HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-07 CITY OF LAKEVILLE
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Larson at 7:00 PM. Members
present were Lulf, Illa, Grenz, Larson, McDonald and Messinger. Lovelace
was absent. Also present were Park Director Steve Michaud and recoreling
secretary Judi Ringeisen.
88.77 Motion was made by McDonald, seconded by Illa to approve the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Committee minutes of August 17, 1988.
Motion passed.
Three residents of Valley Park were in attendance to discuss the potential
purchase of the Goff property as an addition to Valley Lake Park.. The
developer is asking $20,000 per .acre for the five acre parcel. Mr. Vensel
Ruhmann suggested if the property were rezoned to a lower density, the
price would probably also be lowered and stated the Valley Park residents
would be willing to help fund the purchase. Mr. Ruhmann referred to the
article in the "Messages" and asked how a portion of the money which will
become available for theconstruction of a new City Hall can be redirected
to this type of a land purchase. Staff explained that this is not part of
the general fund, but bond defeasance, and has come from sound investments
by the city over the years. The funds do not exist to be allocated to
certain areas of the City.
Gene Hokins from Valley Park suggested a cooperative purchase of the
• property with the City of Apple Valley. Staff thought that would be a
difficult venture but suggested that if the residents of Valley Park feel
the park is overused, a fee structure could be set up to deter residents
of neighboring comarnanities from overcrowding the parka
Mr. Ruhmann also voiced concern for the high amount of traffic on Cedar:
Avenue and the dangers it poses for bicyclists who are trying to cross.
Staff stated that besides the crossing at 160th Street, a crossing will be
provided at 170th Street. The trail is slated for installation on the
west side of Cedar Avenue from Whitney to Dodd Blvd. Mr. Hokins stated he
appreciates all that has been done for the residents and asked about
possibly grooming the trails for cross country skiing and also letting
residents know about what is available. Staff reported that a marketing.
plan is being designed.
Committee member Grenz thanked the citizens for their r~nnents and added
his feelingsthat this is not a matter of the residents wanting more park
land, but rather it is their intent to stop the development of the
property adjoining the park.
Also under citizen caminents Ms. Chris Headrick was present representing
the Crystal Lake PT'O's concern about the safety of the children who walk.
or bike to the new school from north of County Road 46 and. east of the
school. A "School Crossing" sign has been installed on Co: Rd. 46 since
the school is barely visible from the east. A specific spot is needed for
the children to merge for a crossing. About 200 children are affected.
Parks and Recreation Committee minutes
September 7, 1988 -2-
• The wide of Coun Road 46 will not be done for about five ears and
an~J tY Y ,
the plan does not include trails. Easements for accesses have been
provided out of Bluebill Bay Estates but now the county has slightly
changed the layout of the road, putting in turn lanes and making a more
dangerous situation.. Staff feels. at this time the best way to lower the
danger would be to designate a safe route and educate the children and
parents.. McDonald suggested that there were many good facilities on the
north side of 46 and if the children are bused to school there will not be
a need for them to cross. Staff feels the school zone-should be
designated by the PTO which would make the school be more accountable and
the county more willing to work with them.
Under item number four, staff reported the subcontractor had been replaced
on the paving of the trails along 165th Street and hopefully work will now
begin soon. Staff met with neighbors near Rolling Oaks Park concerning
the drainage situation. The engineers are continuing to work with the
contractor on the grading and reseeding.: of the park. Staff expects to
have an answer on the railroad property by Friday and nothing can be done
unti_1 he hears from them.
At North Park the infields have been installed. on the softball fields.
Several tons of black dirt have been brought in to top dress and level the
ground. Water is badly .needed for the sod so a temporary irrigation
system is being developed. 6" pipes are to be brought in overland and
• hooked to a hydrant, for a cost of under $1,000. Friedges will trench for
the. piping of the permanent system and the manufacturer will install the
pipes. .The cost of the permanent system should be under $30,000.
The Irxlependence Park drainage plan is being designed. It was originally
planned that the cost would be taken from the Storm Water fund, however it
is felt now that the developer and the park are also partly responsible
and will share the cost.
Staff reported that as the sewer lines are installed in The Cove and Great
:Oaks plats the trails will be graded so that only the blacktopping will be
left to be done.
It was noted that the City Council had approved the resolution to limit
the motor size on Lake Kingsley to 10 HP, which will eliminate the water
skiers, to .the satisfaction of the residents.
