HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-17-97 • .City Of Lakeville PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES July 17, 1997 The July 17, 1997 Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Chair Rieb at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Bellows, Miller, Wanner, Kot, Rieb, Amborn, Wulff. Absent: Cecchini, Alternate Commission Member Luick. Also present:. Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community and Economic Development Director; Daryl Morey, City Planner; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Tim Hanson, Assistant City Engineer; Jim Walston, Assistant City Attorney; and Donna Quintus, Recording Secretary. The minutes of the June 19, 1997 Planning Commission meeting were approved as printed. ITEM 4: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota introduced new Planning • Commissioner Sharon Kot. The City Council appointed Ms. Kot to fill a vacancy on the Planning Commission for a term which will expire on January 1, 2000. Newly appointed Planning Commissioners Barbara Wanner and Sharon Kot were administered the. Oath of Office for their terms as Planning Commission members by Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston. Community and Economic Development Director Sobota requested that Agenda Item No. 6. Special Home Occupation Permit Extension Request be removed from the regular. agenda and placed on the Consent Agenda as Item No. 5b. for the July 17, 1997 Planning Commission Meeting. The Commission concurred with Mr. Sobota's request. ITEM 5: CONSENT AGENDA: 97.92 MOTION by Amborn, Second by Wulffto recommend to City Council approval of the July 17, 1997 Planning Commission Consent Agenda as follows: Sa. Approve Harris Acres final plat: (36 single family residential lots located on the south side of 170th Street, east of Fieldcrest Avenue); and 5b. Approve the Special Home Occupation Permit Extension for Pamela Miller, 17171 Ipava Avenue: (three year extension for hair salon). Roll call vote was called on the motion. • Ayes: Miller, Kot, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Wulff. Nays: 0. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 17, 1997 'Page 2 ITEM 7: PUBLIC HEARING: Arden International Kitchens, 21150 Hamburg Avenue Chair Reb opened the public hearing to consider the. applications of Arden International Kitchens for : 1) vacation of an existing drainage and utility easement; 2) preliminary and finalplat of Arden Kitchens Addition; and 3) conditional use permit amendment for impervious. surface coverage. Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston attested that the legal notices for the planning actions required for the Arden International Kitchens proposal had been duly mailed and published as required by state statute. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented an overview of the proposal from Arden International Kitchens for a preliminary and final plat and easement vacation to accommodate a phased expansion of their manufacturing and food product distribution operation located at 21150 Hamburg Avenue in the Airlake Industrial Park. Arden Kitchens is currently located on Lot 3 and part of Lot 4, Block 1, Airlake Industrial Park 1st Addition. The -City is providing. Arden Kitchens with surplus land (former Lakeville Village Sewage Treatment Plant) and Arden Kitchens is purchasing additional land from Airlake Development (part of Outlot B, Airlake Development Addition). Arden Kitchens is proposing to combine and replat these parcels to allow for their proposed current and future building expansions. PRELIMINARY 8c FINAL PLAT Associate Planner Dempsey stated that the Arden Kitchens Addition preliminary and final plat consists of one lot in one block (18.28 acres) and one outlot(10.59 acres) for a total of 28.87 acres. The proposed 10.59-acre Outlot A will be retained by Airlake Development, Inc. and will require final platting prior to future development of the outlot. The property is currently zoned I-2, General Industrial District and the proposed Lot 1, Block 1, Arden Kitchens Addition exceeds the I-2 District minimum lot area and lot width requirements. EASEMENT VACATION 1VIr. Dempsey noted that Arden Kitchens is requesting the vacation of an existing drainage and utility easement located in the northeast corner of the site which was originally dedicated with the Airlake Industrial Park 1st Addition plat. Anew drainage and utility easement is being dedicated with the proposed final plat of Arden Kitchens Addition to more accurately reflect the location of the flood plain along the northeast .corner of the site. Staff has identified additional drainage and utility. easements underlying the proposed preliminary and final plat. The applicant has agreed to vacate these easements prior to the recording of the Arden Kitchens Addition. final plat. The vacation of these easements will be addressed at a future public hearing scheduled for an August, 1997 Planning Commission