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The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Lulf.
Present were Lovelace, Lulf, Larson, Grenz, Raymond and
Messinger. Illa arrived later. Also present were Park Director
Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ringeisen.
The minutes of the August 21, 1991 Parks and Recreation Advisory
Committee were discussed. There were no additions or
corrections and the minutes were approved as printed.
There were no citizen comments.
Staff reported the maintenance department has planted several
pine trees. New trees have been planted in Dodd Park, Rolling
Oaks and Oak Shores Park and another tree has been transplanted
to City Hall from the site of the demolished house on Highway
Maintenance has completed slice seeding and top dressing at Oak
Shores Park and will do a similar turf renovation project at
Valley Lake Park.
• Staff received a call from a concerned citizen who asked about
the warming house renovation project at Meadows and felt it was
extravagant considering the financial restraints now being
experienced. Staff explained that the buildings were badly in
need of an upgrade and it is the philosophy of the department to
keep properties in the most presentable condition possible.
The Judicial Road project is almost complete and only needs the
final wear course which will be put in this week. The parking
lot at Orchard Lake Beach will most likely be finished this week
also. Staff and committee also discussed the layout of the
adjoining property owners and their accesses.
The footings for the building at Casperson Park are installed.
An on-site meeting will be held tomorrow. The rip-rap along the
shoreline is complete and curbing is being set in the parking
lot. Several yards of fill will be going to the airport
project. Lulf suggested another article in "Messages" to remind
the public of the project's funding source. This has already
been discussed at the staff level and will be put in the paper
Staff had attended a Transportation Plan / Trail Plan update
meeting and had subsequently sent his suggestions for the Trail
• Plan portion of the update to SRF, the consultant on the
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes
• September 4, 1991
Page -2-
Barton-Aschman has been sent a copy of the Comprehensive Park
and Open Space System Plan for a quote to complete the update of
the plan. Barton-Aschman will look at the Trail Plan and the
Policy Plan and give quotes for completion of those projects
The General Fund Budgets are complete; the 1992 budget will be
very similar to 1991. The park dedication fund budget should
have a balance after funds are allocated. to the school project,
so some park dedication projects should be able to be
accomplished in 1992.
Staff has received two quotations for razing the building at
Ritter Farm Park along with a house on Highway 50. The project
will be completed next week. The Senior Center window
replacement project was also discussed.
Staff is putting together his MRPA Board for next year when he
will take over as president of the organization. Some of the
Parks and Recreation Committee members have expressed an
interest in being on a committee which will be chaired by Jeff
• A meeting on the golf course was held. Progress is continuing
but much work remains. The beaches have closed for the season
as of Labor Day and the ranger program is also finished for the
year. The Police Department will take charge of the ranger
program next year. It is the plan to have the rangers working
with the CEO's.
Mary Liz Holberg met with staff this week concerning the Skyline
playground in Burnsville and about starting a similar project in
Lakeville. The Skyline playground was built by the community
with donated materials, funds and labor. Staff asked Mary Liz
to present her idea to the Parks and Recreation Committee and
also suggested the equipment be designed and purchased by a
regular playground manufacturer as opposed to using treated
lumber, which has increased maintenance. Professional
playground distributors can design a playground on the computer
and deliver materials which are specifically manufactured for
that purpose, making the end product more durable and
maintenance free.
One site suggested for the playground was North Park. Other
suggestions were Valley Lake Park, the new northeast park or
maybe the school./park site at Highview Elementary which would be
centrally located and serve a majority of citizens. Committee
discussed the concept, the pros and cons of each site, and if
• the need exists for that size of a playground at North Park.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes
September 4, 1991
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It was suggested that with the ten acre increase in land at
Valley Lake, it might be a good site for the playground. The
entire park, possibly with the addition of Parkview Park, has the
potential of being developed into a community park.
ITEIri 6.
The committee received a memo which was prepared by Dan Bale
concerning the sign sponsorship policies of various cities he had
surveyed. The council recently .tabled the agreement with Sales
Consultants for the Aronson Park sign until a sign policy could
be established. Advertising at the parks is a potential future
revenue source. Staff's suggestion was to adopt a policy of not
allowing advertising of alcohol or tobacco products. It was
also felt that advertising should be limited to athletic
complexes only and not allow displays in neighborhood parks.
Issues that need to be decided are fees, maintenance, length of
time, and what the revenue would be used for.
Discussion centered around the minimum requirement for recogni-
tion or advertising. The time period of five years was proposed.
It was suggested to have a permanent recognition sign at an
appropriate location for major contributors of park funds.
Advertising could also be done on the roof and inside the
• proposed dugouts at North Park. Sponsors for special events such
as Pan-O-frog were also addressed and whether or not these events
would come under jurisdiction of park policy. Several 1991
Pan-O-frog sponsorship signs located in various parks were
highlighted with beer advertising. Potential sponsors should be
given the opportunity to see the gift catalog so they could have
some ideas of what they would like to donate toward.
Committee received a copy of the Parks and Open Space System Plan
which had been updated by the park staff. The plan will be sent
to Barton-Aschman for a quote on its completion.
ITEM 8.a
The recreation department is planning for the Halloween Haunted
Trail Walk which will take place at North Park. A story-telling
guide will accompany participants along the trail. The Park
Dept. will ask for volunteer assistance from the Jaycees, PTO
groups, Community Education, student council and leadership
groups, church groups, and the Fire Dept., as well as City Hall
staff and the Parks & Rec. Advisory Committee. It was also
suggested that advertising be done at the Community Fair. The
issue of where funds will be designated was also discussed..
91.30 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Illa, to ask City
• Council to approve the allocation of any profits from the Haunted
Trail Walk to the expansion and enhancement of special events.
Motion passed.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes
September 4, 1991
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Renee Brekken will attend the Parks and Recreation Advisory
Committee meeting of September 18, 1991, to update the committee
on the Haunted Trail Walk plans.
Committee received a copy of the new Park Dedication ordinance
which was approved by the City Council .at a special meeting.
The intent of the ordinance change is to assist commerce and
industry in the community.
Messinger asked if lifeguard hours for next summer could be
extended. Staff said since budgets are already set for 199.2 and
with Orchard Lake Beach reopening next. year, it is unlikely that
expanded hours would be feasible. If the levy limits are lifted
in 1993, extended hours may be considered.
Messinger noted that parking is inadequate at Foxborough when
all the football teams are practicing at the same time. Illa
commented now that games are in progress, scheduling should take
care of the problem and there would be adequate parking.
Staff showed the committee the preliminary and final plat of
Dodd `Ridge 3rd Addition, south of Meadow Brook. An 8' trail is
• scheduled to be installed in this plat.
91.31 Motion was made by Raymond, seconded by Larson, to recommend to
City Council approval of the preliminary and final plats of Dodd
Ridge 3rd Addition, with a cash contribution to satisfy the park
and trail dedication requirements.
Motion passed.
Staff showed the committee the site plan for the new Lakeville
High School including the grading and landscaping plans.
ITSLK 10 .
The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
will be September 18, 1991, 7:00 PM, City Hall Council Chambers.
ITEI4I 11.
Since there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at
10:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Judi Ringeisen, Recording Secretary
Larry Lulf, Chairman