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May 3, 1971
The meeting was called to order at 8 P. M. by Mayor Mako. Flag pledge
Present; Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan.
Also present: Village engineer, Robert Frigaard and. Village attorney, Pat
771. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to accept the minutes of the
April 19; 1971_, meeting as read. Mako, Sullivan, Taft,. Friedges and Clay
"aye", motion carried.
772. Motion by Taft seconded by .Sullivan that the minutes of the Special April 23,
1971, meeting stand as read. Sullivan, Taft, Friedges, I and Mako "aye",
motion carried.
773. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to accept the. minutes of the special
April 27, 1971, meeting as read. Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan
"aye", motion carried.
The minutes of the April. 29,.1971, Planning Commission meeting were read.
774. Motion by Taft seconded icy Friedges to follow. the Planning Commission
recommendation and grant a variance to the ordinance as'~to gradeof building
site to Robert Schweich. Friedges, r~lako, Sullivan and Taft "aye':', Clay
abstained, motion carried.
The recommendation re`LAD Noldi,ng Co. and Vern Donnay Realty Co. was postponed.
775. Motion by Clay seconded by Taft to receive the petition for the vacation of
a portion of the street in Overland Second Addition and to order a hearing
on the 17th of May, 1971.: Clay, Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye",
motion carried.
776. Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to postpone the decision on Itasca.
Equipment Co. for one week. Mako, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay "aye",
motion carried.
777. notion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to follow the Planning Commission
recommendation and. grant Cahrles and Patrick .Wren a permit to move a house
into Lakeville subject to rezoning of the property. Sullivan, Taft, Friedges,
Ciay and hlako "aye", motion carried.
778. Potion by Clay seconded by Taft to follow the Planning Commission recommendation
and grant Robert t~lahowald a permit to move a house into Lakeville. Taft,
Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", Friedges abstained, motion carried.
Mr. Frigaard advised the Village Council that the building Mr. Phillip Mark
is going to erect is `structurally sound and. was not to be a permanent building.
779. Motion. by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to follow the Planning Commission
recommendation and grant Mr. P-lark a permit to erect a fiberglass structure
at 35W and tiiway 50. .Friedges, Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Taft "aye",motion
780. t~(otion by Friedges seconded by Clay to follow the Planning Commission
recommendation and deny the rezoning request of Gene Trager. Clay, Mako
Sullivan, Taft and Friedges. "aye", motion carried.
~ .
: t.
MAY 3, 1971
The Water & Sewer Committee minutes for April 21, 1971. ~
The minutes of the Park & Recreation Committee for April 28, 1971, were read.
It was reported that the costs of satellite units were cheaper than other
quotes so this service will be obtained.
Mrs. Erickson requested. some information re the road donated by Mr. Wren.
Mr. 'Farrell took this under advisement.
Ed Sauser appeared before the council to tell them that his property>on
Holyoke is for sale and he thought the Village might want to buy this. The
liquor committe will check this out. They will also check out the entxance
to the liquor store to see if something can be done about the water. being
held up behind it.
Mayor Mako gave the .following names to the council as recommended by
the three committees for the Capital Improvement Committee:
Pat Bresnahan, Park &.Recreation
Jerry Stanley, Planning Commission
Jerry Spande, Water & Sewer Committee -x-Le~~ard Quist, alternate
All Council members.
781. Motion by Clay seconded by Taft that the Capital Improvement £ommittee
be structured as presented. Mako, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and ..Clay "aye",
motion carried.
The Village engineer reported that he had met with Mr. Hrk~ on the
road in Weisner Addition and had discussed some possibilities for same. The
property owners will have to decide now and come back to the council with
their decision..
782. Motion by Mako seconded by Clay to proceed to have the Village official
minutes .microfilmed. `Clay and Mako "aye", Sullivan, Taft and Friedges
opposed, motion failed`.
783. Motion by Friedges seconded by Taft to table the Mobile Home Ordinance
until a copy can be xeviewed by Instant Homes. The clerk was instructed
to send a copy to Instant Homes. Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan
"aye", motion carried.
-784. Motion by Clay seconded by Friedges to grant Mr. Parrott an extra 10 days
on his project. Friedges, Clay, Mako, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried.
785. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan. to collect the following charges from
anyone using the Village dump:
$1 for cars
ry$2 for pickups
'$5 for trucks or farm trailers
No garbage is allowed and the attendant may .turn anyone. away.
- Clay, Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried.
786. Motion by Taft seconded by Clay-Resolved, that the Village .Council take the
necessary preliminary steps to accomplish the purchase of"the Ritter Farm in
the Village upon compliance with all legal requirements including published
notice of the right of a vote by the people.
That the. Village attorney be authorized to prepare a proposed earnest
money contract and that the fiscal agent investigate the availability of
financing, including State and Federal funds.
Mako, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried.
MAY 3, 1971
Mr. Taft reported that;;: Orchard Lake Park needed some new trees and it
was suggested that he check. out prices with.Cross' Nursery and report
back to the council.
787. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan to purchase a 1 ton-' blacktop roller
for ..patching at the price of $200. Sullivan, Taft, Friedges, Clay and
Mako "aye",emotion carried.
Two different quotes for bar stools at the liquor store were presented.
788. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to ..purchase the stools from
the Harrison. House at $48.5'per stool.
Taft, Friedges, Clay, Mako and Sullivan "aye", motion carried.
The clerk was'.instructed to get. four permits'toimprove lake accesses to
Lake Marion and Orchard Lake.
John Pavlike requested.: that the council do something about cars parked
on the road leading to his home on'Lake Marion. _IIe`mentioned that was
almost impossible to get through.. on this road at times. Mr. Sullivan and
Mr. Clay will check this out and return to the council with some recommended
789. notion by Taft seconded by Clay to accept the easement deed from Frederick-
Willys. Friedges, Clay, Mako', Sullivan and Taft"aye", motion carried.
790. .Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan to grant a garbage hauling permit
to D & M Hauling. Clay,_Mako, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried.
791. notion by ,Taft seconded by Clay to authorize the clerk to sign the authorization
for a refund .for the attendance of Steven Andersen at Peace Officers Training
School. Mako., Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Clay "aye", motion carried.
792. Motion by Clay seconded by-Taft to request the presence of the owner of
Kosemount Sanitation at the next council meeting.... The clerk will send a
certified letter: to Mr. Mohr. Sullivan, Taft,.Friedges,:Clay and Mako "aye",
motion carried.
It was decided to table the hearing on the Holyoke Arence sidewalk until
a light hearing is scheduled.
A letter from. the Dakota County Highway Department regarding spraying
of weeds along county roads was read to the council. The clerk was instructed
to make. copies for the weed inspector and the street superintendent.
Mr. Farrell was. instructed to write Mr. Donnay a letter regarding the. money.
still owed the Village for work in Valley Park.
Motion by Sullivan seconded by Clay to adjourn was carried unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,