meeting. • CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Associate Planner Dempsey stated that the subject property is located within the North Branch. of the South Creek Shoreland Overlay District. The initial plans submitted by Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July ~ ~ 99~ Page 3 • Arden Kitchens indicated an impervious surface azea greater than 25 percent. However, Community and Economic Development Director Sobota indicated that upon review of the final site plan for the proposed improvements at Arden International Kitchens staff calculated a total impervious surface azea of 21 percent for Lot 1, Block 1. Therefore, the applicant has withdrawn the CUP application at this time. Should future development of the site warrant a CUP for impervious surface azea, the property owner will re-apply at that time. SITE PLAN REVIEW Mr. Dempsey noted that Arden Kitchens is planning a three-phase expansion .development project with Phase I consisting of a 20,000 squaze foot building addition to the south of the existing building. Phase II involves the .renovation of existing production. and warehouse areas and Phase III proposes an addition to the east side of the building for a finished goods freezer. The proposed Arden Kitchens expansion meets zoning ordinance requirements for circulation and setbacks. A total of 207 parking spaces aze required. The site plan identifies 155 parking stalls. Upon review of the Arden Kitchens operations and work shifts, staff has agreed to support a parking deferment for 52 pazking spaces. A Parking • Deferment Development Contract will be executed by the applicant prior to building permit approval. Arden Kitchens is currently operating under Conditional Use Permit No. 93-06 approved by the City Council in July, 1993 and subject to four conditions. The proposed .preliminary and final plat and easement vacation will allow Arden Kitchens to construct Phases I and II per the conditions established under CUP No. 93-06. Implementation of Phase. III of the proposed :expansion plan may require a new CUP which will be addressed at the time a site plan is submitted for the final development phase. Community and Economic Development staff recommends approval of the easement vacation, and preliminary and final .plat for Arden Kitchens Addition subject to the seven stipulations listed in the Planner's Report dated July 11, 1997. Staff noted that the developer is proposing the location of the pond be moved farther south and east to accommodate all drainage from the combined site. Staff agrees the new location would be more environmentally appropriate recognizing they aze a food processor. A revised grading plan must be submitted for staff review prior to City Council approval, Mr. Jeff Sitar, Engineer for Arden Kitchens International, indicated he is in agreement to the conditions for approval recommended by staff. • Chair Rieb opened the hearing for public comment. There were no comments from the audience. Regular Planning Commission .Meeting Minutes July 17, 1997 Page 4 • 97.93 MOTION by Wulff, Second by Miller to close the public hearing. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Kot, Wanner,: Rieb, Amborn, Wulff, .Miller. Nays: 0. 97.94 MOTION by Miller, Second by Wulff to recommend to City Council approval of the Arden International Kitchens applications for: 1) a vacation of an existing drainage. and utility easement; and 2}the preliminary and final plat for Arden International Kitchens Addition, all on land located at 21150 Hamburg Avenue, subject to the seven (7) stipulations as listed in the Planner's Report dated .July 11, 1997. Roll call vote was caIled on the motion. Ayes: Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Wulff, Miller, Kot. Nays: 0. ITEM PUBLIC REARING: Brad Larson Conditional Use Permit (CUPS: Chair Rieb opened the public hearing to consider the application from Mr. Brad Larson for a conditional use permit. (CUP) to allow the expansion of an existing nan-conforming single family dwelling located at 12285 - 175th Street West. Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston • attested that the legal notice had been duly mailed and published as required by state statute. Commissioner Cecchini arrived at 6:25 p.m. and took his seat on the dais. Commissioner Cecchini removed himself from discussion and vote on the CUP application of Mr. Brad Larson due to the fact that he resides within 500 feet of the subject property. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented an overview of the application from Mr. Brad Larson that, if approved, would allow the expansion of his existing single family home located at 12285 - i 75th Street West. The expansion includes the enclosure of an existing 12' by 12' storage area located beneath the existing three-season porch as well as finishing the lower level of the home. Damage to the foundation, windows, and doors. of the ..porch and deck due to severe frost heaving during the winter months have prompted the Larson's to seek a building permit to rectify the damage and construct the addition. The subject property is zoned R-1, Low Density Single Family Residential and lies within the Shoreland Overlay District. The house was constructed in 1985 after approval of a variance which allowed a 25-foot front yard setback, 15-foot east side yard setback, and. an 18-foot setback from the OHWL. In review of the site plan, Staff identified the fallowing four non- . conforming issues related to the property: 1) the property does not meet minimum lot area requirements for the Shoreland Overlay District; 2) the house does not meet the front yard and east side yard setbacks required for the R-1 District and allowed by variance; 3) the lowest floor elevation of the house is less than three feet above the OHWL (the ordinance Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 17, 1997 Page 5 i requirement for the lowest floor elevation is a minimum of three feet above the OI3WL,); and 4) the impervious surface azea is in excess of 25 percent. Mr. Dempsey noted a handout letter dated July 14, 1997, from the Department of Natural Resources who has reviewed the application and has recommended that efforts be made to reduce the impervious surface azea of the lot to bring it into closer compliance with the impervious surface azea requirements. Community and Economic Development staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit subject to stipulations. a} through e) listed. in the July 2, 1997 Planner's Report. In addition to the conditions listed and as a result of DNR concerns, staff is recommending an additional stipulation to require reducing the impervious surface on the property from the current 32.6 percent to 28.6 percent via the elimination of approximately 364 squaze feet of existing bituminous driveway/parking surface azea. Staff also recommends that Stipulation d) be amended to reflect the correct elevation of the proposed storage room addition floor level to meet the three-foot minimum elevation from the OHWL (980.53 feet). Mr. Brad Lazson, applicant and property owner, expressed that it was his opinion that the bituminous parking area recommended for removal existed for safety reasons. Mr. Larson . stated that 175th Street is nazrow and no on-street pazking is permitted and this azea provided an additional one to one-and-a-half off-street parking spaces. Community and Economic Development Director Sobota noted that after the. bituminous removal there is an existing two-caz gazage and two off-street pazking spaces. provided on the property. Staff believes that four off-street pazking spaces aze sufficient for the. residential use of this property. Chair Rieb opened the hearing for public comment. There were no comments from the audience. 97.95 MOTION by Amborn Second by Wanner to close the public hearing. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes:.. Rieb, Amborn, Wulff, Miller, Wanner, Rieb. .Nays: 0. Abstain: Cecchinii. .Discussion continued. Staff provided the Commissioners with clarification regarding the existing and proposed impervious surface azea. The Commissioners discussed the width of the driveway and whether a maximum width. should be established. • Mr. Larson requested that he be allowed to maintain the driveway width to the edge of the garage wall rather than the width of the garage door.. Staff responded that this was a Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 17, 1997 Page 6 o reasonable request and the additional width represented less than one percent (1 /o) impact on the total impervious surface area. 97.96 MOTION by Miller, Second by Amborn to recommend to City Council approval of a conditional use permit to allow the expansion of a single family home located at 12285 - 175th Street West as requested by property owner subject to the five stipulations as listed in the Planner's Report. dated .July 2, 1997 with the following modifications: Amend Stipulation d} to read as follows:. "The new addition shall include a minimum five- inch step from the existing basement floor to achieve a minimum floor height of 980.63 feet. " Add stipulation f) to read as follows: "The width. of the driveway shall be reduced to the width of the garage east wall and parallel with the house footings/foundation to 175th Street and that a $500.00 security be posted at .the time of building permit issuance to assure compliance with this condition. " Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Rieb, Amborn, Wulff, Miller,. Wanner, Kot. Nays: 0. Abstain: Cecchni. • ITEM 9: PUBLIC IIEARINGt HeritaEe Square Townhomes Chair Rieb opened the public hearing to consider the applications from Weissmann Realty, Inc. far the following:. l}Comprehensive Plan Amendment; 2) rezoning; and 3}the preliminary and final plat of Heritage Square Addition. Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston attested that the legal notice had been duly mailed and published as required by state statute. :City Planner Daryl Morey presented an overview of the applications from Mr. Herb Weissmann, Weissmann Realty, Inc., required for the development of Heritage Square Townhomes. Mr. Weissmann is requesting approval of the preliminary and final plat of Heritage-Square Addition which consists of 56 townhouse units and 40 condominium units on 71 lots located on the west side of Holyoke Avenue, north of City Hall. The proposed Heritage Square development. project requires a Minor Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment redesgnating the subject property from low density residential to 1Qw/medium density residential and a rezoning of the property from B-4, General Business District to PUD, Planned Unit Development District. COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT Planner Morey stated the Heritage Square Addition project is the first development phase of the previously approved Town Square concept plan. Although the concept plan has been approved by the City the proposed land use for medium density housing (four to eight • dwelling units/acre) was not formally adopted into the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Heritage Square Townhomes development proposes approximately five dwelling units/acre. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 17, 1997 Page 7 • REZONIIVG Mr. Morey elaborated that the proposed Heritage Square Townhomes property is currently zoned B-4, General Business District with the westerly portion of the property lying within the Shoreland Overlay District for South Creek. The developer is requesting approval to rezone the property to PUD, Planned Unit Development District to accommodate the proposed development of Heritage Square Townhomes with a mixture of townhouses and condominiums, private streets, and open areas owned and maintained by a homeowners. association. PRELIMINARY/FINAL PLAT: Planner Morey stated that Weissmann Realty, Inc. is requesting approval of the Heritage Square Addition preliminary and final plat which consists of 96 townhouse and condominium. units on 18.91 acres of land. The 56 townhouse units will be located on individual lots (Lots 1-56, Block 2) and the 40 condominium units will be located within ten 4-unit buildings. Each 4-unit building will be located on individual tots (Lots 1-1Q, Block 1). The plat includes common area lots and green space. The property owners association covenants, conditions, and restrictions will contain provisions to assure maintenance of common open space, signage, and service facilities. • Ci Planner More. indicated that the Herita e S ware Additi n d velo m ty y g q o e p ent includes the construction of Heritage Drive which is considered one of the main street entrances to "Town Square." The developer will construct Heritage Drive from Holyoke Avenue to a point west of the private street entrance into the condominium portion of the Heritage Square Townhomes development. When the commercial portion of "Town Square" is developed to the west, a bridge will be constructed across South Creek and Heritage Drive will be extended to the west. The developer will also construct a weir structure as a water feature which is a component of the overall "Town: Square" concept plan. City Planner Morey provided details regarding private interior street layout, guest parking areas,. building elevations, landscaping, and grading, drainage,. erosion control, and utilities. Planner Morey indicated that there are no subdivision identification signs proposed on the preliminary plat plans. However, the developer has indicated a desire to install identification signs for the Heritage Square. Addition. Therefore, the sgnage must be shown on the preliminary plat plans prior to City Council consideration of the preliminary and final plat. The Heritage Square Addition preliminary and final plat has been reviewed by engineering staff, the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, the Environmental Affairs . and the Parks and Recreation Committees and all recommend approval subject to conditions. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes )uly 17, 1997 Page 8 • Community and Economic Development Department staff recommends approval of the Heritage Square Addition preliminary and final plat, the Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment, and the B-4 to PUD rezoning subject to the 12 stipulations as listed in the July 11, 1997 Planner's Report. Mr. Terry Weissmann, Weissmann Realty, Inc., was present and indicated that Weissmann Realty, Ina. is in agreement with Community and Economic Development Department staff recommendations for approval of the Heritage Square Addition plats. Mr. Perry Ryan, Ryan Engineering, presented a subdivision identification sign plan. The proposed plan identifies a monument structure and decorative landscaping and fencing. Details. were discussed. Mr. Ryan indicated that the location of the proposed signs will be identified on the preliminary plat site plan prior to City Council action on the preliminary and final plats. The Planning Commission. requested details and clarification regarding proposed