HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-30 CITY OF LAKEVILZE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMNIITI'EE NmVLlTES NOVEMBER 30, 1988 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Larson. Members present were Lulf, Lovelace, Illa, Larson, McDonald and Messinger. Grenz arrived later. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Illa, to approve the Parks and Recreation Advisory Corrnnittee minutes of November 2, 1988. Motion passed. There were no citizen coimnents or presentations. Under staff reports the Park Director updated the co~nnttee on the progress of the buildings at North Park and Foxborough. The foundations and plumbing are in for both buildings and the crew will be concentrating on the Foxborough building and barring any unforeseen delays, it should be ready for the skating season. Finishing touches will be completed in the spring. The trail at Aronson Park will be overlaid in the spring to bring it up to Park Dept. standards. The basketball court at Rolling Oaks needs to be repaired by the contractor and will be done in the spring. Minor clean up and seeding will also be completed there. The batter boards on the tennis courts at Oak Shores did not meet the eked quality and • will also be reconstructed by the contractor. The cross country ski trails have all been marked. The Bombardier has been repaired and will be ready to go when the snow is. The rental flooding trucks have been delivered; the crews are trying to seed the ground for a good ice base. Staff attended the 5tate's orientation for the final grant for Casperson. $20,000 has been allocated in the grant for a fishing pier at Casperson, however if allowed by the DNR the city will move the existing fishing pier near I-35 to the Casperson Park site and the $20,000 could. be used for other grant projects. The pier is now almost sitting in mud because of the low lake level. Staff has been working with Bruce Gilbertson of the DNR with respect to a possible winter kill of fish in Lake Marion. According the the DNR statistics, it is not uncommon for the lake to be this low and it has experienced winter kill in the past. A grant for an aeration system would not be available until 1990-91, however some type of system could possibly be installed with the help of the local fishing club to aerate a portion of the lake and provide a refuge for the fish. Staff will work on getting the cooperation of the fishing club for this project. City staff is continuing to secure signatures for the trail easements in Bluebill Bay estates. The trailway is also being acquired in Oak Shores, • where the recommendations of the co~nnittees were omitted from the hard shells and not recorded at the county. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee November 30, 1988 • Page -2 The County Road 46/160th Street to Dodd trails was discussed and staff reported the funding has not been worked out as of yet. Committee discussed off street vs. shoulder trails. Staff will check on the cost of bringing the trail all the way to Cedar Avenue. Also the trails in Dodd Park are an important link. Staff informed the coirnnittee that there are currently three apart~neizt projects at the planning level in Lakeville. The 40-unit HRA project, at the grain silo location downtown, plans to break ground in the spring; the Southfork project of 70-100 units south of the current development; and an 84-86 unit complex on Highway 50 east of the ISD 194 ac'trninistra- tion building. All are attempting to get tax increment financing. Staff reported he had met with Al Hermann and Al's son Fred concerning an Eagle Scout project. Al is a local building and wants to construct a building in Ritter Park for the scouting groups to have a place to go. Staff felt there would be much potential for scouting projects, possibly in the homestead area of the park. Messinger r..o~miented that because of safety and security factors the homestead area may not be the best area, considering the traffic which goes on there all year round. She suggested that the Scouts of America be contacted for the input and stipulations for such a project's use. • Staff introduced a new plat to the co~mnittee which is on the northeast corner of Highway 50 and Cedar Avenue -the Lakeville Commercial Center. (The plat on 35 W has changed its name to the Lakeville Commerce Center.) The new plat will include multifamily housing as a buffer to the mobile home park, office/warehouse units, a strip mall and con¢nercial area. No park dedication fees have been figured for the area yet. The con~nittee felt that green space should be provided, but not as part of the park dedication. Also, the drainage ditch areas are not to be considered as suitable park land. Staff reported that $50,000 has been received from the Commerce Center. The connnittee received an update on the northeast park search. The MWCC sewer interceptor pipes run through the land and ponding areas have been built up. The land has potential to be developed and as that happens the park dedication could be in the form of land and eventually a large portion of these sections. could be amassed into park land making for a larger park. The land could be identified in the park system plan and secured through park dedication or direct acquisition. Same cemunittee members suggested possible problems with having the sewer pipes running through the site. Staff felt the pipes were not necessary a detriment to development, but the drainage swales could be. Staff will write a su~rnnary to .council using Concept B, and. explaining the coamtittee's feelings.. This will also be put on the next park agenda and staff will have answers to questions raised by the committee. McDonald would like to wait until she views the property again before staff sends a • rer.~mnendation to council. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes.. November 30, 1988 • Page -3- Staff reported that the Park and Open Space update proposal did .not get put on the council agenda because the support materials had not arrived by the deadline. A facility inventory has been completed by the sunaner park intern and there are other areas where staff can work on the update. The connnittee feels the coirnrnxnity needs survey needs to be done professionally and concepts of new and proposed park land need to be incorporated into 5-year, 10-year and estimated 15 year projections. McDonald stated she feels the committee is reacting to each situation and not planning ahead for the issues. The funds for the update have been planned for and staff and connnittee feel it is their responsibility to plan for future generations as those before us have done. Messinger said she feels the plan should be done by a good professional company. Illa feels the northeast search should be backed and justified by a plan for that area. Staff will ask Barry Warner of Barton-Ashman to attend the next meeting and hopefully his proposal will be ready for the council's first meeting in January. Staff discussed budget proposals with the co~nnittee the park referee- dum, development and trail funds were reviewed. Some discrepancies were discovered in the bookkeeping where expenses were not properly coded. This is making it difficult to come up with more than a ballpark figure for 1989 planning. The trail fund is meant for overland and major trail • projects with the 3/8 share. The other trails within park, etc. are considered park development, and the coding has been the same for all projects, making it difficult to see what remains. There will be three major trail projects in 1989 which will be taken from th trail fund. Messinger asked about priorities. Staff said they should be determined as soon as possible when it is determined what funds are available. Staff updated the committee on the Highway 50 improvement project to be done in 1992. The county will pay for the easements and grading of the associated off street designated county trail and the city will pay for the paving. Staff informed the connnittee that a piece of property known as Outlot A in the Swan Addition, abutting Wayside Park, will be donated to the city. by the estate of the property owner. The attorneys are drawing up the necessary papers so this can be accomplished. Staff reported the businessmen's breakfast which was held at the Senior Center on Tuesday had been a huge success. Eileen Fondell is doing an excellent job with the seniors. The new city hall site plans are done; meeting have been held on lighting and furnishings. The former NEI building, south of the public works building, has been purchased by the city and the water and parks • departments will be moving there. There are many practical features in the building which can be used by the water department. Parks and Recreation 1~dvisory C.omanittee minutes November 30, 1988 Page -4- Jeff Larson is able to get free seedlings from the I~IR and he will check on what varieties are available and get back to staff. He also mentioned that some seedlings had been maned in Ritter Park. Staff suspects the farmer who leases the land may have mowed them since it is his responsibility to clear the field areas. Staff will look into same type of prairie restoration or other types of ground clearing. Gorrnnittee asked about the Name the Park contest. It was not in time to get into the winter brochure and so will be done via the Lakeville Life and Times this winter. Staff reported a meeting he had had with sane people who are interested in building a multi-court volleyball and basketball facility in Lakeville. They are proposing to do the groundwork and manage the facility and the. city would be the building's owner. The city would have to sponsor any state grants and/or funding which would be available to get the project built, As this issue develops, staff will inform the cotrnnittee. 88.98 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Illa, seconded by Lulf, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM. • > R fully ted, ~ e Larson, Chairman ATTEST: _'~l Larry , jr