HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-20-97 City Of Lakeville • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 20, 1997 The meeting was called to order by Chair Rieb at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Miller, Kowalke, Whitehouse, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, and Alternate Commission Member Luick. Absent: Bellows; Wulff. Also present; Michael Sabots, Community and Economic Development Director; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Tim Hanson, Assistant City Engineer; Jim Walston, Assistant City Attorney; Donna Quintus, Recording Secretary.. The minutes of the March 6, 1997 Planning Commission meeting were approved as printed. • ITEM 5: DHY ADDITION Chair Rieb opened the public hearing to consider the application submitted by the City of Lakeville for: 1) the rezoning of property from PUD, Planned Unit Development District to I-1, Limited Industrial District; and 2) a preliminary and final plat of the proposed DHY Addition.. Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston attested that the legal notice had been duly published and mailed as required by state statute. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented an overview of the City of Lakeville's application for the DHY Addition preliminary and final plat. The proposed plat involves approximately 8.7 acres and is located in the northwest quadrant at the intersection of 215th Street (CSAH 70) and Holyoke Avenue. The DHY Addition would accommodate development of a corporate headquarters and manufacturing facility for Di Hed Yokes, Inc. (DHY), a high technology, precision machining and die casting company. The DHY project proposes a redevelopment of this area which was previously used by a general contractor for a commercial use (Fredrickson Excavating) and contains two non-conforming residences. Prior to the commercial. use the property was zoned .residential. The City of Lakeville is negotiating with the current owner, Mr. Michael Giles; to purchase the property and, in turn, convey title to DHY for development of the site. As a condition of the purchase, Mr. Giles has agreed to "clean up" the property by clearing debris left on the site by the previous owner. The agreement. also includes the removal of the existing residences, abandonment and sealing of private wells, and .Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 20, 1.997 Page 2 • abandonment of existin sanit sewer services extendin to the houses in accordance g g , with state and local regulations. The City recognizes this location as one of the major gateways to the downtown area, as well as Airlake Industrial Park, and has a vested interest in cleaning up the site and developing an aesthetically impressive structure and land use. PRELIlVIINARY/FINAL PLAT: The proposed DHY Addition preliminary and final plat involves the platting of four separate metes and bounds parcels. Three of the parcels are being combined and the fourth parcel is being subdivided into two segments. The easterly portion of the fourth parcel will be combined with the first three parcels and is included in the DHY Addition. The remaining larger portion of the fourth parcel (to the west of the DHY Addition) is not included in the plat. The resulting preliminary and final plat consists of one 7.6-acre lot and one block. In addition, approximately 1.1 acres of the site will be dedicated as roadright-of--way for Holyoke Avenue and County Road 70. Approximately ten acres of the fourth parcel is not included in the DHY plat. This property will be administratively subdivided subject to the City Council approval of the proposed rezoning and DHY Addition plat. REZONING: The City of Lakeville is proposing to rezone the subject parcel from PUD, Planned Unit Development to I-1, Limited Industrial District to permit the proposed office/manufacturing use (DHY).: This rezoning request is consistent with the 198$ Comprehensive Plan and is also compatible with other nearby land uses and industrial zoned properties due to its proximity to the Airlake Industrial Park.. The proposed I-l, Limited Industrial District zoning allows manufacturing, warehousing, and office land uses as a permitted use, therefore the DHY project would be a permitted use. DHY SITE PLAN: .The proposed DHY site plan has been reviewed for compliance with the requirements of the zoning ordinance and has been found to meet ordinance requirements for circulation, setbacks, parking requirements and landscaping. DHY is proposing to develop this site in four phases. The first phase includes the construction of a 50,000 square foot office/manufacturing facility. The second, third, and fourth phases are proposed as .additions to the initial structure with ultimate structure size totaling approximately 126,000+ square. feet. Required parking will also • be constructed in phases as each addition is built. Access to the site is provided by a main driveway from Holyoke Avenue. On-site traffic flow will be defined by on-site controls delineating between automobile Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 