HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-18 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMIYIITTEE MINUTES MAY 18, 1994 The annual ppark tour. left from City Hall at 5:30 PM with a total of 16 Councilmembers, sta~ ff and members o~ f various advisory committees attendin Sites whit-h were visited included Lake Yiew Elementary School fields, ~keville Civic Arena construction project, Highway SO trail lighting project, Bracketts Park, Oak Shores Park tennis and basketball court renovation, Hypointe Crossing Park, and Qui ley-Sime Athletic Complex. Refreshments were served to the group following the tour. ITEM 1. - Call to order. The regular meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman Illa. ITEM 2. -Roll call. Present were H. Lovelace, C. Winless-Sobel, L. Lulf, P. Messing-er, K. Illa, G. Grenz and A. Raymond. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ryan. ITEM 3. -Minutes of Mayy 4 1994. The minutes of the May 4, X994 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed. There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved as printed. • ITEM 4. -Citizen comments. There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda. ITEM 5. -Staff reports. * Staff reported, that the clean-up, seeding and reforestation of Hypointe Crossing Park should be tom leted by the weekend. * Two soccer decks have been taken o~f the schedule at North Park for overseeding. This process takes place annually on a rotating basis to eve the grass on each field a chance to reestablish. * ~he Park Maintenance Dept. has been busy mowing, ap lyin herbicide at various locations, and hauling brush from the Quig~ey-~ime wooded area. * The Summer Recreation Brochure was distributed to the public last week and registrations have been very heavy. The Parks and Recreation Dept. support staff is also assisting the LAA soccer and football clubs by leaving registration forms for fall sports available in the office. Pre arations are being made for the June 9th opening of the beaches. Lifeguards and summer staff have all been hired. * The Senior Center pool room renovation project will be complete when the carpet is installed next week. * The recreation staff is workin with the engineering technician on a base map for the Ritter Farm. ark trail syystem. It was decided that this is the most economical way to accomplish this project. * At their May 16 1994 meeting, the City Council authorized staff to • submit grant applications for grooming and maintenance of the cross country ski trails at Ritter Farm Park and the Lakeville snowmobile trail. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting May 18, 1994 Page -2- * The oak wilt suppression grant, in the amount of $35,000, was also authorized by City Council, as was the extension of hours to 11:00 PM at Aronson Park, and the fencing project around the Jones property adjoining Quigley-Sime Athletic Complex.. * Parks and Recreation Department administrative assistant Marc Holtey has begun his summer seasonal position. He will be helping out with various department assignments as needed. * The initial meeting with Barton-Aschman concerningg the Ritter Farm Park master plan update is scheduled for May 31, I994. A tentative time line is for the first draft to be ready ,for review by June 8th with Parks and Recreation Committee reviewing the document at their June 15th meeting. Staff would like the final draft to go to Council for review in July. * Various tree planting projects have been completed this spring including the p antings at Bracketts Park. The SBA grant trees should also be done very soon. * A bicyclist slightly dama ed his bike but was not injured when he hit a hole in the MPTW at ~riffin Trail and Cedar Avenue. There was no indication of what suddenly caused the settlement to occur, but it was repaired immediately . ITEM 6. -Review and discuss Lynwood North 7th Addition preliminary and final plat and make recommendation to City Council. Lynwood North 7th Addition is a continuation of several pphases of the Lynwood North Plat. It is located on the south side of 1b5th Street at Jaguar Avenue and consists of 52 single family lots. Staff received a call from. a resident of another Lynwood addition who expressed his frustration with the lack of neighborhood parks in the area. Staff ppointed out to the resident the proximity to trails, elementary school }acilities and access to Rolling Oaks Park and Goose Lake Conservation Area. These parks are within the one-half mile service area so no search area has been identified in this plat. _ As the surroundin area develops there is a possibility of park acquisition to the north. ~he property to the east of this plat would not be suitable for park land because of its steep topography and because it is heavily wooded.. Developer installed sidewalks are recommended along Jaguar Avenue from 165th to 167th Street. 