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December 11, 1997
The December 11, 1997 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Rieb at
6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken:
Present:.. Bellows, Miller, Kot, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff.
Absent: Wanner, Alternate Commission Member Luick.
Also present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community and Economic
Development Director; Daryl Morey, City Planner; Frank Dempsey, Associate
Planner; Tim Hanson, Assistant City Engineer; Roger Knutson, City Attorney;
and Donna Quintus, Recording Secretary.
The minutes of the November 20, 1997 Planning Commission Meeting were approved as
Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota requested the December
11, 1997 Planning Commission Agenda be amended to add under NEw BUSINESS: Set January
1998 Planning Commission Meeting Dates.
ITEM 5: PUBLIC HEARING: Ryt-Way Distributing: Variance
Chair Rieb opened the public hearing for consideration of the application of Ryt-Way
Industries for a building. setback variance from the front property line on land located at 7870 -
215th Street West. City Attorney Roger Knutson attested that the legal notice had been mailed
and published as required by state statute.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented an overview of the request from Ryt-Way
Industries fora variance to allow for the expansion of an existing non-conforming building
located in the southeast quadrant of County Road 70 and Hanover Avenue. Planner Dempsey
indicated that the 2.6-acre.. metes and bounds parcel is zoned 1-2, General Industrial District
which requires a 40-foot front yard setback. The existing building was constructed in 1974
and is located 38.5 feet from the front property line (215th Street). The variance is far the
existing building's non-conforming front yard setback. The proposed building addition will
meet the setback requirements to all property lines.
Associate Planner Dempsey noted that the subject property includes an existing 20,400 square
foot industrial building. The proposed project includes a 17,780 square foot expansion of the
building to the south and an expansion of the parking lot area to the south.
Associate Planner Dempsey. indicated that the proposed addition requires a total. of 80 parking
spaces. A total of 47 spaces are proposed on the site plan. Ryt-Way Industries is proposing to
defer 33 parking spaces at this time. Staff has reviewed this request and will administratively
approve a parking deferment subject to the City Council's approval of the variance.
Associate Planner Dempsey discussed the ro osed landsca a treatment whi
p p p ch mcludes
screening of the loading berths from public right-of--way as required in the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Jack Matasosky, Appro Development, Inc. and representative for Ryt-Way Industries, stated
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
December 11, 1997
Page 2
that nursery grown spruce trees will be planted in place of the relocated trees as shown on the
landscape plan.
Community. and Economic Development staff recommended approval of the requested
variance subject to six stipulations. Mr. Matasosky indicated the developer is in agreement to
the stipulations recommended by staff.
There were no comments from the public.
97.162 MOTION by Wulff, Second by Kot to close the public hearing.
- Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Miller, Kot, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff.
Nays: 0.
97.163 MOTION by Amborn, Second by Wulff to recommend to City Council approval of the
application of Ryt-Way Industries for a building setback variance from the front property line
on land located at 7870 - 215th Street subject to the six stipulations as listed in the Planning
Report dated December 5, 1997 and approval of the Findings of Fact dated December 11,
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Kot, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff, Miller.
Nays: Q.
• ITEM 6: PUBLIC HEARING: Dodd .Valley Estates_Preliminary Plat
Chair Rieb opened the public hearing for consideration of the application of North Suburban
Development, Inc. for the Dodd Valley Estates preliminary plat. City Attorney Roger Knutson
attested that the legal notice had been mailed and published as required by state statute.
Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota outlined the purpose of the
hearing for the benefit of those in attendance.
.City Planner Daryl Morey presented a detailed. review of the application from North Suburban
Development, Inc. for the preliminary plat of Dodd Valley Estates which consists of 57 single
family lots and two outlots on a 51.45-acre parcel of land located on the south side. of Dodd
Boulevard between Flagstaff Avenue and Pilot Knob Road. Current zoning of the subject
property is R-2, Single Family Residential District and the development of Dodd Valley Estates
for single family homes is consistent with the low density residential development as
designated on the land use map in the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan.
City Planner Morey noted. the Dodd Valley Estates preliminary plat details including the
D Lot Configuration and Street Layout: All lot widths will be required to meet minimum
Zoning Ordinance standards as part of the final plat.
D Outlots: Outlot A is a remnant parcel which will likely be developed as single family lots
• when the property to the east is developed. Outlot B, located in the southeasterly portion
of the plat, identifies a conceptual lot layout and street design for future residential
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
December 11, 1997
Page 3
• Berming/Landscaping: The plat proposes the required additional 20-foot buffer yard for
lots abutting Dodd Boulevard, for the purpose of installing a berm/landscape screen.
Subdivision Identification Signs: None ire proposed.
Existing House and Outbuildings: A house and five outbuildings located within the. plat
boundaries will be removed and any existing well and septic systems will be abandoned in
compliance with State and County regulations.
