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City Of Lakeville . PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES February 20, 1997 The meeting was called to order by Chair Rieb at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Roll call of members was taken. Present: Bellows, Miller, Kowalke, Whitehouse, Rieb, Amborn, Wulff. Absent: Cecchini. Also present: Robert Erickson, City Administrator; Daryl Morey, City Planner; Frank Dempsey, Associate Planner; Tim Hanson, Assistant City Engineer; Jim Walston, Assistant City Attorney; Donna Quintus, Recording Secretary. The minutes of the January 23, 199'7 Planning Commission meeting were approved as printed. ITEM 4: ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. ITEM 5: P T i.I FI .ARiN T . KABOT COVE EASEMENT VACATION Chair Rieb opened the public hearing to consider the application of Lewis Land, Inc. for the vacation of an existing drainage and utility easement underlying the platted properties of Kabot Cove. Assistant City Attorney Jirn Walston attested that the legal notice had been duly published as required by state statute. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey presented an overview of the request from Lewis Land, Inc. for the vacation of a drainage and utility easement underlying the existing plat of Kabot Cove. The Kabot Cove subdivision is located south and west of Orchard Trail. In 1988, Kabot Cove and Great Oak Shores (west of Kabot Cove) were undergoing the plat review process simultaneously. The Kabot Cove. preliminary plat was delayed while the Great Oak Shores plat continued to move forward. As a result of this delay, the. developer of the Great Oak Shores subdivision entered into an easement agreement. with the owner of the Kabot Cove site that provided for a blanket easement covering the entire Kabot Cove preliminary plat. This was accomplished for the purpose of extending sanitary and water from the Bassett Addition to the Great Oak Shores subdivision by traversing the Kabot Cove property. When the Kabot Cove plat was finalized in 1993, all drainage and utility . easements were dedicated as a part of the final plat. The 1988 Easement Agreement states that the "blanket" easement, "shall be reduced accordingly to coincide with the easement actually approved and installed in whatever width Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 1997 Page 2 ville. " However Stewart Title and depth is required by the Ctty of Lake , Company of Minnesota, the title company representing a potential buyer of a single family home in the Kabot Cove plat, has identified the underlying easement in Kabot Cove as an encumbrance on the property title. This request has been reviewed by all utility companies with possible interest in .the easement and they have provided written response noting no conflict with the proposed easement vacation.. The City's Engineering staff has determined that the existing public utilities in the Kabot Cove .subdivision are within the platted easements and the blanket easement is no longer necessary. Based upon staff's review and the comments noted above, Planning staff recommends approval of the easement vacation as requested. Mr. Doug Fernstahl,Vice-President of Lewis Land, Inc.,. requested the application fee for the proposed easement vacation be waived because the "blanket" easement was created and granted for the benefit of the Great Oaks subdivision and the City. Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston advised Mr. Fernstahl that this request should be directed. to staff rather than the Planning Commission. City Administrator Erickson responded indicating that the vacation request was • prompted by the buyer of one of Lewis Land, Inc.'s lots in the Kabot Cove plat. Two new homes have been previously constructed in Kabot Cove without a title company requiring the vaction of the blanket easement. There were no comments from the audience. 97.18 MOTION by Miller, Seconded by Wulff to close the. public hearing. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. There were no further comments from the Planning Commission. 97.19 MOTION by Miller, Seconded by Wulff to recommend to City Council. approval of the vacation of the existing drainage and utility blanket easement underlying the properties platted as Kabot Cove as requested by Lewis Land, Inc. .Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. ITEM 6: P tB .I . H .A Ttv RAVEN LAKE SECOND ADDITION Chair Rieb opened the public hearing to consider the applications of T.N.C., Inc. for: 1) the Raven Lake Second Addition preliminary plat; 2) a vacation of an existing drainage and utility easement; and 3} a variance for cul-de-sac street length as proposed in the Raven Lake Second Addition plat. Assistant City Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 1997 Page 3 Attorney Jim Walston attested that the legal notices for Raven Lake Second Addition had been duly published or published and mailed in accordance with State Statutes. City Planner Daryl Morey presented an overview of the applications from Mr. Tom Crouch, T.N.C., Inc., for the preliminary and final plat of Raven Lake Second Addition. The proposed subdivision consists of 29 single family residential lots and four outlots on 31.47 acres located north of Woodridge Estates 3rd Addition (185th Street), south of Oakridge Heights and bordering CSAH 50 (Kenwood Trail) on the west. The proposed preliminary and final plat for Raven Lake Second Addition includes the platting/replatting of the following parcels: 1) Outlots C and D, Raven Lake First Addition; 2) Outlot A, Oakridge Heights; 3) Outlot A, Woodridge Estates 4th Addition; 4) an existing privately owned metes and bounds parcel owned by Mr. & Mrs. Arne Gunderson; 5) four remnant parcels purchased by the City through the right-of--way acquisition of C.S.A.H. 50 to be sold to the developer; .and 6) two metes and. bounds .parcels previously acquired by the developer. An existing single family home owned by Mr. &-Mrs. Arne Gunderson is located on proposed Lot 3, Block 5. The developer has agreed to spend approximately $10,000 to upgrade the exterior of the existing home and to relocate the existing driveway access to this house from CSAH SO to proposed Jarl Court... In addition, Delwin and Ruth Ohrt own Outlot B, Woodridge Esates 4th Addition, which lies adjacent to the Raven Lake Second Addition plat. Approval of this plat renders this outlot landlocked. The Ohrts's home is ocated on Lot 9, Block3, Oak Hills Second Addition which lies adjacent to the subject outlot. Rather than legally combining these two lots with the Raven Lake Second Addition plat, the Ohrts have elected to keep the lots separate. In view of the landlocked status of the outlot and to prevent Outlot B, Woodrige Estates 4th Addition from being improved or challenged in the future with buildable capability, the Ohrts have signed an agreement that has been recorded against the property waiving their right to street access to Outlot B, Woodridge Estates 4th Addition thereby releasing the City from all claims for damages in the future regarding Outlot B. Planning Commission discussion continued regarding the details of the plat, including wetlands, grading and erosion control, easements, and park and trail dedication recommendations. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 1997 Page 4 Developer Tom Crouch stated he was in agreement with the stipulations recommended by staff as listed in the February 14, 1997 Planner's report and the Engineering report dated February 13, 1997. Chair Rieb opened the hearing to public comment. Mr. Gary Porter, 18265 Java Trail, stated he had a concern for additional heavy construction traffic on Java Trail which was experienced approximately two years ago when the first phase of this subdivision was developed. Mr. Dale Lappi, .18268 Java Trail, reiterated Mr, Porter's concerns regarding construction traffic impacts on Java Trail and questioned the timing of the Java Trail connection to CSAH 50. Assistant City Engineer Hanson stated that. street and utility construction for this plat and the connection of Java Trail to CSAH 50 will be completed prior to the building on individual lots. Street and utility construction equipment and vehicles will access from CSAH 50. Mr. Hanson indicated that the City cannot ensure the .vehicular traffic patterns of house construction traffic, however, he noted that access from CSAH 50 would be a more efficient access point for individual contractors. Steve DaKolios, 18097 Jamaica Path, asked whether the drainage from this addition would impact the small pond located in his area. Staff responded that no change is anticipated as the street for this addition will drain away from the pond and no additional grading of the existing pond is proposed or recommended. There were no further comments. 