HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-05 CITY OF LAKEVILZE PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COA7NBTI'EE MINUTES OCTOBER 5, 1988 • Meet' was called to order at 7:00 PM Chairman Larson. Members r ent ~ by P es were L~zlf, Illa, Lovelace, Grenz, Larson, McDonald and Messinger. Also present was recording secretary Judi Ringeisen. 88.86 Motion was made by Lulf, seconded by Illa, to approve the minutes of the October 5, 1988 Parks and Recreation Advisory Co~nnittee meeting. Motion passed. The committee proceeded to the 1989 budget discussions.. One item the committee would like to see in general for 1989 park improvements is°"Adopt a Flower Bed", a spinoff from "Adopt a Park". A possible Gardening Coordinator. position was discussed. At Antlers. Park, additional fencing was discussed for the main parking lot and for the parking lot adjoining the main pavilion. Staff had. suggested a storage shack for lifeguards; committee agreed. It was. felt people would be driving on the bike trail to unload their picnic .supplies at the new gazebos. A basketball court was suggested as an addition to the park. Aronson Park. Staff .had suggested foul line fencing on fields 5 through 8. CoYrnnittee felt the bathroom renovation which staff had also suggested was a much higher priority. Other suggestions were an observation deck, a small concession stand on the .parking lot side of the building and possible soft drink vending. machines. • Bassett Park. Some clean up needs to be done; seeding should wait. until The Cove is developed; .possibly install old playground equipment. Basketball court needs repair, renovation or removal. Neighbors should be contacted for input. Staff's suggestion for improvements at Casperson Park was a stacking. dock, Committee would like to add benches along the water and a fishing pier. Grenz, who had attended the previous council meeting, informed the committee. that the ordinance authorizing the park ranger to have cars towed was tabled by the council, with the reasoning that a regular police officer be present. Conunittee feels exercise stations should be placed either at North Park or Dakota Heights .Park. Committee also discussed a picnic shelter for Dakota Heights may not be needed, maybe a clearing in the trees would be sufficient. Messinger stated she did not feel blacktop is important for this or other parking lots; other committee members agreed. It was stated that basketball courts are not needed because of the close proximity to the school. The committee feels Dodd Trail Park is basically an undeveloped area which needs trees and amenities such as basketball, a ball field, tennis courts, horseshoe pits, etc, as shown on the master plan. The existing culvert under Dodd Blvd. to Foliage Ave.. could be developed for a walking path, however some method needs to be developed so it would not be used for bicycles, possibly some loose sand or a sharp turn. • Parks and Recreation Advisory Connnittee meeting October 5, 1988 Page -2- i Messinger would like to prioritize the parks in the Valley Lake area to begin on the three largest -Independence Park, Bunker Hill Park and Valley Lake Park. .Some suggestions for Foxborouah Park besides the shelter building which will be constructed are a hockey rink, basketball court, tennis courts and sand volleyball. Independence Park playground needs some benches installed around. it. Renovation could wait until completion of the storm sewer project. Kenmore Park also needs benches around playground equipment. The neighbors are asking for another playground at The Meadows Park. Other, additions could include sand volleyball, a picnic shelter to .provide some shade and benches around the playground. The committee. would like to see the garden continued at James Jensen Park. Also it was suggested this would be a nice attraction .for visitors i.f it was made a wayside rest, with a 4-5 car parking lot. Possibly a gazebo could be installed in this park in 1990. Jaycee Park could use a picnic shelter, if there is room in the park. • The park identification sign at Kenreel Park needs to be corrected. Picnic tables and a playground need to be installed at this park a The committee felt that volleyball courts would be a better addition to Lakeridae Park than tennis courts, since.. it is so close to the High School and 'now easily accessible by trails. The commmittee would like to visit this .park again on a fall park tour. A Saturday was suggested since it now gets dark so early in the evening. It was suggested that the tree planting at North Park be put on hold until the wildlife preserve is finalized. Some suggestion are sand volleyball and exercise stations. The park also needs an appropriate name. It was suggested that a city wide contest be done in the "Messages" or the Winter Park