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OCTOBER 2, 1991
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Lulf.
Present were Illa, Larson, Lulf, Grenz, Raymond and Messinger.
Committee member Lovelace had called and had a conflict. Also
present were Park Director Steve Michaud, City Administrator Robert
Erickson, and Recording Secretary Judi Ringeisen.
The minutes of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting
of September 18, 1991 were discussed. On page 1, second paragraph,
the word "sees" should be "seems".
Lulf and Messinger abstained. Minutes were approved as corrected.
Mary Liz Holberg, 12195 Upper 167th St. W., was in attendance to
discuss the Community Playground concept. Jay Blanchard, Jaycee
President, was also in attendance concerning the project. Ms.
Holberg showed a video of the Robert Leathers community playground
program, a group which has helped design and build over 200 unique
playground projects across the United States. A representative of
the Robert Leathers group would be available on "design day" to
. meet with children and adults of the community and determine what
is wanted and needed in Lakeville's playground. They would then
design the project according to the specifications drawn by our
individual community and help plan for materials needed for
Ms. Holberg is asking the City for a site for the project and for
continued maintenance after construction. She is planning to ask
School District #194 to assist in the design and will ask the
business people for financial comnnitments. Contributions will be
tax deductible. The project will require hundreds of volunteer
hours and will hopefully instill a sense of community spirit in
those involved. Staff suggested that alternatives be investigated
to determine if it would be more feasible to purchase equipment
from a playground manufacturer.
North Park has been discussed as a possible site for the
playground. Many young families live in the area; it is near three
elementary schools and the trail system; and it is centrally
located in the community. Committee member Messinger feels more
playgrounds are needed for preschool-aged children and is confident
the project will gain momentum. She is concerned about the
materials to be used and their life expectancy. There would be no
manufacturer's warranty on the materials if lumber were used,
though there would be if equipment were purchased from a
manufacturer. Ms. Holberg emphasized the notoriety of the Leathers
program and felt this would be an asset in marketing the project to
the public.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
October 2, 1991
Page 2
Staff showed a copy of the North Park master plan and a spot which
may specifically meet the criteria of grade and accessibility. It
was discussed whether the site would meet the size requirements and
~mpatibility with the youth athletic complex. Parking needs were
also taken into consideration. Other suggestions were the possible
school/park site and/or possibly purchasing apiece of property to
be used as a playground site. Other park sites and their
limitations were also mentioned. Discussions then centered around
using an overflow parking site at North Park and the potential
configurations of placement. Staff and committee members felt it
was important that the project be placed in a community park, not a
neighborhood park.
.91.32 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Illa, to support the
proposal of putting a community playground at North Park with the
first site selection being a portion of the proposed parking lot
and the second choice being a triangular piece between the two
upper parking lots near the building. Staff will measure each area
to see which would be more feasible.
After further discussion, a voice vote was taken on the motion.
Aye: None
Nay: Illa, Larson, Lulf, Grenz, Raymond, Messinger
• Motion failed.
The committee decided it was premature to make a motion before the
areas were measured for feasibility. Mary Liz Holberg would like
to be on the Council agenda for the first meeting in November. She
will make some calls to get facts on durability and longevity of
materials used in the past. Staff will further investigate the
site and report back to the committee at their next meeting. Grenz
mentioned that other sites should not be totally ruled out.
91.33 Motion was made by Grenz, seconded by Larson, to support the
proposal of a comarnanity playground project as presented by Mary Liz
Holberg and recommend staff measure the site of the proposed lower
parking lot to make sure the criteria is met.
Motion passed unanimously.
Under Item 5, staff reported that the Ritter Farm Park buildings
are torn down and still smouldering from the burn. The turf
renovation is complete at Valley Lake Park, and Oak Shores Park was
redone because of damage caused by the rain. The accesses to
Orchard Lake Park have been paved by the Street Department.
Regarding painting the trail at North Park to prevent people from
parking on it, the curb stops which are being installed will
• eliminate the problem.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
October 2, 1991
Page 3
A different type of crack sealer has been ordered to repair the
Bunker Hill tennis courts.
Most of the final grading is complete at Casperson Park with black
dirt being brought in. Two change orders are being considered by
the Council at their October 7th meeting, one to change the curb
radius in the parking area to make the curve less sharp, and
another change order to extend the time for substantial completion
to the end of November.
