MARCH 4, 1992
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Illa at 7:00 PM. Present
were Lovelace, Larson, Illa, Grenz, Raymond and Messinger. Committee
member Lulf was absent. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud
and Recording Secretary Judi Ryan.
The minutes of the February 19, 1992 Parks and Recreation Advisory
Committee meeting were discussed. On page 2, Messinger wanted her
statement clarified that she wanted to look at specific suggested . dark
sites in the Lake Villa area. Alsot on page 3, Item 10, the citizen
from Valley Park who s oke concerning Parkview was Lynn Long, Vice
President of Parkview Elementary PTO. The minutes were approved as
ITEM 4. Citizen Comments.
Joni Hubred of the Lakeville Life and Times was present and delivered
invitations to committee members to attend the R. Leathers architect-
ural design sessions on March 9th, to be followed by a community
meeting at McGuire Jr. High at 7:00 PM. She reported that the final
designs should be finished by mid-May with construction to begin, late
• in the summer or early to mrd~September. Community fund rarsing
efforts for $86,000 will include Buy a Board , a garage sale, pennres
from heaven program, T-shirt sales and private and corporate donations
as well as donations for materials and construction tools. Joni said
that the volunteer response .has been tremendous already and that kids
and adults alike are very excrted about the project.
Alan Brixius from NAC was present and briefly discussed the draft of
the Trail System Plan update which had been received by committee.
Alan will make himself available at a meeting in the near future to
discuss the document in detail. Staff and committee would like the
final revisions of the plan completed by the April 28, 1992 combined
work session.
The committee moved to Item 7. to accommodate representatives from the
Men's Softball Association (MSA). Darrell Buerke was present and
explained the dilemma of the MSA and the reasons they would like to
keep Aronson Park fields lighted until 11:00 PM. The league currently
has 36 teams and there are six more teams who would like to play thrs
year. Of this potential total of 42 teams, only one team does not
live or work in Lakeville. The league cannot allow new teams to join
unless they can go. to a four game per evening schedule. The four game
schedule will permrt more citrzens to participate rn the league.
The MSA is proposing to contribute $6,000 annually toward the
• installation of lights on fields #3 and #4, however, this project is
not proposed to take place until 1993. In the meantime, the lights on
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
• March 4, 1992
Page -2-
fields #1 and #2 will be upgraded with Level 8 lighting which will
eliminate 85-90 % of the light spillage into the surrounding areas.
Staff pointed out other contributions the Men's Softball Association
has made to thepark, with the construction of the building to
donations toward other amenities such as scoreboards. The league is
also contributing $4,987 toward the upgrade of the lights on fields #1
and #2.
Committee member Grenz said he had noticed in past seasons that the
lights had been left on after 10:00 PM and questioned whether the
lea ue would enforce the 11:~ curfew if they had not enforced the
10 ~ PM rule. Staff reported that only one coin Taint ha
received from the public last year and that was due o light spit age
The upgraded lights will eliminate 85-90 % of that .problem. Messinger
felt the league should be given a chance to prove their mte rit .
g Y
The lights .need to be installed before the beginning of the season at
the end of April. Ilia said he would like to see the City provide
programs to as many of the citizens as possible. Raymond asked if
there had been any complaints concerning noise from the park late at
night due to games and was told it had not been a problem.
92.1 Motion was made by Messin er, seconded b Lovelace, to recommend to
City Council that Cityy Code ~-1-2 be amended to all
remain open until 1 I:00 PM for the purpose of allowing oexpans on of
AY MSA league and late nigght tournament play
E. Lovelace, Larson, hla, Raymond, Messingger
NAY: Grenz stated they have violated the 10:00 PM curfew in the past
and is hesitant to give more privileges to a group who has abused
their privileges in the past,
Motion passed.
Lovelace suggested that an automatic timer be put on the lights , to
ensure that they will go off at 11:00 PM. Scott Sle
president suggested a rule be instituted to have no inninggle s
art vast
10:50 P1~I, which would allow the players time to ick p
equipment before the lights are automaticall shut off, p If up their
exist, a timer or another solution could then be investigatedroblThe
MSA thanked committee members for their consideration.
City Administrator Bob Erickson was present and spoke to the committee
concerning the citizen groups who .had recently submitted petitions for
new parks in the City. He suggested a packet of information be
prepared for people who wish to initiate park projects. The informs-
tional materials should include:
1 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee goals for the coming ,ear;
2~ Information on what exactl ~s bein don yy
funds (possibly include the length of tgime comet of the resi Dedication
• warted for their requested projects); and dents have
3) A copy of the Park System Plan.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
• March 4, 1992
Page -3-
When the Park Plan is complete Bob suggested a CIP is the next document
to be prepared by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. This
would help people to focus on the big picture and not co
their individual needs. Mr. Erickson stated the Strategic Growth Task
Force is very aware of the park issues and needs, is very supportive of
parks, and sees them as a great contributor to the quality of life in
the city. There was discussion on establishment of neighborhood park
districts for potential special fees to assist with area park
maintenance needs. Illa said he thinks some brainstorming should be
done to possibly come a .with an acceptable source of funding for
general maintenance over the years. Bob agreed with the committee that
residential park dedication requirements should be looked at in the
near future.