brochure. Prizes could be tickets to Valleyfair or Beaver Mountain. The comYttittee questioned the playground expansion suggested by staff for Oak Shores Park. Other suggestions are fencing around parking lot by basketball courts, benches by tennis courts, "City of Lakeville" identification sign, pond clean-up, and clearings in the wooded areas around the pond for benches. Thee coirnnittee agreed that the bathroom renovation is a priority at Orchard Lake Beach. They also agreed that the parking lot needs to be paved and and striped to get as many parking spaces as possible. Larry Lulf informed the committee that there is a petition circulating in the Orchard Lake area requesting trails be constructed for those neighborhoods. Parks and. Recreation Advisory Committee minutes October 5, 1988 Page -3- It was suggested that Orchard Lake Park 1s a better candidate for parking lot paving than Orchard lake beach. Committee agrees with staff's suggestions of well cap, stacking dock and bathroom renovation. Concerning the improvements for Parkview, Messinger would like to leave the options open for input from the neighborhood groups. Rollinct Oaks Park has received what was specified for that area on the master plan. No additional development is planned at this time.. Some preschool playground equipment is needed at S eepV Hollow. Benches are needed by the playground equipment at Terrace Park. Items mentioned for Valley Lake Park included a picnic shelter, expanded swim area, more sand, benches near the swi.nnning beach, exercise stations, fishing docks and sand volleyball. Wayside Park needs a design plan. Bunker Hill needs more trees, tot swings to replace sling swings, and a new bridge. Also check hill for capability: of being a sliding hill. Messinger wondered if the swing set be moved closer to the other playground equipment and. could sar~l be put under all the swings at all the parks. • The.: committee is interested in the property along County .Road 6 adjacent to Lone Oak Park in L,se Lake Estates. This could be a playground site. Also, is there a possibility of cleaning up and grading a hill in Rolling Oaks iri order to create a sliding hill for the area. McDonald stated her priority is a chip wood based trail at Ritter Park. Messinger suggested a small wood playground structure; it was also suggested something less destructible. A master plan is needed for the park. Larson suggested a small shelter/clubhouse building on the south end could be shared between the archery club and the snowmobile club. Messinger had seen some A-frame sheltered picnic tables at .Lebanon Hills which she felt could be .used along. the ski trails. It was suggested that the playgrounds at Cherryview Heights be installed in 1990, but possibly some swings installed in 1989. The committee felt the Woodbury/Highview Heights trail is the #1 priority for. trails. The Dodd and 160th Street trail is also very important to complete as soon as possible. Other trails. the co~rnnittee feels are priorities are the Crystal Lake Elementary trail on the north side of 162nd Street,. the design of the trails in the Orchard Lake area, the Countryview Trail to link that neighborhood to the remaining trails,. and the Flagstaff to Dodd Trail. Park and Recreation. Advisory Co~nnittee minutes October 5, 1988 Page -4- Cannnittee members also stated they felt is was of great importance to have .the signage for all the trails complete by spring and have some type of a grand opening or ribbon cutting at that time. Messinger -and Illa had both inspected some of the properties which had been discussed as possible candidates for the 50 acre athletic complex in the northeast quadrant. Both felt Steve's original choice of the area north of 170th Street and east of Pilot Knob Road was the best property for the P~j~• .The.. park secretary showed the cormnittee the plat. of the Marion Village by the Lake.. It is being written into the development agreement that Outlot A drainage easement can be used for trails in the future. It was decided at an earlier date that a cash contribution would be required far this plat. Lu1f is concerned about the use of North Park for the Star of the North games in 1989. He feels staff should consider possible damage to the new turn at that park if it is used too heavily. Lulf attended the annual snowmobile grant meting at the I~IR. The amount of the grant is smaller this year. Staff will discuss this with Del Barber at the DNR. Several of the coirnnittee members may be interested in attending the MRPA conference. in Bloomington in November. Staff will get more information for them. 88.87 Since there was no further business, it was moved by Lulf, seconded by Larson, to adjourn. .Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 PM. R fully ted, eff Larson, Chairman ATTEST: Larry Lulf, ecretary •