97,20 MOTION by Wulff, Seconded by Amborn to close the public hearing. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 97.21 MOTION by Miller, Seconded by Kowalke to recommend to City Council approval of the following: 1) Raven Lake Second Addition preliminary plat subject to the 17 stipulations as set out in the Planning Report dated February 14, 1997 with a modification to No. 9 to exempt Lot 3, Block 5 from the requirements of Stipulation No. 9 because it is an existing lot and the addition of Stipulation No, 18 to restrict driveway access to Jarl Court for Lot 1, Block 5; 2) the vacation of an existing drainage and utility easement located in the northeast corner of .the Raven Lake Second Addition preliminary and. final plat currently identified as Outlot A, Woodridge Estates 4th Addition; Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 1997 Page 5 • 3 a variance t 1 1- - o al ow the proposed Jarl Court cu de sac m excess of 500 feet according to the Findings of Fact as presented by staff; and 4) approval of the Raven Lake Second Addition final plat subject to the conditions as set forth in the Planner's Report dated February 14, 1997. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. ITEM 7: PLT~L.I HEARnv~ PRO-TECH AUTOMOTIVE Chair Rieb opened the public hearing to consider the application from Timothy Murphy fora conditional use permit (CUP) to allow the construction of a minor auto repair facility and car wash in the B-3 Auto Oriented Business District. Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston attested that the legal notice had been duly published and mailed as required by state statute. Associate Planner Frank Dempsey provided an overview of the application submitted by Timothy Murphy for a conditional use permit to allow development of a minor auto repair. facility and car wash on property located in the B-3, Auto Oriented Business District. Minor auto repair and car washes are permitted by conditional use permit in the B-3 District.. The auto facility is proposed to be constructed on approximately 2.8 acres legally identified as Lot 1, Block 1, Dakota Plaza 2nd Addition and generally located south. of CSAH 46 and. east of Glacier Avenue. Mr. Murphy is proposing to relocate the Pro.-Tech Auto facility currently located on leased property in Apple Valley to this site.. Pro-Tech Auto intends to include an automatic car wash for service customers only,. and will not be advertised or available to the general public Associate Planner Dempsey provided details regarding following criteria required forthe approval of the auto-oriented use in the B-3 District: ? Aesthetics: The architectural appearance of the 12,600 square foot building proposes that the north, east and west building exterior will consist of tan rock- faced block on the lower level, red brick in the middle and tan stucco above with .dark green flashing along the roof line. The south side of the building (rear of property) proposes to be tan rock face block. ? Parking; The site design proposes 89 parking spaces and four handicap spaces. This exceeds the required 38 spaces calculated by staff for the proposed use. Planning staff recommends that the CUP include a stipulation prohibiting the parking of customer vehicles. on the north side of the building longer than 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends. ? Setbacks: Proposed building setbacks meet the minimum requirements for the B-3 District Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 1997 Page 6 • ? Li htin Li htin i minim 1 i h g ~ g g s a w t no freestanding light fixtures proposed. Upon hearing the concerns expressed in the public testimony portion of this hearing, the Planning Commission indicated that additional lighting should be considered by the developer as security lighting for customer's cars that are parked on the site during non-business hours. Screenin~/LandscaainS: A berm and landscape screening was approved by the City in 1995 for construction which is scheduled for completion in the Spring of 1997. The berm and landscaping will be in-place prior to the development of the Pro-Tech Automotive building and is intended to provide screening between the single family homes to the south and any future commercial use of Dakota Plaza Second Addition. In addition, the Pro-Tech Auto site landscaping will provide visual screening of the building and parking lot. from the future commercial