HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-01 • CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 1, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Lulf. Present were Lovelace, Illa, Larson, Lulf, Grenz, Raymond and .Messinger. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and Recording Secretary Judi Ringeisen. Councilmember Pat Harvey was present for the majority of the meeting. ITEM 3. The minutes of the April 17, 1991 Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee meeting were discussed.. Committee member Messinger asked for a clarification of the second paragraph on page 2. Two. separate. issues exist for the waiving of fees. One issue is the waiving of fees for a Lakeville nonprofit civic organization as stated in the resolution on rules and rental fees. The other issue is the decision whether to waive tournament fees for one non-Lakeville nonprofit group each year, as discussed in the summer of 1990 but not made into a formal policy. The minutes of the April 17, 1991 meeting were approved as amended. ITEM 4. No citizens were present to discuss items not on the agenda. • ITEM 5. - Staff Reports. This item was postponed on the agenda to accommodate citizens in attendance for agenda items 6, 7 and 8. ITEM 6. Steve Knowlton, Brad King and Dan Bale requested permission from the committee to hold the 3rd Annual Ritter Blast mountain bike race at Ritter Farm Park on July 7, 1991. Staff mentioned it is typical for a group to come before the committee to formally ask for permission to hold a large event in a park. Messinger stated concerns by the committee included people using the park for mountain biking when there has not been a designated course set up in the park and the damage that could result. The group stated last year they had 219 riders in the race. Two courses were laid out one to be used for dry conditions and one in the event of rain and wet conditions. The rain course was the one that was used in 1990. Litter was very minimal after the event and was thoroughly cleaned up. Parking has not seemed to be a problem in the past. Staff confirmed that the course was in excellent condition after last year's race, with damage minimal or nonexistent. Staff and committee are concerned, however, that the park will become a • draw for mountain bikers from all over the Metro area and the constant use will cause erosion and not be compatible with the current uses of hiking, walking, .and horseback riding. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee • May 1, 1991 Page -2- Steve Knowlton stated he felt that to close the park to mountain biking is premature and suggested studying the issue for a year. Messinger stated she felt liabilities exist if the sport continues in the park. Brad King offered to meet with staff to look at any possibilities that might exist to develop a course. It was stated that if the public has the perception that the course is designated and open to the public on a regular basis, that is when the sport would have a major negative impact on the park. 97.13 Motion .was made by Ilya, seconded by Raymond, to recommend that City Council authorize the use of Ritter Farm Park for the 3rd Annual Ritter. Blast Mountain Bike Race to be held in conjunction with Pan-O-Prog on July 7, 1991, with the restriction that the race be advertised as a one-day event only with the park not open as a designated mountain bike course. Other rules and guidelines pertaining to insurance and cleanup will be the same as in 1990. Motion passed. ITEM 7. Sandi Goetze, of 19525 Jasper Terrace, was present to request the committee waive the $.150.00 fees for their 11th annual Summer • Sizzler softball tournament. She explained that the tournament was originally run by the Co-Rec Softball Association as a fund raiser, then was taken over by her Suburban Builders team and last year the American Academy of Gymnastics gymnasts and their parents ran the tournament and realized the proceeds. The .group has submitted a certificate from the Secretary of State's office showing their nonprofit status. 97_.14 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Ills, to approve the request by Sandi Goetze for the waiving of fees in accordance with the parks and recreation resolution for the Summer Sizzler tournament to be held at Aronson Park on July 27 and 28, 1991. The tournament sponsor agrees to submit an accounting of revenues and expenses following the tournament. Motion passed. ITEM 8. Cathy Rome, 16112 Grove Trail, was present representing the residents of the Chapel Hills neighborhood. The citizens of that neighborhood are concerned about the distance children need to travel to the nearest park, Foxborough. It is about one mile by the streets to the park from her house and there are no schools or other play areas closer. Ms. Rome told the committee how she had come home from work one day to find 20 children playing in her back yard on their half-court basketball court, sandbox and • swingset. She is concerned about her liabilities and also feels unable to make any improvements in her yard and landscaping. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee • May 1, 1991 Page -3- Staff explained that the concept of a regional neighborhood park was done in the Foxborough area because it is the most efficient method of serving the needs. of the people financially and in the maintenance aspect. The park is designed to be used by the neighborhoods and the leagues. Calls have been received in the Parks and Recreation office from people who say that for security reasons they will not allow their children to go alone to a park which is so far away. Similar problems have been encountered in other areas such as Hypointe Crossing. Staff stated a series of public meetings were recently completed and similar issues were expressed by other residents. The five-year system plan update will be presented to the City Council in the near future at which time the mini park and regional neighborhood park concept will be reviewed. The issue is a policy question that needs to be addressed. Committee members stated that this is a difficult situation, as they can empathize with the residents;'however, to build a mini park in their neighborhood would be contrary to policy and may set a precedent. Ms. Rome said that the neighbors would be' willing to adopt the park to help maintain the property and would possibly be willing to contribute financially. Staff said he • would be conscious of any property that may become available for use. Ms. Rome thanked the committee for their time and concern. Councilmember Pat Harvey was in the audience and visited with the committee. on such issues as taxes, the new high school site plan, and the issues related to the Ardmor Village storm shelters. ITEM 5. - Staff Reports. LAA games were scheduled to begin tonight, May 1st. All fields should be dry enough to use; however, the new baseball field at Foxborough Park is not yet available as completion has been delayed due to .the rainy weather. Today was the first day of mowing grass and ballfields, which is a couple weeks ahead of normal. Water service has been turned on at all the park sites;. soccer goals have been built; and a regular trash pickup schedule has been started at all the parks. Mary Brantner has begun her gardening work at City Hall. Almost all the summer staff has been hired. Applications will be accepted for the Park Maintenance II / Forester position until May 10th. Committee received a copy of a letter from the attorney's office stating that no restrictive covenants are governing the Antlers Park lagoon. The Dakota County Physical Development Committee had approved the authorization of $90,000 for the Highway 50 bike trail to be extended to Dodd Boulevard in conjunction with the • upgrade of the roadway. The City will be responsible for the cost of the chain link fence to separate the bike trail from the railroad tracks. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee . May 1, 1991 Page -4- Staff reported he had attended a summit with the Police Department. to discuss issues of mutual concern, one of which is present regulations on beer consumption in the .parks. There is a problem with enforcement of this ordinance due to the 3.2 beer requirement. The possibility of allowing wine coolers in the park in non-glass containers was also discussed at the summit. Staff will keep committee informed of the progress of these issues. Striping of the on-street bike trails will be done soon and is being handled by the Street Department. Appraisals for the northeast sector park have been submitted; a report should be forthcoming. Much time has been spent on the staff level with the high school site plan. Staff has also been working on the Nordic Square PUD. ITEM 9. The concept plat of the Larson Townhomes, located at Elm Street and 209th Street in the downtown area, was shown to the • committee. There are still some questions by the engineering department at the staff level concerning the plat. It is staff's opinion that a cash contribution would be the most appropriate for this plat when it comes time for the committee to act on it. ITEM 10. - Unfinished business. Staff showed the committee the revised grading plan of Casperson Park Phase II; members had received a time line for the project in their packets. The grading and gravel excavation of Phase I is now being done by Friedges Landscaping. Staff also discussed the future plan of the park site, potential shoreline development and the agreement with Schwarz/Weber for the shelter /restroom building. Messinger voiced concerns about the size of the restrooms and questioned whether it would be adequate for large groups. Staff reminded committee of the limited funds which are available for the project but said he would check with Schwarz/ Weber on costs associated with possible expansion of the building. Committee discussed the parks and recreation advisory committee joint meeting which had been hosted by Lakeville at North Park on April 25th. Committee was pleased with the turnout and the evening's agenda. It was interesting that so many communities voiced similar problems, especially those associated with State funding cuts. Parks and .Recreation Advisory Committee May 1, 1991 Page -5- ITEM 11. - New business. Staff discussed an idea he had to build a Vermillion River trail .corridor and extend it into the downtown Lakeville area. This could be a good tourist attraction for the area. Committee member Illa had been asked by a citizen about flying remote control airplanes in Lakeville parks. Staff said if it was an organized group and part of a national organization's insurance coverage, they could be accommodated with a designated time and place. Gary Hertzberg has once again contacted staff concerning the access road in Ritter Farm Park which is on the Hertzberg property. Different options have been explored to deal with the situation, including trading of property, possible purchasing of the property, or relocating the roadway. In recent discussions it has been suggested by the attorney that the city has prescriptive rights and the landowner may be asked for an easement. Staff talked about the act of vandalism at the restroom at Antlers Park and Messinger also noted some areas in Valley Park where some obscenities had been spray painted. Planning Commission member Mary Liz Holberg and her brother, Jaycee President Jay .Blanchard are spearheading a community involvement program for a large playground to be constructed by citizens of Lakeville. More information will follow on this project as it becomes available. ITEM 12. - Announcements. The next meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee will be held on May 15, 1991. ITEM 13. - Adjourn. Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 PM. Respectfully submitted,. r ~ f t r J Ringeis n,~Recording Secretary. . Larry Lulf airman jr