ITEM S. - Review Revenue and~Spponsorship Policy.
Recreation Supervisor Renee Brekken was present to discuss the Revenue
and Sponsorship Policy with the Committee. She stated the u
the document is to 1ustify fees for programs and to establish apoli of
for consistency. Different program classifications were ex lamely
Each program falls under a category of Subsidized P
Subsidized, Self Supporting or Revenue Generating. She ~ asked i
committee for any input or comments on the document. Grenz suggested
. using the term "commercial transportation to replace buses.
Sponsorship recognition was mentioned as there have been many groups
recently who have made great contribu i
programs. Means for proper thanks is beingsnoted inPhis loco
t reation
Mobile park concessions was also discussed. Committee received a
report on having a private contractor provide concessions in the parks
and at special events. Revenue sharing is possible, or a permit fee
could be charged.
ITEM 8. -Homestead Creek East preliminary plat.
The Homestead Creek East preliminary plat was discussed. The existing
trail on the north boundary of the plat will need to be relocated to
the north side of the gravel road. The cost of this relocation will be
paid for by the developer. Messinger said it needs to be stressed to
the developer that the trail needs to be relocated before the .lots are
sold so there is no confusion on the part of the new landowners. This
is a very important. trail link and is heavily used.
92.2 Motion was made by Larson, seconded by Raymond, to recommen
Council that a cash contribution be requested to satisfy the ~ park
dedication requirements of the Homestead Creed plat. 'The
committee further recommends that the trail on the north side o
plat be constructed before the existing trail is removed to minimize
• the impact on trail users.
Motion passed.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
March 4, 1992
Page -4-
The committee received the first draft of the Comprehensive Trail
System Plan update in their packets. This will be discussed at a
future meeting.
ITEM 10. - Review Parkview Athletic Complex concept plan and
project time line.
Committee received the Parkview Athletic Com lex ref
from Barry Warner. Staff review brought up is ues such asd light
water availability for irrigation and overcrowding of fields onto the
property. .Staff sugggested a Valley Fark Homeowners Association
meeting be scheduled in the near future so citizens could be
introduced to the lan and offer their input. The tight time schedule
for development dictates that this be done as soon as possible. Ilia
suggested the citizens be invited to the next Parks and Recreation
Advisory Committee meetin .The su~gestion was then mad
location of that meetin to arkview a to move the
with this idea. g Elementary. Committee concurred
ITEM 6. - Staff reports.
The Sentencing to Service STS
Park and filled five large dumpsters with
build ngg dmateriaRitf
om the
gutting out of the lower level of the du lex. Th
to do construction work when the electrcal and lumbin will return
the building are complete. P g projects in
Larson asked about fish houses on Lake Marion. There haven't been any
complaints from fishermen except for' a few concerning having to drive
the extra mile to the new access. Some improvements to the grade at
the access will be done for next year.
Staff reported that the developer of Hypoint Crossing, had submitted a
packet to staff with various proposals for park sites in the plat.
Staff will meet with the developer as soon as ossible to
options so this project can get underway, p drscuss the
Staff also discussed the negotiations which have taken place with Leo
Tutewohl concerning the northeast sector park search area. It seems
Mr. Tutewohl and the City are quite some distance a ar
feel is an acceptable price for the property. The a P rneys willt have
another appraisal which is not broken into land types, completed on
the property and tie door for negotiation will be kept open.
ITEM 11. -Unfinished business.
Committee had received a copy of a memo to Steve Michaud from Renee
Brekken which highlighted all the donation commitments which had been
made for 1992. Ilia mentioned that recognition should not onl come
. from the City Council but from the Parks and Recreation Comrnrttee as
well, possibly in the form of a thank you letter. Larson also
suggested that recognition be given ~on cable TV in conjunction with
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
March 4, 1992
Page -5
the advertisement of each individually sponsored program (Puppet
Wagon, Safety Camp, etc.)
ITEM 12. -New business.
There is some ire toward the Lakeville Baseball Association which has
been induced by the fund raising efforts which are. being done in
conjunction with registrations. The LBA is promoting the fund raiser
to assist with capital improvements for the program.
Ilia reported that he had received a call from a Scout leader who
asked. about community service projects available through the park
department. Staff suggested the Scouts put their efforts toward the
Community Playground m various capacities.
ITEM 13. -Announcements.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee will
be Wednesday,, March 18, 1992 at 7:00 PM at the Parkview Elementar
School cafeteria. y
ITEM 14. -Adjournment,
Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.
Respectfull submitted
Y ,
Judi ya , ecordi Secretary
• G~=eG~
Kevzn lla, Chair