use to the east and meets .the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. A $5,000 cash security is required to guarantee the installation of the approved landscaping and screening materials. ? Access/On-site Vehicular Traffic Patterns: Vehicular access onto the site wily be accommodated by two driveways off Glacier Avenue. The locations and design of the driveways have been reviewed and approved by the City Engineer as noted in Assistant City Engineer Tim Hanson's memorandum . dated February 14, 1997. ? Si~nage; The developer is proposing a 50 square-foot, 9-foot tall monument sign in the northwest corner of the lot. The sign will match the materialsand. colors of the building with landscaping at the base of the sign. A 50 square foot sign is proposed on the canopy and a 50 square foot maximum sign is proposed above the north car wash door advertising Xpress Lube. Staff recommends that one of the conditions for approval include the requirement for staff to review proposed signage for conformance with the ordinance. ? Noise: The Pro-Tech Auto building is designed to minimize service-bay doors facing south toward the residential district. The site is designed with the .building situated as far north as possible to minimize noise toward the south. The nearest single family homes are approximately 250 feet south of the Pro- Tech Auto south property line. Chair Rieb opened the hearing for public comment. Mr. John Petran, Animal Lake Hospital, requested additional details regarding the proposed monument sign, parking lot lights, and design of the proposed trash enclosure. He suggested that Mr. Murphy, Pro-Tech Auto Service, may want to reconsider his decision not to install parking lot lights due to some vandalism he has experienced at his. place of business located in this same area. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 1997 Page 7 Mr. Paul xl O ey, 7395 162nd Street West, stated that he had attended an earlier public hearing regarding the proposed relocation of the Ole Piper Inn to this subdivision. He expressed disappointment in the lack of landscaping between the berm and his residential lot. He also. reiterated Mr. Petran's suggestion that additional parking lot lighting and a security system would be wise due to his .experiences with vandalism in this area. City Administrator Erickson responded that the Twin Cities Church of Christ, located in this area, previously expressed a willingness to install additional plantings. The church offered to have evergreen trees placed on their property to screen headlights from Mr. Oxley's property. Administrator Erickson indicated he would contact the church regarding this issue. There were no further comments from the public. 97.22 MOTION by Whitehouse, Seconded by Miller to close the .public hearing.. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. Commissioner Whitehouse suggested that an oil skimmer be required. Adminstrator Erickson stated that staff could not support this recommendation because staff believes that whatever distillate that would .occur with this use would not exceed that of a typical commercial use. Further, due to the B-3 zoning of this property the City had anticipated commercial/retail uses and designed and installed a storm water and drainage system that will address and manage projected high intensity commercial uses. Planning Commission discussion continued regarding security lighting, hours of operation, and the operation of the vaccum pumps during nonbusiness hours. 97.23 MOTION by Wulff, Seconded by Miller to recommend to City Council approval of the Pro-Tech Auto Service Conditional Use Permit to allow the development of a minor auto repair facility and car wash on Lot 1, Block 1, Dakota Plaza Second Addition subject. to the nine (9) stipulations as listed in the Planner's Report dated February 12, 1997 with the following modifications: 1) a revision to Stipulation No. 4. rephrasing it to read as follows: "A freestanding light fixture shall be installed on the site in the proposed, fire hydrant island. Exterior lighting shall consist ofdown-cast fixtures in locations identi, feed on the building elevation plan. "and that this same wording be used to replace No. 3.d) of the Pro-Tech Conditional Use Permit; 2) the addition of Stipulation No. 10. to limit the hours of operation of the auto service facility from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Friday; 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays, and 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Sundays; Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 1997 Page 8 3) the addition of Stipulation No. 11. to require that the power to the vacuum pump stations be turned off during closed hours; and to approve the Findings of Fact and Recommendation as included in the Planner's Report dated February 12, 1997. