HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-02 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING NOVEMBER 2, 1994 ITEM #1 Call to order. The meeting was called to order in the City Hall Administrative Conference Room by Chairperson Illa at 7:00 PM. ITEM #2 Roll call. Present were L. Lulf, K. Illa, G. Grenz, A. Raymond, H. Lovelace, C. Wanless- Sobel and P. Messinger. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ryan. ITEM #3 Minutes of October 19, 1994. The minutes of the October 19, 1994 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved as printed. ITEM #4 Citizen comments. • There were no citizens present. ITEM #6. Presentation by engineering consultants on utilizing North Park property as a location for a water tower. Jim Norton and Wayne Becker of the engineering firm SEH were present to discuss the possibility of placing a 1.5 million gallon elevated water tank on North Park property. The proposed tower would be 160 feet in height and would be 420' from the park's south property line and 500' from Ipava Avenue. Committee members were shown several mock-up pictures from the north and south depicting what the structure would look like if it were placed in the park. The engineers stated that the shadow cast by the tower would never leave park property or interfere with surrounding residences. The proposed water tower would interconnect to the trunk lines on Ipava Avenue and meet future population growth and water demands. The proposed tank must operate at the same level as the tank located in Dakota Heights; North Park is one of the few sites in the City that meets this ground elevation requirement. The proposed structure would have a 60' diameter base and provide 2,800 square • feet of storage area for mowers, irrigation equipment, bleachers, etc. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes November 2, 1994 Page 2 Messinger questioned the extent of the shadows which would be cast on the Land of Amazement and the ballfields. She also stated that she has often seen water towers located on park properties in other metro suburbs and they did not seem to adversely affect the park. The engineers stated they would work on a site plan which would depict the shadows at various times of the day and seasons of the year. Specifications and design of the tank were explained by the consultants. The bowl of the 1.5-million gallon tank would be 84 feet in diameter. A 1-million gallon tank's diameter would be 72 feet, with the height being the same on both. With improved construction materials which are being used, the tower would only need to be repainted about every 15 years. Staff also mentioned that Lakeville has gotten away from painting the city's name and logo on water towers which are located in residential areas. Committee member Lovelace suggested the water tower could say, "North Park" and show soccer and/or baseball players. The project is proposed for summer, 1995; the area would be fenced during construction. City Engineer Keith Nelson stated that after considering several alternate sites, staff felt North Park was a good location for the tower. Committee Chair Illa stated he did not think the tower would be obtrusive and the addition of a paved parking lot makes the project very attractive. Committee member Raymond stated he did not think it would be a problem if the structure was well maintained and secured. Committee member Messinger felt the structure would seem obtrusive initially but if it was made as aesthetic as possible, people would become accustomed to it. Messinger was concerned about the tower shading the Land of Amazement at certain times of the day and having a detrimental visual impact on park users. It was also mentioned that paving to the Land of Amazement parking lot would be desirable. Raymond asked if bus parking stalls were needed in this lot. Committee member Lulf stated he is also concerned with aesthetics and shadows on the playground; the tower may dwarf the building and diminish the view from the street. SEH will take another photo from the west and work on shadow lines. ITEM #5 Staff reports. The lights have been energized on the North Park to Highview trail.. Some poles have also been installed for the trail lighting project from Antlers Park to the • Meadows. The lights are spaced at the standard of 300' apart in most areas, except where the layout and the distance between intersections dictated putting Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes November 2, 1994 Page 3 • them a little closer. Messinger feels that 300' is too far apart and would like the standard to be closer to 250' . The cats which had been living under the playground at-North Park were finally lured out. and were given a thorough check-up at Dakota Pet Hospital. Skating is in full swing at the Lakeville Ames Ice Arena. A heater and fans are being used in an attempt to dry out the building and keep the humidity down. The ceilings have been repainted and warranted by the paint manufacturer. ITEM #7 Continue discussion of Ritter Farm Park master plan update. Barton-Aschman had delivered a revised concept plan which was a compilation of the best aspects of the three schemes discussed at the previous meeting. The location of the bond referendum approved picnic shelter was discussed, along with the distance between the parking lot and the proposed shelter. Staff had met with representatives of the firm Prairie Restoration and walked approximately five acres of the park with them where restoration and habitat development is proposed. The restoration of this area is expected to greatly enhance the ecosystem of the park. First, a total kill of all vegetation and brush in the area is accomplished. A mix of prairie grasses and wild flowers is then planted on the site. This most recent concept shows buildings in the proposed Century Farm area. Members would like the proposed buildings removed from the scheme and the area to be described as, "Proposed Century Faun". The proposed prairie development area should also be properly labeled. Types and locations of boardwalks under consideration were discussed. Although there was nothing budgeted for this project, staff suggested the STS group may be able to work on it as time allows, as this would offer a valuable teaching tool. It was felt that this could be a good teaching station, even at times when the water level is low. The construction of a nature trail around the pond can be set up for various programmatic uses, as well as observation areas and benches. Committee members felt a suggested time line should be discussed for the possible completion of these projects. Committee briefly discussed mountain bike trails and their potential location. Committee requested that tree location areas be corrected on the map. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes November 2, 1994 Page 4 ITEM #8 Review park service area policies. Summer intern Marc Holtey has been working a few hours a week and has spent some time updating the park service area map. Areas were identified where parks will be needed as future development occurs. Committee members felt that the general standard should be more towards one-half mile service areas wherever feasible and three-quarter mile service areas only in special circumstances, depending on major corridors. Staff will also look at the policy in the Park System Plan to determine if any changes are necessary. ITEM #9 Unfinished business. Staff informed committee that he had met with several landowners whose properties had been identified as potential sites for neighborhood parks. Several of these parcels are outside the MUSA and most of the landowners have been willing to discuss a possible sale. The owners of the parcel which was established as a possible site for West Park have stated that their property is not for sale. The first property acquisition for the Juno Trail Parkway project may be completed soon. Other property negotiations continue. Proposals have gone out on several ADA improvements and the lighting projects are being completed. Musco Lighting has contacted staff and may have some light poles available at a discounted price. These poles may be able to be used for the several hockey rink lighting projects. ITEM #10 New business. A possible change of meeting times for advisory committees and commissions was discussed. The Environmental Affairs Committee and the Planning Commission have both agreed to move their start times up to 6:00 PM in order to give staff and committee members an earlier finishing time. Agenda items that need public input could be scheduled for later in the meetings. Committee members felt that it would be beneficial to start earlier and also that it was important to be consistent with other committees. Member Messinger thought there might be some nights when an early meeting time might be difficult for her due to the need to drive her daughter to soccer, but thought she would be able to work it out. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes November 2, 1994 Page 5 94.45 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Warless-Sobel, to recommend to City Council that as of January 1, 1995, meetings of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee would officially start at 6:00 PM. Motion passed. ITEM #11 Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for November 16, 1994, however at the present time, no plats are scheduled for that agenda. Members agreed that the meeting could be canceled if there were no plats requiring action. Staff will keep committee members informed. The Snowmobile Task Force will begin meeting on November 7, 1994. ITEM #12. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM. Respectfully submitted, Judith A. Ryan, Recording Secretary ATTEST: t y Kevin Illa, Chairperson