HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-01-71 • /L ~ • i 7 VILLAGE. OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MARCfi 1, 1971. The. meeting was called to order by Mayor Mako at 8 P.h1.. Flag pledge. followed. Present; Friedges, Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Taft. Also present; Pat Farrell, Village attorney and Bob Frigaard, Village engineer. b37. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan that. the minutes of the Feb. 16, 1971, meeting stand as xead. Friedges, Clay, Mako., Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried. Chief of Police, Nick Mahowald, presented a letter of resignation. 638. Motion by Taft seconded by Clay to accept Mr. Mahowald's resignation. ..Clay, Mako, Taft and Friedges °taye", Sullivan "'no", motion carried. Mr. rlahowald reported that the Dakota County Board was going to act on whether or not to go to the Circuit Court Judge system at their meeting on March2, 1971, and asked the council if he should attend this meeting... Mr. Farrell explained why he felt this system was better than the justice of the peace system but said the council could pass a'resolution ..opposing the change and send it to its representatives in the legislature. 639. Motion by Taft seconded by Clay to table .this matter until later. Mako, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay "aye",..motion carried. The Park & Recreation Committee minutes were read by Mr. Jim Emond. 640. Motion by Taft seconded by Clay .that the clerk notify the legal newspaper to publish the time of the Park and Recreation Committee and ask interested snowmobilers to attend this discussion on the proposed snowmobile ordinance. Sullivan, Taft, Friedges, Clay and Mako "aye", motion carried. The minutes of the February 25, 1971 'Planning Commission meeting were-.read. Mr. Frigaard presented-his preliminary study for water and sewer extension to the proposed restaurant and tavern. Mr. Richard Cross.. and Charles Zweber, interested property owners, felt this .project would be quite costly for them. 641. Mo ion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to set<a hearing for .this wa er and sewer extension for March 22, 1971. Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 642. Motion by Taftseconded by Friedges to table the request for a building permit and special use permit until after the hearing. on the 22nd. Friedges, Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried Mr. Farrell said he would meet. with the Planning Commission Thursday evening regarding the mobile home park ordinance and then report back to the ..council. The right of way on Irene St. will be checked out. The Water & Sewer Committee. minutes for Feb. 17, 1971, were read. Mr. Sullivan reported that the tires on the. snowplow needed recapping and this would cost $75 per tire. + .VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 1, 1971 PAGE TWO 643. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan to authorize the recapping of .the tires at this price. Clay, Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye.', motion carried. A letter from the Green Giant Company was read. The clerk was instructed to write them and tell them the council would like to discuss this matter. 644. Motion by Clay seconded by Taft to adopt the resolution re the Cedar Avenue=Bridge as presented and authorize the mayor: to sign it and have it sent. to the proper persons. Mako, Sullivan,-Taft, Friedges, and Clay "aye", motion carried. Mr. John Dennehy asked the council to approve his plat and presented two letters of credit. Mr. Farrell reported that there is a verbal agreement with Mr. Wren regarding the road easement on the west. side of this plat but as yet nd deed had been received from Mr. Wren. 645. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to approve the final plat for Overland 1st Addition upan the signing of the development contract. Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan'.'aye" Taft -"neJ" motion carried. Mr. Dennehy presented a replatting for the portion of his plat where new homes will be br~ilt. He was advised to take this to the Planning .Commission. Mr. Farrell explained the Capital Improvement Programs for HUD grants and said there should be a committee::-:set up to make recommendations to the council for this. There is a proposed ordinance that could be passed in connection with this matter. .646. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Taft to table this matter until the next meeting with names to be recommended by the 15th. Friedges, Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried. NIr. Farrell also reported that he had sent a letter to Mr. Lyden and had received no response. He will now start legal action.. 647. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to sign the quit claim deed for the sewer plant. Clay, Mako, Sullivan, .Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried... 6.48. Motion by Mako seconded by Taft to authorize the Village attorney to attend the March 12 hearing on the R.R. crossing before the Public Service Commission. Mako, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. 648. Resolution by Sullivan seconded by Clay that the Village of Lakeville hereby accepts the deposit of $300 for completion of certain required improvements in College Park Addition pursuant to the engineers letter dated Dec. 8, 1970, and that the following improvement bonds 4308 and 4790, LAD Holding Go. be released. Sullivan, Friedges, Clay and Mako."aye", Taft opposed, motion carried. 649. Resolution by Clay seconded by Friedges accepting the Easement Deed From Independent School-District No. 194 and the temporary Construction Easement from Independent School District 194 for water .and sewer. Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", motion carried.. Mr. Farrell informed the council that he is checking on the insurance coverage for intentional acts by Village policemen. 650. Motion by Friedges seconded by Taft to ins~tuct the clerk and the . ~t ~ i ~ VILLAGE -0F LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING. .MARCH I, 1971 PAGE THREE building inspector to check out the property and the original agreement with the Alexander Construction regarding the operation of their gravel pit to see that all the requirements had been taken care of so that their bond could be released. Friedges, Clay,.. Mako., Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried. .651. Motion by Taft seconded by Clay to issue a duplicate check for ~~4997 in the amount of $15, dated April 20, 1970. Bond is also. waived. Clay, Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges."aye", motion carried. -652. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan to accept the claim of Mrs. R. K. Ridgway against the Village. Mako., Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. insurance 653. Motion by Taft. seconded by Friedges to authorize the extra/coverage on the liquor store. Sullivan, Taft, Friedges, Clay and Mako "aye", motion carried. .654. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to amend motion ~~645 to include the development contract as presented with ..the conditional bonding for lots 10 & 11 be granted. Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", Taft opposed, motion carried. 654. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan to approve the permit for the Mpls., Gas Co. Permit 4~Job S-37, 1971. Friedges, Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried. 655. Motion by Taft seconded by Clay to accept the claim from Landco Equipment Co. Clay,-Mako, Sullivan, Taft and .Friedges "aye", motion carried. 656. Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to accept the petition of Four Star Corp. and refer it to the Water and Sewer Committee for its recommendation. Mako, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried. Two bids for installing a ceiling in the hall .were .read.. One from McNearney for $987 and the other from John Antolik for $765. 657... Motion.. by Taft seconded by Friedges to accept these bids. Sullivan, Taft, Friedges, Clay and Mako "aye", motion carried, 658. Motion by Clay seconded by Sullivan to table these bids until the 8th. Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. Bids were going to asked for carpeting or tiling the hall floor. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, C~:erk Ma or