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. ITEM 8: PITBL.IC HEARiNr AIGHVIEW HILLS Chair Rieb opened the public heazing to consider the applications from Mr. Jim Render, Stonebriaz Corporation, for the Highview Hills preliminary plat and a vacation of an existing watermain easement. Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston attested that the legal notices for the items under consideration. for this public heazing had been duly published and mailed as required by state statute. City Planner Daryl Morey presented an overview of the Highview Hills preliminary plat. The Highview Hills development proposes 44 single family residential lots on 40.6 acres of land located on the west side of Highview Avenue at 168th Street. . Mr. Jim Render, developer, has also submitted an application to vacate an existing watermain easement that currently bisects the. preliminary plat. -The watermain easement to be vacated will be rededicated to the. City as a drainage .and utility easement on the Highview Hills final plat consistent with the sewer and water locations proposed with this development. The subject property is zoned R-2, Single Family Residential and is compatible with. surrounding property uses. The-proposed development of Highview Hills as a low density residential use is .consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Highview Hills preliminary plat includes four (4) outlots. Outlots A, B, and C include the wetland azeas located within the plat boundazies and will be deeded to the City with the final plat. Outlot D, a triangular shaped remnant parcel located on the north side of the plat, could be platted as a single family lot when Mr. Render reaches an agreement with Messiah Lutheran Church for a property exchange involving Outlot A, Messiah Lutheran Church Addition and Mr. Render. Staff is recommending that the landscaping plan be revised to include 6-foot tall . evergreens instead of the developer's proposal for 4-foot tall evergreens. In addition, staff is recommending the installation of sod on the east side of the Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 24, 1997 Page 9 houses abutting Highview Avenue all the way to the Highview Avenue right-of- wayline. The proposed subdivision identification signs be relocated as described in the February 14, 1997 Planner's report and a cash security be submitted to guarantee removal of the signs when the subdivision is fully developed. Commissioner Wulff expressed a concern regarding the lack of a response from ISD 194 to the City Planner's request regarding the impact of the plat on district facilities. City Administrator Erickson and Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston indicated that they appreciated Commissioner Wulff's concerns. Subdivision Ordinance 10-2-4-1F specifically addresses this issue. Discussion followed regarding individual .elementary school enrollment versus capacity and the established school boundaries. Additional discussion included details regarding the following: ? Drainage/Grading/Erosion Control ? Wetlands/Tree Preservation ~ Park/Trail Dedication: Cash escrow for trail construction along Highview • Avenue for the length of the plat and a cash contribution in lieu of land as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Committee. Staff recommends .approval based uponthe comments as detailed in the February 14, 1997 Planner's Report and the February 12, 1997 Engineering Report. The developer stated he was in agreement with the conditions and stipulations recommended by staff. Chair Rieb opened the hearing to public comment. Joe Colter, 16670 Hutchinson Court (Hypointe Crossing 5th Addition), stated his concern that there is already a significant number of small children in the area and, with an increase in single family development, there are no additional parks planned for this area. He asked what would be an appropriate course of action or .mechanism that area residents can initiate to have the City