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JULY 19, 1971
The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Mako... Flag pledge
followed. Present; Friedges, Clap, Mako and Sullivan. Absent; Taft.
Also present; Robert Frigaard and Dave Grannis.
1018. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to accept the minutes of the July 12,
1971, meeting as read. Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Friedges "aye", motion carried.
1019. Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to pay the claims against the Liquor:Store.
Mako, Sullivan, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried.
1020. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to pay the claims against the Village and
include the bill submitted by Gene Jacobson. Sullivan, Friedges, Clay and
mako '"aye", motion carried.
1021. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to pap the police $20 for each Panaprog
dance. Friedges, Clay., Mako and Sullivan "aye", motion carried.
Mr. Frigaard explained to the .council what had happened to the pump in
Forest dills. He ,said anew pump would cost. $1188 plus $80 freight and
that some electric cable that was damaged would have to be replaced. The...
total price of the pccmp would be .$1350 plus labor of-$300. The old pump could
be salvaged at about .$150 to $200.
The situation in Forest Hi11s concerning the drainage in the streets was.
discussed. Different methods of taking care of ..the problem were presented
by the engineer. A hearing would be needed and. all the property owners
1022. Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to hire Ray Zweber on the maintenance
crew as of 3uly 15, 1971. Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Friedges "aye", motion
Mr. Bentson presented his arguments for the requested rezoning of his property.
He said that he would go out-of he resort business upon construction of the
first apartment building.. He also felt- that this would be a good use of
the land and that the rezoning was necessary to obtain financing. for the project.
He also said Chat about_90% of the abutfing property owners did not oppose
this pro3ect. He would agree to waive the requirs~ants of sec. 5.2 subdivision
S of the ordinance.. as far as rezoning.. is concerned.
Mr. Dale Happy, attorney for Dick Brandes, said they. would. not agree to .the
waiver and insisted. that a decision be made this evening due to the fact that
~[r. Bentson would not agree. to a postponement...of this hearing. Some of the
reasons for the property owners objecting to this .rezoning :were overcra~wding
of the 'lake,. congestion of the trafficand property devaluation.
Some owners present were Curtis and Julie Gunderson and Tom Rasmussen.
Mayor Mako read some let-tars that he had rece3.ved_from;Midwest Manners
and the Conservation Dept..
A motion by Ciay to postpone the decision until a full,counciT is present
was. withdrawn because of the time element.
1023. Motion by Mako seconded by Clay to deny the. rezoning to Mr. Bentson. Mako,
Friedges and Clay "aye'', Sullivan opposed, motion carried.
Mr. Richard Frick, speaking for the Burnsville residents of Crystal Lake,
exp dined that Burnsville was to pay for the entire cost of pumping
` ~ ~ •
JULY.. 19, 1971 `
water out of .Crystal Lake and presented a request, one to Apple Valley,
Burnsville and Lakeville to begin joint efforts to take care of .this
problem and one to Lakeville to begin no legal action to interfere
with this effort to pump the lake.
1024. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to make these requests part of the
Village records. Sullivan, Friedges, Clay and Mako "aye", motion carried.
A request from the homeowners to the three affected communities to commence
joint action to-begin planning for a system that can control the level of
Crystal Lake was also presented to the council.
1025. Motion by Clay. seconded by Sullivan to accept this information.. Friedges,
Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", motion carried«
Jim Tyburski from the south shore of Crystal Lake presented a petition
requesting the council to prevent the Village of Burnsville from
lowering the lake level.
1026. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to accept this petition. Clay,
Mako, Sullivan-and Friedges "aye", motion carried.
Don Hermeling, Allan Pflugshaupt, Mrs. Joe Graeve and other property
owners presented arguments for or against lowering the level of the .lake.
The discussion was. then. closed.
Mr. Gus Lyden asked the council if his problems could be discussed at
a special meeting. A meeting was set for Wednesday evening ,at ~ P.M.
1027. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to grant R. W. Rahn Co. an
.excavating permit subject to the condition that if this i ever relocated,
it has to be relocated at their own expense. Mako, Sullivan, Friedges
..and Clay "aye" ,motion carried.
1028. Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to grant Tom Mohr a garbage hauling
permit. Sullivan,-Friedges, Clay and Mako "aye", motion carried.
1029. Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to grant Bruce's Sanitation
a garbage hauling permit. Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan`"aye",
motion carried.