~ Grading, Drainage, Erosion Control and Utilities: The Engineer's Report dated December
5, 1997 provides a detailed review of the utilities, drainage and grading, and erosion
control plans. The Environmental Affairs Committee reviewed the grading, drainage, and
erosion control plans for Dodd Valley Estates at their meeting on December 9, 1997 and
recommended approval
~ Park and Trail Dedication: At their December 3, 1997 meeting, the Parks and Recreation
.Committee recommended acash-contribution to satisfy the park and trail dedication
requirements for Dodd Valley Estates. In addition, the developer will be required to
construct afive-foot wide concrete sidewalk on the west side of proposed Fairgreen
City Planner Morey indicated that the developer hosted a neighborhood meeting for the
proposed Dodd Valley Estates development on November 25, 1997 at Fire Station No. 2
Approximately 20 residents. were. in attendance. The residents expressed concerns regarding
current traffic volumes on Fairgreen Avenue between. Dodd Boulevard and 160th Street. The
residents stated their belief that;the proposed extension of Fairgreen Avenue in the Dodd
Valley Estates development would increase traffic through their neighborhood.
City Planner Morey stated that as a result of the: concerns raised by the neighborhood
regarding increased traffic volumes along their residential street, the City .recently placed traffic
counters in the area and conducted a traffic study of the Fairgreen Avenue roadway segment
between. Dodd Boulevard and 160th Street. In addition, Mr. Morey indicated that on
December 15, 1997 the City Council will be reviewing a proposal to place stop signs on Dodd
Boulevard at Flagstaff Avenue. The Council will likely approve the request which will improve
neighborhood traffic movement.
Assistant City Engineer Tim Hansan indicated that existing Fairgreen Avenue. is constructed to
a 42-foot width. and is identified as a minor collector road in the City's Comprehensive
Transportation Plan. Proposed Fairgreen Avenue will be constructed to the same standards as
the existing Fairgreen Avenue to the north of Dodd Boulevard. City Engineer Hanson
discussed the results of the traffic study, noting that approximately 480 trips per day along this
roadway segment were counted just south of County. Road 4b. Compared to other
neighborhood collector. streets such as Foliage Avenue (approximately 2,000 trips per day) and
Flagstaff Avenue (approximately 3,700 - 4,000 trips per day) the traffic counts for Fairgreen
Avenue are very low. Mr. Hanson indicated that the proposed Dodd Valley Estates
development should not notably increase traffic counts along Fairgreen Avenue to 160th
City Planner Daryl Morey responded to other concerns raised at the neighborhood meeting as
listed in his memorandum dated November 26, 1997.. Most of the these issues raised by the
residents were related to truck traffic, water quality, water pressure, snow removal, and public
hearing notification procedures.
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
December 11, 1997
Page 4
City Planner Morey noted that the Dodd Valley Estates preliminary plat has been reviewed by
• City Engineering Department staff, the Dakota County Plat Commission, and the
Environmental Affairs and Parks and Recreation Committees. These organizations have
indicated their recommendations for approval of the preliminary plat.
Bruce Kerber, General Manager of North Suburban Development, Inc., and Ken Gust, project
engineer, were present and responded to questions from the Commission. Mr. Kerber and Mr.
Gust stated they are in agreement with the stipulations for approval as recommended by staff.
Chair Rieb opened the hearing for public input.
Todd Bishop, 1.6343 Fairgreen Avenue, presented a petition signed by neighborhood residents
which states that the residents' request that the street access to the proposed Dodd Valley
Estates development be moved from Fairgreen Avenue to Farcry Way to discourage additional
traffic through their residential area. Mr. Bishop indicated that the residents that signed the
petition believe that added traffic volumes will become a safety issue for the children that live
between Dodd Boulevard and 160th Street on Fairgreen Avenue. Mr. Bishop suggested that a
second access for the proposed development would provide an alternate outlet for the future
residents and would also serve to alleviate potential traffic volumes on Fairgreen Avenue.
Mr. Ervin Rechtzigel identified himself as the property owner of the land for the proposed
: subdivision and that he also owns the land to the east of the subject property. Mr. Rechtzigel
noted thata high voltage power line recently installed had been placed contiguous to his
property along Dodd Boulevard .instead of next to the existing residential.neighborhood on the
north side of Dodd Boulevard. He stated this was abenefit-to the existing residents.
Kyle Gillett, 16289 Fairgreen Avenue, asked if it was feasible to requestthat Dakota County
lower the speed limit on Dodd Boulevard to 40 miles per hour. City Engineer Tim Hanson
responded that speed limits are set by the State Department of Transportation and that a study
of the roadway design, sight distances, existing traffic and other criteria would probably not
warrant a reduced speed limit for Dodd Boulevard. Mr. Hanson stated that in some instances
speed limits have actually been raised when studies are conducted.
Ms. Brenda Moeller, 3633 West 147th Street, Rosemount, MN, stated that she was
representing her mother, Ms. Mary Elias, who owns the property contiguous to the west of the
proposed development site. Ms. Moeller indicated that her mother is open to negotiations for
consideration. of a land swap to accommodate a second access to the proposed Dodd Valley
Estates development that would align with Finesse Avenue on the north side of Dodd
Boulevard. Ms. Moeller suggested that a redesign of the street layout could better
accommodate the proposed development as well as future development of the Elias property.