re-examine the park issue for this area? Mr. Colter further questioned whether it would be appropriate for the Planning Commission to request that the Park and Recreation Committee revisit the park issue for this area? Kim Hensley, 16787 Hutchinson Drive, stated that she and representatives from her. neighborhood had attended the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting on Wednesday, February 19, 1997 and submitted a petition with signatures to them Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 1997 Page 10 • "re uestin a modest t' q g my tot park m this area and that consideration be gtven to setting aside two or three lots of the Highview Hills subdivision for park development. " Due to additional canvassing of the neighborhood since the Park Recreation Committee meeting, Ms. Hensley had acquired additional signatures on the petition and submitted them to staff for the record. Ms. Hensley stated her belief that this neighborhood represented a unique situation due to the location of the nearby golf course, limited access to North Park, and her initial research which suggested a significant number of children under the age of 12 living in this area. Dana Colter, .16670 Hutchinson Court, noted that Ms. Hensey had obtained additional information since the Park and Recreation Committee meeting. If this committee had the additional information they may change their opinion and revise the park plan for this area. Planner Morey responded that the City's Parks and Open Space Plan does not identify additional parks in this area and that the Parks & Recreation Committee and staff reviewed the Highview Hills development proposal and did not recommend additional land for park development. Assistant City Engineer Tim Hanson advised that staff had received a letter from Mr. Ed Bugaj, owner of property identified as PIN #22-00800-01 l-O1, expressing opposition to the. proposed residential development citing his belief that it will cause more water to be drained onto his property. Hanson indicated that he had reviewed the proposed drainage and grading of the Highview Hills subdivision and determined that ultimate drainage from this subdivision will not impact Mr. Bugaj's property. Mr. Hanson further advised that Mr. Bugaj's property is predominately, if not entirely wetland area, .especially along the northerly portion, and it is questionable that future development could occur on his property. There were no further comments, from the audience. 97.24 MOTION by Amborn, Seconded by Wulffto close the public hearing. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. Commissioners Whitehouse: and Wulff stated they were satisfied with the findings and recommendations from the Parks and Recreation Committee and staff and did not feel it would be appropriate for the Planning Commission to make recommendations regarding park development. Administrator Erickson • advised the residents that their concerns regarding parks in this area will be forwarded to the City Council. If the City Council decides that additional . Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 1997 Page 11 consideration should be iven to creatin or establishin a ark in this are g g g P a they would direct staff to do so. 97.25 MOTION by Amborn, Seconded by Wulff to recommend to City Council approval of the Highview Hills preliminary plat and easement vacation requests subject to the 18 stipulations as recommended in the Planner's Report dated February 14, 1997. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. ITEM 9: P r .r . H .ARiN KENRIDGE ADDITION Chair Rieb opened the public hearing to consider the application from Mr. Lyle Nash, Marell, Inc., for a lot area variance for one lot in the Kenrdige final plat. Assistant City Attorney Jim Walston attested that the legal notice for this public hearing had been duly published and mailed as required by state statute. City Planner Daryl Morey presented an overview of the proposed. variance to Lot 6, Block 2 of the Kenridge plat. The gross area of this lot is 24,311 square feet and the net area, excluding the buffer yard and pipeline easement, is 14,116 • square feet. An 18,000 square foot lot area is required by ordinance for this corner lot. During the preliminary plat review, staff and the Planning Commission recommended that the shared lot line between Lots 5 and 6, Block 2 be relocated to the centerline of the pipeline easement in order