HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-05-70 E A z VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING--OCTOBER 5,.1970 The. meeting was called to order by Mayor .Jensen with Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Sullivan and Taft present. Flag pledge was given. Jeff Earl presented a small gift to Mayor Jensen from the Mayor of Resende, Brazil. 385. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan that the minutes of the Sept. 21, 1970, meeting stand as read.. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried. 386. Motion by Taft seconded by Mako to accept the minutes of the special.. Sept. 28, 1970, meeting as read. Mako, Jensen, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried. The Planning Commission report of fhe Sept. 24, 1970, meeting were read by Jerome Clay. 387. Motion by Mako seconded by Sullivan to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and .approve the final plat for Bentson Homes Inc. Jensen, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Mako "aye", mo ion carried.. Arguments for and against Tillges request .for a rezoning were heard. 388. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Taft to grant a special use permit and building permit for 12 years. Sullivan."aye",:Taft, Friedges, Mako and Jensen opposed, motion failed. 389. Motion by Taft seconded by Mako to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and deny the rezoning. Taft, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", Sullivan opposed, motion ~airied. The Aquarius rezoning was discussed, Mr. Berczyk, representing the owners felt that this .land .could never be used for houses and explaisad that the owners would. landscape the property so that none of the equipment could be seen from the back yards of the property owners to the north. He also said that there would not be too much traffic in this type of business. Mr. Long, Mr. Gorst, Mr. Rasmussen and Mr. Mryvold, p~~sperty owners to the north objected to this rezoning as they felt it would not improve .the view from their back yards and that-many had living rooms facing .the back. 390. Motion by Friedges seconded by Mako-to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and deny the rezoning. Friedges, Mako and Taft "aye", Jensen and Sullivan opposed, motion carried.. 391. Motion by Taft seconded by Friedges to follow the Planning Commission recommendation and deny the request for a mobile home permit to Roman Wendland. Mako, Jensen, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges-"aye", motion carried. 392. Motion by Mako seconded by Friedges to follow the P.C. recommendation and grant a building permit to Fredrickson Excavating Co. Jensen,. Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Mako "ale", motion carried. t PAGE TWO--VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING --OCT. 5, 1970 393. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Mako to follow the P.C. recommendation and grant a building permit to george Haas. Sullivan, Taft, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried. 394. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Friedges to follow the P.C. recommendation and grant a building permit to Donnay Construction Co. and Mr. R. Krugger to extend the Supperette Market. Taft opposed. Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. 395. Motion by Mako seconded by Sullivan to follow the P.C. recommendation and grant Mr. Dunham a permit to build an addition to his present building. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried. Herb Lambert reported. that the Park & Recreation Committee had approved the hiring of Mrs. Corcoran on a trial basis for the youth", center until the end of December to see how this will work out. Three bids for wood for the hockey rink in Valley Park were presented. (All bids attached.) Other costs for the rink were also presented. 396. Motion by Mako seconded by Friedges to authorize the expenditure of up to $1,100 for materials for the rink. Mako, Jensen, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried. It was mentioned that the land for the rink was not graded so the Mayor will contact Mr. Burger to see that this is done. The hearing for the Airlake to Old Village Water and .Sewer Extension was opened. Representing the school were Mr. McGuire, Superintendent and Mr. Lundeen and Mr. Larson Board members. Maynard Johnson and Bernard Grubisch were present from Airlake Park. The preliminary report was read by Mr. Frigaard who also explained where the line would be laid. The school board members. thought that the community would be best served if the line were to follow Hiway 50. felt Mr. Frigaard/that the proposed way was a better expenditure of the dollars and that the assessments would be against the benefited property owners. Other information was requested regarding when the first payments would be due for assessments. 