HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-14 CITY OF LAKEVILZE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY C+ONII~II'ITEE MIlVU'I'ES DECII'~E12 14, 1988 Meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:00 PM. Members present .were Lulf, Iavelace, Grenz, Larson, Messinger and McDonald. Member Illa arrived later. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. 88-99 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to approve Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of November 30, 1988. Motion passed. Barry Warner from Barton-Aschman Associates was in attendance to present his proposal for an updated Park and Open Space System Plan. The committee received a report on phasing of the plan. The first phase of the project would be to complete a demographics profile, and inventory of existing facilities, a corrmiunity attitude survey and a cc~nprehensive needs analysis. From this, conclusions could be drawn as to what the needs are now, what they will be in five years, and what they will be in 10 years. The first phase will take approximately 3 months and will cost $13,500 to complete. The second phase of the proposal would include reviews of policy and .criteria issues and cairnnunty trails; a list of priorities for acquisition and development; and a capital improvements plan. The second phase would also take 3 months and would cost $13,000. The third phase of the project would cover the cost of presentations, • meetings, and the printing of the final dociunent. Staff and the co~nnittee feel that this bare bones budget is the only way to approach the project. It was felt that completing the plan on an incremental basis is the most economical way to get the job done. Barry Warner will write memorandums outlining precisely what will be completed on each line item in the report. Messinger feels the rationale should be justified for the northeast park purchase and for that reason, maybe #9, a list of priorities of acquisition and development, should be moved up to the first phase. Other members agreed.. Also, it was felt that the third phase cyst of consultant fees could be reduced by having staff and committee members attend meetings and make presentations. McDonald suggested the northeast sector park purchase be put on hold until the needs analysis is complete. Steve used the analogy of the city forefathers purchasing property for Ritter Farm Park and Aronson Park. Barry Warner will also be working with staff on the Casperson Park master plan review, scaling dawn the .amphitheater, and reviewing the parking needs. The preliminary plan will be presented to the ccmmtittee for input/ approval as soon as possible. This needs to be done for the grant process and approved by them before construction begins. Messinger also stated that she feels Ritter Farm Park has a real need for a master plan review. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes December 14, 1988 Page -2- • Committee requested staff to put the issue on a council work session agenda if passible; if .not on a regular agenda. Tom Lr~uck and Dan Parker from Parker and Associates were present to discuss their plans for the corner of Highway 50 and Cedar Avenue. Their plat is a 50.2 acre site with mixed use including conmiercial, office- warehouse, arxi multifamily dwellings. The first phase is 6.9 acres. It will be completed in 1989 and will consist of a commercial center with mostly cornrenience/service uses. About 13 acres of the plat will be in pending areas and no other property is proposed for park or open space land. The developers are proposing trails around the pond with some ..sitting areas and natural wildlife habitat areas. There will be a gentle 4/1 slope which the developers felt could be easily. traversed if necessary. Grenz stated a steep slope could be an attractive nuisance. The committee discussed possible internal trails and future connections. Staff explained the pending area is purchased through the storm water drainage fund and in that way it becomes the responsibility of the city. 88.100 It was moved by Messinger, seconded by Ltzlf, to reco~nnPxid to city council that the Cedar Avenue/Highway 50 plat known as Lakeville Commercial Center, be required to make a cash contribution as per the park dedication ordinance. The committee further recommends that a 20-foot trail easement on the north and east boundaries be required for the connections to the future trail system links in the area. The connnittee would also like to • be involved in the design of the pending area to oversee the aesthetics. Motion passed. Staff reported that the Foxborough building is framed and the roofing is in progress. All other projects are substantially complete. The Rolling Oaks playground was not quite finished before the ground became too frozen so will be completed in the spring. The letters to Central Landscape and Valley Paving have produced some negotiations on who will. responsible for Donohue billings. Staff will keep committee informed. Staff is working out the details on the Caspersen grant and needs to get revision on master plan as soon as possible, along with the cost estimates. Staff showed the cortmlittee the updated trail dedication fund budget, as of November 30th. Staff discussed the various trail projects which might happen in 1989. Projects include the Orchard Lake area trail, 160th and Dodd Pointe trail, Flagstaff from Dodd Blvd. to Finch Path and Dodd Park Trail. Possible easement/acquisition rights in the area of Country View and North Creek for the trailway from Flagstaff to Pilot Knob were also discussed. Committee discussed the updated park dedication fund. Some additions and deletions were suggested by committee members. Staff feels the Caspersen. master plan is a priority and also the matched funds which will be spent in the future. Staff wants to at least coordinate the grading with the city hall project in 1989, which means the completion of a grading plan very soon. Committee members have varying ideas for a completion time • line for the project. Parks and Recreation Advisory Corrnnittee minutes December 14, 1988 Page -3- • Some .additions included bask etball at Antlers, horseshoe pits at Ds;kota Heights, sand volleyball at the Meadows, a small shelter at Oak Shores and possibly a playground addition there. 'Ihe committee also discussed future plans for Cherry View acquisition and development, possible playground equipment at that site and also at Kenreel Park and Lone Oak Park. 88-101 Motion was made by Ilia, seconded by Messinger, to approve the park dedication fund budget with additions and deletions as discussed at this meeting. .Motion passed. Staff is working with the Boy Scouts about the usage of Ritter Farm Park. Al Hermann is willing to help fund the development of winter camping facilities. Staff has met with them acid has reminded them that no matter what is paid for by the Scouts or any other persons, the park remains a city park. Ixalf mentioned the snowmobile trail goes by the are~,in question and a solution needs to be worked out for that potential problem. McDonald requested funds be put in the budget for repaying youth who do cleanup work in the co~miunity. Staff suggested a plan be prepared and proposed to the committee. The plan should be one that would be available to all youth of Lakeville. Staff discussed the progress on the northeast sector park search and the possible combination of parcels. Messinger informed staff that the Parkview PI'd is willing to pay for some trails at Parkview Elementary and would like to have the project bid on as part of a combination of similar projects, in order to get the best price. The committee thanked Donohue and Associates; Grannis, Grannis, Farrell and Knutson; and Northwest Associated Consultants for the advisory committee appreciation dinner on December 7th. They all enjoyed it very much. 88.102 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by McDonald, at adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 PM. R fully .t , 2 Je n, Chairman T: f Secre jr