20, 1997 Page 3 • em to ee and semi-truck movement. DHY's ro osed landsca a lan includes three- ( p Y) p p p P foot high berms landscaped with blue spruce trees which will provide screening of the proposed loading berths and associated truck staging areas from County Road 70 right- of--way. The proposed building exterior is of high quality materials. Planning staff feels that the proposed aesthetic treatment of the DHY structure and site design will set a high standard for other office buildings/industrial sites in the Airlake Industrial Park and will serve as an impressive gateway. to Lakeville's historic downtown. RESOLUTION FOR TIF DISTRICT NO. 17: Community and Economic Development Director Michael Sobota requested Planning Commission consideration of a Planning Commission Resolution regarding the Tax Increment Finance (TIF) plan for DHY. TIF District No. 17. is being created to accommodate the redevelopment of the former Fredrickson site. and assist DHY in development and construction of their proposed $1.8 million corporate headquarters. The subject site is located at one of the major gatewaysto the Airlake Industrial Park and downtown Lakeville area. The proposed DHY development consists of removing blighted building(s) and on-site storage areas and constructing atwo-story corporate • headquarters and high-tech manufacturing facility..: The proposed TIF District No. 17 Plan also includes the installation of supportive public infrastructure to the site and property to the west and south. Sobota indicated that the Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing proposed TIF redevelopment projects and plans to determine their consistency with the City's Comprehensive Guide Plana Staff has reviewed the proposal and recommended that the proposed TIF District No. 17 is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The plans. for the proposed preliminary and final plat, site, grading, and utility plans have been reviewed by the City Engineer, Environmental Affairs Committee (EAC), and the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District. All have recommended approval. The Parks and Recreation Committee has also reviewed the plat and has recommended park dedication as a cash contribution. Also, the fire marshal and building official have reviewed the DHY site plan and building plans and have found them to be in compliance with code requirements. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the applications for the DHY Addition. preliminary and final plat, the rezoning, and the Resolution finding that the TIF District Na 17 plan is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan. Associate Planner Dempsey introduced Mr. Todd Seidell and Jack Matasosky, Appro Development, and Mr. Ken Owen, owner of DHY, Inc., to provide clarification and answer questions from the staff and commissioners. Mr. Owen indicated he is in agreement with the conditions for approval as recommended by staff. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 20, 1997 Page 4 Staff and the applicants responded to questions from the Commission and provided details regarding on-site truck parking, circulation, loading/unloading of materials, and visibility of on-site truck activities to County Road 70. Dempsey indicated that DI-IY is proposing to exceed required landscaping and berming on their site. Mr. Owen indicated he is willing to augment the proposed landscaping plan and install more trees on the DHY site along the County Road 70 right-of--way to provide enhanced visual screening. Mr. Owen also indicated that there is no excessive noise problems with this industry. All production and storage activities are confined within the building including an indoor location for the garbage dumpster location and if any outside storage of material is proposed. Mr. Seidell indicated that dumpster locations are within a recessed area of the building and will not be visible to the public. Mr. Owen stated that it is a policy of his company that there are no provisions for any exterior storage of any materials or product in the yard area. Storage of all materials is accommodated within the building, including a separate area for potentially volatile debris such as metal slag, used oil, iron shavings, etc. Staff suggested an additional stipulation be added that would not allow outside storage of any materials. Mr. Owen agreed with this condition. Staff stated that the building official and fire marshal have reviewed the DHY building plans and visited DHY's current site in Minneapolis.. They indicated they were impressed with the cleanliness and the attention to safety- matters at the Minneapolis site and any issues related o building and fire codes have been resolved. Commissioner Whitehouse noted that the DHY site plan indicated a SO,OOO square foot structure in phase one of the development and that the TIF Plan for District No. 17 states that theplan is fora 45,000 square foot structure. Community and Economic Development Director Sobota stated that the proposed DHI', Inc. corporate headquarters building was increased to 50,000 square feet and that staff will amend the original TIF Plan document prior to being acted on by the City Council. There were no comments from the public. 