HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-01 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
JULY 1, 1992
ITEM 1. -Call to order.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Illa.
ITEM 2. -Roll call.
Present were Lovelace, Lulf, Illa, Grenz and Messinger. Raymond
arrived later. Committee member Larson had a conflict and was not
able to attend. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and
Recording Secretary Judi Ryan.
ITEM 3. -Minutes of June 17, 1992.
The minutes of the June 17, 1992 Parks and Recreation .Advisory
Committee meeting were discussed and approved as printed.
ITEM 4. -Citizen Comments..
No citizens were present at the meeting.
ITEM 5. -Staff reports.
A second bridge is being installed at Cherryview Pond. A split rail
fence is being constructed at the access by the Tree Trust crew to
help alleviate trespassing problems the neighbors are experiencing.
The footin s have been poured for the Bunker Hill bridge. Quotes on
the Ritter arm Park septic system were favorable and staff expects
i the project to be let soon.
Bids are due on July 13th for the Parkview/Cedar Highlands pro'ect.
Messinger is hoping that the project will be complete before sc~ool
begins. m September, but staff felt that was a very short time line.
.Staff is in the process of looking for black dirt to use at various
projects now and in the fall. The parks are in very good shade but
there .are areas that will .need to be topdressed and reseeded m the
Budgeting work is being done for the fiscal year 1993-94. Staff is
working with Macallister College on the donation of eight metal poles
which would be used for the fighting of fields #3 and #4 at Aronson
Park. The representative who notified staff about the poles is also
attempting to find a contractor to donate transportation of the poles
to save the Cityeven. more money. It is estimated that the poles are
valued at $3,000 each. Committee asked if there had been any
requests from citizens to light baseball or soccer fields. It was
stated that since the facilities are adequate for day and early
evening play, lights have not been needed yet.
The donation of 27 acres of land from the Quigley-Sime Company is
complete. Staff has" been contemplating the future use of this
property and feels it may be feasible to move the youth league
portion of the fields to the new area. This would allow the adult
• Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes
July 1, 1992
Page -2-
leagues to. expand in the current area at Aronson Park. Staff had
also envisioned a picnic area for the new property which would be
accessible from the downtown area.
ITEM 6. - .Marion Pines 2nd Addition.
Committee was shown the preliminary and final plat of Marion Pines
2nd Addition and discussed bike trails, street layout and wetlands in
the area.
92.14. Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to City
Council that a cash contribution be required to satisfy the park and
trail dedication ordinance requirements of Marion Pines 2nd Addition.
The developer will also be responsible for / of the costs of
construction of an 8' bituminous MPTW on the east side of Jaguar
Avenue to be installed during reconstruction of that street.
Motion passed unanimously.
ITEM 7. -.Park Dedication Fee Survey.
Committee. received the results of a survey on park dedication fees
and park .requirements in various cities in the metro area. Messinger
stated that communities. such as Plymouth which have the highest fees
• also have the nicest and most plentiful facilities. People are
moving into the Lakeville area because of the beautiful parks and
trails and will expect the quality to continue. Calculations are
.being done on what it will cost per capita over the next 20 40 and
60 years for parks and the development of the trail system. ~taymond
pointed out that Plymouth has a higher average home value than
Lakeville and is several years ahead of Lakeville in development.
Committee members were interested in a clause in another city's
ordinance which requires grading and black dirt to be provided where
needed. Committee would like to receive and review ordinances from
other communities as they .are available.
ITEM 8. -Unfinished business.
Staff is busy gearing up for Pan-O-Prog challenges next week.
Recreation programs are running smoothly, as are the beaches. Some
problems have been experienced at Aronson with injuries sustained
from balls going over the netting. Staff would like to .expand the
length of the outfields to at least 300 feet to avoid further
injuries.. The addition of the 27 acres which was just donated to the
Crty could make this feasible. Better quality equipment and harder
core softballs are contributing factors to the number of home runs.
Committee thought it would be a good idea to ex and a couple of the
fields and let the Gold Division play only on those f~elds.
Willows coming through the trails at Oak Shores continues to be a
problem. Committee members also mentioned a couple of places where
• repairs are needed on the trails.
• .Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes
July 1, 1992
Page -3-
Committee members also discussed some parking and traffic concerns at
a couple of areas, including North Park.
ITEM 9. -New business.
There was no new business at this time.
ITEM 10. -Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisoryy Committee will
be July 15, 1992 at 7:00 PM in the City Hall Council Chambers.
ITEM 11. -Adjournment.
There was no further business; the meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Ju i yan, Recoir mg Secretary
~f~ ~=fir
i Kevin Ilia, Chair