HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-30 CITY OF LAKEVILLE • COUNCIL WORK SESSION SATURDAY, JANUARY 30,1993 The Council Work Session was held at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall. Present: Mayor Zaun, Councilmembers Pat Harvey, Lynette Mulvihill, Wenzel Ruhmann, Betty Sindt; Park and Recreation Committee members Jeff Larson, Kevin Illa, Pat Messinger, Jerry Grenz, Larry Luff. Also present: Robert Erickson,. City Administrator; Dennis Feller, Finance .Director; Steve Michaud, Park and Recreation Director; Joni Hubred, Life & Times; and Jon Berquist, ISD #194 School Board member. 1. Joint City Council/Park and Recreation .Advisory Committee discussion on park acquisition and development needs. Steve Michaud presented an overview of park needs as illustrated in the handouts. Kevin Illa stated that it was extremely important that the City address the priority projects as shown on Exhibit C. Mr. Michaud stated that there was. approximately $500,000 available in Park Dedication Fund. Exhibits. demonstrated the needs and demands to be funded from Park Dedication. Projects of highest priority were the Quigley-Sime ballfield and Hypointe Crossing's neighborhood park. Councilmembers and Advisory Committee members discussed the timing, amount, and structure of a proposed park/bond referendum. Mr. Erickson stated that the 1993 community survey results will provide a good indication concerning the public's attitude towards the referendum. Mr. Erickson offered the following additional comments: ? Churches place a high demand on parks. The question is, "Should churches be required to pay their fair share of park dedication fees or be required to build required facilities based on the size of the .congregation?" ? The City needs to address the issue of non-resident use of parks.. ? Dakota County has no significant regional parks. ? Alignment of Galaxie Avenue with the entrance to Valley Lake needs to be addressed. • The Parks and Recreation Director and Advisory Committee members emphasized the critical need for additional athletic fields in the coming season and the inadequate maintenance of the existing fields at the ISD 194 elementary and junior high schools. School Board Member Jon Bergquist pointed out that the .district simply doesn't have, enough staff to maintain the fields well.. He stated that. the District is doing the best it can to make. sure the buildings are functional and meet state standards. It was generally agreed that a committee .should be established to meet on a regular schedule for the purpose. of coordinating those activities which are of joint interest to both the school district and the City. The committee is to be comprised of the City Administrator, School Superintendent, Mayor, School Board Chairperson, Parks and Recreation Director, Community Education Coordinator, and one member each from the City .Council and the School Board. ? City of Lakeville and the Lakeville school district have had an extremely good cooperative agreement on many different areas such as DARE, use of gyms, ice arena, Pan-O-frog events, and the Strategic Growth Task Force.. In the continuing spirit of cooperation, the City. and school district should work together on development. of joint park/school complexes. Councilmembers and Advisory Committee members reiterated their support for acquisition of a northeast sector park, .assuming an - • appropriate purchase price can be negotiated. Mr. Harvey stated it was important that if a northeast park is to be acquired, that it be accomplished at a reasonable price. He also stated that. the bond issue structure should be a stand-alone method and not blended in conjunction with other existing general obligation bond issues.- Betty Sindt stated that we need to wait for results of the citizen survey in order to get a good bearing on how the public generally perceives the referendum. Duane Zaun stated that the debt service must be structured in a way that is acceptable to the residents who are here now. Z. Transportation plan issues/analysis. At this point, Keith Nelson made a presentation- of the Dakota County and City of Lakeville's five year capital improvement plans. Jim Robinette was. also in attendance. The County Engineer stated the Dakota County Highway Department has indicated an interest in turning back Highview Avenue to the City. The Council agreed, stipulating that Highview Avenue must be paved before turnback is acceptable. Councilmember Harvey • suggested the City pursue the acquisition of a parcel for the community playfield located near Highview as identified in the comprehensive parks plan. • Ipava Avenue should be deleted from the present five-year CIP. However, sewer and water construction from 185th Street to the Lakeville High School should be included in order to accommodate the water treatment plant needs. -Based on comments received from Dakota County, it was recommended that Ipava Avenue from County Road 46 to Highway 50 be classified as a high-density minor arterial rather than a low-density minor arterial as proposed in the draft plan. This would result in a four-lane divided roadway with a right-of-way need of up to 150 feet in width. Mayor Zaun commented that the Council had no problem with Ipava Avenue being classified as a high-density road if it were envisioned as a parkway. Council questioned the statement that appeared in the City Engineer's memo regarding the capital improvement plan.. It referred to an assumption that the Council would not desire to assess street improvements to the mobile home parks, based on previous .Council comments. The Council stated that mobile homes should be specially assessed when there are major improvements to adjoining road systems. Mr. Erickson stated that funding of all the major projects as listed in the Dakota County CIP and the City of Lakeville's ........five-year CIP. is not feasible because of the significant . contribution required on county state aid roads. Examples are: County Road 46, Cedar Avenue, County Road 5, Ipava Avenue, County Road 70, and Pilot Knob. Mr. Erickson went on to state that County Road 46 from Pilot Knob to the east city limits is not the highest priority identified in the County CIP because the final grades are unknown due to the proposed gravel mining. City Engineer identified the need to extend Jacquard Avenue from