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APRIL 19, 1995
ITEM # 1 Ca11 to order.
The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by
Chairperson Illa at 6:00 PM.
ITEM #2 Roll call.
Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, C. Wanless-Sobel, K. Illa, J. Larson,
A. Raymond and P. Messinger. Also present were Park Director Steve
Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ryan.
ITEM #3 Approval of Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
minutes of April 5, 1995.
The minutes of the April 5, 1995 Parks and Recreation Advisory- Committee
meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the
minutes were approved as printed.
ITEM #4 Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda.
ITEM #5. Staff reports.
Staff informed the committee that property condemnations are proceeding
and another hearing is scheduled for Apri125th.
Property values and costs were discussed at a meeting between staff and Mr.
Studer concerning purchase of proposed property for Cherry View Park.
Negotiations continue, however there currently is a substantial difference
between offers. Condemnation has not been discussed for this parcel.
Negotiations for the proposed West Park property will be put on hold while
several issues are pending.
Staff is working on three Outdoor Recreation Grants to assist with funding
for acquisition and development of major park bond projects. It was
estimated that these grants are about 75% completed. At their last meeting,
City Council approved a resolution authorizing submittal of these grants. At
that meeting, Council also approved an agreement with Dakota County
Community Corrections for the 1995 STS crew.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes
April 19, 1995
• An easement agreement has been reached with the Ewald's and Abraham's
concerning the trail through Great Oak Shores. This trail is not planned for
construction until at least 1997.
Staff is optimistic concerning the proposed acquisition of the Pexa property.
Wetland delineation is currently being completed on the parcel.
Seal coating specs are nearly complete for the approximately 15 miles of bike
trails which will be seal coated this year. Staff stated that trails are normally
seal coated on a rotation basis and the last coating has held up well.
ITEM #6 Discussion of mountain biking in Lakeville.
Lakeville residents Brad King, Dan Bale and Hogar Peterson were present at
the meeting to discuss this issue with the committee. Brad requested the
Parks and Recreation Committee consider allowing mountain biking at Ritter
Farm Park and recommended aone-year trial period. He suggested criteria
be established prior to the beginning of the season so that at the end of the
year, the success or failure of the trial period could more easily be
determined. Dan Bale stated that he is an ardent environmentalist and does
not feel that mountain biking in Ritter Farm Park would have any
. detrimental effects on the park. Chair Illa asked if there are any off-road
areas in Lakeville where mountain biking can be done legally. It was stated
that Murphy-Hanrehan is the closest available site with other public domain
areas being Terrace Oaks Park in Burnsville and Lebanon Hills, a county park
also located in Burnsville. Buck Hill is also an available course, but there is a
fee to ride.
Committee member Messinger stated she has walked the trails at Terrace
Oaks where they intersect with mountain biking trails at several spots and
there does not seem to be a problem with the course layout. The Burnsville
City Council recently authorized mountain biking to continue at Terrace
Oaks by a 3-2 margin. The issue was being discussed because of perceived
conflicts with other trail users such as hikers. The Burnsville Parks and
Recreation Dept. did not want the Council to eliminate mountain biking
without giving them a chance to correct existing or perceived problems.
King stated that because the number of places to ride has grown, numbers of
riders or their impact should not be as great as it would have been a few
years ago. Highland Hills and other metro locations are also available.
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Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes
April 19, 1995
• Staff pointed out that the updated Ritter Farm Park master plan did not
eliminate the possibility of using Ritter Park for mountain biking, but that
during discussions with the City Council, it was felt that Council members
were much more supportive of an environmentally protective approach
towards the park. Council also questioned if there was another location
which would meet the needs for this sport. Staff feels the three most
important factors to consider are erosion, compatibility and enforcement.
These items may eventually be a problem in the future for all trail users in
the park including snowmobilers and equestrians. Staff feels this is a
regionally significant, environmentally sensitive preserve and is concerned
that if mountain biking were allowed with the park being open to riders
from the entire metro area the potential for degradation would increase.