97.30 MOTION by Whitehouse,. Seconded by Luick to close the public hearing. Roll call vote was called on the motion.. Ayes: Unanimous. 97.31 MOTION by Cecchini, Seconded by Amborn to recommend to City Council. approval of the City of Lakeville's request for a rezoning, the DHY Addition preliminary and final plat to allow the construction of the Di Hed Yokes office and manufacturing building subject to the nine (9) stipulations listed in the Planner's Report dated March 12, 1997, with the addition of Stipulation No. 10 to read as follows: "1Vo outside storage of any • materials will be allowed on site. "and the findings of fact; and to adopt RESOLUTION OF THE LAKEVILLE PLANNING COMMISSION FINDING THE PROPOSAL FOR MODIFICATION OF AIRLAKE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1, ESTABLISHMENT OF Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 20, 1997 Page 5 • TAX INCREMENT FIN ANCING DISTRICT NO. 17 LOCATED WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND PROPOSAL FOR APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN RELATING THERETO TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE CITY. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. ITEM 6: NFINI~H .n B is None. ITEM 7: NEW, B T INE : Commissioner Gerald Kowalke stated that he and his family will be relocating to Atlanta, Georgia in the coming weeks. Therefore, he has submitted his resignation from the Lakeville Planning Commission effective. with the close of this meeting. He expressed appreciation for the. opportunity to work with the Planning Commission members and City staff and stated it had been an honor to serve the Lakeville Community. Staff and the. Commissioners joined in wishing Jerry good luck and expressed gratitude for his contribution in service to the City of Lakeville-and the community. Planning staff reviewed the Planning Commission meeting schedule for the month of May, 1997. The regular meeting dates are on the opposite week of the other City committees and commission. Therefore, staff requested Planning Commission consideration for changing the meeting schedule to May 8th and May 22nd to be in synch with the regularly scheduled May, 1997 meetings for. the. Environmental Affairs Committee, Parks and. Recreation Committee, and City Council meetings. 97.32 MOTION by Rieb, Seconded by Miller to reschedule the regular May, 1997 Planning Commission meetings to May 8,1997 and May 22,1997. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted: onna Quintus, Re rding Secretary ATTEST: Laurie Rieb, .Chair • RESOLUTION OF THE LAKEVILLE PLANNING .COMMISSION FINDING THE PROPOSAL FOR MODIFICATION OF AIRLAKE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1, ESTABLISHMENT OF TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 17 LOCATED WITHIN THE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND PROPOSAL FOR APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT .PLAN AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN RELATING THERETO TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY.. , WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Lakeville (the "Authority") has proposed modification of Airlake Redevelopment Project No. 1 (the "Project'') and establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 17 (the "Tax Increment District") located within the Project, all located within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Lakeville, Minnesota (the "City") pursuant to Minnesota .Statutes, .Sections 469.001 and 469.047, inclusive, and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179, inclusive; and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan and Financing Plan have been submitted to • the Lakeville Planning Commission pursuant to .Minnesota Statutes,. Section 469.027 and Minnesota Statutes, Section469.175, Subd. 3(3); and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed Redevelopment. Plan and Financing Plan to determine the consistency of the Plans to the Comprehensive Plan of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Lakeville Planning Commission that the Redevelopment Plan and Financing Plan are consistent with the Lakeville Comprehensive Plan and the Commission recommends forwarding. of the findings to the Lakeville City Council Adopted: 199 iy ~~c.,e~ Chairman A ST: • PAGE 1 of I Lakeville TIF-17 Planning Commission Resolution March 19, 1997 Mr. Bob Erickson City of Lakeville 2.0195 Holyoke Ave. Lakeville, MN. 55044 Dear Bob: As we have discussed, my family and I will be relocating to Atlanta, Georgia in the coming weeks. Therefore, please accept my resignation from the Lakeville Planning Commission effective with the close of the March 19, 1997 meeting. It has been an honor to serve with and learn from you and your staff over the years. I look forward to using the principles they have exhibited in my future endeavors. Sincerely: Gerald Kowalke •