Lynwood North to County Road 46. The City Administrator stated the Lynwood North neighborhood may not want to see the. extension of Jacquard Avenue because of increased traffic volume. The CIP should be structured in such a manner as to reflect current growth policies. The transportation plan will take into consideration long-term street needs. Only those projects which can be funded in the five year period will be listed in the CIP. The CIP will also be identified as a "DRAFT". Those roads which are questionable in the next five years will be listed as "Unfunded - CIP". Also, those roads that are on the Dakota County CIP program will be removed from the City CIP document. Mr. Erickson stated that the comp plans will be based on the Metropolitan Council population projections rather than the City's original population forecast and the corresponding TAZ's. City Engineer provided an overview of the proposal from Scott. • County to extend County Road 47 to a terminus with County. Road 46 in Lakeville. A lengthy discussion followed with emphasis on the environmental impacts. The Council directed staff to prepare a resolution for consideration at the February 16 meeting which would underscore the City's opposition to this proposed transportation project. The City should not consider acceptance of the County Road 64 turnback because it is important that a county road .from one county be connected to a county road of another county. The following items will be placed on the February 16 agenda for consideration: ? Proposal by SRF to finalize the comprehensive transportation plan ? Proposal by NAC to revise the TAZ 1990-2020 projections 3. Comprehensive Water Plan Update. Keith Nelson provided a status update on the Comprehensive Water Plan which included: ? Lakeville's 7-Year CIP ? Ground water study ? New elevated storage tank site ? Search area for Dakota Heights water treatment site The City Council expressed their opposition to the use of lagoons at the proposed water treatment plant. The Council directed staff to puxsue negotiations for acquisition of property for the proposed water treatment plant in the area of Dodd Boulevard and 185th Street. City Council instructed staff to bring the proposed ground water study by Barr Engineering to the February 16 Council meeting for consideration. The new elevated site will go on the parcel located near the intersection of 165th and Ipava. The tank will be designed in such a manner as to not be obtrusive to the surrounding neighborhoods. It will also be coordinated with the development proposal for the golf course plat. 4. Community Survey The Council reviewed the draft for the 1993 community survey and made several changes and deletions. Eliminated were a question regarding teaching DARE classes and a question dealing with establishment of a permanent trust fund for acquiring, developing and maintaining park facilities. Questions dealing with the Strategic Growth Management Task Force recommendations were rearranged, and a category for "more than five years" was included in the question regarding extension of the moratorium. The recycling section and cable TV section were shortened and revised. Several deletions .were made in the transportation section.. In the demographic section, the question dealing with income levels was revised to include "$75,000 to $100,000" and °Over $100,000." A change in the number of precincts, from three to eight, was also noted, along with a question numbering error. The changes are expected to lower the overall cost of administering the survey, which will begin early in February. 5. Review proposed ordinances and ordinance amendments. Don Gudmundson and the City Administrator presented new ordinances that were prepared by City Attorney Roger Knutson for the Council's review and consideration. All of the ordinances as listed on Roger Knutson's memo will be presented at the February 16 Council Meeting with the following exceptions: ? Ordinance concerning boulevard maintenance will be revised. ? Ordinance concerning sexually-oriented businesses shall - be referred back to Roger Knutson, Dave Licht, Don Gudmundson, and Robert Erickson for further review. ? Ordinance concerning subdivisions will be referred to Planning Commission. A brief. discussion between the Police Chief and City Council followed regarding the enforcement of the snowmobile ordinance. Lynette Mulvihill stated that high school and junior high students should be informed of trail locations and City ordinances regarding snowmobile regulations. 6. Police station remodeling/addition. City Administrator provided a proposed timeline for the design and construction of the addition to the Police Department. City Council. agreed to interview four architectural firms. The facility expansion is to be built with the understanding it would be utilized -as a police station for approximately 8-10 years. At that time, a new police station would be built in a more centralized location of the City. .The old police station could be used for such purposes as record storage,. the inspection department or fire administration. The Council also indicated they preferred to use Bossardt as the construction manager for. the project. • 7. Consider funding activities for the 1993 Community Development Block Grant. Council gave consideration to using the unallocated portion of the 1993 CDBG for a revolving. loan fund for commercial/industrial purposes andJor scattered site housing rehab for low and moderate income families. Councilmembers felt the housing rehab program would meet the objectives of the Strategic Growth Management Task Force and meet the needs of the community as demonstrated by the present waiting- . list. The City Council wants assurance that the HRA will: ? Continue to promote their existing program to the same extent as is currently provided. ? Agree to administer the City program. ? Look at the use of .contractors to make sure they are reputable and are based within the community. 8. Update regarding Strategic Growth Management Workplan/ Recommendations. The City Administrator provided a status update on the study being prepared by NAC. Mayor Zaun asked staff- to consider .incorporating the City's CIP plans with the recommendations from the study. Council discussed a variety of issues and factors which could lend credence to extending the current moratorium.