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November 6, 1997
The November 6, 1997 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Rieb at
6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council .Chambers.
Roll call of members was taken:
Present: Bellows, Miller, Kot, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff.
Absent: Alternate Commission Member Luick.
Also present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community and
Economic Development Director; Daryl Morey, City Planner; Frank
Dempsey, Associate Planner; Tim Hanson, Assistant City Engineer; jim
Walston, Assistant City Attorney; and Donna Quintus, Recording Secretary.
£ommissioner Wulff requested that Page 7, paragraph 3 of the October 16, 1997 Planning
Commission Meeting minutes be amended by replacing "commissioner Wulff
suggested..." with "The Commission concurred..."
The minutes of the October 16, 1997 Planning Commission Meeting were approved as
Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota indicated that Lowell
Lundstrom Ministries has withdrawn their application fora comprehensive guide plan
amendment, rezoning, conditional. use permit, and variance for the proposed .Celebration
Addition project located at 16655 Kenyon Avenue. The public hearing scheduled"for this
evening will entail discussion of the Celebration Addition preliminary and final plat only.
Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston requested the November 6, 199.7 Planning
Commission Agenda be amended by addition 1O.A. City Legal Counsel Change
ITEM 5: PUBLIC HEARING: Todd Arens: Conditional Use Permit
Chair Rieb opened the public hearing for consideration of the application of Todd Arens
for a conditional use permit (CUP). to allow the construction of an addition onto an existing
non-conforming single family dwelling located at 12227 -1 75th Street West.. Assistant City
Attorney Jim Walston attested that the legal notice had been duly mailed and published as
required by state statute.
Commissioner Cecchini excused himself from the dais and discussion of this application
because of his ownership of property in close proximity to that of the subject property.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented an overview of the request from Todd and
Linda Arens for a conditional. use permit to allow the expansion of their existing non-
conforming single family home at 12227 -175th Street West located an the south shore of
'Orchard Lake. The Arens' are proposing to construct atwo-story addition onto the front of
• their existing house. The proposed addition consists of a ground level two-stall garage, a
330-square-foot living area expansion, a 342-square-foot basement area, and a 900-square-
footupper level living area. The subject property is zoned R-2, Single Family Residential
and lies within the Shoreland Overlay District of Orchard Lake.
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 6, 1997
Page 2
Associate Planner Dempsey reminded the Planning Commission of their informal
discussion of the Arens' proposal held on August 7, 1997 at which time Mr. Arens
presented a survey of his property and discussed alternatives for his home expansion. Mr.
Dempsey explained that the survey was later found to be inaccurate. Since that time Mr.
Arens obtained a corrected survey of his property which indicates that a variance is not
required as originally thought because the addition meets the required 75-foot setback
from the Ordinary High Water Level of Orchard Lake.
Planner Dempsey stated that an existing detached shed on the west side of the property is
proposed to be removed following completion of the building addition. Further, the non-
conforming gravel driveway wild be paved as one of the proposed conditions of the permit.
Community and Economic Development Department staff is recommending approval of
the conditional permit application requested by Mr. Arens subject to the seven conditions
listed in the Planning Report.
The City Engineering Department and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
(DNR) have reviewed Mr. Arens' Conditional Use Permit application and have not
identified any issues with this request.
Mr. Arenswas present in the:audience and stated he is in agreement to the conditions
recommended by staff.
There was no public comment.
97.140 MOTION by Wanner, Second by Wulff to close the public hearing.
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Mi11er,.Kot, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Wulff.
..Nays: 0.
Abstain:.. Cecchini.
97.141 MOTION by Amborn, Second by Miller to recommend to City. Council approval of the
application of Todd Arens for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of an
addition onto an existing non-conforming single family dwelling located at 12227 -175th
Street, legally described as Lot 12 and the East Half of Lot 11, Block 4, Lyndale Lakes Club
2nd Addition, subject to the seven conditions listed in the Planning Report dated October
31, 1997 and approval of the Findings of Fact dated November 6, 1997.
Roll call vote was called on he motion.
.Ayes: Kot, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Wulff, Miller.
Nays: 0.
Abstain: Cecchini.
ITEM 6: PUBLIC HEARING: Park View Preliminary and Final Plat
Chair Rieb opened the public hearing for consideration of the application of Robert C.
