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May 22, 1997
The meeting. was called to order by Chair Rieb at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council
Roll call of members was taken.
Present: Miller,. Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff.
Absent: Ex-officio Commissioner Bellows, Alternate Commissioner Luck.
Also present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Michael Sobota, Community and
Economic Development Director; Daryl Morey, City Planner; Tim Hanson, Assistant
City Engineer; Jim Walston, Assistant City Attorney; and Donna Quintus, Recording
The minutes of the May 22, 1997 Planning Commission meeting were approved as
Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota introduced newly
appointed Planning Commissioner Barbara Wanner.. Barbara had previously served as a
member of the Environmental Affairs Committee. Ms. Wanner was appointed by the
• City Council to fill a vacancy on the Planning Commission for a term that will expire on
January 1, 2000. The Commissioners welcomed Ms. Wanner to the Commission.
ITEM RNFWA~~C'E S PA .IN t Ci Til)F.i.IN .S;
Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota introduced Mr. Jack
Lord, Senior Transportation Planner for SRF, the City's transportation consultant.
Sobota indicated that the City has been working closely with Mr. Lord to establish
Driveway Access Spacing Guidelines in preparation of a proposed zoning ordinance
amendment regarding driveway spacing requirements/design criteria and Motor Fuel
Facilities Study.
Mr. Lord presented an overview of the proposed guidelines indicating that the proposed
standards are consistent with the recommended guidelines for street access as specified
in the City of Lakeville Transportation Plan which was adopted in 1994. The Dakota
County spacing guidelines have also been considered in preparation of these
Mr. Lord discussed the details of the proposed driveway location specifications and
design criteria. for high and low intensity land uses as they relate to the functional
classification (i.e., major collectors, arterials,. etc.) of roadways that they are adjacent to
• and distance to intersecting streets.
Commissioner Wulff suggested that it may be appropriate to provide an additional
classification and unique driveway spacing standards for cul-de-sac lots where the
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 22, 1997
Page 2
• proposed standard spacing cannot be accommodated or in twinhorne/multi-family
developments where garages aze placed together to provide additional privacy and for
the. purpose of buffering noise. Staff agreed and Mr. Lord indicated that he will
incorporate design criteria into the guidelines specific to these situations.
The Commission concurred that the proposed driveway spacing guidelines be forwarded
to David Licht, NAC, to prepare a draft ordinance amendment and submit it for
additional review. by the Planning Commission. Sobota indicated that, after preliminazy
review of the draft amendment, the. Planning. Commission will hold a public hearing to
hear public comment on the proposed ordinance amendment and make formal
recommendation to the City Council.
97.65 MOTION by Wulff, Second by Cecchini to forward the proposed driveway spacing
guidelines submitted by SRF, Inc., including the comments and suggestions discussed,
to the City's planning consultant, NAC, for the prepazation of a draft zoning ordinance
amendment establishing driveway spacing criteria for formal presentation and review by
the Planning Commission.
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Miller, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff.
Nays; 0.
Chair Rieb opened the public hearing to consider the application for the rezoning of
:property from R-A, Single Family -Agricultural Residential District to R-2, Single
Family Residential District to allow the construction of a single family home.. Assistant
City Attorney Jim Walston attested that the legal notice had been duly published and
mailed as required by state statute.
Community and Economic Development Director Sobota provided an overview of the
application from Mr. Robert Jensen, 17245 Flagstaff Avenue, to rezone aone-acre
portion of his 78-acre parcel from R-A to R-2. Mr. Jensen proposes to sell a small
portion of the property to a family member for the construction of a new single family
home.. The proposed rezoning would allow Mr. Jensen to administratively subdivide
approximately one-acre of his property that would be served with city sewer from the
Kenridge Addition. This request is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and
meets or exceeds minimum ordinance requirements for the R-2 District. Community
and Economic Development staff recommend approval of the rezoning request.
