HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-02 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
NOVEMBER 2, 1988
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:00. Members present
were Lulf, Lrwelace, Illa, Larson, Messinger and Grenz. McDonald had called
and was ill. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording
secretary Judi Ringeisen.
88.92 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Larson, to approve the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of October 12, 1988.
Motion passed.
88.93 Motion was made by Ilia, seconded by L~zlf, to approve the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of October 19, 1988.
Messinger felt that on page 2, in discussion of Casperson Park, she did not
accurately express her feelings and read the following statement as an
addendum to the minutes:
"Messinger particularly object to putting the development of Casperson Park
ahead of all the other priority projects the co~r¢ni.ttee had discussed for the
next three years. During staff's discussion of the proposed grant, staff
had intimated that if we were successful and we were awan3ed the grant, that
our park dedication funds and park manpower might be geared toward the
development of this (Casperson) park for the next three years.
"I feel we have a commitment to all of Lakeville, not just one .park. There
• are many parks throughout the city that have been waiting for a number of
years for development. Parkview Park was mentioned only as an example of
one of those parks. There are. also many parks iri the Orchard Lake area as
well as many other areas throughout the city. we, as a committee, have
established along list of priorities that need to be complete. I did not
want us to abandon those priorities or put them on a shelf for three years
while we commit our money and manpower to one of our newer parks."
Motion to approve the minutes passed.
There were no citizen co7rnnents or presentations.
Staff reported .that he had spoken to the Burnsville Parks and Recreation
Advisory Committee in regard to their trail system and the beginning of a
trail dedication fee similar to Lakeville's. The committee was very
complimentary of the Lakeville Parks & Recreation Committee and the work
that they have accomplished.
The maintenance crews have been busy with the fall tree planting program,
installation of exercise stations, team benches and fire grates. A
preconstruction meeting was held on the Foxborough and North Park buildings.
Rolling Oaks and Oak Shores are finished with their plantings; Dakota
Heights and Bunker Hill are in the process; about 60 trees have been put in
at Dodd Trail Park.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Co~nittee minutes
November 2, 1988
Page -2-
• A thane order was
g done on the Highview Ave, road construction project due
to poor soils. This change order made it necessary to delete the paving
project at North Park, since it would have made the change orders more than
the 25% of the entire project allowed. The paving project will be done in
the spring instead.
Staff has inspected the trails along Ipava and found the workmanship poor
and. much damage from the trucks and rollers on the trails. The job may need
to be redone or overlayed to correct the situation but is not acceptable to
our standards as it now stands. Some of the damages includes improper
rolling and paving, pot marks from rocks, waves, ripples and bad edges.
There is now a full time engineer on staff at the City. He is Keith Nelson,
a former Donohue employee. All projects will now go through him with RFP's
then being submitted to one or more consulting firms.
St. Croix Recreation has been in contact with the park dept. concerning the
cable ride for the playground equipment at Rolling Oaks and Dakota Heights.
Some redesigning of the playgrounds had to be done but the ride will be
installed by the park maintenance crews.
Committee received a proposal from Barton-Aschman for updating of the park
and open space system plan. It was not received in time to be put on the
council agenda for next week. Rick Muller, the intern from this surrnner,
• will be doing the park inventory work for the update. Com¢ni_ttee was
instructed to read the docuYnent carefully and get back to the park director
with any questions.
Staff also had received two proposals for drawing the master plans at James
Jensen and Wayside Parks. Barton-Aschman's proposal was $2,950; Wehrman
Bergly's was $3,453.
88,94 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Lulf, to contract Barton-Aschman
to do the master plans for James Jensen and Wayside Parks for the sum of
Motion passed.
Staff continued budget discussions with the co~mtittee and updated them on
current fund balances and encumbered expenditures. All engineering and
planned development was taken into account with the final balance being
about $200,000 remaining in the park dedication fund. A few projects need
to be done with the bond referendum fund which should just about bring the
balance down to zero. A final figure is forthcoming from the Finance Dept.
Assuming the balance entering 1989 is $200,000, there are some priorities
the staff would like to have done.