Lubovich for the preliminary and final plat of three single family residential lots to be
known as Park View on land located on the west side of Ipava Avenue, south of 170th
Street West. Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston attested that the legal notice had been
mailed and published as required by state statute.
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 6, 1997
Page 3
• City Planner Daryl Morey presented an overview of the Robert Lubovich application for the
Park View preliminary and final plat. The plat consists of a 3.0-acre parcel located on the
west side of Ipava Avenue, north of Stonebriar Addition and south of Lynwood North 3rd-
Addition, proposed to be subdivided into three single family residential lots. There is an
existing single family home that wild remain. on proposed Lot 3, Block 1, Park View. Mr.
Morey stated that Mr. Lubovich .has agreed to remove the existing storage building and the
overhead power line serving the storage building as a part of the Park View development.
An existing private well will also be capped in compliance with state and local
City Planner Morey indicated that the driveway access for the existing house, currently
located off of Ipava Avenue, will be relocated to the proposed Isanti Court as shown on the
Park View plat.
City Planner Morey noted that the Park View development meets the minimum
requirements for the R
2, Single Family Residential District.. Community and Economic
Development staff recommends approval subject to the conditions listed in the Planning
Report. The Environmental Affairs Committee and Parks and Recreation Committee have
reviewed the Park View plat and have recommended approval
Mr. Lubovich was present and indicated his agreement to the conditions for approval
.recommended by City staff.
• Chair-Rieb opened the Public Hearing for. public comment.
-Mr. Tom Traub, 9590 -170th Street West, requested additional information regarding
structure setback requirementsfrom property lines in the R-2 District. Staff responded.
Mr. Dave Tabaka, 10264 -1 73rd,Street West, indicated he was representing the interests of
the Margaret Tabaka estate, owner of the property located at 17081. Ipava Avenue, which is
contiguous to the south boundary of Mr. Lubovich's property. Mr. Tabaka questioned
whether the .proposed lay out of the Park View development would adversely impact the
potential for development of the Tabaka property. He expressed his concern that possible
future redevelopment of the Park View development could result in an access issue for the
Tabaka property in the future.
Planner Morey responded that redevelopment of the Park View plat is unlikely because
further subdivision would not meet. current minimum lot and access requirements for
residential development. Further, when the Tabaka property is proposed for development
the applicant will be responsible for showing how access will be gained to the Tabaka
Mr. Doug Hrdlichka, 9617 171st Street, expressed concern for the integrity of the existing
pond and the surrounding residents' hope that the pond would remain in its current
natural state. Mr. Hrdlichka asked if the Park View development would be subject to the
private covenants of the Lynwood and Stonebriar Additions.
Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston indicated that the pond/wetland area is within a public
easement and no structures are allowed within the easement. Walston further noted that
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 6, 1997
Page 4
• the private covenants of the Lynwood and Stonebriar Additions do not apply to the Park
View development.
There were no further comments from the audience.
97.142 MOTION by Wulff, Second by Cecchini to close the public hearing.
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Wanner, Reb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff, Miller, Kot.
Nays: 0.
Commissioner Amborn requested clarification as to who is responsible for the removal of
unsightly trees/debris currently existing on the property. Planner Morey responded that
removal of debris is the responsibility of the property owner.
Commissioner Wulff noted that the configuration of praposed Lot 2, Block 1, Park View is
r?ot as deep as the other two lots. Ms. Wulff suggested that the City may vvant to ensure
that a future owner of the. property would be aware of the shallow lot depth and that the
proposed house should_be placed on the lot to accommodate a future deck or room
addition without encroaching into the required rear. yard setback.
The Commission agreed to .add StiPUU~noN No. 7. NThe house plan for .Lot 2, Block 1,
Park View shall identify a future deck or house addition that does not encroach within
the 30-foot rear yard setback."
97.143 -MonoN by Wulff, Second-by Amborn to recommend to City Council approval of the
application of Robert C. Lubovich for the preliminary and final plat of three single family
residential lots to be known as Park Vrew on land located on the west side of Ipava
Avenue,-south of 170th Street West subject to the six stipulations listedin the October 31,
1997 Planning Report with the addition of Stipulation No. 7 as stated above and approval
of the Findings of Fact dated November 6, 1997.
