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APRIL 21, 1993
ITEM 1. -Call to order.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Illa.
ITEM 2. -Roll call.
Present were H. Lovelace, L. Lulf, K. Illa, A. Raymond, P. Messinger, and
G. Grenz. Committee member Larson had a conflict and was unable to attend
the meeting Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording
Secretary Judi Ryan.
ITEM 3. -Minutes of Apri17 1993.
The minutes of the April 7, 993 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
meeting were discussed.
There were no additions or corrections and the. minutes were approved as
ITEM 4. -Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present at the. meeting to discuss items not on the
ITEM S. -Staff reports.
a. Staff informed the committee that the ISTEA grant has been submitted by
• Dakota County for funding assistance with the Highway 50/Ipava Avenue trail
development. Grant award notices are due May 21, 1993.
b. Committee received a copy of the complete report which had been prepared
by Decision Resources concerning all city survey information. There were no
questions from committee members at this time, however they felt the
information included was very interesting.
c. Project update:
Staff told committee that Leo Tutewohl had indicated that he was prepared to
meet with staff but had not called to set up a time. Staff will. make one
final attempt to bring this issue to the table next week.
Staff met with Chuck Jones, owner of the property on the north side of the
Quigley-Sime , athletic field site. Mr. Jones seems to be a willing seller
for a fair price but also indicated his willingness to remain at his present
residence for a few more years.
Installation of the fishing platform by I-35 may be postponed until the STS
crew can be scheduled to do the work. At present a crew is working at
Aronson Park. It may be late summer before this project .can be scheduled.
A contractor is currently working at Aronson Park moving the infield of
Field #1 back. Other projects are also going on at Aronson including. the
final cleanup of the lighting. project repair of the septic system and
completion of a tree pruning project whic~ was started last fall.
• Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes
Apri121, 1993
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The Land of Amazement pplayyground sealing is to take place on Sunday May
2nd, so the playground w71 be closed on Sunday and Monday.. Hopefully the
project will be completed in one day, or the playground will need to be
.closed longer..
Community Cleanup Day will be Saturday April 24th at North Park. Citizens
and groups interested in taking part should contact John Hennen at City Hall
to coordinate cleanup locations.
The Arbor Day celebration is scheduled for May .1st and will also take place
at North Park. The first one hundred persons will be given seedlings which
were received from the DNR. Scouting groups are scheduled to plant at least
another 200 seedlings at Ritter Park and other locations and a neighborhood
groupl is planning on planting 100 seedlings at Cedar Highlands Park, also on
May st.
Caspperson Park top dressing and reseeding project is scheduled this spring
by Friedges Landscaping.
The LAA has purchased several storage .boxes to be placed at each field to
keep bases and. other equippment more convenient. Anchor .bolts will hold each
• box in place on a pre-fab concrete slab. The LAA has also expressed an
interest m bringing electricity to some sites to accomadate pitching
machines. Funding for this will come from the LAA.
ITEM 6. -Final review of 1993 Park Dedication Fund Bud et.
Committee received a revised budget. Staff outlinedg all projects listed
including some not previously listed. Staff reported that the Storm
Drainage Fund will pay .for the drainage detention pond at the Quigley-Sine
property, plus pro-rated site planning costs.
The Community and Economic Development Department has prepared a projected
list of Tats and lots for use in estimating park dedication revenues in
1993. Staff has identified several plats where Iand as opposed to cash will
be required some interest on funds to be added, and annual incremental .park
dedication fee payments from previous developments which will be received.
Staff feels he has taken a conservative approach when projecting revenues
and expressed a desire to have a stronger fund balance.
93.09 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by,Lulf to recommend to City Council
approval of the Proposed 1993 Park Dedication Fund Budget as presented.
Motion passed.
City Administrator Bob Erickson was present to discuss the potential .park
bond referendum and offer his comments to the committee.
• Mr. Erickson listed several issues which need. to be resolved. prior to a park
bond referendum:
• Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes
Apri121, 1993
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1. Northeast park property. In the event Mr. Tutewohl decides not to
sell his property to the city, what would the alternatives be to purchase
a different parcel of land, or to use the $200,00 which was earmarked .for
this land on other projects.
2. If the Tutewohl property is not purchasedi a location on Highview
(outside of MUSA) may be a suitable alternative for a future athletic
3. The next elementary school site should be considered as a joint
school/ park project.
4. The ten acres of ISD 194 property south of McGuire Junior High may be
made available to the City for athletic fields.
5. Development of Quigley-Sime property.
6. Security lighting at all parks, should be discussed for possible park
bond funding. Park safety is very important and a high priority with park
• 7. The ice arena project needs to be finalized.
Mr. Erickson also suggested that the difference in cost between sodding- and
seeding of the fields should be looked into if it would mean that the fields
would be available for use sooner. This would not only help with the field
shortage but would give. people a more positive outlook on a possible
referendum. The possibility of hydroseeding was also suggested as a viable
alternative to making fields available sooner.
Indications are that the ice arena project will become a reality in the near
future. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee has indicated support
for funding a cement floor for the arena through 1994 park dedication fund
revenues. The concrete floor would provide ,the City with a wide variety of
community oriented indoor program opportunities.
ITEM 7. -Discuss May 5 1993 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
meeting to be held at Ritter farm Park.
The next Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting will begin with a
barbecue dinner and a tour or the new Environmental Learning Center at
Ritter Farm Park. Committee decided on a start time of 6:00 FM and what
each member would be responsible to bring.
ITEM 8. -Discuss annual Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee .spring
ppark tour.
It was decided that the annual park tour would take place as part of the
• June 16, 1993 meeting. The DARTS bus will be reserved and the tour will
begin in front of City Hall .at 5:30 PM. Committee members should bring
suggestions to the last meeting in May for where they would like to go on
the tour.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes
Apri121, 1993
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ITEM 9. - Unfinished business.
There was no unfinished business at this time.
ITEM 10. -New business.
Larry Lulf reported that the SnoTrackers appreciation brunch had been held
on Sunday, Apnl 18th with 193 land owners attending.. Comments were :.made
that there had been some improvements after the weekend enforcement program.
Staff informed committee members that Dakota County is considering
establishing a parks advisory committee.
ITEM 11. -Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is
.scheduled for May 5, 1993, and will take place at Ritter Farm Park beginning
at 6:00 FM.
ITEM 12. - Adjourn.
The meeting add ourned at 9:05 PM .
Respectfully submitted,
Jud yan, ec ing Secretary
Kevin Illa, Chair