HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-02-71 VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING =AUGUST 2 1971 The meeting was called to order by Acting Niayor Fred Taft at 8 P.M. Plag pledge followed, Present; Friedges, Clay, Taft and Sullivan. Absent; Mako. Also present; R. Frigaard, engineer and Pat Farrell, attorney. 1032. Motion by Clay. seconded by ;Friedges to accept the :minutes of the July 19 and 26, 1971, meetings as xead., Friedges,. Clay, Taft and Sullivan "aye", motion. carried.. The minutes 'of the July 29, 1971, Flanning. Commission meeting were. read. 1033. Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to approve the building permit and variance .for Schmtty and Sons Bus Co. Clay, Taft, Sullivan and _Friedges "aye", motion carried. 1034. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to approve the. building permit to .build an addition to Gulf Station. subject to plans being signed by registered engineer and approval of Building Inspector. Taft, Sullivan, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. .1035. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to follow the Planning ,Commission. recommendation and approve the preliminary plat of Donnay's Valley Park 6th Addition. subject to Park & Recreation Committee approval of park-land.. .Sullivan, Friedges, Clay and. Taft "aye", motioncarred.` 1036. Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to table the recommendation of the Flanning Commission for appointment of new member to .Commission.' Friedges, Clay, Taft-and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. The Park & Recreation Committee minutes for July 28, 1971, were read. 1037. Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to refer the recommendation to patrol the Orchard Lake Park area in unmarked cars over to the police committee.. Clay, Taft, Sullivan and.. Friedges "aye", motion carried. 1038. Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to follow the P & R recommendation for the salaries of swimming help senior life guards, $1~5 -junior life guards $1.50 .and Gene Prescher, Supervisor, $3.00 and refer the salary for the supervisor's/~ back to the committee for approval. Taft, Sullivan, Friedges and .Clay "aye"~ motion carried.. Xassistant 1039. Motion by Sullivan seconded by`Friedges to follow.the.P & R recommendation to make the rink regulation size. Sullivan, Friedges, Clay and Taft "aye", motion carried. 1040. Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to authorize the eight points as presented by the. Park and Recreation Committee. (Copy attached).. Friedges, Clay, Taft and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. A special meeting was set for the council and Park & recreation committee onthe 11th at 9 P.M. 1041. Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to table the recommendation to, grade the Crystal Lake Park for 30 days and instruct the `clerk to write to Mr, Loken and ask him to come to the special meeting.. on the 11th. .Clay, Taft, Sullivan and Friedges "aye'`, motion carried. to 1042. Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to instruct the Village attorney/.check out the Caspersen land and determine how much land the Village should consider and to table ,this matter .for two weeks. Taft, Sullivan, Friedges and Clay ~~aye~~~ motion carried. Mr. Sullivan will"check to see how often the barrels are emptied. in the park... PAGE ONE • VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 2 1971 " Air. Posh explained why he did not feel it necessary to install a new drain fi~l.d at his home in Forest Hills. He felt that. there are more homes that have the same problem. 1043. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan to have an informational hearing for residents of Forest Hills on ..the 23rd of August at 8 P.M. with the Village attorney and engineer present.. Sullivan, Friedges, C1aq and Taft "aye", motion carried. .Ruth Hallston appearing for the Aiapco Sand & Gravel Co., requested. information regarding the Village .purchase of the Ritter farm. She was informed that it would be at least 2 or 3 months before there could be an election and the cauncil felt that she. should wait until after. the vote .for information. .Representatives of. the Dynastq.Corp.. presented a revised..plan incorporating allthe suggestions the Planning Commission had made. 2044. Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to approve the Planned Unit, Development of Dynasty Corp. a copy of which is in corpvrated herein by reference and said Planned Unit Development survey shall be .made a permanent..part of the Village records .and shall be,deaignated as resolution number 1044.,. filed with Village records under DYNASTY CORP. and'sub,ject to the following conditions: 1. a`$10,000.00 donation in`lien=~of park land shall be made on or before. granting of first .building permit 2. a certified 'copy of the PUD shall be recorded. with the register of deeds.. Friedges, Clay, Taft and Suhivan "aye", mcston carried. Mr. Frigaard stated-that the concept of cable TV was ok and that details could be worked out as to installation.: Mr. Farrell. asked the council to table this matter for 60 days so that he could confer with other municpal'lawyers as to this matter. 1045. Motion by Sullivan .seconded by Glay to table cable. TV decision for 60 days. Glay, Taft, Sullivan and Friedges "aye", motion carried. Gene Jacobson requested more information regarding drainage in the new Mal~ger proposed subdivision. He was advised that a development plan for the whole plat showing grading and drainage was needed. This matter was placed on old business for the lbth of Aug. 1046, Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to accept the plans and specs for the stcsrm sewer on Flagstaff as presented by the engineer and to authorize the' engineer to give them to Donnay. This storm sewer to be installed pursuant to plans & specs and within 90 days. Taft, Sullivan, Friedges. and Clay "aye", motion carried. 1047. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to have'the attorney obtain a "hold harmless° clause from Mr. Donnay for water drainage from this storm sewer over the affected property owner's land. Sullivan, Friedges, Clay and Taft "ay~t", motion carried. Air, Farrell reported and various matters relating to Village business. 1048. .Motion by Clay .seconded by Sullivan to accept the sanitarp sewer,-.water: mks and storm ..sewers for Valley Park-4th Addition. Friedges, Clay, Taft and Sullivan "aye", mot on carried.. A discussion was held in regards to horse stables and what zoning is necessary for these. It was felt that these could be rezoned back to FR`and prior conditions attached to conditional use, permits. 1049.. Motion by Sullivan seconded Clay to approve the abatement for Robert J. and PAGE TWO VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 2, 197.1 Elayne Donnelly.. Clay, Taft, Sullivan and Friedges "aqe", motion carried. 1050. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to approve the abatement for Lawrence Donnelly. Taft, Sullivan, Friedges and Clay "ale", motion carried. 1051. Motion by Taft seconded-by Clay to.accept the letter from the Volunteer Fire Department in re the accrued years of service and total assets.. Sullivan, Friedges, Clay and Taft "aye", motion carried.. A letter from the Milwaukee R.R. was read. Mr. Frigaard willwrite to the Mpls., Northfield and Southern Railroad asking permission to construct a ditch. A letter from the .County regarding new projects was referred to the road and bridge committee. it xas dteided to discuss-the snowmobile ordinance on the 9th of August. 1052. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to accept the resolution regarding the court house. Clay, Taft, Sullivan and Friedges "aye", motion carried. Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to adjourn at 10:30 P.M. carried, unanimously. Respectfully submitted, - Clerk Mayor