HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-21 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE
SEPTEMBER 21, 1994
Prior to the meeting Parks and Recreation Committee members joined the Park
Director in an inspection of two City-owned lots west of Quigley-Sime Park.
ITEM #1 Call to order.
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Illa at 7:00 PM.
ITEM #2 Roll call.
Present were L. Lulf, C. Warless-Sobel, K. Illa, A. Raymond, G. Grenz and P.
Messinger. Committee member H. Lovelace was on vacation. Also present were Park
Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ryan.
ITEM #3 Minutes of September 7, 1994.
The minutes of the September 7, 1994 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were
approved as printed.
ITEM #4 Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present.
ITEM #5 Staff reports.
Staff gave Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee members an update on the
progress of the Lakeville Ames Ice Arena. Several aspects of the building are being
finished including electrical work, hockey boards and glass, and refrigeration system.
Ice making should begin in a few days.
ITEM #6 Review Parks and Open Space System Plan regarding park service
Staff showed the committee a graphic which had been prepared by Parks and
Recreation Department staff showing 1/2-mile and 3/4-mile neighborhood park service
areas. Areas were pointed out where neighborhood search areas should be identified
as development occurs. Staff explained that the service areas should not cross major or
minor arterials or other restrictions such as lakes or railroads. Elementary school sites
• were also shown on the graphic. Facilities provided at school sites will be taken into
consideration as needs are analyzed. Staff will add approved bond referendum park
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September 21, 1994 Page 2
• areas to the graphic to give a more complete overview of anticipated needs. This issue
will be discussed further at the next Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
ITEM #8. Discuss Dakota County CIP regarding County trail designation in
the City of Lakeville.
Staff has not received the Capital Improvement Program document from Dakota
County. In discussion with Dakota County it was learned that the upgrade of Highway
50 from Hamburg Ave. to Highway 3 has been scheduled for 1995; the portion from
Dodd to Hamburg is scheduled for 1998.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee was requested to make a
recommendation on which roadway will serve as the county designated trailway.
Presently, Dakota County's Trail Plan identifies Highview Avenue and Cedar Avenue
as designated MPTW's. Originally the entire length of Dodd Blvd. was identified as a
county trailway until Lakeville recommended changing the county designation to
Highview Avenue several years ago. It was the opinion of committee members that
the current designation of Highview Avenue may not be the most feasible. It is felt
. that as development occurs, trailways will be provided by developers along Highview
Avenue. Dodd Blvd. is becoming a major transportation route in Lakeville and is less
likely to have developer-driven urbanization until much later and may therefore be a
more appropriate location for acounty-designated trailway.
94.37 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to City Council that
the Comprehensive Trail System Plan be amended to indicate Dodd Blvd. as an
MPTW and request that Dakota County remove Highview Avenue between Dodd
Blvd. and Highway 50 as a designated county trail and redesignate Dodd Blvd. as a
Dakota County trail
Motion passed.
ITEM #9. Discuss potential sale of City property adjoining Quigley-Sime
Prior to the meeting committee members had spent some time viewing the property to
get a better perspective of its relationship to the park. Committee members were
asked if they had any ideas for potential future uses of the property or any reasons why
they felt the property should remain City-owned. Committee members felt that the
separation of the property by a large ditch from the main body of the park would
• restrict its usefulness and that it also- may be a maintenance problem for the same
reason. Messinger suggested that if there were a sale, a stipulation in the agreement
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• could be made to prevent any structure from being built. Staff stated that the zoning
ordinance and setbacks would determine the property's use. Committee member Lulf
stated that the property would be most useful if it was back on the tax rolls.
Committee member Illa stated that if both lots could be sold, it would be more
.reasonable, .because the remaining lot would not be beneficial without the other.
ITEM #10. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee recommendation to
City Council to establish a Snowmobile Trail System Review Task Force.
Committee discussed the establishment of a Snowmobile Trail System Review Task
Force. This issue was raised as a result of last winter's concerns about close proximity
of major trail corridors and urbanizing parts of Lakeville. Meetings have been
previously held with Larry Lulf, Bob Erickson and Steve Michaud to discuss the make-
up and charge of the task force. Larry Lulf has volunteered to chair the task force.
Larry also met with Lakeville Engineering Dept. staff and developed a comprehensive
snowmobile trail map which shows existing trails and all existing and proposed
development areas. It is expected the committee will analyze existing trails and work
with property owners and developers to investigate alternatives for snowmobile
corridors which can be used on a long-term basis. After this comprehensive review,
. the task force will report back to Council with its findings. The task force should also
review existing snowmobile ordinances.
94.38 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to City
Council the establishment of a Snowmobile Trail System Review Task Force, the
purpose of which will be to review existing snowmobile trails and ordinances. It was
further recommended that City Council authorize staff to contact appropriate
community members to serve as outlined in the attached memo from the Parks and
Recreation Director dated April 21, 1994.
Motion passed.
ITEM #11. Review Lakeville Court Apartments PUD and make parks and
trails dedication recommendation to City Council.
