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APRIL 7, 1993
ITEM 1. -Call to order.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Illa.
ITEM 2. -Roll call.
Present were A. Raymond, L. Lulf, J. Larson, K. Illa, P. Messinger, H.
Lovelace, and G. Grenz. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and
Recording Secretary Judi Ryan.
ITEM 3. -Minutes of March 3 1993.
The minutes of the March 3, 193 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
meeting were discussed. On page 1, second paragraph under staff reports,
trail markings should be improved so the equestrian trails do not conflict
with the archery range.
.The minutes were approved as corrected.
ITEM 4. -Citizen comments.
There were no citizens present at the meeting to discuss items not on the
ITEM 5. -Staff reports.
Staff is attempting to keep negotiations open with Leo Tutewohl in an effort
to acquire 3T acres for the northeast sector park property. Although there
• have been some phone conversations,, the property owner has not been
available to address the proposed acquisition agreement with the City.
A meeting with the Jones family, owners of the property which 'uts into the
Quigley- ime property, will be held on Thursday, ri 8, 199 to discuss
the Crty's potential acquisition of that property and the owners' possible
At their Apri15, 1993 meeting the City Council took the following actions:
? accepted the Tree City ?[JSA designation award;
? authorized submission of ISTEA grant for trail funding associated
with the TH 50 / Ipava Avenue upgrade;
? approved resolutions accepting donations from the Lakeville Lions for
the Puppet Wagon and VFW Post 210 for firearms safety class; .
? authorized Barton-Aschman to proceed with plans .and specifications
for the Quigley-Sime property and Hypointe Crossing Park.
The interior restoration of the Ritter Farm Park duplex lower unit is
complete. Staff is working with two Eagle Scout candidates who will be
doing some landscaping and building of birdhouses and bat houses. At their
April Sth meeting, council members asked about future restoration plans and
possible programs which would be associated with an Environmental Learning
center. Staff is preparing a report which will include a history of master
plan development,, chronology of park development, restoration cost breakdown
and what is envisioned for .the park m the future. Committee will also
• receive a copy of the final report. The recreation department has begun to
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting
• April 7, 1993
Page -2-
plan appropriate nature programming for _all seasons and is very excited
about Ritter Park's potential. The committee decided to tour Ritter Park
and inspect the improvements as part of their first meeting in May.
Item 6 was delayed so both representatives of the Friends of the Playground
could be present for the discussion.
ITEM 7. -Review preliminary 1993 Park Dedication Fund ro'ect list.
The Proposed 1993 Park Dedication Fund includes severalp 192 carry-over
projects including Goose Lake land acquisition, the high school .land
condemnation, Aronson Park safety improvements, Casperson Park turf
establishment and development, and Ritter Farm Park restoration. Some of
these items reflect expenditures committed, but not yet paid. 1993 proposed
new pprojects include Brackett's Townhome Park. project, Quigley-Sime
ballfieIds, Hypointe Crossing Park, annual tree plantings, construction. of
20 picnic .tables, ballfields at the new elementary school, materials for STS
and Tree Trust projects, , master plan development for Quigley-Sime and
Hypointe Crossing, and Quigley-Sime survey.
It is imperative .that the Quiggley-Sime development be started as soon as
possible as seeding needs to be done this .fall in order for the fields to be
playable in .1994. It is also hoped that ground breaking. will occur in June
at the new elementary school site on Jacquard and County Road 64. City and
• school officials are optimistic about working out a joint powers agreement
for construction and maintenance of those fields.
Committee also received a draft of ideas for bond referendum pro ects.
Possible acquisition of the Jones property is included on the list. l~evin
Ilia commented that he would like to see the renovation of the Antlers Park
restrooms as a higher priority. Committee also discussed restroom/shelter
buildings needed in the park system which have been proposed at Valley Lake
Park and Rolling Oaks. Playground upgrades have been listed at four sites.
Staff and committee discussed their long-range goal to develop Juno Trail
into a parkway. Staff expressed the importance of preserving the bluff zone
on the west side of Lake Marion from Casperson Park to the fishing bridge.
ITEM 8 -Change in the Dakota County Comprehensive Trail Plan due to
roadway turnbac-k program.
Several years ago when the Dakota County Comprehensive Trail Plan was
being done, it was felt that improvement of Dodd Blvd. would be in the
distant future. During this time rt was roposed that Highview Ave. be the
designated trail, .paving of which wouldp be paid for by the County at the
time of roadway improvements. With Highview Ave. being turned back to the
city, and paved as a rural section road, the county .trail designation may be
reconsidered. Dakota County has suggested Lakeville consider an alternate
route to be a designated county trail. Staff will further .investigate
available options including leaving Highview Avenue as the designated trail.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting
Apri17, 1993
Page -3-
ITEM 9. -Review preliminary city-wide survey results.