Several street access options to the Dodd Valley Estates development were discussed. Staff
indicated that negotiation of a land swap between North Suburban Development, Inc. and Ms.
Elias would need to be concluded at this time to accommodate the timetable of the developer.
In the absence of such an agreement at this time, staff recommends that the second access
point be located at an alignment with Farcry Avenue.
City Administrator Robert Erickson informed the residents in attendance that City staff is
committed to addressing the neighborhood's concerns regarding traffic volumes on Fairgreen
Avenue and safety issues at the Fairgreen Avenue/Dodd Boulevard intersection.
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
December 11, 1997
Page 5
Chair Rieb called fora 15 minute recess to allow staff to discuss street realignment and access
options for the Dodd Valley Estates development with the developer and residents. Chair Rieb
reconvened the public hearing at 8:00 p.m.
Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota indicated that staff had
reached a consensus and a tentative agreement with the developer based on the concerns and
issues raised by the residents and Ms. Elias. Staff recommends the addition of a second access
at Farcry Way and a reconfiguration of lots which involves a land trade between the developer
and. Mr. Rechtzigel. Mr. Rechtzigel stated he was in agreement to the land trade involving a
small piece of his adjacent property to the east.
There were no further comments from the public.
The Planning Commission discussed staff's recommendation. and agreed to the following
modifications of the Dodd Valley Estates preliminary plat:
1) Farcry Way be added as a second street access at Dodd Boulevard; and
2) The configuration of Lot 1, Block b be changed to be more rectangular shaped.
Mr. Kerber stated his agreement to the recommended preliminary plat modifications.
97.164 MOTION by Cecchini, Second by Amborn to close the public hearing.
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff, Miller,-Kot.
Nays: 0.
97.165 MOTION by Miller, Second by Kot to recommend to City Council approval of the Dodd Valley
Estates preliminary plat subject to he 1 1 stipulations as listed in the Planning Report dated
December 5, 1997 and subject to a revised preliminary plat that includes the modifications as
i sted above.
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff, Miller, Kot, Rieb.
Nays: 0,
Set January 1998 Planning Commission Meeting Dates
Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota requested the Planning
Commission's consideration to reschedule the January 1998 regular Planning Commission
Meeting dates to coincide with other City advisory committee meetings.
97.166 MOTION by Miller, Second by Cecchini to reschedule the regular Planning Commission
meetings for January 1998 to Thursday, January 8th and Thursday, January 22nd to be in
synch with the Environmental Affairs and Parks and Recreation Advisory Committees.
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Cecchini, Wulff, Miller, Kot, Rieb, Amborn.
Nays; 0.
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
December 11, 1997
Page 6
Property Value Depreciation: Conditional Use Permit/Variance/Rezoning Criteria
Community & Economic Development Director Michael Sobota indicated that at the request of
the Planning Commission, staff had directed City Attorney Roger Knutson to prepare a legal
opinion related to the City's current use of property value depreciation as a criteria for
reviewing conditional use permit, rezoning, and variance requests.
.City Attorney Knutson stated that the City's Zoning Ordinance lists depreciation of surrounding
property values as one of the criteria for denial of an application for rezonings, conditional use
permits, and variances. State statute does not expressly prohibit property value depreciation as
a basis for denial, however, to have this as a consideration in reviewing land use applications
misleads residents to the belief that a simple statement or written statement from a realtor is
sufficient evidence that a specific land use will devalue abutting properties. City Attorney
Knutson indicated that proving a depreciation of property values is very difficult and cited
several examples recently rejected by Minnesota courts.
Commissioner Cecchini expressed concern that to remove this criteria would prevent the City
from using property devaluation as a reason .for denial of certain land uses that they feel would
be detrimental to surrounding properties. Commissioner Cecchini also stated his belief that
elimination of this criteria also takes away a resident's right to express their beliefs that
property values may be adversely affected.
City Attorney Knutson stated that even without the specific mention of property values in the
ordinance, the City could still deny an application if the City determines that reliable proof. is
produced that values would decline.
The majority of the Planning Commission. indicated agreement that the City. should. consider
eliminating depreciation of surrounding property values as a listed criteria when considering
certain land use applications.
97.167 MOTION by Miller, Second by Amborn to direct staff to prepare a draft Zoning Ordinance
amendment eliminating the property value depreciation criteria from the required findings for
considering rezoning, variance, and conditional use permit requests and to schedule a public
hearing for January 8, 1998 for consideration of said ordinance amendment.
Rolf caN vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Wulff, Miller, Kot, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini.
Nays: 0.
The next Planning Commission Meeting will be held at 6:OO p.m. on Thursday, January 8,
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Resp ully submitte ,
onna Quintus, Reco ing Secretary
Laurie Rieb, Chair
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