Mr. Robert Jensen, petitioner, was present and indicated that he is in agreement with the
staff recommendation that future driveway access to the west shall be constructed at the
• time that the surrounding property is subdivided into single family homes and a local
access street is provided, thereby, removing the current driveway access to Flagstaff
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 22, 1997
Page 3
Staff responded to Commissioner Miller's request for information. regarding the timing
for Flagstaff Avenue improvements. and opportunities for the further subdivision of the
one-acre parcel in the future. Staff indicated that an escrow or waiver of assessment
appeal will berequired for future roadway improvements to Flagstaff Avenue which will
occur when the surrounding properties are developed.
There were no comments from the audience.
97.6b MOTION by Miller, Second by Wulff to close the public hearing.
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
.Ayes: Winner, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff, Miller.
Nays: d.
97.67 MOTION by Amborn, Second by Miller to recommend to City Council approval of the
application of Robert Jensen,to rezone the subject property from R-A, Single Family -
Agricultural District to R-2, Single Family Residential District in accordance with the
Findings of Fact dated May 22, 1997.
Roll call vote was called an the motion.
Ayes: Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff, Miller, Wanner.
• Nays.: 0.
Chair Rieb opened the public hearing to consider the applications of Wallace and
Ardyce Potter. for the preliminary and final. plat of Garden Estates and the vacation of a
portion of existing Glendive Avenue and Bayview Avenue rights-of-way. Assistant City
Attorney Jim Walston attested that the legal notice had been duly published and mailed
as required by state statute.
City Planner Morey reviewed the request from Wallace and Ardyce Potter for the
platting of three single family residential lots on wand located on the south side of 202nd
Street, east of Kensington Way. The City is proposing to vacate excess right-of--way as
part of an agreement with .property owners related to the 202nd Street Improvement
The preliminary and final plat of Garden Estates consists of three single family
residential lots on 3.18 .acres of land. The subject property is zoned R-2, Single Family
Residential District and lies within the Shoreland Overlay District for Lake Marion.
The development of Garden Estates for single family homes is consistent with the
• low/medium density residential development of the'City's Comprehensive Plan. Each
of the three tots exceed lot area and lot width requirements for the R-2 District.
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 22, 1997
Page 4
• Garden Estates includes one outlot (Outlat A) located south of Lots 1-3 on the south
side of the proposed plat. Outlot A includes a wetland area lying adjacent to the lake
Marion drainage way. The Potters will deed 0utlot A to the City with the Garden
Estates final plat.
The City is vacating excess right-of-way as part of an agreement with property owners
related to the 202nd Street Improvement Project. In addition, the City is proposing to
vacate the existing undeveloped 15-foot wide. Bayview Avenue right-of--way located
on the east side of Garden Estates.
Wallace and Ardyce Potter were in attendance and indicated their agreement to the
staff's recommendations regarding conditions for approval. Mr. Potter also indicated
that an existing accessory building which straddles a proposed property line is being
removed and an existing well has :already been. sealed according to code.
The Environmental Affairs Committee reviewed the Garden Estates preliminary and
final plat at their May 20, 1997 meeting and recommended approval. At their meeting
on May 21, 1997 the Parks and Recreation Committee recommended a cash contribution
to satisfy the park and trail dedication requirements for the Garden Estates plat.
Community and Economic Development Department staff recommends approval of the
• Garden Estates preliminary and. final. plat subject to the seven stipulations listed in the
May 16, 1997 Planner's Report and the City's request to vacate portions of Glendive and
Bayvew Avenue rights-of--way.
There was no public comment from the audience.
97.6$ MOTION by Amborn .Second by Wanner to close the public hearing.
Roll call vote was .called on the motion.
Ayes: Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff, Miller, Wanner, Rieb.
Nays: Q.
97.69 MOTION by Amborn, Second by Wulff to recommend to City Council approval of the
Garden Estates preliminary and final plat and street right-of--way vacation requests.
subject to the seven stipulations as listed in the May 16, .1997 Planner's Report.
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Cecchini, Wulff, Miller, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn.
Nays: 0.
