HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-21 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
SEPI'EC~SER 21, 1988
• The meeting was called to offer at 7:00 PM by Chairman Larson. Members
present were Larson, Lulf, Lovelace, Illa, Grenz, McDonald and Messinger.
Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recording secretary Judi
88.82 Motion was made by Illa, seconded by Lulf to approve the Parks and.
Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of September 7, 1988.
.McDonald stated the names of the Valley Park residents should be caorrected
to read Wensel Ruhmann (not Vensel) and Gene Hokanson (not Hokins).
McDonald also stated that on page 2, first paragraph, her interpretation
of the wording is that she did not see a need for the children to cross
County Road 46 - the intended meaning was that-she feels a light is
needed. Messinger corrected page 2, last paragraph - Grenz asked about
the .swim. raft, not Messinger.
Motion passed. 'Minutes were approved as amended.
88.83 Motion was made by Grenz, seconded by Illa to approve the minutes of the
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee Special Meeting of September 15,
Messinger read a prepared statement criticizing the way the minutes were
worded and saying because of omissions the minutes gave council an unfair
view of what was .said at the Park and Rec. meeting. McDonald thought
there were statements which were omitted from the minutes. which expounded
on points of debate. Staff did not find the minutes slanted and felt they
• had a minimal effect on the council's decision not to purchase the
property in question at this time. Illa :felt Messinger's letter of
9/15/88 which had been attached to the minutes of that same date contained
unfounded accusations of predetermined judgemexits and closed. mindedness.
Larry Lulf, who was not at the meeting, stated that when he received the
minutes he felt well informed on both sides of the issue and that all
parties got the opportunity to state their opinions. .Larry stated he did
not feel the minutes were slanted in either direction. Grenz felt the
minutes were reflective of the opinions stated. McDonald thought the
minutes were too condensed and in volatile situations the minutes should
be tape recorded in on~er not to leave out any important statements. It
was suggested that the conanittee have input to the minutes before they are
given to council in these types of situations. Staff suggested written
statements be prepared in advance for the staff to alleviate problems.
The secretary stated that no bias was intended and felt the main opinions
of the speakers were reflected in the minutes without being redundant.
Aye: Larson, Illa, Grenz, Lovelace, Lulf
Nay: Messinger, McDonald
Staff stated he had discussed the purchase price and the moratorium on R-7
zoning with the Realtor of the Goff property. It is conceivable .that the
zoning will be changed, which will lower the price of_the property. Also
the park dedication requirements will always be in force and it is still
possible to receive a portion of land at the time the property is
Parks .and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
September 21, 1988
Page -2-
Coirnnittee received a re rt from Northwest .Associated Consultants
concerning the trail easements from Bluebill Bay Estates. Staff will make
sure the engineers receive a copy of the report. The approach to the trail
crossing will be very important. The placement of the trail between the
berm and the road would make for better visibility. Committee felt a
crossing with a light would be ideal for this. situation. Several school
crossing .zones are present in surrounding conmtunities at school crossings
on county roads; hopefully the county would also be .cooperative in this
Staff reported on the progress of the trail along 160th Street from Dodd to
Fai.rgreen Avenue. For economical purposes staff would like the trail to be
graded and benchcut while the equipment from Dakota County is in the area
improving the road. McDonald thought it would become an attractive
nuisance if it were installed before a trail destination exists.. Messinger
.asked if the agreement with Dakota County was. in writing, to prevent future
discord on what was agreed upon. Staff is working to get all commitments
in writing.
The permit for the Soo Line. Railroad trail crossing has been received; the
contract needs to be signed and sent back with a check from the City.
Staff. reported on the trail segment through The Cove and Great Oak Shores.
The Cove is not ready to begin development, however Great Oak Shores will
• go ahead with their project. Therefore, the trails will not be able to be
built as part of both projects and will not be as economical. Construction
of the trail would. then take place next year when The Cove develops.
Gary Hertzberg, owner. of the piece of .property .adjoining Ritter Farm Park
where the snowmobile trail and the road to the archery range have been
located for many years, has been in contact with staff. He is willing to
sell the property to the City at his original purchase price, approximately
.$7,000 per acre, and has recent survey doc-imlentaton. Lulf suggested the
land could be acquired as part of the DNR snowmobile. trail grant.
Messinger asked if there was any more property available in the area she..
would like. to have acquired the property to be added to Ritter Park.
Staff stated he had been informed that there is a group of citizens in the
Orchard Lake area who are interested in getting some trails in their
neighborhoods, especially going to the elementary school. Larson suggested
the. trails could be .extended from the I-35 viaduct through the Wren
property and behind the commercial area near Lse Lake. Staff will add this
segment to the trail plan.
A discussion of .development projects was held. Staff report~i 950
completion of the park dedication projects. Rolling Oaks drainage pipe is
being installed which. will cause the. flooded areas to recede, at which time
the park will be seeded..
Staff is working on the design of the septic system at North Park. It was
• decided that for economical purposes the system would be designed by a
private contractor, who had mst on site with staff for percolation tests
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
September 21, 1988
• and an estimation of the amount of drain the and the stem size and.
capacity which will be needed.
The tennis court project at Oak Shores is very near completion. The
basketball hoops and fencing are in the process of being finished,.
McDonald asked about the final cyst. Staff stated with the basketball
hoops which were added, the final cost was about $40,000.
The trails are in the process of being swept. Grenz feels the trail around
Valley Lake will soon be in need of seal coating to keep it smooth enough
for roller skaters.
