HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-21 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING JUNE 21, 1995 ITEM # 1 Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson Illa at 6:00 PM. ITEM #Z Roll call. Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, C. Wanless-Sobel, K. Ilia, J. Larson, and P. Messinger. Committee member A. Raymond had called and was unable to attend. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ryan. ITEM #3 Approval of minutes of May 17, 1995 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting. The minutes of the May 17, 1995 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved as printed. • ITEM #4 Citizen comments. There were no citizens present at the meeting. ITEM #5 Staff reports. Staff reported that recreation and maintenance divisions are very busy. Several consecutive days of very hot weather has caused some park turf areas to burn, however some watering is being attempted. There is a very large soccer tournament this weekend so extra irrigation is being done at North Park to keep the fields in the best possible condition. A watering restriction may affect these efforts. Staff has received a couple of calls from citizens; one who was concerned about cigarette butts in the sand at Land of Amazement and one who was frustrated at not being able to launch his canoe at Casperson because of parking restrictions for cars without trailers. Staff will have maintenance correct the problem at Land of Amazement and made some suggestions for parking and launching to the canoeist. Results of the 1995 Lakeville citizen survey have been received from .Decision Resources. The results are very favorable across the board and • city staff and City Council felt this was an excellent report card, indicating Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting June 21, 1995 Page #2 a general positive opinion of city services from residents. The survey shows increased park and trail users, with 88-95% giving the facilities a "good" to "excellent" rating. Committee members will receive a copy of the executive summary shortly. The STS crew is installing fencing on the third field at Quigley-Sime Park. The crew will be in Lakeville through Sunday and if they do not complete the entire project by that time, the Lakeville park maintenance Dept. will complete the job. ITEM #6 Update on bond referendum acquisitions and projects. Condemnation proceedings continue on several parcels. Negotiations are continuing on the Studer property. Attempts are being made to set up a meeting with the Eisele family to continue negotiations on the purchase of their property in the Highview Heights area. Meetings with these homeowners are difficult at this time of the year as their landscape business keeps them very busy. Staff is waiting for a Commissioner's hearing to be scheduled for the Christian, Miller and Tutewohl properties. The Grebner parcel award is forthcoming. ITEM #7 Update on Phase One Park Bond Referendum projects. Sealed bids were opened on June 12, 1995 for Phase One Bond Referendum projects and the Parkview Park shelter building. Staff explained that certain bids had come in higher than expected on the Phase One projects. Schedule B, Caspersen Park playground, has been deleted from the project. It was decided to scale down the amount of playground equipment and order it directly from the distributor in an attempt to cut costs. City Council also deleted the paving of the Rolling Oaks hockey rink due to the unanticipated high bids. City Council awarded the bid for the remaining Phase One projects to Hoffman & McNamara Company of Hastings. The Parkview Park shelter building bids were just slightly higher than the architect's estimate. A preconstruction meeting is scheduled for June 22, 1995 and it is anticipated that this project will get underway soon. This project has been awarded to Parkes Construction of West St. Paul. ITEM #8 New business. Staff passed on a suggestion which had been received to name the new Parkview Park shelter building after Paul Baarson, Parkview Elementary's • retiring principal. Staff feels there has been a very positive spirit of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting June 21, 1995 Page #3 cooperation between the City and the school under the direction of Mr. Baarson. Committee members did not express any opposition to dedicating the building to Mr. Baarson. ITEM #9 Unfinished business. There was no unfinished business at this time. ITEM # 10. - Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for July 19, 1.995 at 6:00 PM. ITEM # 11. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 6:40 PM. Respectfully submitted, 1 • udi h A. Ryan, Rec ding Secretary ATTEST: Kevin P. Illa, Chairperson