HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19 CITY OF LAKEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY OOPM~TI'EE MEETING OCTOBER 19, 1988 • Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM b Chairman Larson. Committee Y members present were Larson, Illa, Lulf, Grenz and Messinger. Lr~velace and McDonald had called and were not able to attend. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. 88.90 Motion was made by Illa, seconded by Lul.f, to approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Corrnnittee meeting of October 5, 2988. Illa made a continent concerning page 1, second paragraph from the bottom. It was mentioned that basketball courts would not be needed at Dakota Heights because of the close proximity to the courts at Christina Huddleston Elementary. He has since looked at those courts and found them not well maintained. Staff feels we should discuss that with the school and find a way to cooperate with them. Motion passed. Messinger showed some pictures of an A-frame shelter building and picnic areas at Lebanon Hills, which she had mentioned to the committee at an earlier meeting. Staff felt it was something that could be taken care of in house. Staff had taken the list of capital improvements as discussed by the committee at their October 5th meeting and prioritized and estimated costs to the projects. The most recent trail fund budget assessment report showed a $215,000 balance, some of which has been spent, which staff was • pleased with. The intern is working on the MPTW sign system identifying signs at trail heads, destinations and distances, and reassurance signs. A ribbon cutting ceremony is planned for spring. Another recent memo from Donohue showed estimates of upcoming trail projects. Staff also gave conanittee a status report on 1989 trail development projects. A big priority will be the trails in the Orchard Lake area, especially to the elementary school. Staff feels the wide shoulders on most of Klamath Trail will be used as a trail route, but a safe crossing needs to be provided. A feasibility report will be done this winter which will include the possibility of the county road being turned back to the city. Nothing has been done on the 160th Street/Cedar Avenue trail. It needs to be decided when to order the feasibility report for this project. The Cedar Avenue trail on the west side from Whitney in Apple Valley to Dodd Blvd. will be installed as a county project. If our existing trail is damaged the replacement cost will be party borne by the City unless current negotiations change that. Committee agreed that Ritter Farm Park needs more ski trails and wood chip hiking trails to be installed in 1989. MPIW's are planned on Flagstaff Avenue from Dodd to Finch. It was discussed that a trail, possibly just on the west side would suit the • inmiediate needs, with a crossing provided. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes October 19, 1988 Page -2- • The Great Oak S bores plat is mov~rig along and are cutt~.ng ~.n their utilities without benefit of The Cove's progress. It looks like The Cove will not be getting started until Spring. Staff had surveyed the items commmittee had requested at each individual park and set priorities. The Finance Director is working on a park dedication budget, which will be distributed to committee as soon as it is ready. The Caspersen Park matching funds grant has been submitted for $600,000. No plans will be made for Caspersen until the status of the grant is determined. Larson noted that the Marion Village by the Lake could be a source for matching funds. Messinger stated she feels this is not the time to spend funds at this park; it was decided at the time of the bond referendum that this would be a project for the future and park dedication funds would not be used. Messinger would rather see Parkview Park developed as many neighbors have been waiting a long time for that project. Staff suggested doing just enough work to make the park more usable. A master plan review will be done at Parkview. Ritter Park development was discussed with several suggestions such as trying to provide drinking water to the campsites and archery range. Staff agreed that electricity would also be needed. • A master plan will be done for Wayside Park in 1989. In Cherryview Heights the eight acres of property to be purchased 60/40 with the storm water fund will be $17,500. Abridge will be added to the plans for this park. Priorities for Antlers Park included a storage building for the lifeguards, bathroom restoration, and planting of trees, shrubs and flowers. Staff informed the committee that Eagan's tree spade will be borrowed to transplant several ash trees from an expansion project downtown out to Antlers Park. Aronson Park will receive replacement gates, some fencing renovations, trees, shrubs and flowers, team benches, and architectural fees will also need to be paid to redesign the building. Some fees may be available from the softball leagues and the Jaycees, especially for the building redesign plan and the bathroom restoration. Those things mentioned as priorities at Bunker Hill Park included trees, shrubs and flowers, playground relocation and upgrade, sliding hill cleanup, soccer goals, and a picnic grill next to the shelter. Priorities for Valley Lake Park will include expansion of the swim area, benches around the beach, installation of 6-8 exercise stations, sand volleyball, trees, a possible supplement to the DNR fish stocking program, • and some cleanup of the wetland and natural areas. A fishing pier is a possibility from a grant. Messinger would also like to get neighborhood input. Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes October 19, 1988 Page -3- • Rolling Oaks Park playground has been installed. Messinger has been to the Dakota Heights playground and had some questions and concerns. Staff will look at the problems and talk to the installers and distributor. Illa stated he had heard many favorable corrnnents on the Dakota Heights playground. Oak Shores Park should have some benches installed and some clearings for tables in the woods. The playground could use expansion. Many people are seen using the new facilities at this park. Larson would like the committee to receive the budget figures for all these projects as soon as they are prepared, so they have time to look at them before their next planning session. Illa coirnnented on the North Park trail. To correct the rippled consistency the trail may need to be overlaid in a few years. The trails will also need to be swept on a regular basis; a broom to fit on the bobcat may be purchased for that purpose. Messinger asked about reseeding Valley Lake Park. The park maintenance dept. is in the process of assessing the damage from the drought. Many turf areas have suffered but where they have been reseeded the grass is coming back. Larson suggested using one of the portable sprinklers - hooked to the well at Valley Lake - to water the new seed. • Grenz asked about the National Sports Games to be held in the Twin Cities in 1990. Lakeville has not been approached for use of our facilities, however the North Star Games may use some of our fields for their games next stmm~er. Staff reminded the co7rnnittee to preregister for the MRPA conference if they are planning to attend. Preregistration deadline is October 21st. The Fall Park Tour was discussed and set for Saturday, November 5th. The committee will meet at the Buckboard Restaurant at 8:00 AM. Staff will arrange for a vehicle. Staff informed the committee that council had awarded the contract for the park shelter buildings to Penner Development. The contracts are being drawn up by the architect. Under old business staff discussed the Dakota County trail issue with the committee. Staff is checking on criteria and justification to make County Road 46 a designated county trail. The trail will be 100% paid for by the county when it is installed. Staff told the connnittee that a developer had been in for a staff meeting concerning the golf course along the east side of Highview, north of the. downtown. The developer is several million dollars short of his goal to complete the project and is therefore interested in tax increment financing to help get the course built. Some trading is being negotiated for the developed golf course land in lieu of cash. The tax increment Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes October 19, 1988 Page -3- financing would go to building the golf course, approximately $2-3 million, which would then be owned by the City of Lakeville and the city would assume the maintenance responsibilities. This is approximately an 8 year Proj~• The ice arena project is holding a fund raiser on Friday night. Staff had come up with an idea for negotiating with a private corporation for some of the refrigeration or other necessities for the arena. The corporation will check into that. The proposed site for the arena is nova Fairfield Business Park on County Road 70 and I-35. The connnittee asked how the potential pull tab operation was developing. Staff said many obstacles have been overcome and as time permits this winter, this project will be worked on. 88.91 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Larson, seconded by Illa, to adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM. Res fully submitted, • Jef Larson, Chairman ATT'E'ST: Larry Iulf, Secre jr •