HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-18 CITY OF LAKEVILLE • PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MINUTES DECEMBER 18, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Lulf at 7:00 PM. Present were Lovelace Illa Larson, Lulf, Grenz, Raymond and Messinger. Also present were Dark director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ryan. ITEM 3. The minutes of the December 4, 1991 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed and approved as printed. ITEM 4. Citizen Comments. There were no citizens present to discuss items not on the agenda. ITEM 5. Staff reports. The Vista Telephone land purchase proposal will be put on a Council agenda following a nei hborhood meeting to be held shortly after the holidays and a Planning commission recommendation. The agenda item will probably occur at the end of January or beginning of February. A planning meeting was held with all staff and consultants involved in the updates of the trail plan and its coordination with the 50-Year Transportation Plan update. The ma'or trail system is in place and the update will concentrate on high traffic areas of employment, , shoppin • and schools. An idea of ,tapping into the greenbelt and drainwa s o~ agricultural land with trails was discussed. The first draft o~ the trail system plan update should be ready by the end of January. Notification has not been received on the grant approvals for the Ritter Farm Park Environmental Learning Center and restoration. It is expected that the decision making delay will be short. Staff is proposing applications for LCMR grants for three fishing piers. ITEM 6. Staff and committee discussed various items in the Park Dedication Fund budget. Grenz suggested .that the Wetterlund house could be used not only as afire training site, but possibly as a police training site as well. The pool which will be installed as part of the modification of the high school will be a standard racing pool. Programming at the new pool was discussed with the community education director and it apparently is scheduled five days a week from morning to evening.. The park department will possibly be able to schedule community activities on the weekends or in the summer. Committee received a copy of an article with appeared in the Star Tribune concerning the City of Burnsville's connection with .the Cr stal Lake Golf Course. Committee had concerns about municipal ownership ~rom • outside the City of Lakeville. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes • December 18, 1991 Page -2- ITEM 7. Committee was shown four. concepts of the Cedar Highlands Park master plan... Staff envisions wildflowers, prairie graces, conifers, natural amenities and arboretum, plantings to enhance bird and wildlife .habitat. There is currently a strip of tree stumps and overgrown brush which needs to be removed to enable the plan to proceed. Messinger stated she felt the. park needs a lot of careful planning and a change of complexion. Some discussion and suggestions. were made for some variance in the topography .by building berms, possibly with materials from the ponding area, to give the area more interest. A looped trail around the pond and park area as well as some picnic table shelters would also enhance the park. Staff has received a report from Barton-Aschman analyzing the 40 acre northeast sector park site and its potential. Staff and attorneys are continuing their negotiations with the property owners. Staff asked the committee to give some thought to a 5-year , list of ppotential capital improvements and those items which are most likely to be the biggest funding needs in the near future. ITEM 9. • Since the first Wednesday in :January is a holiday, rescheduling of the regularly scheduled meeting was discussed. 91.49 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Raymond, _to .cancel the January 1, 1992 meeting, with the understanding that a special meeting could be called by the Park Director for the following week,. if necessary. Motion passed. ITEM 10. -Unfinished business. A letter went out to all snowmobile owners from Police Chief Don Gudmundson to alert and remind riders of the City ordinances associated with snowmobiles. Committee members .requested a copy of the letter. There was no news to report on the North Park community playground. ITEM 11. -New business. Congratulations were geven to Larry Lulf on his year as Parks and Recreation Advisory committee Chairperson. Staff appreciates the support he has received from the enrire committee this year in the futuristic planning and decision making which has contributed to this year's many accomplishments. Staff asked committee to think about nominations for 1992 committee officers. Committee members expressed their. appreciation for the Christmas party which was held at Brackett's Crossing and commented that the planning • for the party seemed to be the best ever. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes • December 18, 1991 Page -3- Congratulations were given to Gerry . Grenz and Jeff Larson on their reappointments to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. ITEM 12. -Announcements Unless further notified the next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee wi~l be held on Wednesday, January 15, 1992. ITEM 13. -Adjournment Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, . , Ju yan, eco~ i ecretary z~~ Larry ulf, 'rman