to improve the plat design and lot layout. This lot line relocation necessitates the lot area variance. for Lot 6, Block 2. Staff recommends approval of the variance request .because the existing pipeline easement and substation location represents a hardship Ghat justifies the granting of the requested lot area variance. Staff also recommendsapproval of the final plat of Kenridge which represents a Phase I development of 74 single family residential lots of the 145 total single family residential lots in the Kenridge preliminary. plat, Phase I of the Kenridge plat is located on the east side of Flagstaff Avenue, south of 175th Street. The final plat is consistent with the preliminary plat and meets the requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. Chair Reib opened the hearing to public comment. Mr. Leo Tutewohl, 16942 Pilot Knob Road, requested information regarding the final grade of the lots located in the cul-de-sac located in the southeast corner of • the Kenridge Phase II development. City Administrator Erickson indicated recognition that Mr. Tutewohl sold this property to Marell, Inc. and that he should discuss this .issue with the developer. Regular Planning Commission Meeting Minutes February 20, 1997 Page 12 97.26 MOTION by Whitehouse, Seconded by Miller to close the public hearing. Roll call vote was called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. 97.27 MOTION by Miller, Seconded by Wulff to recommend to City Council approval of the Kenridge final plat subject to the 14 stipulations as recommended in the Planner's Report dated February 14, 1997 with a modification to Stipulation No. 7 to read as follows: "Driveway access for Lot 1, Block 2 shall be o, f of Firebird Path. Driveway Access for Lot 4, Block 3 shall be of `'of Flint Avenue. "and, further, to recommend to City Council approval of the request for a lot area variance for Lot 6, Block 2 of the Kenridge plat and to approve the Findings of Fact as included in the February 14, 1997 Planner's report. Roll call vote was. called on the motion. Ayes: Unanimous. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted: • Donna Quintus, Rec ding Secretary ATTEST: . n " Laurie Rieb, Chair ~1 - 1 C.S. ~n . ~ ~ r ~ 1 V i ` Q- T ~ ti 1 a.~is.~~ ~o ~ 1~- °"~"r :.o cam- c,L ` : s iC~_ c~-~- l ~ " 1 - i~_~- d.. ~ tS...~s~ l.1 c.~.xs d U tom.. C.. tS'c~ w ~ 1 0.. ~ t~.3 ~e_S_~-~} SL?_;,~yy`„~( G i ~r C. rs-~.~.,,~.~..u.~ c?-A---~Q- t--~ ~ ~ ate, . 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V i.~..._J~ V \ ~ "~'~~~7.4~05 . 02f 19~' 97 PAGE 01 • ''C"n: Planning Commission, ~°cbruary 19, 199? t;ity of Laakeville 20I 951lolyokc ,venue Lakeville, MN SSO44 1~ ~1X N U M'l3r.R: 612-98 5-4499 rrom: lid T'3ugaj ??29 Incline Terrace C~ ort '~V c~rth, Tx 76 l 79 Subject: Meeting., February 2U, 199?, Stonebriar Corp :nevelopnl~nt Proposal Iteferen.ce: My property idcnti~cation: 22 00800 U~l l ~l .Atta~:hment: Location map I n ose the ro osed deveio ment of 44 residental homes by the Stonebrair pP >a P P Corp.. Tt will introduce more water onto my property during periods of mdderate/heavy rains, flash flooding conditions or moderate/h~avy snow melt. ' 1'he housing development to the south ~fi my property contributes enough water. I understand }hollyhock ~venue(or 172nd Street) has at least once suffered water damage. 'T'hank. you, A" ~ \ • ! T.;d~vard 'T. T3ugaj FEB-19-1997 14~0G 96% P. 01 , ?1r1:05 02i19~'97 PAGE 02 . ~ I r-, f r't F~.. L { ~a ~ , ~ ~ r • ~~aPti y~ i ~ ~ MF~ NAR l/ u ST. ~ t ' i, l'.~'Y TAL !.AK' ! ~i EwE 'IENT~1~'.'r ~ P ~ POtNAT ~~P.OSSIi` { ~ { i ~ <s ~ T 1 ~~'bY- . ~ i C! ' ....~~r. ~I , ~ . t ~ 4~ ~ ~ CKPtNE i a ` M ` 'OQ'~ 4 risk! { I~~ •~`rt~ ~,.M. 4. Q { ~ ~ . 'r 1 f ~ ~ 175TH ST r~:i) ~ ~tsrn sr ~ E AEI .n: ,TpN.. •+~-~`~~C~,` ~ y. ~ •^,y.• .,'r;.~~ Sly.,.... _ { f~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - M ti i ' I I i ~ ~ i ~ x ~ FEB-19-1997 14~ 07 96:; P. 02 i ~ i . _ ems. i ~ S v vi ® t 4 4 7 ~ ~ _ _ _ _ / ` J k k_ ~ _ ~ ~ \ , r ~ a r r j x'. ~.v ~-7 g x 1~t~ti I I `G _ ~ ~ _ _ X31-~ l ! 7 r _ . ~ ~ ~f 7 ~c~ o S -e C'3l ~o`fi ~ I ~ ~ c~`~ 5' , t.. C c~ ~ v~ ~ f3-~' F-~- ~ ~ a ~ k`E z C P c~S S r K~ ~ ~ ~ t o ~ hn a-r.'~' ? ,~~7~ ~ ~ s' 1~ t .j ~ ~ t ~ ti5c.~ r _f ~r~ - _ _ ' ~ ~ s s~ _ ~ 5~ 3 - g pry t k ~ G~ y C ~~nn~~t-thin /nii 1~i4-~ i _ QQ ~./Y1 V x ~ e ~ ~-C~ r Y1 _ d ~ +Y. C} 1 ~1~ ~ { V ~S / fK J ~ _Q_ ~j ~ v _ S _ h Cr-+~-e_ 1~ C~ _ 1 _ x