building elevations, landscape treatment, including proposed tree species, decorative fencing, trail locations, and the proposed weir structure. Staff responded and further noted that an additional stipulation should be considered by the Planning Commission stating that no • additions/decks be permitted outside of the townhouse individual lot boundaries. Commissioner Miller expressed his opinion that a "tot lot" should be provided within the townhome portion of the development. Mr. Weissmann indicated the target market for the townhomes and condominiums is toward empty-nesters and first time homebuyers. Studies of these types of developments throughout the metropolitan and suburban areas indicate very few children reside in these .developments. There were no comments from the audience. 97.97 MOTION by Amborn, Second by Cecchini to close the public hearing. Roll .call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Cecchini, Wulff, Miller, Kot, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn. Nays:. 0. 97.98 MOTION by Wulff, Second by Amborn to recommend to City Council approval of the applications from Weissmann Realty Inc. for the following: 1) A Comprehensive Land Use Plan Amendment for the redesignation of the proposed use of property from low density residential. to low/medium density residential; 2) A rezoning of property from B-4, General Business District to PUD, Planned Unit • Development District in accordance with the Findings of Fact for the rezoning dated July 17, 1997; and 3) The Heritage Square Addition preliminary and final plat; Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes luly 17, 1997 Page 9 • all on property located on the west side of Holyoke Avenue, north of 202nd Street (C.S.A.H. 50) subject to the 12 stipulations recommended by staff and listed in the July 1 1, 1997 Planner's Report with amendments to two stipulations and the addition of one stipulation to read as follows: • Stipulation No. 4: "Prior to City Council consideration of the preliminary and final plat, the developer shall submit for City Attorney review and approval information regarding the property owners 'association covenants, conditions, and restrictions for the Heritage Square development. " • Stipulation No. 9: "The City shall review and approve the final brick selections for the townhouses and condominiums and entrance monument signs to ensure that they are compatible with the existing City Hall and police and fire stations and the future Dakota County library.'' • Stipulation No, 13: "No structure additions to the townhouse units shall be permitted outside of the townhouse lot boundaries. " Rolt call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Wulff, Kot, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini. Nays: Miller. Commissioner Miller stated that he believes a "tot lot" (playground) area should be included as part of the plan, especially in the townhouse portion of • the plat. ITEM 10: PUBLIC HEARING: Quail Meadows Chair Rieb opened the public hearing to consider the applications from Backes Companies for the following: 1) the preliminary plat of 52 single family residential lots; and 2} a cul-de- sac street length variance. City Attorney Jim Walston attested that the legal notice had been duly mailed and published as required by state statute. City Planner Daryl Morey provided details of the applications from Backes Companies for l .the Quail Meadows preliminary plat of 52 single family lots; 2) a variance to allow a cul-de- sac street greater than 500 feet in length; and 3) the Quail Meadows final plat of 30 single family residential lots, which represents the first development phase of the Quail Meadows preliminary plat. QUAIL MEADOWS PRELIMINARY PLAT City Planner Morey stated that the proposed Quail Meadows preliminary plat is located on a 40..2-acre parcel located on the south side of 170th Street, east of Fieldcrest Avenue and west of Pilot Knob Road. The subject parcel is zoned R-2, Single Family Residential District. The proposed plat consists of 52 single family lots and two outlots and is proposed for development in two phases. Outlot A consists of an existing wetland and storm water retention ponds which will be constructed with the first development phase and aneight-foot wide bituminous trail Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 17,.1997 Page 10 • connection from the Harris Acres lat to the North Trail Element School roe P ~'Y p P rtY Outlot B will cover another eight-foot wide bituminous trailway connection to the North. Trail Elementary School property. Outlots A and B will be deeded over to the City as a condition of the phase one final plat approval. As in the case of the Harris Acres plat, the proposed Quail Meadows second phase development abuts the City's current flood plain. Construction of the second phase cannot commence until FEMA formally adopts the City's recommended Flood Plain map revisions. The Quail Meadows preliminary plat plans were forwarded to ISD 192 officials who have