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HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-06-97 City Of Lakeville PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES March 6, 1997 The meeting was called to order by Chair Rieb at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Bellows, Miller, Whitehouse, Rieb, Amborn, Cecchini, Wulff, and Alternate Planning Commissioner Luick. Absent: Kowalke. Also present: Michael Sobota, Community & Economic Development Director; Daryl Morey, City Planner; Jim Walston, Assistant City Attorney; Donna Quintus, Recording Secretary. The minutes of the February. 20, 1997 Planning Commission meeting were approved as printed. • ITEM 4: ANNOUNCEMENTS: At the request of Community & Economic Development Director Sobota Chair Rieb amended the March 6, 1997 Planning Commission Agenda by adding under New Business, Item 8C. First Heritage Bank: Revised Site Plan. ITEM 5: CONSENT AGENDA: 97.28 MOTION by Amborn, Seconded by Wulff to recommend approval ofthe Consent Agenda as follows: Sa. Approve City/Kaler Registered Land Survey Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. ITEM 6: COMPREHENSIVE LAND. USE PLAN AMENDMENT PRELIMINARY WORK PLAN DISCUSSION Community and Economic Development Director Sobota stated that in anticipation of the Minnesota State Legislature's action mandating updates to all the metropolitan cities' comprehensive plans, the City Council included the impending Major. Guide Plan Amendment for the City of Lakeville's Comprehensive Land Use Plan in the City's 1997-1998 Budget. Based on that • action, City staff requested the City's planning consultant, Northwest Associated Consultants (NAC), submit a proposal for a work program and schedule for the Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 6, 1997 Page 2 • , update of the City s Guide Plan. The legislative mandate establishes a deadline for submittal of all comp plan updates to Metropolitan Council by December 31, 1998. Mr. David Licht, President of Northwest Associated Consultants (NAC), was present and provided an overview of NAC's proposed work program and schedule for the update of the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan.. The NAC proposal recommends atwo-phase program. The first phase would include an inventory and community profile for the entire community, planning tactics, and formulation of land use recommendations and plans for areas currently identified as rural service areas. Phase I of the work plan includes completing. the study of the City's Rural Service Area by September, 1997. A study of the Urban Service Area will be addressed in the second phase with a target completion date of October, 1998, This timetable would provide sufficient time for the Planning Commission and City Council to hold public hearings. and forward .the completed document to Metropolitan Council by the December 31, 1998 .deadline. • Mr. Licht discussed details regarding the components and elements that make up the proposed work plan framework and schedule for the various steps for this Major Comprehensive Land Use Plan Update. Mr. Licht answered specific questions and provided information regarding the process and the. techniques that will be used to acquire input and. participation from the. City staff,. the City's advisory boards (Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Committee, Economic Development Commission, Environmental Af~`airs Committee), local civic organizations, and residents. The Planning Commission will hold meetings and a public hearing Specific methods included the gathering of information through the use of special workshops, individual interviews, and neighborhood meetings. The recommendations.and direction provided by the Planning Commission and others as a result of these processes will then be developed into findings and recommendations. Inventories and facts will be derived from many sources including census data, wetland inventories, water treatment facility capacity, and transportation issues and be incorporated into the final document. All products will be compatible with the City's GIS system. 97.29 MOTION by Miller, Seconded by Cecchini to recommend approval of the. Lakeville -Comprehensive Plan I~pdate: Work Program as submitted by NAC ` • and that this document be forwarded to City Council for approval. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes March 6, .1997 Page 3 ITEM 8C.: NEw BUSINESS: FIRST HERITAGE BANK: REVISED SITE PLAN Sobota presented a brief overview of modifications that were made to the proposed new bank. to be located west of Iberia Avenue, north of CSAH 50. Originally, the site plan included a driveway entrance off CSAH 50. However, the Dakota County Highway Department denied the access permit because the access did not. meet Dakota County's minimum spacing requirements for driveway access onto county roads. Based on that decision, the developer, Appro Development, and bank representatives worked with the City's Planning and Engineering Departments to modify the site plan for the bank. The modifications to the site plan include a redirection of internal vehicular flows that provides for maximum vehicular and pedestrian safety. The Commissioners discussed alternatives to proposed on-site circulation for the bank property. Sobota indicated he would forward the Planning Commission's comments on to Assistant City Engineer Tim Hanson for review and determination of ultimate design. Commissioner Cecchini questioned staff regarding the sign ordinance and a timetable for updating this ordinance. Sobota responded that the 1997 budget did not include funding to pursue a comprehensive update to the sign ordinance. However, the current study of motor fuel facilities will address signage and design issues related to this use. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted: onna Quintus, Recor mg Secretary ATTEST: • Laurie Rieb, Chair