Rolf call. vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff, Miller, Kot, Wanner.
Nays: 0.
ITEM -7: PUBLIC HEARING: Timothy and Traci Radtke: Conditional Use Permit
Chair Rieb opened the public hearing for consideration. of the application Timothyand
Traci Radtke for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of an addition onto an
existing non-conforming single family dwelling located at 19713 )ersey Avenue. Assistant
City Attorney )im Walston attested that the legal notices had been duly mailed and
published as required by state statute.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented an overview of Tim and Traci Radtke's
application for a conditional use permit to allow the expansion of their existing home at
19713 )ersey Avenue. The property is zoned R-2, Single Family Residential District and is
located within the Shoreland Overlay District of Lake Marion. The proposed addition
consists of the construction of a vaulted ceiling resulting in an increased height of the
existing roof, construction of a dormer window in the vaulted area, and the construction of
a covered rear entryway facing Lake Marion.
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 6, 1997
Page 5
Associate Planner Dempsey indicated that paving of the existing gravel driveway is
.recommended to be required as a part of the conditional use permit to reduce that non-
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has received a copy of the proposed
plans. Mr. Pat Lynch, DNR Area Hydrologist, has reviewed the plans and offers no
Tim Hanson, Assistant City Engineer, has reviewed the Radtke conditional use permit
application and. has recommended. approval subject to his comments in his memo dated
October 31, 1997.
Mr. Tim Radtke was present to provide additional information and answer questions
regarding his proposal. Mr. Radtke stated his agreement to the conditions recommended
by staff for approval of his permit application.
There were no comments from the public.
97.144 MOTION by Miller, Second by Wanner to close the public hearing.
Roll. call .vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff, Miller, Kot, Wanner, Rieb.
Nays: 0.
97.145 -MorroN by Miller, Second by Amborn to recommend to City Council approval of the
application Timothy and Traci Radtke for a conditional use permit to allow the construction
of an addition onto an existing non-conforming single family dwelling located at 19713
Jersey Avenue, legally described as Lot 17, Block 23, Lenihan's Lots, Antler's Park, subject
to the four stipulations as listed in the October 31, 1997 Planning Report and approval of
the Findings of Fact dated November 6, 1997.
Rolf call vote was called on the. motion.
Ayes: Cecchini, Wulff, Miller, Kot, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn.
Nays: 0.
.Chair Rieb called for aten-minute recess and reconvened the November 6, 1997 Planning
Commission Meeting at 7:05 p.m.
ITEM 8: PUBLIC HEARING: Pulte Homes of Minnesota Corporation:. Orchard Meadows
Chair Rieb opened the public hearing for consideration of the application of Pulte Homes
of Minnesota Corporation for: 1) a Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment; 2)
rezoning; and 3) preliminary plat.. Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston. attested that the
legal notice had been duly mailed and published as required by state statute.
.City Planner Daryl Morey presented an overview of the applications from Pulte Homes
• required for the development of the Orchard Meadows plat as outlined in his Planning
Report dated October 31, 1997.
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 6, 1997
Page 6
City Planner Daryl. Morey indicated that the Orchard Meadows preliminary plat consists
of 73 townhouse lots on a 28.2-acre parcel of land located on land. south of 185th Street
(C.S.A.H. 60) between I-35 and Kenwood Trail. The proposed townhouse design
consists of one-story "club homes" with attached two car garages. The Orchard
Meadows plan proposes eighttwo-unit townhouse buildings and 19 three-unit
.townhouse buildings.
Community and Economic Development staff and Engineering staff provided details of
the proposed Orchard Meadows plat which included the following:
1) development phasing (two phases proposed);
2) building setbacks from property lines and between townhouse units;
3) outlots for common areas, wetland areas, and internal private street;
4) an existing Minnegasco easement;
5) .proposed naming/renaming of streets;
6) proposed subdivision identification monument sign;
7) grading/drainageJutilities;
8) tree preservation;
9) parks and trails {sidewalk along proposed Orchard Trail);
10) tree preservation; and
11) wetland mitigation. plan..
