HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-15 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MARCH 15, 1995 ITEM # 1 Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the Lakeville Council Chambers by Chairperson Illa at 6:00 PM. ITEM #2 Roll call. Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, C. Wanless-Sobel, K. Illa, J. Larson, A. Raymond and P. Messinger. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ryan. ITEM #3 Minutes of March 1, 1995. The minutes of the March 1, 1995 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved as printed. ITEM #4 Citizen comments. There were no citizens present. ITEM #5 Staff reports. Staff reported that the City Council has approved plans and specifications for the water tower and the project is proceeding. Bond referendum acquisitions are moving forward. Staff will be present at a condemnation hearing for the Christian property on April 21st. Efforts continue to purchase the Grebner property which staff feels would be a good location for atrail-head. A neighborhood meeting with 202nd Street property owners was held on March 9th and hopefully the project will progress. A meeting is scheduled with the Eisele family next week concerning their business expansion in association with the Highview Heights neighborhood park. Staff has received concept plans prepared by Barton-Aschman which will be reviewed by the committee. Staff will make a presentation at the City Council work session of March 29th to update Council members on the progress of all bond referendum projects. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes March 15, 1995 Page 2 • The Parks and Recreation Spring Activities brochure was distributed to Lakeville residents last weekend through Direct Market Media. There has been good response to the spring programs. A Parks and Recreation Dept. summer intern position has been approved. A second part time secretary was allocated in the 1995 budget and the position has been filled by Wanda Meyer. She will begin her duties on April 3rd and will be working eight hours per week. Kevin Illa asked about the possibility of programming the ice arena this summer during the dry floor period. Staff stated that ice time continues to be in demand. It is uncertain at this time whether the ice arena will experience "down" time this summer. It was the understanding of Chair Ilia and other committee members that the slab floor was installed with $100,000 of park dedication funds in order to have the ability to run dry floor programs in the summer. It was felt that the arena should be available during Pan-O-Prog to accommodate event rain-outs and perhaps a teen dance. Staff stated that the City, by agreement, is entitled to 50 hours of non-prime time ice each year and programming of indoor skating lessons has taken place with some of those hours. The recreation department plans to expand programming at the • arena when possible. Chairperson Illa will make inquiries concerning the dry floor usage issue. ITEM #6. Review Lakeview Estates preliminary plat and make parks and trail dedication recommendation to City Council. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee members received information concerning Lakeview Estates which is located south of 205th Street and east of Kenrick Avenue and consists of 100 single family residential lots. This plat is subject to parks and dedication fees at the rate in effect prior to February 21, 1995. Outlot A is located in the northeast corner of the plat and includes a portion of a storm water retention pond. The remaining portion of the proposed pond will be located within a drainage and utility easement on an adjacent lot in the Lake Marion Estates subdivision. Outlot B is designated for future use as a 9.1 acre park. Staff plans to meet with the property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Pexa, next week to discuss purchase of the land. Committee member Jeff Larson voiced concerns about the narrow .width of 205th Street and possible hazards to pedestrians prior to the upgrade of that roadway and the construction of associated trails. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes March 15, 1995. Page 3 • As part of the plat review and design the developer did accommodate staff design recommendations associated with the Pexa property located to the west. Staff has made preliminary commitments with the Pexa family concerning the city's interest in acquiring 10+ acres. Staff will be meeting with the Pexa family to discuss acquisition of their property. 95.09 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Wanless-Sobel to recommend City Council approve the Lakeview Estates preliminary plat and require a cash contribution to satisfy both the park and trail dedication requirements. It is also recommended: 1. That a 20-foot wide outlot for trail access to the future park be provided between Lot 1, Block 6 and Lot 8, Block 7; and that the outlot be graded to accommodate a public trail to be approved by the Parks and Recreation Director. The outlot must be marked with signs designating the outlot as a "future trail" and placed at the property corners facing the residential road. Signs must be installed as soon as possible when construction of that phase begins. 2. That a trail access be provided from Court E to the Fairfield Business Campus property; and 3. That the developer be required to provide a cash escrow for future construction of a trail on the south side of 205th Street. 4. That staff begin acquisition efforts for a future neighborhood park from the Pexa family. Motion passed. ITEM #7. Unfinished business. Staff showed committee members various concept plans which have been prepared by Barton-Aschman Associates for three proposed referendum funded neighborhood parks. The three parks will all consist of approximately the same amenities: ballfield, hockey and pleasure skating, playground, hard court and limited parking. West Park consists of approximately eight acres. Proposed road alignments and wetlands in the area will have an impact on the design of the park. The Highview Heights/Goodview Estates neighborhood park concept plans are based on an approximately 10-acre site. Staff has worked closely with present owners to design preliminary plat concepts to accommodate the proposed park. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes March 15, 1995 Page 4 The Studer property is a 9.9-acre parcel which is being proposed for Cherry View Park. Several scenarios exist with this property concerning ponding alternatives, and configuration of remaining parcels. ITEM #8 New business. A local aviator contacted the City Administrator recently requesting the City consider the possibility of displaying a Navy surplus plane at a park or other public location. The engine would be removed from the plane, the plane would be disassembled and shipped to Lakeville from Texas on a flat-bed trailer, then reassembled without the engine. Committee members did not feel there was an appropriate place in the parks and suggested the gentleman contact the Dakota County Fairgrounds or look for a location somewhere near the Airlake Airport. ITEM #9. Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for April 5, 1995 at 6:00 PM. ITEM # 10. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM. Respectfully submitted, a. J dit A. Ryan, Record Secretary ATTEST: A Kevin P. Illa, Chairperson jr