Dan Bale asked that committee members keep an open mind. Multiple uses
are allowed on other trails and sidewalks and mountain biking should not be
banned without justification. Committee member Larson asked the group for
a written proposal so committee members would have something concrete to
consider before bringing anything to the Council.
Staff suggested that mountain biking enthusiasts need to become more
• organized, possibly lobbying for a share of the state trails grant in aids funds.
If trails were to fall under the DNR's jurisdiction there could be possible
advantages with private property trail easements and access to the
recreational liability law. Staff would be willing to discuss some of these
options with Del Barber of the DNR The mountain biking group stated they
would bring a proposal forward at the next Parks and Recreation Advisory
Committee meeting.
ITEM #7 Review Phase I bond project concept proposals.
Barton-Aschman Associates recently entered into agreement with the City of
Lakeville to act as consultant on several park bond referendum. Staff
discussed these items with committee members for input.
Casperson Park playground specifications and site: Kompan playground
equipment with a nautical theme is being suggested for this site. Berms
which were originally designed into the park are actually difficult for the
park crews to maintain and it has been suggested that they be flattened to
provide good level spot for the equipment. Materials which are removed
could be used at Wayside Park. The Parks and Recreation Advisory
Committee members concurred with this idea.
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Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes
April 19, 1995
• Staff showed the committee a proposed design for the Ritter Farm Park
shelter. The octagon-shaped gazebo has adouble-cupola style roof which
would blend well with existing buildings. Committee members suggested
benches around the inside perimeter. The site which is being proposed is
well protected from the elements and is located exactly where the park
master plan shows a future shelter. There will be room for about eight
picnic tables in this shelter.
There are two possible concepts for the Antlers Park playground upgrade.
One would be to expand the Big Toys equipment and the other would be to
install a newer style beach oriented equipment which would take advantage
of available sand and water for play.
Staff feels the neighbors of Bassett Park need to have some input prior to any
decisions being made about what will be done at that park. It would be
helpful to know area demographics and what the neighbors want.
Possibilities include half-court basketball and a small playground, if age
appropriate for the neighborhood. A letter will be sent to residents asking
them to aftend the May 3, 1995 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
• Staff recently received a proposal which would involve using a filter fabric to
repair the tennis courts at Bunker Hill Park. The fabric supposedly prevents
water from infiltrating and causing the surface to crack. It is a cosmetic
solution which is proposed to last three to five years. Staff feels the most
important issue is providing a good, playable surface economically.
Providing a good. repair job that lasts three to five years may be more
economical than completely rebuilding the courts. There is also some
speculation that in-line skates on the courts may also be causing some of the
damage. If this is found to be true, signs will be put up to try to curb the
Basically the same building as Foxborough is planned for Parkview with
some updates to accommodate ADA requirements, small design changes and
an improved window design.
ITEM #8 Unfinished business.
The City of Lakeville has been re-certified as a Tree City USA for the third
consecutive year. City Forester Mick Higgins will receive the award on
behalf of the City.
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Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes
April 19, 1995
• A Snowmobile Task Force meeting will be held on April 26, 1995 at 7:00
PM, following the special public hearing of the Parks and Recreation
Advisory Committee. The group will discuss the 1994-95 snowmobile
season and potential improvement for next year.
Pat Messinger and Steve Michaud attended the Dakota County Park
Committee meeting last week and reported that there were many interesting
presentations and much activity in the county. Steve Michaud made a
presentation concerning Lakeville's 1994 Park Bond Referendum.
ITEM #9 New business.
There was no new business at this time.
ITEM # 10 - Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is a public
hearing concerning Outdoor .Recreation Grants and is scheduled for April
26, 1995 at 6:00 PM.
The next regularly scheduled Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
meeting is scheduled for May 3, 1995 at 6:00 PM.
• ITEM # 11, Ad~ournment.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ju ith .Ryan, Recording ecretary
\ Q~
Kevin P. Illa, Chairperson
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