Motion by Sullivan seQOaded by Clay to adjourn unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted,
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July 19 1971
Recauest 4 Lakeville Village Council:
On July 6, 1971, the Burnsville Village Council voted to began temporary
pumping at the west and of Crystal Lake to lower the lake level one foot
before fall rains begin. The city engineer for Burnsville estimated it
would take at least two months to extract a foot of water. The village
of Burnsville would pay the entire cost of the temporary pumping. As
homeowners whose property is in further jeopardy from the current lake
level of approximately 935.3, we request the Lakeville Council to consider
the proposal that the township of Lakeville take no legal action to
interfere with the township of Burnsvil.l.e's efforts to pump Crystal. Lake
as a temporary measure to alleviate current problems.
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e7U~.~ ~4~ 1971
NpTR: In the attached request it states the following: TM.,.the curremt
lake level of ap~aroximately 935.3." phis lake level was verbally obtained
from two mex~ sent from Burnsville .Engineering department, Ju7.y 12,, 1971,
to check problems at the Chug Northway ~?roperty. Cam calling the Burnsvillt~
Engineering Departm~,nt on July 19, 19?~., information given aver the
telephone was that the last reading of C~'`rystal Lake was on. July 13, 1971,
ana Showed the sea 1ev'el data~to be 93l~»59.
'G~hatever.° tlac correct lake level is, property has been. damaged.
Mrs. Betty C~eeve
~.t~.5 E. Crystal Lake. Road
Burnsville, Minnesota
• 4 ~ July 19, ~1
REQUEST T0: Apple Valley Village Council
' Burnsville Village Council
Lakeville Village Council _
At the present time, there are three culverts coming into the
west end of Crystal Lake draining Buck Hi11 Ski area and three
culverts coming into Keller Lake draining 600 acres of developed
land in Apple Valley. There is natural underground drainage
between Crystal Lake and Keller Lake, but no natural outlet from
either of these lakes. The lake level for Crystal Lake for the
past seven years has been approximately: 1964--928.1, 1965--931.3,
1968--932.3, 1969--932.4, 1970--933.36 and July, 1971--934.5.
With the continued land development in the Crystal Lake Basin,
there will be increased lake levels if any more storm sewers are
directed toward either Crystal or Keller Lakes. As homeowners in
the Crystal Lake Basin, we feel there must be a permanent system to
control Crystal and Keller Lakes so that the lake levels are set and
maintained at a maximum level and a minimum level, beneficial to
homeowners around these lakes. Such a system would involve consider-
able planning, effort and money and would perhaps take several years
to accomplish. It is necessary to the homeowners that live in the
Crystal-Keller Lake area,. and for future generations that will enjoy
the recreational use of Crystal .Lake, that such a system be proposed,
and that the work toward it be started now.
We request the Apple Valley's, Burnsville's and Lakeville's
Councils to begin .joint efforts to investigate those appropriate
resources needed to begin formulating concrete plans to achieve a
permanent water control level on Crystal and Keller Lakes.
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Last year the resa.dents of k3urnsvll~ voted ~ spend 3~y~ to ~ up
and improve a park area on the North side of East Crystal Lake Road, This
area. is to be far ge~a.eral skatingy play meadaw,~ and ~.ce hockey. Most of t1~~.e
area a,s covered with water Pram Ke1.].er Lake,
E3ri the south side o f East Crystzal .Lake Road is a public ~s picnic
and baatin~ area wh~.ch. ~ Lake~^v'ille r~asidents f°eequent. About 17 trues. are
in the water and the park has last. about to 60 feet depth of shoreline
far about ~Cfl feet. A estimate could be ~rquare feet of
park land last to the rising lake level. There is na beach left . all the
sand is under water.
The follow?..ng La.~~~:eville r. esidents rec~uc~st our council to use
.any means necessary to prevent t'ae Villae of Burnsville from
performing any act that would result in lowerin thQ level of Crystal
Lake. 7_oti~rered level world benefit only a few pr~>-;erty owners in
Burnsville and would res~:?lt in destruction of the lake as i~.e now know
it and. cause. great harm and inconven:;_~znce to us.
jvJe ash<:. that any action contemplated by .the. Villa};e of Burnsville
be post_oned. .;ntill such time that a co.zpromise based u~~on a maintained
water level acceptable to all parties concerned may be worked out.
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