397. Motion by Mako seconded by Sullivan to order the Water & Sewer Extension. Improvement from Airlake to Old Village and instructing the Village engineer to proceed with the plans and specs for this improvement. Jensen,. Sullivan, ,Taft, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. The hearing on the Valley Park Storm Sewer was reopened. Mr. Frigaard explained that this project will run along the east line of Valley Park 3rd and Valley Park 4th .and down to and crossing road and open drainage on the west side of Flagstaff from Dodd Rd. to existing drainage way. Leonard Bentson opposed this plan as he felt that land he expected to acquire would be flooded. Mr. Farrell, Village attorney, advised the council not to act on this project until there is a written guarantee from Mr. Donnay regarding payment and easements. 39$. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Taft to continue this hearing until Oct. 12, 1970 at 9 P.M. Sullivan, Taft, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye", motion carried... James L. Smith, who lives in Valley Park presented a petition ' r ~ i ` , } • PAGE THREE--VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING--oct 5,.1970 from a group of property owners in regard to a drainage ditch Ghat had not been completed. Mr. Ackerman reported that he had. checked this out and Donnay had graded the area and would sod this. as soon as possible. Regarding questions about the park, Mr. Lambert ` reported that these would be graded and seeded when possible. 399. Motion by Mako seconded. by Taft authorizing-the payment of the balance of the down payment for the Taylor property and authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute contract for deed identical to the terms in the contract.. Taft, Friedges,,Mako, Jensen,"acrd", Sullivan abstained, motion carried. Robert Pulscher, from Springsted Inc., explained different ways the bonding could be handled for the different projects. He also explained how the proposed sewer project on the west side of_ Lakeville could be handled. Robert Frigaard and the Council will meet at 7 P.M. on the 12th to discuss getting .started on this project. .400. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivt~n approving the ordinance relating to crimes and providing a maximum penalty for mi~den~anors. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried.. 401. Motion by Mako seconded by Taft approving the ordinance combining the positions of clerk and treasurer. .Mako, Jensen, Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 402. motion by Friedges seconded by Mako approving the ordinance for the: plumbing code. Jensen, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. 403. Motion. by Mako seconded. by Ta€t to approve the ordinance on civil defense. Taft, Friedges, Mako and Jensen "aye Sullivan .opposed, motion carried. 404. Motion by Taft seconded by Sullivan approving the ordinance on dynamite. Taft, Friedges, Jensen and Sullivan "aye" Mako opposed, motion carried, Mr. Mako reported that the school would let the Vilinge_ use their addresograph at the rate of $3.SO per hour. The:°. tencils would cost 4C a piece and would fast for approximately l00 printings. This is going to be discussed by the clerk and school business .manager. 405. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Taft to approve the lists fox the election judges. Friedges, Mako, Jensen, Sullivan and Taft "aye", motion carried. Sunday 406. Motion by Mako seconded hq Friedges to place thefliquor question on the ballot. Mako,`Jensen Sullivan, Taft and Friedges "aye", motion carried. 407. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Mako to .have thy. architect, Ackerberg & Assoc. prepare the plans for. remodeling the liquor'aC a fee not to exceed $1,000. which would apply to the eventual remodeling. Jensen, Sullivan, Taft, Friedges and Mako "aye", motion carried. 40g. Motion by Mako seconded by Taft to increase the Water and Sewer Committee by two members--1 for three years and 1 for two years. Sullivan, Taft, Friedges, Mako .and Jensen "aye", motion carried. Mr. Sullivan reported that somedne had reported killing rats out at Oak Knolls. The clerk was instructed to have the Police Chief check this out. + ~ ~ • t ` PAGE FOUR--VILLAGE OF LAKEVILLE COUNCIL MEETING--OCT.5,1970 409. Motion by Sullivan seconded by Taft to approve the plans and. specs for water and sewer extensions in Valley Park 4th and to send them ` to the sewer board. Taft, Friedges, Mako, Jensen and Sullivan "aye", motion carried. Various letters were presented to the council. The clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Gulden of Lakeville Terminal to appear at the Park and Recreation Committee meeting regarding the skating rink. Clint Cross' Justice report was reviewed by the Village Council. Motion by Friedges seconded by Sullivan to ad3ourn. Motion carried, meeting ad3ourned. Respectfully submitted, Clerk M or,~~