OCTOBER 28, 1971
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mako at 8 P.M.. Flag. pledge followed.
Present; Friedges, Mako and Clay. :.Absent; Taft and Sullivan. Also present:;.
R. ~'rigaard, Village engineer and Dave``Grannis, III, attorney.
Mr. Frigaard opened the hearing on Glenn' and Bentson's.Addition with a
summary of all costs. He explained: that lots on the south side of 207th St.
had been assessed at the maximum of 135 feet with the exception of lot. A.
Services will be finished in a couple of weeks but the trunk sewer will not
be usable until. spring. This project is being assessed. now as the cost would
be more if left until next pear as the accrued interest would be applied.
There will be 30 days to pay the assessment in full without interest. After
that time .the assessment will be placed on the taxes with interest applied.
_ herald Gunnnk asked .:hc~r the hookup fee is being handled .
It was.. explained that this is being assessed except the $150 for the
treatment plant. It was..also explained that there is a $b0 charge for a meter
and 'a $15 charge for water deposit and $15 charge for sewer deposit..
.Jim Mars askedwhy a 24" water main. had been. installed. He was told that this
was for 'future extensions and is a major artery of the..complete system.
Bob Roehlasked why. the .home owner cguld not put in his own service as he felt
it would be about half the price.- He also asked if streets would be brought
back up to grade. It was .explained that if each home awner put in his own
services, the street would be torn up too much and he was also told that the,
.street will be :brought. up to grade.
It was explained to Bill Brick that the homeowners had two years-from the
completion date of the project to hookup. to water and sewer.
Linda Hilly .asked why the waterway draining. down. the road. Mr. Frigaard
.said that as soon as the drainage was completed under the railroad,_this problem
should be taken care of.
Charles LeMontagne and Ed Knutson~;asked regarding future assessments and
services .coming across the road.
Bob Sayers-asked that 'a letter be sent to him that all these projects had
been approved by the Metro Sewer Board and he Pollution Control Agency. .
A list of the attending property owners is attached.
The hearing on Glenn's and Bentson's Addition was then closed.
The. hearing on the Highway #50 assessment was opened. After a briaf summary
by Mr. Frigaard in which he explained that the Village was picking up
part of the cost of this project and that Mr. Cross' assessment was deferred for
a certain time, the Mayor called for questions from the floor..
.John McBrien, representing Mr. Cross, asked. if any .effort had been made to
relate the proposed assessments to the actual benefits to the property. He.felt
that attention should have been taken. to the fact that the property is subject
to certain easements and that a substantial. portion of the property is
flooded.- He felt that this. assessment was completely out of line with the
assessed valuation of the property.
Mr. Clay .asked Mr. McBrien what he felt was a basis of an equitable assessment.`
Mr. Mako felt that the water problem and assessment. were being confused....
Mr. Charles Wren told the Village that no buildings could be built on the
T ~ i
OCTOBER 28, 1971
An opinion was asked of Mr. Grannis and he told the council that he felt
that Mr. McBrien wanted the Council to reconsider before this was taken
to litigation.
2Q01. Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to continue this hearing until the
1st of November, 1971, at 9:30 P.M. Friedges, Mako and Clay "aye", motion .carried.
Mr. Frigaard opened the ,hearing on the 71.2 project which is the interconnection
of the water between the Old Village and Airlake Park. He mentioned that the
cost had come. up less that anticipated and Ghat the: Village, the school and
Airlake were participating in this project.
Mr. Maynard Johnson asked about the deferrment that he and some o£ the me~bers
of the .council had discussed at one time. He was `satisfied that Airlake
would eventually be benefited by this interconnection and would go along with
the assessments.
Mr. Sayers said that he was concerned. about :the sewage problem.
Mr., Frigaard then. summarized the Grenada project. As no questions were asked
from the `floor, thex_~aring was closed.
2002.. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to accept the assessment rolls fvr Glenn's
and Bentson's Addition designated as project. 71.4. Mako, Clay, and Friedges
"aye".,.: motion carried.
2003. Motion by Glay seconded by Friedges to accept: the assessment rolls for project
.71.2./Clay, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried.
Grenada Ave. water & sewer and. Airlake-Village interconnection projects..
Mr. Krueger of Vern Donnay's presented the bonds for Valley Park 7th to the
attorney and told. the council that his escrow had been posted with the clerk.
2004. Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to approve he plans and sgecs for
water and sewer extensions to Valley park 7th Addition. Clay, .Friedges
and Mako "aye", motion carried.
Motion by Clay seconded by Mako to adjourn carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,