94.19 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by,Messinger, to recommend City Council accept a cash contribution to satesfy the Park and Trail dedication requirements for Lynwood North 7th Addition. In addition the developer would be required to construct sidewalks on the north side of 167th Street and the west side of Jaguar Avenue from 165th Street to 167th Street. Motion passed. ITEM 7. -Review and discuss Town and Country 1st Addition preliminary plat and make recommendation to City Council. The preliminary plat of Town and- Country First Addition is located on the • Clinton Zweber farm, south of 175th Street and west of Highview Avenue, and consists of 196 single family homes. • Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting May 18, 1994 Page -3- Staff indicated to the Parks and Recreation Committee on the ppreliminary lat map where the recommended park and trail easements would-be located. ~taff and committee also discussed possibly recommendingg a changge in the designation of the county bike trail from Dodd Blvd. to Highwa 50. Staff will discuss the feasibility of making this change with planning staff. An eight-foot wide bituminous trail exists on the south side of 175th Street. The developer will either be reqqu~ired to construct an 8' wide bituminous trail on the west side of Highview Avenue to tie into this trail, or rovide a cash escrow for future trail construction. It was the opinion o~ committee members that it may take many years for the Dodd Blvd. realignment and im rovement project to occur and provide a trail along the north/south corridor. 94.20 Motion was made by Grenz, seconded by Raymond, to recommend City Council receive Outlot A, a total of 10.13 acres, to satisfy a portion of the park dedication requirements of Town and Country 1st Addition. The balance of .2.54 acres, based on a 10 % land requirement, would be taken as cash, the amount to be negotiated with the developer at a later date. The developer would also be re uired to donate Outlot B as a future access to Cherry View Elementary ~chool and Outlot C as an immediate access to Cherry View • Elementary School. The committee further recommends that the developer be required to pave a .trail from Street D to the existin sidewalk on the east side of the existing parking lot at Cherry View elementary. The trail installation is recommended to occur at the same time as street construction. A cash contribution, less credits for the trail access paving, is recommended to satisfy the trail dedication requirements. Committee also requests the developer consider a trail access through Block 8 between lots 12 and 13, to provide access to future trails along Dodd Blvd. Staff will work with the developer to determine their scope of involvement in the construction of trails in Outlot A. The committee further recommends a cash escrow for a future MPTW along Highview Avenue. Motion passed. ITEM 8 -Park Bond Referendum Task Force update. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee members received a map showing the proposed bond referendum project locations with an informational breakdown of .projects. Staff has been receiving numerous calls from residents asking for more information on the bond referendum projects. People seem to be most excited about potential development of neighborhood parks. Staff has also heard many positive comments about the addition of soccer fields to the park system. A core group of task force members has been actively. working on marketing for the upcoming referendum. A televised town meeting is planned for June 23rd and the Lakeville Life & Times will be the avenue for a public • information campaign. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting • May 18, 1994 Page -4- ITEM 9. -Unfinished business. Committee members received a copy of the April, 1994 Parks and Recreation Department Monthly Report. Staff discussed the potential purchase of property on the south side of 160th Street west of Valley Lake Park. Committee member Grenz.expressed his opinion that the property should have a designated recreational use. Committee member Messinger stated that most people in the Valley Park area would be grateful to have this passive open space area as a buffer from the high density neighborhoods to -the north and the commercial area to the west. Other committee members also felt it would be a great asset. Mobile concessions at the parks .was discussed. The recreation staff had made arrangements with a concessionaire, however, due to some problems the plan did not materialize. Staff will advertise again to try to find someone who would be interested in providing the service. ITEM 10. -New business. Staff informed the committee about the possible sale of some property which had been purchased by the City to provide construction easements during the development of Quigley-Sime complex. The property has served its purpose and the adjoining landowner is interested in adding a strip of property to his back yard. Staff will keep committee informed. ITEM 11. - Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee will be held June 1, 1994, 7:00 PM, at the City Hall Council Chambers. ITEM 12. -Adjournment. The meeting adjourned. at 9:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, ' h A. yan, Recor g Secretary Kevin P. Illa, C air jr