ITEM $ PUBLIC HEARING: TNTF.RLA .H , _ .FN (fo~~hview Hil1r)
Chair Rieb opened the public hearing to consider the applications from Stonebriar
Corporation for: 1) the vacation of an existing street, drainage, and utility easement
located west of Highview Avenue and north of 168th Street West; 2) a variance to cul-
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 22, 1997
Page 5
de-sac street length. as proposed for the Interlachen Glen final plat; and 3) the final plat
of Interlachen Glen. Assistant Attorney Jim Walston attested that the public hearing
notices had been mailed and published in accordance with state statutes.
City Planner Daryl Morey presented an overview of the application of Mr. Jim Render,
Stonebriaz Corporation, for the final plat of Interlachen Glen (a/k/a Highview Hills).
Interlachen Glen development consists of 45 single family residential lots. on 40.6-
. acres of land located west of Highview Avenue, south of the Messiah Lutheran
Church at the 168th Street alignment. The block and street design of the Interlachen
Glen final plat is consistent with the Highview Hills preliminary plat which was
approved by the City Council on March 3, 1997. However, the. proposed final plat
includes one more lot than the approved preliminary plat due. to an agreement that was
reached between the developer and Messiah Lutheran Church representatives for a
property trade to allow Lot 7, Block 3 to be included in the final plat of Interlachen
The Interlachen Glen final plat has been reviewed by engineering staff, the Dakota
County Soil and Water Conservation District, the Environmental Affairs and the Parks
and Recreation Committees and all recommend approval.
The development of proposed Hudson Circle in Interlachen Glen will create a cul-de-
sac street with a length greater that the 500 feet allowed by the Subdivision Ordinance.
Community and Economic Development staff supports the cul-de-sac street length
variance due to the wetland azeas located on the west side of Interlachen Glen that
prohibits extending this street to the north or south.
The developer is requesting a vacation of a small area of street, drainage, and utility
easements dedicated within Outlot A, Messiah Lutheran Church Addition which is
proposed to be located within the Interlachen Glen final plat boundaries. Portions of
the vacated azea are located within the proposed Lot 7, Block 3, Lot 10, Block 4, and
Interlachen Boulevard right-af--way in the Interlachen Glen final plat. Community and
Economic Development staff supports the easement vacation as proposed by
Stonebriaz Corporation.
Mr. John Prins, representative for Stonebriaz Corporation,. was present and indicated that
the developer is in agreement with Community and Economic Development Department
staff recommendations for approval of the Interlachen Glen final plat.
• Commissioner Miller requested clazification regazding timing for the development of
Hypointe Crossing 6th Addition which is proposed to the west of Interlachen Glen.. Mr.
Miller expressed concern that construction of Hudson Circle in the Hypointe Crossing
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 22, 1997
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• development is crucial to the access of four lots within the proposed Interlachen Glen
development. Staff responded that the developers for Interlachen Glen and Hypointe
Crossing 6th Addition are working together to coordinate. the construction of Hudson
Circle simultaneously with the two developments. Stipulation No. as listed in the
May l6, 1997 Planner's Report addresses this issue and sets out the conditions far the
development of the .affected lots within the Interlachen Glen finale. plat.
There were no comments from the audience.
97.70 MOTION by Ambarn, Second by Wulff to close the public hearing.
Roll call vote was called on the motion.
Ayes: Wulff, Miller, Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini.
Nays: 0.
97.71 MOTION by Wulff, Second by Miller to recommend to the City Council approval of the
Interlachen Glen final plat, street, drainage & utility easement vacation, and cul-de-sac street
length variance requests subject to the 13 stipulations recommended by staff and listed in the
May 16, 1997 Planner's Report. in accordance with the Findings of Fact for the variance
dated May 22, 1997.
Roll call vote was called an the motion.
Ayes: Miller Wanner, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff.
Nays: O.
.City Planner Daryl Morey reviewed a proposal from Mr. Al Block, Town & Country
Homes, who submitted a sketch plan application for the development of 168 townhouse
lots. on a 33.45-acre site located between 162nd Street {County Road 46) and 165th
Street, with the new Jaguar Avenue bisecting the property. The subject property is
guided for low density residential development in the City's Comprehensive Land Use
Plan and: is currently zoned R 2, Low Density Single Family Residential District. The
proposed townhouse development would require the City's approval. of an amendment
to the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan and a rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit
Development. The sketch plan also indicates that the preliminary and final plat would
require a variance to cul-de-sac street length.