indicated that North Trial Elementary School can accommodate: the Quail Meadows development. VARIANCE City Planner Morey discussed the proposed street layout/design and the street connections between the Quail Meadows and Harris Acres plats. The proposed single family residential subdivision of Harris Acres is located adjacent and to the west of the proposed Quail Meadows preliminary plat. Street connections are provided between these two developments which will be constructed in the second phase development of both plats. The proposed Fairmeadow Court will be extended as a cul-de-sac street from the adjacent Harris Acres subdivision with phase two development of Quail Meadows. The total length of the Fairmeadow Court cul-de-sac street in the Quail Meadows and Harris Acres. subdivisions will be approximately 580 feet. The Subdivision Ordinance allows a maximum cul-de-sac length of 500 feet. Community and Economic Development staff supports the proposed variance to cul-de-sac length because the wetland location and the existing North Creek Manufactured Home Park preclude the extension of this street to connect with other streets. QUAIL MEADOWS FINAL PLAT Mr. Morey noted that the first development phase of Quail Meadows consists of 30 single family lots located along the northerly portion of the preliminary plat and abutting 170th Street. The proposed Quail Meadows final plat is consistent with the preliminary plat-and meets or exceeds ordinance requirements. The Quail Meadows preliminary and final plat plans have been reviewed by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, the Environmental Affairs Committee, and the Parks and Recreation Committees and all have indicated their recommendations for approval. • Community and Economic Development staff recommends approval of the Quail Meadows preliminary and final plats and cul-de-sac street length variance subject to the thirteen (13) stipulations as listed in the July 17, 1997 Planning Report. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 17, 1997 Page 11 Mr. Steve Johnston, President of Landform Engineering Co. and representative far Backes Companies, indicated the developer's agreement with the recommendations for approval of the Quail Meadows plat. Mr. Johnston responded to several questions from the Commission and staff. Ex Officio Planning Commissioner Bellows requested .details regarding the depth of the proposed. storm water retention ponds. Assistant City Engineer Tim Hanson indicated proposed water depths at approximately 20 feet. The Commission. concurred to add a stipulation directing additional research and studies be conducted to address. potential safety issues relative to the proposed storm water ponding depth and to provide additional controls or modify to the proposed grading plan to reduce the depth of the proposed pond. Commissioner Wulff indicated a concern as to whether the required $1.,000 per lot security is adequate to ensure sodding/landscaping of the larger lots proposed for Block 1 of the Quail Meadows final plat. Staff agreed to look into the costs for sodding of these larger lots. and if required securities are found to be insufficient staff will modify the required securities for larger lots that reflect the findings of the study. City Administrator Robert Erickson noted that the proposed trail is located adjacent to the North Creek Manufactured Home Park and North Creek Elementary School indicating a greater capacity for frequent use. City Administrator Erickson indicated that the City staff will recommend funding im the City's 1998 budget for installation of trail lights along this trailway corridor to provide greater safety for pedestrians. There were no comments from the audience. 97.99 MOTION by Wulff, Second by Cecchini to close the public hearing. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Miller, Kot, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff. Nays: 0. 97.1.00 MOTION by Amborn, Second by Wulff to recommend to City Council approval of the applications from Backes Companies for the Quail Meadows preliminary and final plat and the variance to allow a cul-de-sac length greater than 500 feet in accordance with the Findings of Fact dated July 17, 1997, and subject to the thirteen (13}stipulations recommended by staff and listed in the July 11, 1997 Planner's Report with the addition of Stipulation No. 14 to read as follows: "City sta, f~`'shall review the. proposed depth of the storm water pond relative to safety concerns and, should the findings warrant additional conditions, sta, f,~'will incorporate stipulations for approval prior to City Council formal action on the Quaid Meadows preliminary and final plat. " Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes Judy 17, 1997 Page 12 • Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Kot, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff, Miller. Nays: 0. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Donna Quintus, Rec ding Secretary ATTEST: r ~CiC.t9i~ Laurie Rieb, Chair i •