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MAY 20, 1992
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Ills, Roll.
call was taken. Present were Lovelace, Larson, Lulf, Illa, Raymond
and Grenz. Messinger was absent. Alsopresent were Park Director
Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ryan.
ITEM 3. -Minutes.
The minutes of the May 6, 1992 Parks and Recreation Advisory
Committee meeting were discussed and approved as printed.
ITEM 4. -Citizen Comments.
No citizens were present at the meeting.
ITEM 5. -Staff reports.
Committee received the most recent Breezes report from the Park
Director which contained information concerning the water craft
demonstration proposal for Lake Marion. Following the Parks and
Recreation Committee's recommendation for the event, the Homeowners
Association had voiced disapproval of the proposal due to the noise
and traffic associated with the commercial event. Committee members
agreed that the Homeowners Association should have been given a
presentation of the event for their information but were. upset that
the proposal did not continue through proper procedures to City
Council for their final decision.
The committee raised the question as to what governing authority the
homeowners association has to control events in the park or on the
lake. Staff explained that by the time the ,sponsors approached the
City, with the idea, there was not enough time to pro erly advertise
the item on the agenda for roper public notice. Staffpremarked that
adequate notification wouldp be required for consideration of any
future event.
Staff also reported the STS crew worked at Parkview disassembling the
fence, dismantled the bridge at Bunker Hill and have spent two days
landscaping and sodding the former flower bed areas In the rear of
City Mall. The crew has. now moved to the fencing project at
Casperson using materials from Parkview and Orchard Lake Beach to
construct the fence there.
Staff met with TKDA and nearby homeowners to discuss the Antlers
lagoon project, Rich Gray will make a ppresentation of the project to
the Homeowners Association at their May Z7th meeting.
The concrete footings and cement work have been completed for the new
foyer at Ritter Farm Park duplex. Staff is working on the most
economical way to get the septic system installed. Aronson Park
building is almost done except for the brick work. Player benches
have been installed at several location. Flower beds are being
planted and grass is being mowed regularly.
• Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
May 20, 1992
Page -2-
The maintenance department has been spraying for dandelions, which
have seemed to be a big problem this year. Staff also mentioned that
several City of Lakeville employees had participated in B-Bop Day
this year.
Committee member Grenz has noticed that there is a lot of pedestrian
traffic from the north side of 160th Street to Valley Lake Park, much
of the traffic being children. He is concerned that there is a need
for a safe crossing; ppossibly a stop light or an overpass mi ht be
necessary. Staff arso mentioned that construction on I-3~ has
begun. Committee members were informed that several accidents have
already taken place on this stretch and were urged to avoid the area
when possible.
ITEM 6. -Update on Strategic Growth Management Task Force.
The task force will make a presentation of its final recommendation
to the City Council on June 1st.
ITEM 7. -Marion Hills 2nd Addition lat review.
Committee reviewed the Marion Hills ~nd Addition plat, especially in
regard to existing and proposed trails.
92.7 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Lovelace, to recommend to
City .Council that the developer of the Marion Hills 2nd Addition be
required to make the curb cuts on Jade Lane. Contractor will be
responsible for replacement of trail segment between Jade Trail "at
curb cut" and existing high school trail. In additions it is
recommended the developer make a cash contribution to .satisfy the
trail dedication requirements.
Motion passed.
ITEM 8. -Rolling Knolls .plat review.
Committee reviewed and discussed the Rolling Knolls plat.
92.8 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded byy Larson, to recommend to City
Council that the developer of the Rolling Knolls plat be required to
make a cash contribution to satisfy the park and trail dedication
requirements as determined by previous development agreements. It
should be verified that all previous park property requirements due
to the City are deeded and recorded.
Motion passed.
ITEM 9. -Shady Oak Shores 5th Addition plat review.
Committee reviewed and discussed the Shady Oak Shores 5th Addition
plat, especially in regard to future park land in the area. It was
determined that no park was identified in the system plan within this
plat, although a neighborhood park will be needed further south of
• this plat as the area continues to develop.
• Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
May 20, 1992
Page -3-
92.9 Motion was made by Grenz,, seconded by Raymond, to recommend to City
Council that a cash contribution be required to satis~y the park and
trail dedication ordinance requirements for Shady C~ak Shores 5th
Motion passed.
Staff added that the Tree Trust crew will be starting the second week
of June. There are several projects which they will be working on
during their time in Lakeville.
The North Creek trail has been cut in from Flagstaff to North Creek
Mobile Home Community. Staff will keep committee informed of the
progress of this trail.
ITEM 10. -Annual Spring Park Tour.
Committee received a map of the potential route for the June 3, 1992
spring park tour and discussed potential additions. The bus will
leave the City Hall at 5:30 PM and return approximately 8:00 PM.
ITEM 11. -Unfinished business.
A meeting was held recently with representatives from Crystal Lake
Golf Estates, ISD #194 officials and City staff concerning the
redesign of the course adjoining crystal Lake Elementary. School
staff was concerned about potential safety issues with the school
property being bordered by a fairway.
Staff received the appraisals ,for the Tutewohl propert last week.
They will be discussed at the City Council work session on May 27th.
Steve Michaud and Renee Brekken met with a mobile park concessionaire
today. She will visit parks and activity sites .except those events
which are sellin their own concessions. The City will receive 10%
of the gross profs.
Rangers are actively patrolling and have written several tickets to
various park offenders. The program seems to be working well under
the Police Department's urisdiction. The rangers attend weekly
staff meetings with the >~lark Department and keep good lines of
communication between the departments.
Staff met with Bob Erickson and Al Brixius concerning the bike trail
plan. .Final revisions were made and copies are being made .for the
committee. Barry Warner's office is making the final revisions on
the Park and Open Space System Plan which will be distributed as soon
as it is complete.
• Staff has sent the final plans and specs for the Parkview Athletic
Complex to officials at School District #196. They plan to complete
• Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
May 20, 1992
Page -4-
their review of the plans by June 1st. Donations are still being
sought to supplement the Cit 's budget for the project. The final
estimate for the project is $89,0.
ITEM 12. -New business.
There was no new business at this time.
ITEM 13. -Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory. Committee will
be the Annual Spring Park Tour on June 3, 1992, beginning at 5:30 PM.
ITEM 14. -Adjourn.
There was no further business; the meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Judi R a , Recordin ecretary
i° ~ -
Kevin Illa, Chair