Staff listed a few priorities which he feels should be the first places to
spend the rest of the development funds; also where he felt some things
could be removed from the co~rnnittee's wish list. Larson suggested that all
• plantings could be removed from the list until next fall and at that time
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
November 2, 1988
Page -3-
• see what
the finances are at that t~.me. Top dressing and seed~.ng will be a
major project at many parks next stormier due to so much turf damage from the
dry sunmler.
Staff discussed the Casperson grant and haw it will be developed. Three
years are allowed to complete the project but the goal is to complete as
much as possible, mainly from the waterfront to the road with a couple of
picnic areas developed on the bluff and hopefully to do the project in one
year. Proposed revenues in the park dedication fund for 1989 are $220,000
based on 400 dwelling units. This would allow the matching funds needed for
the grant. Messinger stated her feeling that the project could be spread
out over three years and maybe not "bleed" the park dedication fund so badly
all at once. Staff suggested there are other items on the development list
that could wait in order to have some emergency funds in the budget.
I11a stated that even if all prioritized projects are not done in 1989, more
park dedication funds will be available the next year, and 1990 is not that
far off. Larson stated he did not think the project should go for three
years and maybe some re-prioritizing needs to be done. Grenz suggested
doing the Casperson project in 1990. There would be several advantages to
doing it that way, including the impact on the fund and to allow more time
for planning. Messinger also stated this could free up some funds for the
Northeast section park land purchase. It was the general consensus of the
cotrnitittee that more funds need to be spent at parks which have not had much
• attention the past few years. Cherryview Heights was discussed. Some used
playground equipment could be put in temporarily to satisfy the residents
with more development planned for the future. Cormnittee agreed that 1990
would be the best year to go ahead with the Casperson Park project.
Staff also discussed long term care and upkeep of the park facilities and
possible subsidizing from the capital improvement fund in the future.
A "Name the Park" contest was discussed for Caspersen and North Parks. Illa
suggested it would be good publicity for the parks and thought the school
children in the North Park area should be especially involved in naming that
park. Staff directed the chairman to write a letter to the school
principals asking for their participation. Grenz suggested having the
contest in the newspaper so adults and the entire coimnunity could become
The winter brochure is being prepared by the recreation division. Staff
also discussed some other materials the committee received updating them on
projects. The readings of Lake Marion were also distributed, showing the
level is still dropping.
Staff discussed Fairfield Business Park with the conmtittee. When it is
developed, staff suggested that cash be accepted in addition to the are in
the plat which has been identified as park land. There will be interior
trails leading to that lot.
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee
November 2, 1988
Page -4-
Staff showed the committee the areas which have been identified in the park
search in the northeast section and the possible trail links to Countryview
and North Creek, The trails are potentially to run alongside the drainage
ditch, however the soils do not meet the standards and some geotechnical
materials will need to be used.
Staff offered his ideas to the committee and identified the piece of land he
feels is most feasible for the future conununity park. It includes a flat
area and also wetlands and drainage with lame rolling oaks and beautiful
topography. The coirnnittee members who have seen the property agreed that it
is the best possible piece of the choices in the area.
88.95 Motion was made by Messinger, seconded by Illa, to reconmlend that staff
pursue negotiations for the possible land. purchase in the Northeast section.
Motion passed.
Under old business, Messinger asked if the materials had been received to
repair the picnic shelters. Staff said they had not but the improvements
would be made as soon as possible.
It was also asked whether the paths would be kept clear around Valley Ike
for winter walking. Staff said the equipment is a problem but possibly at
the end of the sidewalk route a few paths could be cleared. Those at Valley
Lake and Oak Shores seem to be the most popular walking paths.
• Staff and connnittee also discussed the park tour which is scheduled for
Saturday, November 5th. They will meet at the Buckboard Restaurant at 8:00
AM for a breakfast meeting.
88.96 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Messinger, seconded by
Illa, to adjourn.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:25 PM.
R fully 'tted,
Jef Larson, Chairman
Larry Lul ,Sec