 6, 1995 Page -3- will take the old blacktop and pulverize it into a recyclable material. Storage sites for the pulverized materials are being sought. Engineering staff is requesting permission to utilize the southern portion of Jaycee Park for the purpose of storing this material prior to it being used as base material for other projects. The contractor was informed that the park has been recently renovated and it would be their responsibility to re-sod the entire area upon completion of the project. Committee members felt that if other locations for storage exist, and taking into consideration the various issues which have occurred in Jaycee Park the past couple of years, staff and contractors should seek an alternative to the use of Jaycee Park for storage of blacktop materials. ITEM #8. Unfinished business. Two neighborhood meetings are being planned to discuss trail projects. The first concerns a trail along County Road 64 from Kansas Avenue to Jacquard Avenue. Plans should depict the trail in a permanent position as it will be when County Road 64 is totally urbanized. • The second study being considered is on Klamath Trail from County Road 5 to County Road 5. A meeting is scheduled for Orchard Lake area neighborhood residents on January 8, 1996 for the purpose of receiving input on several park and trail issues. Staff informed the committee that the Mullenhart property (with the big red barn) may be available for purchase although some complications exist since another buyer has become involved. There is some interest in the adjoining Wilson property as well. The Community and Economic Development Director is also concerned with easements and encroachments in the area. A large portion of the property is wetlands but it would appear that portions of the property combined with adjacent property may meet minimum neighborhood park size requirements. A signed purchase agreement exists between the owner and a private individual, however, several planning questions must be answered prior to issuance of any building permit. If the purchase agreement falls through, staff will reconsider the potential of this property. Of special note, the sale price has come down considerably. Committee members commented on Jeff Belzer's generous donation of a snowmobile to the Lakeville Police Dept. Staff discussed how the first snowfall of the season had brought out snowmobile problems in the community. Two young men received tickets for riding snowmobiles in Dodd Trail Park. Larry Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes December 6, 1995 Page -4- Lulf is handling an unrelated situation near County Road 46 and Foliage Avenue with a citizen who has been having problems with snowmobilers in his yard. Committee members suggested that the Police publish the number of tickets which are issued so that citizens would know what actions are being taken. Staff will discuss snowmobile problems with the Police Chief. Committee members asked about the controlled bow hunt which had been proposed for Ritter Farm Park. Staff stated this could take place at any time of the year but he has not received any written proposal from the Hunting Committee or the DNR. It was stated that in some cities, sharpshooters are used instead of a general open hunt, with harvested, meat being given to local charities. ITEM #9. New business. Staff discussed a request which the Park Dept. had received to run a fishing tournament on Lake Marion this summer. The sponsor has run several tournaments on Prior Lake and publishes a newsletter called, "Jackpot Gazette". Three major tournaments are already scheduled at Lake Marion this summer, one of which conflicts with the requested date. Staff's concerns are for the impact on surface water use, recreational fishing on Lake Marion and the amount of fish which are available in the lake. After discussions with the DNR, staff feels that fishing opportunities for the general public would not be greatly impacted as many of the tournaments are catch and release. It was suggested by Kevin Ills that since this is a two-part tournament with the second portion being held on Prior Lake, it may be possible to hold the Lake Marion portion on Sunday instead of Saturday to reduce the Saturday morning impact. Staff will also discuss insurance requirements with the City Attorney. The possible cancellation of the December 20, 1995 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting was discussed. Issues which will need to be placed on the agenda in the future include review of the concept plans for park development projects and the development of the school/park complex with the Farmington School District. These issues will not be ready until after the beginning of the new year. There are no plats coming up which need recommendations. 95.31 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Lulf, to cancel the December Z0, 1995 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting. Motion passed. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes December 6, 1995 Page -5- Messinger asked if staff could take a look at the Bunker Hill tennis courts to determine whether the surface cracking is a result of the cold weather. ITEM # 10. - Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for January 3, 1996 at 6:00 PM. ITEM # 11. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, J dit A. Ryan, Recor ' g Secretary ATTEST: Kevin P. Illa, Chairperson