The proposed development involves the construction of a 52-unit apartment complex
on the east side of Dodd Blvd., south of County Road 50. The plat includes a total of
2.66 acres of open space; a .tot lot is proposed to be located in the middle of the
development.. Because Dodd Blvd. is identified as an MPTW, the developer would be
required to escrow funds for the installation of an MPTW at the time Dodd Blvd. is
urbanized. The closest park facility to this project is Jaycee Park, located east
• approximately 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile. There is no trail or sidewalk system leading to this
site. Previously platted high density projects such as SouthFork Village and Johnson's
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Lakevillage Apartments were required to pay cash contributions for both park and trail
dedication requirements, plus provide land and a playground. Credits were given to
both projects for the purchase of a playground unit.
94.39 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Grenz, to recommend to City Council
that a cash contribution be accepted to satisfy both the park and trail dedication
requirements for Lakeville Court Apartments PUD. It is further recommended that a
$10,000 credit be given to the developer towards the purchase of a new playground,
the design, style and manufacturer to be approved by the Parks and Recreation
Director. The developer will be required to install the playground in accordance with
City standards. It is further recommended that the developer be required to escrow
funds for installation of an MPTW at the time Dodd Blvd. is urbanized.
Motion passed.
ITEM #12. Review Golden Pond 1st Addition final plat and make. parks and
trail dedication recommendation to City Council.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee had reviewed this plat at a previous
meeting. Some revisions were subsequently made to the plat and it was approved by
• City Council at their September 19, 1994 meeting. With the addition of a trail
connection on the south end of the plat, two 20-foot wide trail accesses will now be
provided. The developer will be required to construct aneight-foot trail access
between the existing cul-de-sac and 210th Street as part of road construction during
that phase of development. The developer will be given credit for the construction of
the trails..
94.40 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Lulf, to recommend to City Council that
a cash contribution be accepted to satisfy the park and trail dedication requirements
for Golden Pond 1st Addition; that the developer be required to escrow funds for
future trail construction along Dodd Blvd. and 210th Street; the dedication of two trail
access easements, one located at Honeycomb Court and one located between Lots 7
and 8, Block 6; and that the developer be required to construct aneight-foot trail along
the trail access from the proposed cul-de-sac to 210th Street as part of road
construction. It is further recommended that the developer be given credits for
construction of that trail.
Motion passed.
At this time Park Director Steve Michaud left the meeting for a family commitment
• and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee proceeded with Item #6.
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ITEM #6. Discuss concept plans for Ritter Farm Park master plan update.
It was the general consensus of committee members that with a few exceptions,
Alternative #3: Multiple Use concept plan, seemed to best meet the goals of the
mission statement Several areas were discussed:
Snowmobile trails. Committee member Lulf commented that this is a very important
trail connection from the north and the west, as most traffic, with the exception of
Valley Park, comes from the Prior Lake, St. Patrick, Elko and New Market areas. The
owners of the nearby gravel pit have been reluctant to allow a trail to cross their
property. New laws have been passed which will relieve landowners from liabilities
from trails on their property. This may make it easier to acquire trail easements from
landowners. Messinger stated that snowmobiles in Ritter have not been a problem to
this point. She would like to allow them to continue to use the trails unless their use
becomes incompatible with other uses. Lulf stated that the designated snowmobile
trail is very close to the boundary and should not be a problem for any other park
Mountain biking: Committee member Messinger stated that she does not feel that
• mountain biking is compatible on the same trails with hiking or equestrian uses. Illa
mentioned that the terrain each requires would not be the same which would call for
separate trails for each use. Certain trails could have seasonal use, which would make
them dual purpose. It was suggested that a trial attempt could be made to see if the
sport of mountain biking could be self-monitored at the park. Some standards would
need to be set for maximum tolerable levels of use or damage.
Camping: Currently, only scouting groups are allowed to camp in the park.
Committee members felt this was a good policy and should be continued.
Facilities: As part of the bond referendum, an open air shelter is planned to be added
to the park. Alternative #3 calls for an additional ELC. Committee members felt that
an expansion to the existing ELC would be a better use of funds than another separate
building, but did not wish to rule this out for future use. It was suggested that the plan
call for a future ELC and/or expansion of the current ELC. A fishing pier, which could
also be used as a nature viewing area, was suggested for the Lake Marion side of the
park. Available water on the outside of the building and a drinking fountain .near the
parking lot were also suggested to accommodate campers and hikers. Committee
members wished to stress the preservation of unique features such as the cistern
• building and the importance of environmental education programs. The development
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. of self-guided tours, including displays and maps along the trails, was felt to be an
important feature.
Primary User Groups: It was suggested that "Lakeville area residents" and
"Structured program participants" be added to the list in Barton-Aschman's report.
ITEM #13. Unfinished business.
Staff reported that the hitching posts had been installed along the equestrian trails at
Ritter Farm Park. Committee member Warless-Sobel commented that they are
working well and are appreciated. It was mentioned that the pedestrian underpass on
Dodd Blvd. and Flagstaff Ave,. as well as shoulder paving on Highview, are also
ITEM #14. New business.
There was no new business at this time.
ITEM #15. Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for
• October 5, 1994
ITEM #16. Adjournment.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
d' A. Ryan, Rec ding Secretary
Kevin Illa, Chairperson