Staff attended the joint meeting between the Orchard Lake and Lake
Marion Hcameawners Associations on September 30th and gave a report
on Eurasian Milfoil. The meeting was well attended and several
citizens gave their input.
The Antlers Park lagoon issue was discussed at a Council work
session on September 26, 1991. Council will make a decision about
the access soon, and if the decision is to close it, appropriate
plantings will be done and the site will be secured to prevent
winter access by the public. Staff is working with the DNR on an
aeration permit for Lake Marion which states the 199th Street site
will be used for the system. Staff will meet with a DNR
• representative at the Casperson site to determine if that site
would be more suitable for the system.
The Crystal Lake Golf Course proposal was presented at a public
meeting on Tuesday night,. with very little public opposition.
Envirornnental issues have been a great concern during the planning
of the project and it is felt that the result of this care will be
enhancement of the wildlife habitat in the area. There will be a
meeting of the Environmental Affairs Committee at the site with
discussion to be held following the meeting at North Park community
room on Tuesday, October 8, 1991 at 5:00 PM.
Committee members had received a memo from staff outlining the sign
sponsorship policies and felt it was a good start to a complex
policy. Staff will continue to work on this project and have
further information to the committee at a future meeting.
Staff has contacted consultants concerning the Scope of Services
for the trail and system plan updates. Barry Warner of Barton-
AscYiman has proposed a revision of the entire Parks and Open Space
System Plan doc~mient. He is suggesting that staff and committee do
some of the work on the document. His bid of $12,000 includes
integration of the park policies into the plan along with updates
• of the information and demographics. Futuristic individual park
plans also need to be integrated to include possible repairs,
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
. October 2, 1991
Page 4
development or recommendations on further acquisition. The Trail
Plan update proposal is also approximately $12,000.00.
Greg Greene, the new LAA Baseball CoYrnmissioned, has been in contact
with staff concerning LAA field availability for the next two
years, especially taking into consideration the time before the two
new elementary school fields are available. Staff stressed the
importance of continued good communication between the LAA and the
Parks and Recreation Department.
Staff showed committee the administrative subdivision within
Crystal Lake Golf Estates.
Daniels 2nd Addition final plat was discussed by the committee. A
combination of park land and cash was given at the time of original
platting of the entire property. The City now owns six acres of
land within this plat, which has satisfied the park dedication
Committee discussed Cedar Glen 4th. Addition.
• 91.34 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Messinger, to recommend to
City Council that cash be accepted for Cedar Glen 4th Addition to
satisfy the park dedication requirements.
Motion passed.
ITEM 10 - Unfinished business.
Staff asked committee to consider what they would like to
accomplish in 1992 with the park dedication fund. One item which
has been mentioned frequently is a shelter of some type at Ritter
Farm Park to enhance the nature programming. Staff would like to
investigate the cost of renovation on the homestead building to
make it an interpretive center and a shelter from the elements.
The home may be able to be renovated for this purpose for much less
than it would cost to make the home habitable for renters.
Also under unfinished business, the completion of various trail
segments was discussed.
ITEM 11 - New business.
Committee members discussed the need for a family swimming and
activity center in the city and the possibility of it being
associated with the pool which will be built at the current .high.
school. Bob Erickson suggested that when the bids are opened for
the new high school project it may be determined that funds are
available for such a project. Bob Erickson also talked about a
• possible joint powers agreement on the ice arena and combined
creative financing for the project.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
October 2, 1991
Page 5
Right now building permits are going at a record pace. Low
interest rates are contributing to a good building market right
now. Council will consider approval of the Streets of Reality to
be in a Lakeville neighborhood early next spring. Bob Erickson met
with school officials of ISD #194 concerning growth and it is the
general consensus that another new elementary school will be needed
by 1993. Future consideration of a park bond referendum was
discussed, as well as major areas of improvement where expenditures
will be needed.
ITEM 12. - Announcements
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
will be October 16, 1991 at 7:00 PM in the Council Chambers.
Committee member Grenz stated he will be out of town and not
available for that meeting.
ITEM 13. - Adjourn
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at
10:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
i Ring is Recording Secretary
Larry Lul hairman