• City Planner Daryl Morey indicated that the developer hosted a neighborhood meeting
on October 23, 1997. The City Administrator, himself, and nine .residents attended the
neighborhood meeting where the developer responded to concerns and questions
regarding the proposed development. Issues raised were projected traffic counts,
proposed street designs and existing street upgrades, sidewalk/trail connections, and
drainage pattern. concerns in the southeast corner of the subject property.
Assistant City Engineer Tim Manson presented an overview of his memorandum dated
October 31, 1.997 regarding site conditions and drainage issues.
City. Planner Morey noted that the Comprehensive land Use Map identifies the subject
property as low density residential. A minor amendment to the comp plan for a
redesignation of land use to low/medium density residential is required to accommodate
the proposed Orchard Meadows townhouse development. The density of the Orchard
Meadows townhouse project is 2.59 units per acre which is comparable to many existing
single family developments within: the City.
City Planner Morey noted that the subject property is currently zoned R-2, Single Family
Residential District. A rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development District would
allow the developer to accommodate the proposed townhouse development by
clustering the townhouse units. Clustering provides an opportunity to preserve the
existing environmental features on the site, including wetlands, significant trees, and
steep slopes. In response to staff concerns, the developer has acquired an additional
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 6, 1997
Page 7
• three-acre parcel of land adjacent to the existing railroad tracks to improve the wetland
preservation and grading design of the property,
Mr. Morey concluded that Community and Economic Development staff recommends
approval of the Orchard Meadows preliminary plat, comprehensive guide plan
amendment, and rezoning subject to the comments of the City Engineer, Dakota County
Soil and Water Conservation District,. and the 19 stipulations as listed in the October 31,
1997 Planning Report.
City Planner Morey indicated that the Environmental Affairs Committee requested. a re-
design of the proposed Wetland Mitigation Plan for the Orchard Meadows project and
deferred action on the plat subjectto the submittal and their review of proposed revisions.
Therefore, Community and Economic Development staff recommends an addition to the
staff recommended 19 stipulations for approval by appending Stipulation No. 20 to read:.
"Subject to approval by the Environmental Affairs Committee of the revised Wetland
Mitigation Plan."
Gary Grant, Vice-President of Pulte Homes, discussed. the details of the townhouse design
and the proposed exterior treatment of the townhomes. Mr. Grant indicated that the
Orchard Meadows plat is geared toward the empty nester and marketed as a community
for active adults. Mr. Grant. stated that the average townhome cost is estimated. at
The Commission requested additional information regarding the following: 1) school
enrollment impacts; 2) wetland delineations and connections within the project and
impacts on drainage outside of the development; 3) on-site snow storage; 4) clarification
of peripheral versus lot line yard setback requirements of the PUD District; 5) enforcement
for the removal of silt. fences. upon .completion of development; and 6) the use of fill in
preparation of house pads. Staff responded.
Ex Officio Member Bellows questioned whether there is a plan to install traffic lights at the
intersection of 185th Street and County Road 50 in the future. City Administrator Erickson
indicated that the City Engineer submitted a formal request. for signalization of this
intersection and would be listed as non-programmed improvements pending meeting
warrants in the Dakota County Highway Department's five-year CIP budget.
Commissioner Wulff questioned the grading plan which indicates grading activities
encroaching onto the adjacent church property and whether the church has any objections
to the grading plan.
Mr. Dennis Griswold, Puite Homes, noted that a formal request will be made to the church
regarding proposed grading activities at the time of final plat. However, if they do not
consent to the plan, grading can be accommodated on the townhouse development site.
Chair Rieb opened the public hearing to receive public comment.
i Mr. David Baudhuin, 18625 Kanabec Trail, indicated he purchased his home in March,
1997. His decision to live in this neighborhood was based on his belief that the subject
property would be developed for single family use. Mr. Baudhuin indicated that the
proposed $1.50,000 townhouse value was not compatible with the values of the existing
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 6, 1997
Page 8
single #amily homes in the area. Mr. Baudhin also stated that the existing railroad track
section is currently inactive and he did not consider this an issue for the project.
Mr. Mel Nordin, 18987 Orchard Trail, expressed concern for current water runoff and the
flooding conditions that occur in the spring and after heavy rainfalls on Orchard Trail at the
southeast corner. of the proposed Orchard Meadows plat.
