AUGUST lb, 1971 '
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mako at 7:30 P.M. Flag pledge followed.-
Present_Clay, Sullivan, Mako, Friedges and Taft.'. Also present; Tom Strand,
Sprinsted.Inc., R. Frigaard, engineer and Pat Farrell, attorney.
Mr. Strand exp~~ined that there: probait~~ would have_to be an adjustment in the
connection charge for thsarea with the ame assessmenf. After the bids for the
bonds were opened, he recommended that the council accept the low bidder.
1058. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to accept. the bid of the First Nationale
Bank of St. Paul, Friedges, Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried.
1059.. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan to accept the minutes of the Aug. 9, 1971,
meeting as read. Clay, Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion-carried..
1060. Motion by-Taft seconded by Sullivan to pay the claims against the Liquor Store.
Mako, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and. Clay "aye", motion carried.
1061... Motion by Clay seconded by'Taft to pay the claims against the Village. Sullivan,
`Taft, 'Friedges, Clay and Mako."aye", motion carried:'
The minutes of the Park & Recreation Committee meeting of August...11, 1971,
were presented.
Thee clerk was instructed to write to the state. requesting permission to put
in an access :road at the-south end of the new ,park in Overland Addition.
The engineer presented a plan for the development of ball diamonds on the new
park land.'
1062. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan to empower Mr. Friedges and Mr. Taft to make
decisions on this park land without returning to the .council for action.
Taft, Friedges, .Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", motion carried.
1063.. Motion by Taft seconded by Clay to order the engineer to take-the necessary steps.
o get the necessary work done on the park. Friedges, Clay, Mako, Sullivan and..
Taft "aye", motion ::carried.
The. Planning Com~iission minutes of August l2, 1971, were;'read.-
1064. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to grant. the building permit to Airlake.
Clay, Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye",.motion carried.`
1065. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to grant Lakeville Grove Cemetery a conditional
? use permit. Mako., Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay "aye.", motion carried.
Bruce Bauman and Don Johnson, representing the Charles. M. Freidheim Co., presented
their plansfor a cement block factory, Gravel pit and ;cement `plant.
1066. Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to .rezone this land to I-2 on the condition
that at the time of the termination of the operation, the Freidheim Co. consent to
a-revue of the existing.zonings and will hold-the Village harmless from any claims
to rezone to a lower classification. Sullivan., Taft, Friedges., Clay and Mako
"aye", motion carried..
.1067. Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to grant a special use: permit to Charles Freidheim
with the slope to be finished at a 3 to l gradeF: Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and
Sullivan "aye", motion carried.
.AUGUST 16, 1971 ,
.1068:. Motion by Clay seconded by Taft to`reaone the Warweg property from R-1C to B-4.
Friedges, Clay, Mako,. Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried:
1069. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges.. to follow the Planning.. Commission
recommendation and rezone Robert Laddusaw's land from RaIB to R-2. with an
easement fora road. Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Friedges "`afire",..Taft opposed,
motion. carried..
1070.' Motion by Friedges seconded by Taft to grant a building permit to Richard Cross.
Mako, Sullivan, Taft ,Friedges"aye" Clay. abstained, motion .carried.
1071. Motion by Mako seconded by Taft to table any action to amend the ordinance in
regards to keeping horses in platted areas until the.7th of September.
-Sullivan, Taft, Friedges, Clay and Mako "aye", oration carried.
1072. Motion by_Clay seconded by Friedges to accept the bids ;for Project. 71-4A.
Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye",emotion carried.
1073. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Taft to award the bid to the Austin Keller Co.
The Bid was for $1.73,081.50. Friedges, Clay, Mako,_Sullivan and. Taft "aye",
motion carried.
1074. Motion by Clay seconded by Taft to authorize the engineer to send a letter in re
connections for house services to the residents of Glenn Addi[ on. Clay, Mako,
Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried.
Mr. Farrell discussed conditions that could be-required in connection to a
franchisee agreement for cable T.V. It was decided to make a decision on this
the first meeting in September.
107:5. .Motion by Clay seconded by Mako to accept the work on Hugel Ave. in Overland 2nd
and authorize`the release of the letter of credit subjecTto the: engineers
approval and the recie~:ving of a maintenance bond.. Mako,°Sullivan, Taft, Friedge
and Clay '"aye",.motion .carried,
The clerk is to see'.that Mr. Aleshire has a copy of the Tonsager agreement.
Gene Jacobsen ad~tfsed the council that Mr. Malmanger had-.decided not to do anything.
else with his property'at this time.
1076. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Taft to advise.~the builders and the developer of
Oak Shores Addition solve the water problem in Oak Shores. Sullivan, Taft,
Friedges, Clay and Mako "aye", motion carried...
The Walter King,. Jr. J.P. report .was reviewed.
A motion by Clay seconded by Taft to adjourn was carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,