HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARIS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 15, 1993 ITEM 1. -Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Illa. ITEM 2. -Roll call Present were H. Lovelace, K. Illa, P. Messinger and A. Raymond. L. Lulf and G. Grenz were not able to attend. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ryan. ITEM 3. -Minutes of August 18, 1993. The minutes of the August .18, 1993 Parks and. Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed, There were no additions or corrections and the minutes were approved as printed. ITEM 4. -Citizen comments. There were no citizens present for items not on the agenda. ITEM 5. -Staff reports. Staff .reports were postponed until later in the meeting to accommodate those present to discuss mountain biking in Ritter Farm Park. ITEM 8. -Discussion of request to designate mountain bike trails in Ritter Farm Park. Several members of the South Suburban Off Road Riders (SSORR) were present at the meeting. , In the summers of 1989 and 1990 this groupp ran two successful mountain bike races in conjunction with Pan-O-Prog. Staff inspected the course after each race and found minimal damage, even after 400 riders had used the trails. After those races Ritter became a popular place for mountain biking, but for several reasons including safety and maintenance it was decided that mountain biking would not be an allowed use and signage was installed to prevent people from biking in the area. Staff stated that large groups no longer come out to the park, however, there are still some riders who ignore the signage. Staff had discussed the mountain biking trails at Terrace Oaks Park .with Burnsville's Park Director, who stated his dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the trails. Thex have had constant vandalism to the signage, and without signage there is no control or regulation over .where people ride. Their signs are constantl beingg replaced and they continue to attempt to enforce the rules. ~urnsville's Park Director further stated that damage to the .park has been minimal from the mountain bikers. Staff concurs with the fact that mountain bikes do not cause any more problems than horses using the a uestrian trails. It is also felt that SSORR is a dedicated and dependable group of people who are willing to assist the park department in rule enforcement and maintenance issues. Staff stated that with City Council approval he would be willing to try • a pilot program. He suggested putting the policies and program together Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes • September 15, 1993 Page -2- this fall and winter and possibly opening the facility in the spring. Issues that need to be addressed include the importance of designated areas for the sport, being adamant about staying away from any prairie restoration area and being careful not to inhibit or conflict with wild flower growth or environmentally sensitive areas. Hennepin Parks has experienced some problems with the location of their trail in Murphy- Hanrehan Park and will be changing, the course. They stated that the mountain bikes have not been a conflicting use in their park. Staff also stated that the Police Department CSO's and Park Rangers have two mountain bikes budgeted for next year. This would be a great asset in enforcement at the park. Messinger feels that for safety issues, the mountain biking trails should be separate from the hiking trails. Dan Bale had suggested m his proposal that the trails could be shared with hikers but not with equestrians.. Some solutions could be an alternate day use schedule, or use by permit. Staff felt that mountain bikes should be on the same seasonal use guidelines as equestrians, with trails only open May through October, weather permitting. Staff stated that although Ritter is Lakeville's nature preserve, this may not be a conflicting use and there is .not another location that is conducive to mountain biking trails. This has become a popular family • sport and citizens need a place to ride. Committee directed staff to gather information from other areas which have experienced the sport of mountain biking in their parks and to meet with representatives of SSORR to begin to draft policies and enforcement plans to present to City, Council. Chairman Ilia volunteered to assist staff in inspecting possible areas in Ritter that would be approrpiate for mountain biking. ITEM 5. -Staff reports. * Quigley-Sime ballfield complex is nearing completion. Having several days in a row without rain was a real boost to the construction. Now that it has rained the past few days, they have not been able to move to Hypointe Crossingg to begin work there. The playground for Hypointe is scheduled for delivery on September 20th and if the weather improves, the park should be ready for its installation. * Grading in Brackett's Crossing Park is scheduled to start soon. * Staff inspected the fields at the new elementary school on Jacquard. A neighbor had called and thought ,the fields were being installed too close to his backyard. After inspection, staff felt they were well within an acceptable distance and m accordance with approved • plans. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes • September 15, 1993 Page -3- * A grant application is proposed _ to be submitted for funds which are available for Oak Wilt suppppression. Contingent on Council approval of the application, $10,0 would be available to assist residents with costs incurred for vibratory plowing .and trenching to help deter the spread of the disease. A private contractor would complete the work, after inspection and approval by the City Forester. Various methods of grant fund distribution are being considered, including some type of a lottery which would reimburse homeowners for 50% of their costs, up to $500.00. Other equitable methods of allocation will also be explored. Staff is very concerned about the spread of Oak Wilt in the city. The vibratory plow method severs the roots of .the infected trees to prevent the spread of the disease, which is transmitted by grafting of the roots. * Staff is also asking for Council approval of a Dakota Alliance for Prevention (DAP) grant which is being prepared in conjunction with the Police Department. The application is for $2.,000 to be used to provide .drug and alcohol free recreational and educational trips and activities for Lakeville youth in grades 6 through S. ITEM 6. -Discussion of ballfield pla at Jaycee Park. Several years ago residents near ~aycee Park experienced noise and crowds m their back yards with the configuration , of the ballfields, which at that time were located adJ'acent to their rear lot .lines. Because of the complaints, the ballfields were turned so the backstops were on the west side of the park, away from the adjoining neighborhood lot lines. That eliminated the problem of park users going onto private property during ballgames, but has created another .problem of kids hitting balls into the neighbors' backyards. This is not happening during league play, but .appparently by neighborhood youth who are challenging themselves to hit tfie ball as far as possible. "T-Ball Only" signs have been placed on the backstops and the neighbors have been asked to call the park department or police de artment any time they have problems, so the perpetrators can be confponted. The park department continues to receive an occasional coinplaint, however not at the time the problem is occurring : One resident has expressed a real concern as to the frequency of balls being hit into their property. Committee Chair Ilia feels that Jaycee Park is the perfect place for kindergarten through 2nd grade T-ball and the ballfields should not be removed from the park system as a result of the abuse of four or five kids. Other committee members present concurred. ITEM 7. -Discussion of ballfield problems at Meadows Park. The ballfield at Meadows Park was installed about three y, ears ago. A • sign has ,also been placed on the backstop at this park inform people Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes September 15, 1993 Page -4- that the field is for T-ball only. Recently a neighbor called the park department to say there was a problem with dust from the field, and that she thinks the field was installed too close to her house. Another neighbor has talked to the Park Director about balls going into her back yard, where there is a pool and a dog. She was concerned about the safety of children who climb her fence. Neither of these people had .problems with the field during league play, but only at other times with older neighborhood youth. Staff and committee will personally look at both situations., take some measurements and continue the discussion at another time. It was the general consensus of the committee that with the shortage of fields in the park system, .the ballfields should not be eliminated. Possible solutions could include Park Watch, more distinct signage, and calls to the Park Dept. or Police Dept. at the time of the infringement. It was suggested that staff communicate possible solutions to the residents. in writing and ask for their cooperation m trying to resolve the problems. ITEM 9. -Review and make recommendation to City Council on .Country Ponds South 6th Addition final lat. This is a continuation of the ~ountry Ponds South lat and consists of 22 single family lots. The plat is located west of ~agstaff Avenue and south of Dodd Blvd. 175th Street is designated as a minor collector and • will have five foot sidewalks constructed on both sides. 93-31 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Messinger, to recommend City Council approve the Country Ponds South 6th Addition final plat and to accept a cash contribution of $650.00 per lot park fees and $150.00 per lot trail fees to satisfy the park dedication requirements. Motion passed. ITEM 10. -Unfinished business. Committee received the .Parks and Recreation Department August monthly report. Staff reported that the STS crew has finished the fencing at Parkview Park. Anew gate will also be installed at that location. The STS has started working at Valley Lake to prepare the trail for a paving overlay by the Street Department. Other projects staff would like them to complete are painting of the hockey rinks and clearing at Cedar Highlands. Ills mentioned that the Dakota Heights rink may need some grading to make it more level. Ilia mentioned that the signs at the North Park trail have really helped; there have not been any cars parked there durin the soccer games. Staff received a compliment on the promptness o~ the repairs that were done to the Land of Amazement. • Park maintenance staff has been busy pre~aring Ritter, Farm Park for the "Who Done It" Hike which will be held on aturday beginning at 9:00 AM. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes September 15, 1993 Page -5- Committee Chair Illa and Park Director Steve Michaud will meet with Mayor Zaun and City Administrator Bob Erickson on Thursday to discuss the establishment of a bond referendum committee. ITEM 11. -New business. Planning is underway for the annual Haunted Forest. Committee members are invited to volunteer their time for this annual fund raiser which will be held on Saturday, October 23rd. Committee member Raymond asked about the progress on the trail into the Goose Lake Conservation Area. Staff stated that the residents are still reviewing the easement agreements and concept plans. ITEM 12. -Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is scheduled for October 6, 1993, 7:00 PM, at the City Hall Council Chambers. ITEM 10. -Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, J Ryan, Re dmg Secretary Kevin Illa, Chair jr