Assistant City Engineer Tim Hanson. stated he was not aware of current flooding conditions
in this area, but indicated he will review drainage conditions in this area and study what
measures can be taken to alleviate the runoff issues. However, Mr. Hanson stated that the
Orchard Meadows project will not contribute additional flows to current flooding on
Orchard Trail -and could be a contributing factor in alleviating current flooding.
James Walker, 18966 Jordan Trail, expressed his opposition to the Orchard Meadows
townhouse development noting that existing streets cannot accommodate increased traffic.
Mr. Walker also indicated that he has concerns for the ponds/wetlands and drainage. He
expressed his desire for development underthe conditions of the R-2 District to be
compatible with he existing single family neighborhood. Mr. Walker further expressed his
belief that the City of Lakeville already has too many multi-family. residential developments
and questioned whether the townhouse development will have a fiscal. impact on the
residents of Lakeville based on taxes paid by these types of developments. Staff
Diane Walker, 18966 Jordan Trail, expressed her wish for this neighborhood to continue
its single family,residential status. Ms. Walker expressed an understanding that it maybe
appropriate for a twinhome development project to be located along 185th Street because
. _ of its high. use status; however, she was concerned about additional development and its
effect on stormwater runoff and.. increased traffic. Ms. Walker indicated that she felt the
developer should provide two plansfor the City to review: one for the currenty-2_use and
one for the requested PUD District rezoning. Ms. Walker also indicated that she had not
received a notice of the neighborhood meeting. Staff responded.
Rick Thomas, 18694 Kanabec Court, indicated his opposition to the Orchard Meadaws
project and reiterated the concerns previously expressed by the area residents. Mr.
Thomas stated he hadpurchased his home five years ago with the understanding that the
surrounding property wou d be developed as single family residential. Staff responded.
Commissioner Miller questioned the need for providing driveway turnarounds for specific
lots :proposed to access onto Orchard Trail. Staff responded that this could be added as a
condition for approval of the project.
There was no further comments from the audience.
97.146 MoTioN by Cecchini, Second by Amborn to close the public hearing..
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Miller, Kot, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff.
• Nays: 0.
The Commission agreed to a modification to the second sentence in Stipulation No. 10 to
add: "and .driveway turnarounds shall be provided" and the addition of Stipulation No. 20
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 6, 1997
Page 9
to read: "Subject to approval by the Environmental Affairs .Committee of the revised
Wetland Mitigation Plan."
.97:147 MoTIoN by Cecchini, Second by Kot to recommend to City Council approval. of the
applications of Pulte Homes, Inc. for: 1) a Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment to
change the proposed use of property from low density residential to low/medium density
residential; 2) rezoning of property from R-2, Single Family Residential District to PUD,
Planned Unit Development District; and 3) the preliminary plat of 73 townhouse lots to be
known as Orchard Meadows, all on land located south of 185th Street and west of
Kenwood Trail (CSAH 50}, subject to 19 stipulations as listed in the October 31, 1997
Planning Report with a modification to Stipulation No. 10 and the addition of Stipulation
No. 20 as stated above and approve the Findings of Fact dated November 6, 1997.
Roll call votewas called on the motion.
Ayes: Kot, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff, Miller.
Nays: 0.
Commissioner Wulff excused herself from further Planning Commission discussion and left
the. November 6. 1997 Planning Commission .Meeting at 9:40 p.m.
ITEM 9: PUBLIC HEARING: Lowell Lundstrom Ministriesr Celebration Addition
Chain Rieb opened the public hearing for consideration of the application of Lowell
Lundstrom Ministries for the preliminary and final plat of one lotto be known as
i Celebration Addition. Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston-attested-that the legal notice had
been duly mailed and published as required by state statute.
Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented an overview of the request from Lowell
Lundstrom Ministries for the Celebration Addition preliminary and final plat.
Associate Planner Dempsey indicated that the ultimate development of the 18-acre parcel
is proposed to occur in three phases. Phase 1 consists of the remodeling of the existing
"golf dome" structure and clean-up of the site. Phase II proposes construction of 12,000
square feet of additionat office/meeting room space and expansion of the parking lot.
Phase III will encompass the construction of 63,000 square feet of building area and
additional parking. Each of the phases will .require separate planning actions. The
developer has chosen to complete each phase individually and request planning actions as
- they are required. Thus,. Lowell Lundstrom Ministries has withdrawn theirapplicationsfnr
a comprehensive land use plan amendment, rezoning, conditional use permit, and
variance at this time.