The Orchard Lake Park retaining wall and shelter are finished. Other
shelters are being constructed and it is felt that some extra bracing may
be needed to further stabilize the buildings. Staff is working with the
manufacturer on a solution. The senior citizen center is in the process:
of being repainted.
Messinger asked if a new swim raft would be purchased for Valley Lake next
sunmier; staff will check the budget. McDonald asked about the status of
the fishing docks which were to be on~ered for Valley Lake. Staff stated
Parks and Recreation Committee minutes
September 7, 1988 -3-
• the docks were of a t which is still active and could roduce the
Part gran p
revenues next sutrnner. Until then, the shore fishing is acceptable.
Committee disc.-ussed the Ritter Park trail map which staff is working on in
conjunction with NAC. It was decided that three separate maps be done to
be distributed seasonally:. equestrian, ski and snowmobile, and hiking.
The cost will be about $500 for the 8-1/2 X 11 maps.
The maintenance on the trails is getting to be an issue. There are so
many miles of trails to be kept up along with the bon~ering grassy areas.
The irrigation system on Fire Station #3 is .being designed. The October
tree planting project is getting underway. Two Eagle Scouts will be
involved in the landscape design and installation of trees at Dakota
Heights and Rolling Oaks Parks. Shelters, Playgrounds and plantings will
be priorities this fall, along with regular pre~ainter tasks.
This weekend is the last .softball tournament for the season at Aronson
Park. After the tournament the final cuts will be made for the soccer and
football fields.
Name badges for committee members have been ordered and hopefully will
arrive in time for the Community Fair at the High School on Saturday. It
is hoped that the cotmnittee members will each spend some time at the Parks
& Rec. booth.
• Committee members reported the seminar put on by the MRPA on August 23rd
was very beneficial and enlightening. The sessions attended included
..legalities and liabilities, and marketing ideas..
Staff reported the building plans for North Park and Foxborough were
approved by city council on Tuesday evening. Neil Weber has .designed the
.separate picnic shelter to be installed at Foxborough.
Committee received an updated Park Dedication Fund budget. Billings are
still being worked out with Donohue on projects that took place in 1987.
The engineers and contractors are deciding on responsibilities for certain
North Park has been the largest addition to the budget. Other items on
the proposed budget include the park system plan update and the master
plans for Ritter_Farm Park, which will be done separately. NAC is
currently working with C.J. Lilly in preparing a proposal which will
better meet the needs and desires of the Parks and Recreation Committee
than. the proposal which they previously submitted. Messinger feels
renegotiations should be considered with the other companies .who had
offered proposals previously. She also suggested doing the project in
phases. McDonald stated she feels a different company than NAC should be
retained to do the plan. Staff will propose a phased project to council.
Parks and Recreation Crnrnnittee minutes
September 7, 1988 -4-
The bond referendum trail ro'ects are almost lete. The 185th Street
P 7 ~
segment is quite some time away and the Highway 50 project will also
affect the trail next year. The Lakeville Commercial Center will be
coming in with park dedication mbney but the residential building has
slowed considerably. It is anticipated that building will pick up a
.little in September and October but it would be difficult to estimate to
what extent it will add to the budget. Staff directed the committee to
give some thought to what they feel is priority, whether double or single
trails are needed on 185th Street from Hwy.50 to I-35.
The Highway 50 improvement project from Dodd to Southfork right now is
scheduled to receive 10' shoulders on street to accotrnmodate pedestrian and
bike traffic but city staff would like to participate in the planning for
this project and have input concerning the trails..
Staff and cannnittee discussed the surveys which were returned-after being
handed out at the parks this su~rmter. ..Most of the conmients were very
.complimentary and also there were some good suggestions. The gardens were
particularly praised in several instances.
McDonald and Messinger co~miented on the effectiveness of the rangers this
stmmler and how the parks are becoming family oriented.. There. has been a
.definite decrease in vandalism this year. The con~unittee members suggested
the ranger program continue through the winter for the warming houses.
• Staff will follow up on that suggestion.
It was suggested that the Park Watch program also be followed up on this
winter and through the spring. Staff will hold some meeting and try to
keep the Program going.
.Larson suggested staff send a letter to Char Dennhart, spokesperson for
the equestrian trail issue in Ritter Farm Park, asking her to remind trail
users of the rules. Larson has noticed some evidence of riding off the
trails and not. waiting the specified 24 hours after a rainfall before
usingthe trails.
88.78 Since there was. no further business, motion was made by Illa, seconded by
Grenz, to adjourn the meeting.
Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 10:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff. Larson, Chairman
• Larry Lulf, Secretary