HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-22-71 i
The meeting was called.. to order by Mayor Mako at 8 o'clock P.M. Flag
pledge followed. Present; Mako,'Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay.'
Also present; Village engineer, Robert Frigaard and Village attorney
Pat Farrell.
Tom Holmes, from the county assessor's office, presented a list of
abatements requested for. approval and explained the same.
696. 2~Iotion by Sullivan seconded by Taft to grant the abatement for Harry
and Anna J. Hansen. Friedges, Clay, Mako., Sullivan and Taft "aye",
motion carried.
697. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to follow the recommendation of the
assessor and grant an abatement to_George & Mary hnn Durecher. Clay,
rlako, Sullivan, Taft-and Friedges "aye", motion carried.
698. i~iq'tion by Friedges seconded by Clay to grant .the abatement for Gary
and .Barbara Glenna.. Mako,.Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay 11aye",
motion carried.
699. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Taft to grant the abatement for the,
Margaret Mahoney property. Sullivan, Taft, Friedges`; Clay and Mako "aye",
motion. carried.
700. notion by Friedges seconded by Taft to grant the abatement to H.R. &
Dorothy Mundhenk. Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", motion
701. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to grant the abatement. to Frederick
Rgnonti. .Friedges, Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried,
Pat Donnelly and Norman Olsonappe3red before the council to request a
variance from the ordinance to build homes on Upper 206th.St._W.
7.02. Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to grant the variance to Donnelly.-and..
olson pending on the Planning Commission granting the variance at their
meeting on March.25, 1971. Clay, Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye",
motion .carried.
703. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to order a feasibilitystudyby the
engineer for connecting4'thewater main from Upper .206th St and Holiday
.Ave. to the intersection of Upper 206th St and Hollins_Ave. on the North
boulevard and to install an 8'".sewer line from Hollins Ave. and Upper
206th St. in the North Boulevard to the East to service the two requesting
property owners. The total sewer and half of the water costs are to be
paidfor hg~ the benefited property owners. Mako, .Sullivan, Taft,
Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried.
The hearing on the extension of water and sewer along Hiway ~{SO.east
was opened at 8:30 P.M. Mr. Frigaardgave.a short resume of what this
project would consist of. This information is contained in the preliminary
report. A list of the interested property owners in attendance is'attached
to these minutes. Mr. Cross felt that he would be assessed more-at this time
than his-property would benefit as his land is now in Green Acres Plan.
Some felt that the easement over Mr. Cross' land should be taken care of at
this time so that his land could be developed. A plan for deferred payments
of the assessments by Mr. Cross was suggested. The other property owners
~rere all in favor.. of the extension of water. and sewer.
704. notion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to order the :improvement and authorize
the engineer to prepare the plans and spew for the water and sewer
extensions along Hiway 50. Sullivan, Taft, Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye';
motion carried.
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705. Motion by Taft seconded by`Sullivan to grant a special use permit to
Dayton Kempson for a restaurant tavern.
Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", motion carried.
706. Motion by Taft seconded. by Sullivan to grant a building permit to
Dayton Kempson and Tillges Construction Co. Friedges, Clay, Mako,
" Sullivan and Taft '.'aye",' motion carried.
The minutes of the Water & Sewer Committee meeting of March 17, 1971,
were. read.
707. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to accept these minutes as read.
clay, Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried.
708. Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to follow the recommendation of the
water & Sewer Committee that sewer and water be installed on Hughes
Ave. West, Overland lst Addition and authorize the engineer to start necessary work
subject to posting of bond and escrow amounts as recommended by the
Village engineer. Mako,_Sullivan,.Taft, friedges and Clay "aye",
motion carried.
709. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Mako to follow the recommendation of the
Water & Sewer Committee and set a hearing on the trunk sewer extensions
to Lake Marion and water and sr~wer laterals in the Glenn Addition. for
the 27th of April.- Sullivan, Taft, Friedges, Clay and Mako "aye", motion
The Village inspector reported that.., Mr. Dennehey will drain the pit on
his land in Overlandlst Addn.
He also stated that the ceiling bids would not be changed but he would
prepare the specs for what would be required of the bidders.
Mr. Ackerman told the council that the state was planning on putting
in a storage area and maintenance°shop on the Mahoney land which is
prime land near the freeway,
.710. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to authorize the attorney to contact
the state and inquire into their plans for this property and, oo inform
them of the Village ordinance to which they must conform and appear before...
the Planning Commission...
Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", motion carried.
711. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges. to grant Tri State Machinery Co.
a building permit. Friedges, Clay, Sullivan and Taft "aye°', Mako opposed,
motion carried.
712. Motion by Taft seconded by Clay to accept the claim received from Miller,
Neary & Zins in re Frank N. Jackson and Donald G. Olson, Jr.
Clay, .Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried.
The preliminary report prepared by the. engineer on Instant domes was
presented to the council.
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Motion by Fredges seconded by Sullivan to adjourn was carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,