Planner Dempsey presented the details. of Phase I of the Celebration :Addition subdivision
which consists of the platting of the existing "Golf Dome" property located at 16655
Kenyon Avenue (west side of Kenyon Avenue just south of Lee Lake). The subject site is
currently zoned 6-4, General Business District. Mr. Dempsey noted the developer has
agreed to limittheir use of property to office/meeting room space.
• Mr. Dempsey provided details. regarding the following:
1) future grading, wetlands, and tree preservation;
2) park and trail dedication;
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 6, 1997
Page 10
3) lighting plans;
4) building elevations;
5) traffic access/improvements needed and the results of the SRF traffic study;
6) signage; and
7) fences.
Community and Economic Development Department staff recommends approval of the.
application of Celebration Church for the preliminary and final plat of one lot and one
outlot to be known as Celebration Addition subject to the. 14 stipulations as .listed in the
Planning Report dated October 31, 1997.
Mr. Lowell Lundstrom, Lowell Lundstrom Ministries, indicated fiis agreement to the staff
recommendations for approval of the Celebration Addition preliminary and final plat.. He
answered questions from the Commissioners and provided additional details regarding the
initial and ultimate use of the property for church and event functions.
Mr. Dick. Brownley, from Station 19, architect for Lowell iindstrom Ministries,. presented
clarification of the use of the current and proposed use of the. existing "golf dome"
building. Mr. Brownley discussed the details of the proposed alterations to the existing
building that would provide office space and a hospitality area on the upper level and
meeting room and classroom space on the lower IeveL The remodeling is proposed to
provide space for four classroom size rooms for approximately 150 to 200 occupants.
Community and Economic bevelopment Director Michael Sobota indicated that the
occupant load of the classrooms is a building code issue and suggested that the
..Commission modify Stipulation No. 5 by deleting current language and replacing it with
the following sentence: "'The developer shall meet with the Building Inspector regarding
occupancy issues prior to City Council consideration."
Chair. Rieb opened. the public hearing to receive public comment.
Ms. Boyce Anderson, 11065 Lower 167th Street West, indicated she was representing the
residential neighborhood abutting the proposed Celebration Addition development to the
west. Ms. Anderson noted the residents have not expressed opposition to the proposal;
however, she presented a list of concerns that they want the City and the developer to
address in all three phases of development. Those concerns are as follows:
1) drainage patterns and impacts to surrounding properties;
2) number of proposed parking stalls and the ability to remove some parking along the
property bordering the existing single family residential property;
3) impact on existing wooded areas;
4) future outdoorrecreational facilities proposed;
5) future need for satellite dishes/N antennae;
6) impact on property taxes; and
7) potential for the planting of additional trees/landscaping along the property line
• between the residential and future commercial/church uses.
Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota indicated that staff will
address all these issues in future phases of this development.
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
November 6, 1997
Page 11
There was no furtherpublic comment.
97.148 MoT~oN by Miller, Second by Wanner to close the public hearing.
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes:. Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Miller, Kot.
Nays: 0.
The Commission discussed the proposed uses of the existing building and agreed
with a modification to Stipulation No. 5 to delete current language and replace it with the
following sentence: "The developer shall meet with the Building Inspector regarding
.occupancy issues prior to City Council consideration."
97.149 MOTION by Amborn, Second by Cecchini to recommend to City Council approval of the
Celebration Addition preliminary and finalplat subject to the i4 stipulations as listed in the
October 31, 1997 Planning Report with a modification to Stipulation No. 5 noted above."
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini,: Miller, Kot, Wanner.
.Nays: 0.
Assistant City Attorney jim Walston announced that he will be leaving the firm of Campbell
Knutson to establish his own private law firm-in Mendota Heights. The Commission
thanked him for his contribution as the legal counsel to the Planning Commission and
wished him well in his new venture. Mr. Walston noted that City Attorney Roger Knutson
will be attending the Planning Commission meetings inthe future to provide legal
The next Planning Commission-Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, December
11, 1997.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna Quintus, Re ording Secretary
` ~~N'"
L r e Rieb,. Chair