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OCTOBER 23, 1991
7:00 PM
The special meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Lulf. Present were Illa,
Larson, Lulf, Lovelace, Grenz and Messinger. Committee member
Raymond is on vacation. Also present were Park Director Steve
Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ryan.
The minutes of the October 16, 1991 Parks and Recreation Advisory
Committee meeting were approved as read.
There were no citizens present to discuss items not on the agenda.
Chairman Lulf had received a letter from City staff asking .for a
representative from the Parks and Recreation Committee to be
appointed to a long range planning task force which is presently
being set up.
91.35 Motion was made by Illa, seconded by Larson, to nominate Pat
Messinger to act as the liaison of the Parks and Recreation Advisory
. Committee on this task force. Theyy also expressed their appreciation
for the extra effort this nomination w11 entail.
Motion passed.
Pat Messinger stated she was honored and would accept the nomination.
Staff reported that at their October 21, 1991 meeting, Council had
approved the scope of services for Barton-Aschman to u date the Parks
and Open Space System Plan and for NAC to update the rail Plan.
The new signs are ,completed which will inform people of reservation
requirements for using park shelters. Committee members were pleased
with the way the signs looked.
Staff gave committee an update on the progress at Casperson Park.
The roof is on the building .and with the continuing grading, the view
from the shelter is improving all the time. Some pavin projects,
including Casperson Park, are delayed due to the asphalt supplier.
It is hoped that these paving projects can still. be completed this
fall. Planting will start on the site next week. The shelters have
been delivered and should also be erected next week. The sephe
system is completed and the well should go in very soon. TT
electrical work is being done this week.
The. Parks and Recreation Dept. will have a winter intern this year.
• His name is Terry Hintz and he will be working on a variety of
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
• October 23, 1991
Page -2-
Staff told the committee about his trip to the National Conference in
Baltimore. He had attended several very worthwhile sessions,
including one which parallels the revenue policy project which is
currently being developed. This policy will also cover sponsorship
Last .minute details are being worked out for the Haunted Forest.
Most of the committee members are planning to volunteer their time.
Staff informed the committee that the date for their next meeting mayy
change to Tuesday, November 5th due to the time line on the golf
course proposal. Committee will be notified as soon as possible.
The golf course concept is moving along nicely. The latest concept
plan shows fairways looped around the sensitive wetlands and into the
North Park area, which could be available for sale to the project.
The soccer decks which were planned for the area in the future would
most likely not be buildable anyway because there is not enough high
and dry area. Many new laws exist which are more protective of the
wetlands than those which were in effect at the time the park was
originally designed.
• Committee discussed the value of the park property and the ppotential
sale of a small portion of the North Park property to Zie golf
course. Committee member Grenz felt that the developer should have
approached the Parks and Recreation Committee sooner to discuss the
possible purchase of the land.. Staff reminded the committee that it
had been mentioned several times at committee meetings and that they
are free to make any recommendation they feel is appropriate to City
Council. Committee members would like to see a detailed concept of
the golf course proposal and its involvement with the wetlands and
North Park. The proposal has been in the concept stage and has been
constantly changin The developers have been very cooperative in
working with the C~ty and satisfying all the set requirements.
The Community Playgground project was discussed at the October 2, 1991
meeting and tabled by the committee until more information could be
gathered by staff. Since that time staff had measured the two
ppotential sites at North Park and found that the south side of the
lower parking area fit the criteria for the playground and was the
more appropriate location. Some further design work has been done
with the layout, which includes 40 parking places.
91.36 Motion was made b Larson, seconded by Grenz to wholeheartedly
support the concept of
the Community Playground anc~ recommend to City
Council the use of park land located in the unused auxiliary parking
lot between the proposed building site and existing softball field.
• Motion passed.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
. October 23, 1991
Page -3-
Staff. presented a proposal from A. Leonard Bentson offering for sale.
a piece of pproperty adjoining Antlers Park. The land is
approximate)y 1/3 of an acre and the asking rice is $3,000. Since
the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee d~d not have a quorum at
their last meeting they were unable to make an official
recommendation to City Council before Council voted on the proposal
at their October 21st meeting. Plans for the piece of property would
be to clean it up and maintain it for future use. No development is
planned for the property at this time.
91.37 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Ilia, to officially concur
with the City Council on their decision to purchase the A. Leonard
Bentson property adjoining Antlers, contingent on review of the
purchase agreement by the City Attorney and completion of an
appropriate title search.
Motion passed.
Staff showed the committee the Cedar Highlands Park master plan and a
letter from Vista Telephone. The telephone company has offered to
purchase a residential size lot within the park for the purpose of
constructing a switching building and also to pay .for a revised
• master plan for the park. It was suggested to use the $25,000
revenue to develop the remainder of the park: This could include
improvement to the ponding area, trails, shelter? prairie
restoration, plantings and several other ideas mentioned by
91.38 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lovelace to approve the
concept of the purchase by Vista Telephone of the Cedar Highlands
Park property, as .submitted by .Vista, with staff reserving the right
to negotiate with Vista as appropriate.
Motion passed.
Committee has received the 1991 Park Dedication Fund budget showing
expenditures and revenues to date. Staff is expecting some lists
from committee of what they foresee funds being set aside for in
1992. The 1992 Park Dedication Fund will be discussed in detail at a
future meeting.
Staff discussed the Wetterlund property which is the exception in the
southeast corner of the Casperson Park property.. The Wetterlunds
wish to build a garage on their property, which will require a
Staff will contact committee members shortly concerning the date and
time for the next meeting.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
• October 23, 1991
Page -4-
ITEM 10.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at
8:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
3 d Ryan, eco i g Secretary
Larry Lu airma