Antlers Park reseeding is to be done soon. If the weather and the ground
stay warm enough to germinate the seed, it could be a good growth. If not,
it will stay dormant and sprout in the spring. McDonald stated it takes
three weeks to germinate bluegrass and it might be better to wait until
The park shelters are being constructed by the park maintenance department.
Staff had contacted the shelter manufacturer who is working on a permanent
bracing prototype, which the manufacturer will absorb the cost of. When
the shelter projects are complete the maintenance department will begin a
fall tree planting program.
• Staff has interviewed a management resources student to help develop the
maintenance standards policies manual and who may also do some rangering
when needed.
The original proposals on the Park and Open Space System Plan update have.:
been .reinspected. Staff. will be in contact with Barry Warner from Barton
As~xunann to find away to lower the price. The main scope of the project
is to analyze .the City's park facility needs and identify proper areas for
future parks. Messinger would like the interest survey portion. of the
doc~nnent to be done fairly soon.
Item ntmtber six was an ordinance authorizing the Park Director to authorize
park rangers to initiate a tow of illegally parked cars, in particular to
be enforced at Casperson Park.
88.84 Motion was made by Illa, seconded by Lulf, to reccmanend to city council
that the ordinance amending Title 7, Chapter 1 of the City Code concerning
parking within City parks, be approved as written.
Ayes: Larson, Grenz, Illa, Messinger, McDonald, Lovelace, Lulf
Staff informed the commmittee that the specs for the North Park and
Foxborough Park shelter buildings had been put up for bid and there had
been a good response from contractors. .Samples of materials were shown to
the committee members. The architect conceives the building in natural
earth tones in the brick and rough cedar. A vandal resistant hard plastic
material is proposed for the interiors of the restrooms, along with a
Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee minutes
September 21, 1988
Page -4-
shat roof stainless steel mirror Staff had also discussed the kitchen
with the health inspector and how the operations in that area affect what
needs to be installed. The plumbing and electrical will be installed. at a
level where,. if it is necessary to enlan~e the facility, it would still
meet the standards. .Larson questioned the aesthetics of a metal roof with
the natural siding; other ccarnnittee members coirnnented on the combination.
It is planned that Foxborough's building will be operational by mid
December for skating season. Larson suggested it is important to apply for
gas service at this time.
McDonald asked about the final cost of the projects. The architect's
estimate was $150,000, or $170,000 with the alternates -the metal roof.
McDonald asked if bids would be honored if the time line was changed and
commented that the usage of the parks is low and the funds should be used
'for other projects. Messinger compared the park to Cedar Park in Apple
Valley where satellites are used. Staff feels the time line is appropriate
- the North Park shelter will be serving a major athletic complex by next
summer and the Foxborough building will serve a regional park facility with
scheduled recreational activities and will take a lot of pressure off of
Antlers for family picnics and other events. Also, this is a good time
economically to take bids.
Staff and corrnnittee members are concerned about possible llicit,activity
going on at Ritter Farm Park since school has started and the rangers are
• off duty. It was suggested that the Police Reserves patrol in the parks,
but staff stated they are already overbooked and that is not their intended
function. It is hoped to get another ranger on duty soon.
Staff reviewed the council actions of September 19, 1988. Besides those
items. already .discussed, the council also approved the concept plans for
the new City Hall. Grenz asked about pedestrian access to the new building
and staff stated that. has been discussed and will be part of the. final
Illa asked about the site for the fifth elementary school and how trails
would be incorporated into the plan. Messinger asked how the City was
involved in the condemnation of the property for the location.
Staff discussed some new developments and additional phases of existing.
developments which are coming in and will be generating more park
dedication funds in the near future.
There is a group. of citizens and business people who are interested in
getting an ice arena. project going again, with possibly a site at North
Park. Staff had `met with one of the group representatives and discussed
location and aesthetics of the building.
Ritter Farm Park development plans will be put on the. agenda and discussed
in length at the next meeting. Staff also listed some items that will be
budgeted for in 1989 and .asked the coimnittee to think about their
Parks and Recreation Advisory Con~nittee minutes
September 21, 1988
Page -5-
• riorities
p and be prepared to discuss the list at the next meeting..
Two spring animals still need to be ordered for the playground equipment at
Dakota Heights and Rolling Oaks. Messinger will check her notes from the
discussions of the equipment and Iet the park secretary know what was
supposed to be ordered.
Messinger referred to coirnnents made at the council meeting concerning
Parkview Park and its conduciveness to soccer. Staff stated what is needed
is a top dresser for the park dept., which he has budgeted. Larson .asked
if that is what the neighbors want. Messinger stated it is not a
legitimate park, .only a vacant lot. Staff asked her to find out what the
neighbors want for facilities in the area. Larson pointed out there are
also other areas of the City where the park land is rat developed. It was
.also discussed that current funds would 'better be spent on development
rather than acquisition.
Staff had discussed the water level of Lake Marion with Mike Mueller of the
DNR, who thought the point the lake is at now is about average. Anew gage
has been installed for reading of the levels. The area in front of the
boat launch needs to be dredged again to repair damage people have done by
power loading their boats onto their trailers,.making a ridge which is
impossible to surmount.
• Messinger asked about the actual ownership. of the land being used as an
access to Valley Lake Parka Staff is checking on the actual property
ownership but stated an access would always be available to the park.
88.85 Since there was no .further business, it was moved by Larson, seconded by
McDonald, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 PM.
Respectfully s mitted,
Jef Larson, Chairman
Larryf, Secre
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