HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-05-71 • . ° r VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING-APRIL 5, 1971 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mako at 8 P.M. Flag pledge followed. Present; Friedges, Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Taft. Also .present; R. Frigaard, Village engineer and P. Farrell, Village attorney... 713. Motion by Taft seconded by Friedges to postpone the reading of the minutes. Friedges, ,Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried. The Park and Recreation minutes for-March 24, 1971, were read. discussion was opened for the proposed snowmobile ordinance. Ralph Trabant, Don Clark, Maloy Bans, Jr. and Al Mueller, snowmobile owners, objected to the-curfew and felt that the state law covered most of the snowmobile violations. A letter from Earl Hohag regarding violations of the state snowmobile law was read. (Letter in file.) 714. Motion by clay seconded by Friedges to refer the proposed snowmobile .:ordinance to the Village attorney to frame into an ordinance and paying particular attention to some alternates to the curfew times. Clay, Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 715. Motion by Friedges seconded by Taft to appoint Ray Henry Park & Recreation maintenance supervisor. Mako, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay "aye.", motion carried. on 716. Motion by Clay seconded by .Sullivan to table action/the Midwest P~~nners contract .until it has been reviewed and take action on it the 12th. Sullivan, Taft, Friedges, Clay and Makot1aye", motion carried. The Planning Commission minutes of March 2S, 1971, were read. 717. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and grant Bentson Homes, inc. permits for two pre-fab homes subject to certificate of state electrical inspeci~on, plumbing .inspection and a certificate of construction by Componet Home Co. of Hugo; Minn. Taft, Friedges, Clay,. Mako and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. R. Burger appeared to request a building permit for a house. The Planning Commission has recommended denial of the same. R. Martin and Sohn Griffin, affected homeowners objected to the home because of the garage placement and also the location of the ditch in the easement. 718. Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan postpone a-decision on this variance. fox a building permit until Donnay's certified engineer could certify where the ditch is located within the easement. Friedges', Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried. The hearing on the proposed sidewalk improvement on Holyoke Ave. was oganed at 9 P.M. Mr. Frigaard gave a brief resume of the proposed improvement. A list of property owners attending this meeting is attached. Mr. Lorentson and Jerome Enggren asked that this improvement not be done unless the utilities are placed underground first. Frank Pesach said that the telephone company needed more .time as their budget must be prepared the year before any. improvements are put in. 719... Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to recess this hearing until 9 P.M. on the 19th so that the engineer and .attorney could contact the utility companies in regard to installation of conduits. Clay, Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried. Arthur Lien Showed the council where he .would like to build a house behind the Ray Tabaka residence. The lot is only l~ acres in size and he would need a variance and an easement on the road to the property. ~ • . ` VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING-APRIL 5, 1971 Page 2 720. Motion by Mako seconded by Taft to follow the recommendationof the - Panning Commission and deny the request of Mr. Lien for a variance to the 2~ acre ordinance.. Mako, Taft, Friedges and Clay, Sullivan opposed, motion carried.. 721. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to follow the recommendation of the Planning Commission and grant a variance to the sub-division ordinance & lot sizE to Norman C. Olson. Sullivan, Taft,.. Friedges, Clay and Mako "aye", motion carried. 722. P~iotion by Clay seconded by Friedges to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and approve the prelim. plat for Overland 2nd Addition. Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 723. Motion by Glay seconded by Sullivan to table the request of Gus Lyden` to lift the. motion to restrict: building of homes in Forest Hills until the Village inspector can check the drainage in this area. This matter tabled until the 12th. Friedges, Clay, Mako,'Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried. The prelimitAary report :for water and sewer extension on Upper 206th St. was presented by the engineer. Mr. Donnelly and Mr. Olson were present. The attorney .said that no hearing would be necessary if the two properCy owners would 'waive the same. 724. Motion by Clay seconded_by Friedges to order the improvement and authorize the engineer to prepare the plans and specs subject to certain-stipulations as stated in the attached resolution prepared by the Village attorney. Clay, Mako, Sullivan,: Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried.. The bids for the, ceiling. were opened. Bid quotes as follows: Jim McNaarney----$987. John Antolik 870. 725. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to award the bid to the lowest bidder, John Antolik. Mako, Sullivan, Friedges and .Clay "aye", Taft opposed, motion carried. .726. Motion by Mako seconded by Taft to table the appointments for the Capital Improvement Committee until the Planning Commission sends in a name. Sullivan, Taft,. Friedges, Clay and Mako "aye", motion carried. 727.. MOTION by Sullivan seconded by Taft to pay the. outstanding bill of Jemm .Electric for installing the ice machine in the aiquor store in 1968. .Taft, Friedges, Mako and Sullivan, Clay abstained, motion carried. Mr. Burger asked for information from the council in regard to the storm sewer in Valley Park.- The attorney mentioned that the best. way would be to order the improvement subject to an escrow amount of the total owed by Donnay be posted with the Village. A meeting was set. for April 7, T971, for the. council to discuss various matters.. 728. Motion by Taft seconded by Friedges. to accept the claim of Mrs. Dennis Minske for a mailbox damaged by the maintenance truck. Friedges, Clay, Mako,. Sullivan and .Taft "aye", motion carried., ~ • r , r VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING-APRIL 1971 PAGE 3 729. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan to `grant Amma Corp a garbage hauling permit. Clay, Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried. .730. Motion by Friedges seconded by Clay to waive the reading of the minutes of the March 15 and March 22, 1971, meetings and accept them as presented. Mako, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay. "aye", motion carried. A letter from Mrs. George Durocher in regard to the condition of 175th St. and Jersey. Way West was read. The clerk was instructed toy.acknowledge the letter. 731. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan to approve the. permit. for Dakota. Electric for installation of electric utilities in Country View First Addition: Sullivan; Taft, Friedges, Clay .and Mako "aye", motion carried. A letter from the residents of Oak Shores Addition was read. The Mayor and .engineer will check to see what can be done about the water problem. The Master. Tank Contract will be referred to the Utility Committee. 732. Motion by Taft seconded by Friedges to accept the deed presented by Mr. 'Wren for the west 30 feet of Iberia Ave. and to authorize the clerk to pay him $1. Taft, Friedges,. Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", motioncarried. 733. notion by Taft seconded by Glay to give Mr. Kaisersatt o£ Farmington Che old NSF checks. from the liquor store and also those. coming in from now on for collection. Friedges, Clay, Mako, Sullivan and ?'aft "aye", motion carried. The matter of the water & sewer connections between the street and the curb box was discussed. Motion. by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to adjourn carried unanimously. Respectfully.submitted, Clerk Mayor