The subject property for the townhouse .development concept is bordered by existing
single family neighborhoods to the west and south, undeveloped R-2 zoned property
owned by Hosanna! Lutheran Church to the east, and a City park and R-4, Single and
Two Family Residential District zoned property to the north. This proposed. land use
plan would require a zoning change from R-2" (0 to 3 units per acre) to PUD to allow a
i proposed density of 5.04 units per acre. The PUD zoning would allow flexibility in
design standards to facilitate the preservation of trees and open space within the
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 22, 1997
Page 7
City Administrator Robert Erickson stated that when the Town and Country Homes
developers first approached the City with the concept for townhouse development on
this site, City staff indicated that the property was currently guided for single family
residential development and that staff could not provide support for the increased
density. However, the history of this site and several issues were .identified as being
unique to this property that may justify the City's consideration of alternatives for
development of this property such as the following:
1) County Raad 46 was not proposed for construction as afour-lane major arterial
when the City originally envisioned this property for use as single .family residential.
2) hosanna! Lutheran. Church is located on land that was originally zoned R-7, High
Density. Residential District. Construction of the church and the rezoning of this
property to R-2, Low Density Single Family Residential District eliminated a large
portion of high density property within the City along this corridor.
3) Additional R
2 zoned land has been optioned by Hosanna! Lutheran which lies
adjacent to the church site for future church uses. The resulting subject parcel does
not lend itself well to development of single family residential due to existing site
4) Further, Independent. School District 194's secondary education bond referendum
failed. If approved the referendum would have provided for the construction of a
junior high school which was proposed to be adjacent to the Town & Country Home
site. Original consideration of proposed twinhome and. townhome development was
based upon a land use transition for the remaining McNamara property adjacent to
the proposed school.
Due to these and other issues related to development of this property, City staff
challenged the developer to prepare a concept plan for development of the subject.
property that would address the site issues, as well as allay any neighborhood concerns
regarding medium density development of this site. The resulting site design and
development proposal represents the developer's objectives to achieve maximum
setback from the existing homes, no impact to wetlands, and greatest preservation of
existing trees and vegetation
City .Administrator Erickson stated that he had attended the neighborhood meeting
hosted by the developer on May 21, 1997 at Hosanna! Lutheran Church where the
developer .provided project information and heard neighborhood reaction to the
townhom_ a proposal. Initial resident response to the project was negative. They were
advised that development of this same parcel as single family residential would have a
greater impact on wetlands and tree preservation. Neighborhood residents were
provided information on proposed twinhome and townhome architecture, .home value,
on-site amenities, and a provision for increased setbacks from existing single family
homes that would provide greater privacy to existing residents as well as future residents
of this neighborhood.
Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes
May 22, 1997
Page 8
• It was the eneral consensus of the residents in attendance that the would like to see a
g y
neighborhood park in this area. They also expressed a desire that the developers provide
them with an alternate plan for single family residential development for this area so they
could determine whether this type of development would cause a greater environmental
Scott Johnson,. Arcon Development, and Al Block, Vice-President of Town & Country
Homes; were in attendance and presented color renderings of the proposed townhome
structures and details regarding site conditions, wetlands, ponding, and tree preservation
efforts. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Block provided additional clarification and details
regarding quality and design of the proposed townhomes and responded to questions
from the .Commission. City staff indicated that PUD, Planned Unit Development zoning
of the property would provide the .opportunity for the City to establish guarantees
regarding townhome/twinhome architecture, site design, and maintenance of the
property. Mr. Johnson stated another neighborhood meeting has been scheduled at
which time the residents will be provided with additional information and design. criteria
in response to several issues that were raised at the neighborhood meeting. The
developer will then determine whether they will proceed with their applications for a
rezoning and a Comprehensive Plan amendment.
• Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota provided a brief
update on the status of the Comprehensive Guide Plan Update and Motor Fuel Study.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Resp ully submitte ,
Donna Quintus, Reco ng Secretary
Laurie Rieb, Chair