HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-08-71 • VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING--FEBRUARX 8, 1971 The meeting was called to order at 8 P.M. by Mayon Mako. Flag pledge `followed. Present; Friedges, Clay,. Mako, Sullivan ~tnd Taft. 613. Motion 'by Sullivan seconded by Taft to accept the minutes of the Feb. 1, 197.1, meeting as read.- Clay,.Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion .carried. The building inspector presented hismonthly report. Police Officers Andersen and Anderson and Nich Mahowald Chief, presented a report of the availability of Federal grants for police departments and also the need for various programs. A letter from Instant Homes Mobile Home Park was read. 614. Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to authorize the engineer to do a feasibility study for Instant .Homes ,subject to receipt of an escrow am©unt determined by the engineer. Mako, Sullivan, Taft,. Friedges and Clay."'aqe", motion carried. 615. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan to instruct the clerk to-send a copy of the letter the council received-from the Metropolitan Council regarding the project for sanitary sewer. interceptors and trunks to HUD and refer them. to .the. earlier Lakeville request for ,funds. Sullivan, Taft., Friedges, Clay and Mako "aye", motion carried. 616. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to set up a meeting of the Fire Dept.. secretary, fire chief, Mayor Mako and Fred Taft with Curtis Olson from Apple .Valley,:. Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye",motion carried. Mayor Mako suggested that the Village records should be micrarfilmed and that he would check into the cost of this operation. 617. Motion by Taft seconded by Friedges to advertise in the legal newspaper. for a weed. inspector. The ad will run for two. weeks and a deadline for applications was .set for March 15. Friedges, .Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried. Bernard .Wilde appeared before the council to request that something be done. about the snowmobiles running in the residential area too lat~'at_night. Mr. Patenaude requested that something be done about the Orchard Lake precinct not having a representative on the council. There was some discussion about dividing the Village into wards but everyone felt it would not be feasible until the Valley Park matter is taken care of. It was mentioned that a gasoline tank would cost roughly.. between'$SOO and $600 to `install and that it could be moved if the municipal facilities are moved. The clerk was. instructed to set up a meeting with the auditor for the second week in March. 618. Motion by Taft seconded by Friedges to change the date for the appointments for committees to the earliest possible time they can be submitted :,and ok'd. Clay, Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried. r PAGE TWO t Village of Lakeville Council Meeting Feb. 8, 1971 A meeting was set for Feb._17, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. to discuss the fire contract with Apple. Valley. 619. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges that the residents. living in the one half mile between Cedar Ave. and Flagstaff who are no longer covered by the Farmington fixe contract be notified of this fact by certified mail. Mako, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Taft to adjourn. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ~ r Clerk g Mayor t}