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SEPTEMBER 73, 1971
The meeting was called to-order by Mayor hlako at 8:10 P.P1. Flag p~edge:-
foi l ou~red .
Present:.Clay, P~iako and `Taft. Absent: Sullivan, Friedges.
1112. Motion by Clay seconded by Taft to .:accept the minutes of the September 7,
1971 meeting as read. Mako, Taft and C1 ay "aye", motion carried.
The Park & Recreation Committee minutes for September 8, 1971 were presented.
1113. Motion by Clay seconded by ~iako to follow the recommendation of the Park and
Recreation Committee and have. the Village maintain the following skating `rinks:
Park Terrace, Valley Park Hockey & Pleasure Rink, Catholic School, Lakeville
Hockey Rink, Orchard Lkae, Buffer-Zone and Crystal Lake. Taft, Clay and i~lako
"aye", motion carried.
The location of the buildings to be erected on the 70 acre park that eras requested
by tale ..Park ck P.ec. Committee was tabled till a 1 ater date.
1114... i~9otion by Taft seconded by ~tako to accept the bid for the park maintenance
equipment presented by the Park & Rec. Committee. :Clay, f~ako and Taft "aye"
motion carried.
The Planning Commission minutes for September 9, 1971 were presented.
i115. Motion by Taft seconded by Ciay to follow the Planning Commission recommendation
and grant Todd. Chevrolet Agency a building permit. tM,ako, Taft and Clay "aye",
motion carried.
1116. Motion by Clay seconded by Taft to follow the Planning Corr~nission recommendation
and accept the. preliminary plat for South E3luffs Addition, $1800.00 cash_in leu
of park land and the Village to have their choice of any of thebuildings on this
property if they so desire. Taft °'no", C1 ay and P~'ako "aye", motion carried..
The minutes of the Planning Commission Special i~1eeting of September 13, 1971
arere presented.
Per: Jensen and iu1r. Peterson representing..Instant Homes presented their
preliminary plans..
1117. f~~otion by Taft seconded by ~``"~ako to foi low `the Planning Commission recommendatian
and approve the prelimi-nary plat'for Instant Homes. Clay "no", i~ako and Taft
..aye ~ motion carried,
1118. i~iotion by Clay seconded, by Taft to reconsider motion X1091-appointing of Richard
Brandes to the Planning Commission. P~1ako, Taft and Clay "aye", motion carried.
1119. Ia~otion by Clay seconded by Taft to follow the Planning Commission recommendation
and appoint Richard Brandes to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission.
Taft, Clay. and.~lako "aye" motion carried,
The Village. inspector presented the building report for August.
112C. Motion by CTay_seconded by Taft to have a 4-u~1ay stop sign placed on Foliage
Ave. and Gerdine Path in Valley ParN;. h"ako C1 ay and Taft "aye", motion carried.
T121. Pfotion by Clay seconded by Taft to rescind council action on holding of
building perrni is i n Forest Hills Addition, Taft, Clay and"flako "aye"
.motion carried,
_p ~ •
SEPTEM6ER 13, 1977
1122. P~1otion by Clay seconded by Taft to instruct. the clerk to obtain a signed t
document from Robert Elfering stating that he vrill pay the charges when
the v!ater main is extended past his property in Forest Hills. Clay, faako
and Taft."aye°,.moti on carried.
A number of residents from P~iaplewood Estates alere present regarding the
variance to the sub-division ordinance and lot size for Richard Johnston.
1123. P•lotion by Ciay seconded by Taft to follow the Planning Commission recommendation
and deny the request of P.ichard Johnston for variance to the sub-division
ordinance and lot size. ~~~ako, Taft and-Clay "aye", motion carried.
Accepting of the ordinance pertaining to Cable T.U. was tabled for one week.
1124. Potion by Clay seconded by Taft to have a public hearing for water and sewer
extensions for Airlake Park and Instant Homes, Project 71-5 on October 4,
1971 at 9:00 P.Pvi. Taft, C1 ay and f-iako "aye", motion carried.
Motion by Taft seconded by Clay to adjourn carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Deputy Cler