Staff discussed the results of the city-wide, survey which had been
presented to the City Council at their April 5th meeting. Decision
Resources' representative Bill Morris had reported an extremely high
approval rating for both the City Council and city staff. What was
particularly ,noteworthyy was that most communities's approval ratings .have
slipped, while Lakeville's has risen. The Parks and Recreation Department
scored very high and there seemed to be a strong level of support for a bond
referendum. Committee members will be sent a complete .survey evaluation
when it is available.
ITEM 6. -Review Land of Amazement rules and regulations as presented by
Friends of the Playground ggroup.
Andy Kott and Mary Liz Holberg were present to discuss the Land of Amazement
rules which were researched and written by the Friends of the Playground
growp. These rules will be posted on a 4-sided billboard at North Park
which will also display other information concerning the playground.
Committee members felt the rules were well thought out and well writth .
La son asked about the leashing rule and other committee members agreed t at
even though it is not a city ,ordinance, the scenario of large groups of
children warrants mandatory animal leashing rules. Committee members also
suggested changing "smoke free" to "tobacco .free. " The Parks .and Recreation
Dept.. is also drafting a list of general park rules to be posted on all the
• new billboards installed last summer.
93.04 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Rayymond, to .recommend the Land of
Amazement rules and regulations be approved by City Council with the Changes
as discussed. Committee also recommends the Park Director be authorized to
make appropriate changes in rules and regulations as authorized by City
Motion passed.
The Friends of the Playground will be doingg their annual sealing of the
playground on Apri125th so the playground will be closed. for two days.
ITEM 10. -Review orienteering course proposal for Ritter Farm Park.
Eagle Scout candidate Ryan Larson met with Steve Michaud and explained his
idea for a basic orienteering course at Ritter Farm Park. This course could
be used by schools and scouting groups to teach basic compass use. In the
future the course could be expanded to make it more challenging. Mr. Larson
plans to either burn in or attach coordinates onto 2 X 6's and place them
approximately three feet into the ground. The committee unanimously
supported the proposal and felt it fits well with the intended use of the
ITEM 11. -Unfinished business.
There was no unfinished business at this time.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting
Apri17, 1993
Page -4-
ITEM 12. -New business.
Several plats were discussed under new business.
1. Elementary School site -County Road 64 and Jacquard Avenue.
Staff showed the site plan of this property and proposed trail locations.
Committee members were pleased with the trail connections and .the 5'
concrete sidewalk in the front of the school. Four ballfields are shown on
the property and are designed to be used for girls softball. As mentioned
earlier, a point powers agreement is possible for maintenance of these
93.05 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Messinger, to recommend City,Council
approve the site plan for the Lakeville Elementar~yy School that included
sidewalks, 8' bituminous trail connection to the 1VIPTW, and an athletic
facility consisting of four ballfields at the intersection of County Road 64
and Jacquard Avenue.
Motion passed.
2. Brackett's Crossing Preliminary .Plat/PUD Amendment.
Development and Park Dedication requirements for this plat call fora 5'
sidewalk to be built on the west side of Layton Path and Land being donated
to the city for park property. The properties to be donated are Outlot A
and Outlot C. Staff is recommending that the park be developed in 1993.
3.06 Motion was made by Larson, seconded by Grenz, to recommend to City Council
that Outlots A and C be dedicated to the City as part of this plat to
satisfy the park dedication requirements. Park and trail fees to be waived
in lieu of the developer's construction of trails,. sidewalks and park. The
developer will work with the park department in the design and final
construction of the playground and other park amenities and facilities.
Motion passed.
3. Goodview Estates reliminary plat.
This is a small block o~ land near Chapel Hills which consists of 15 lots.
A trail is existing on the west side of Grove trail.
93.07 Motion was made b Raymond, seconded by Lovelace, to recommend to City
Council approval ofyGoodview Estates preliminary plat, and to accept a cash
contribution to satisfy the park and trail dedication requirements.
Motion passed.
4. Homestead Creek East 2nd Addition.
This plat is near Cherry View Elementary School and consists of 31 lots.
93.08 Motion was made b Messinger, seconded byy Lovelace, to recommend to City
Council approval ofyHomestead Creek East Znd Addition, and to accept a cash
contribution to satisfy the park and trail dedication requirements.
Motion passed.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting
Apri17 1993
Staff mentioned that council had authorized the sale of park maps to the
public for $.50 each. This is to help defray the cost of regular updating
and reprinting of the maps.
Community Clean-up Day.will be held on April 24th.
Committee members mentioned the recreation survey which had been sent home
with elementary school children in an attempt to get new program ideas and
appropriate times for offering children's programs. Committee will be given
survey results when they are available.
ITEM 13. -Announcements.
The next meetingg of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee is
scheduled for Apri121, 1993.
ITEM 14. -Adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 9:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
J i ' yan, Reco ing Secretary
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Kevin Illa, Chair