HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-18 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE
SEPTEMBER 18, 1991
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by acting Chair
Kevin Illa. Present were Raymond, Grenz, Larson and Illa.
Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording
Secretary Judi Ringeisen. Members Lovelace, Lulf and Messinger
were unable to attend due to conflicts.
The minutes of the September 4, 1991 Parks and Recreation.
Advisory Committee meeting were discussed. Illa mentioned on
page 3, the Valley Lake Park site for the community playground
seems to have been overly stressed in the minutes, as it was
intended as a suggestion only.
The minutes were approved as written.
Steve Hanson, candidate for City Council, was in the audience
and asked for an explanation of the community playground
projects, which he was given by staff.
A meeting was held between staff and Barry Warner of Barton-
Aschman, Inc. concerning the update of the Park System Plan. A
• scope of services will be formed by Mr. Warner for putting the
packet together. Barry Warner also looked at the Skyline
Playground site and went back to measure the suggested site at
North Park. A different location is being considered.
Staff is waiting for the scope of services for the Trail Plan
update which is being done by SRF. Other projects underway are
the Flagstaff trail and the trail in Meadow Brook. Most of the
grading was complete at Orchard Lake Beach before the heavy
rains, but now some washing and erosion has taken place. This
is a high priority for completion this year.
The reservation notification signs will be ordered for the
shelters. This will hopefully avoid any conflicts with people
using the shelters without reservations. Larson stated there
.are still people entering Antlers Park illegally and driving on
the trails. The grass mowing and upkeep of the soccer and
football fields continues and keeps the maintenance department
very busy.
Two bids were received for the repair of the windows at the
Senior Center. The low bid from local contractor Shorty Bensen
will cover the nine front windows and will include installation
of metal clad windows plus replacement of the fir frames with
redwood. The project will be assessed once completed and it
will be determined whether adequate funds exist to continue the
project on the other two sides of the building.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
. September 18, 1991
Page -2-
Demolition of the buildings at Ritter Farm Park has been
delayed but should be taken care of next week. The house on
Highway 50 was demolished and the wood hauled to Ritter Farm to
be burned along with the other buildings.
The cracks on the tennis courts at Bunker Hill are being
repaired. The Volksmarch at Ritter Farm Park was very
successful and drew over 140 participants. Avery positive
article was written in the St. Paul Pioneer Press concerning
the event. Registrations are going well on all other fall
programs also.
The Casperson Park parking lot has curbing in place. All
excess gravel at the site is accounted for and being hauled
away, much of it to the airport site. Staff is preparing to
receive quotes for the septic system. The crown vetch seeding
had been completed but will need to be replaced due to the
rains washing it out. Staff is concerned about the RTV's and
4-wheelers which have the potential to cause major damage to
the new seeding. Fencing may need to be installed to keep them
off the property.
• ITEM 6.
In their packets committee received information on the sign
sponsorship policy which had been discussed at their last
meeting. Also received was a memo from Renee Brekken
concerning sponsorship of the quarterly brochures, both in the
forms of marketing/advertising or pure donations.
Sign sponsorships and appropriate recognition for contributions
were discussed. Policy questions such as how large the sign
would be and how long it would stay up should be answered, put
in writing and approved by the Council. It would also be
beneficial to put a policy in writing for the Senior Center,
which receives contributions on a regular basis.
Steve Hanson suggested there are several non-local groups who
sometimes donate to worthy causes. Staff explained that these
types of funding sources are constantly being explored.
Raymond asked about Al Hermann's proposed donation on behalf of
the Boy Scouts for Ritter Farm Park, This donation has
apparently fell by the wayside.
The Park Dedication Fund was discussed and the many projects
which have been accomplished this year using these funds.
There have also been other revenue sources and savings in many
• areas which have contributed to the completion of Casperson
Park and Orchard Lake Beach. The Antlers Park lagoon project
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
September 18, 1991
Page -3-
will be going before the Council at a work session in the near
future. If the improvement project is approved, it will be
funded from the park dedication fund. Other projects which.
have been completed in 1991 included installation of drinking
fountains, safety netting at Aronson Park, the bridge at
Lakeridge Park, the building of picnic tables, construction of
the second baseball field at Foxborough Park, new warming house
heaters, trees, display boards, basketball court overlays,
three new basketball courts, and more plantings at the James
Jensen arboretum. Another phase will be completed next year at
the arboretum with an emphasis on fall colors.
The Ritter Farm Park prairie restoration which was planned for
this year will not take place because of the CRP grant not
being received as hoped for. Staff would like to attempt to do
some other restoration project at Ritter in the future. Grenz
suggested the Nature Conservancy Association be contacted to
see if they would be of any support in the project.
Staff mentioned that the septic system at Casperson Park may go
over budget as it had to be designed larger than originally
anticipated. Security lighting was discussed for Valley Lake
Park and Oak Shores Park. It was mentioned that security
lighting sometimes gives people a false sense of security when
.walking after dark.
The trail dedication fund was discussed and its association
with upcoming road projects and MPTW projects through 1994.
Dakota County will be funding a large section of the proposed
Highway 50 trail. Staff would like to see the 175th Street
trail completed at some time in the future, possibly in 1992 or
1993. A second paved shoulder on the other side of 185th St.
and Ipava Ave. should also be added to the priority list for
completion as soon as possible.
Staff mentioned that the bicycle lobbyists are very actively
trying to persuade the legislature to allocate funds for trails
throughout the state. If they are successful, the City could
apply for a share of the monies for trail projects.
Recreation Supervisor Renee Brekken was in attendance to talk
to the committee about the Haunted Forest event for Halloween.
The event is scheduled to take place at North Park on Saturday,
October 26th from 6:30 to 10:30 PM. The cost will be $1.00
plus a donation of a nonperishable food item for Community
• Action food shelf. Renee asked the committee for a commitment
of their time, which. was willingly given.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
September 18, 1991
Page -4-
Police reserves will be on duty at the event for security. A
maximum of eight stations will be set up along the trail, with
a different volunteer group being in charge of each station.
The trail will be lit with luminaries or ice candles and the
volunteer groups will be encouraged not to use any electricity.
Other items available will be concessions, face painting, and
story telling in the building. Workers will be needed to sell
tickets and concessions among many other things. Committee
members were asked to bring a flashlight with new batteries.
Assignments will be made by October 11th.
ITEM 10.
Under unfinished business Larson reported that people are
parking on the bike trail at North Park. He suggested that a
yellow line be painted on the parking lot side of the trail to
possibly discourage people from parking there. Staff felt it
might take more than a painted line to discourage the practice.
ITEM 11.
Illa asked about whether an exercise station system was on the
master plan for North Park. Staff said it could possibly be
added to the park dedication list.
EM 12.
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
will be held on October 2, 1991 at 7:00 PM.
ITEM 13.
Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at
9:30 PM.
Respectfully submitted
d' A. Ringe s n, Recording Secretary
Kevin Il1a, Acting Chairperson